81 research outputs found

    Two characterisation results of multiple context-free grammars and their application to parsing

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    In the first part of this thesis, a Chomsky-Schützenberger characterisation and an automaton characterisation of multiple context-free grammars are proved. Furthermore, a framework for approximation of automata with storage is described. The second part develops each of the three theoretical results into a parsing algorithm

    A Strategy for Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding Based on Graphs of Linguistic Units

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    [EN] In this thesis, the problem of multilingual spoken language understanding is addressed using graphs to model and combine the different knowledge sources that take part in the understanding process. As a result of this work, a full multilingual spoken language understanding system has been developed, in which statistical models and graphs of linguistic units are used. One key feature of this system is its ability to combine and process multiple inputs provided by one or more sources such as speech recognizers or machine translators. A graph-based monolingual spoken language understanding system was developed as a starting point. The input to this system is a set of sentences that is provided by one or more speech recognition systems. First, these sentences are combined by means of a grammatical inference algorithm in order to build a graph of words. Next, the graph of words is processed to construct a graph of concepts by using a dynamic programming algorithm that identifies the lexical structures that represent the different concepts of the task. Finally, the graph of concepts is used to build the best sequence of concepts. The multilingual case happens when the user speaks a language different to the one natively supported by the system. In this thesis, a test-on-source approach was followed. This means that the input sentences are translated into the system's language, and then they are processed by the monolingual system. For this purpose, two speech translation systems were developed. The output of these speech translation systems are graphs of words that are then processed by the monolingual graph-based spoken language understanding system. Both in the monolingual case and in the multilingual case, the experimental results show that a combination of several inputs allows to improve the results obtained with a single input. In fact, this approach outperforms the current state of the art in many cases when several inputs are combined.[ES] En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la comprensión multilingüe del habla utilizando grafos para modelizar y combinar las diversas fuentes de conocimiento que intervienen en el proceso. Como resultado se ha desarrollado un sistema completo de comprensión multilingüe que utiliza modelos estadísticos y grafos de unidades lingüísticas. El punto fuerte de este sistema es su capacidad para combinar y procesar múltiples entradas proporcionadas por una o varias fuentes, como reconocedores de habla o traductores automáticos. Como punto de partida se desarrolló un sistema de comprensión multilingüe basado en grafos. La entrada a este sistema es un conjunto de frases obtenido a partir de uno o varios reconocedores de habla. En primer lugar, se aplica un algoritmo de inferencia gramatical que combina estas frases y obtiene un grafo de palabras. A continuación, se analiza el grafo de palabras mediante un algoritmo de programación dinámica que identifica las estructuras léxicas correspondientes a los distintos conceptos de la tarea, de forma que se construye un grafo de conceptos. Finalmente, se procesa el grafo de conceptos para encontrar la mejo secuencia de conceptos. El caso multilingüe ocurre cuando el usuario habla una lengua distinta a la original del sistema. En este trabajo se ha utilizado una estrategia test-on-source, en la cual las frases de entrada se traducen al lenguaje del sistema y éste las trata de forma monolingüe. Para ello se han propuesto dos sistemas de traducción del habla cuya salida son grafos de palabras, los cuales son procesados por el algoritmo de comprensión basado en grafos. Tanto en la configuración monolingüe como en la multilingüe los resultados muestran que la combinación de varias entradas permite mejorar los resultados obtenidos con una sola entrada. De hecho, esta aproximación consigue en muchos casos mejores resultados que el actual estado del arte cuando se utiliza una combinación de varias entradas.[CA] Aquesta tesi tracta el problema de la comprensió multilingüe de la parla utilitzant grafs per a modelitzar i combinar les diverses fonts de coneixement que intervenen en el procés. Com a resultat s'ha desenvolupat un sistema complet de comprensió multilingüe de la parla que utilitza models estadístics i grafs d'unitats lingüístiques. El punt fort d'aquest sistema és la seua capacitat per combinar i processar múltiples entrades proporcionades per una o diverses fonts, com reconeixedors de la parla o traductors automàtics. Com a punt de partida, es va desenvolupar un sistema de comprensió monolingüe basat en grafs. L'entrada d'aquest sistema és un conjunt de frases obtingut a partir d'un o més reconeixedors de la parla. En primer lloc, s'aplica un algorisme d'inferència gramatical que combina aquestes frases i obté un graf de paraules. A continuació, s'analitza el graf de paraules mitjançant un algorisme de programació dinàmica que identifica les estructures lèxiques corresponents als distints conceptes de la tasca, de forma que es construeix un graf de conceptes. Finalment, es processa aquest graf de conceptes per trobar la millor seqüència de conceptes. El cas multilingüe ocorre quan l'usuari parla una llengua diferent a l'original del sistema. En aquest treball s'ha utilitzat una estratègia test-on-source, en la qual les frases d'entrada es tradueixen a la llengua del sistema, i aquest les tracta de forma monolingüe. Per a fer-ho es proposen dos sistemes de traducció de la parla l'eixida dels quals són grafs de paraules. Aquests grafs són posteriorment processats per l'algorisme de comprensió basat en grafs. Tant per la configuració monolingüe com per la multilingüe els resultats mostren que la combinació de diverses entrades és capaç de millorar el resultats obtinguts utilitzant una sola entrada. De fet, aquesta aproximació aconsegueix en molts casos millors resultats que l'actual estat de l'art quan s'utilitza una combinació de diverses entrades.Calvo Lance, M. (2016). A Strategy for Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding Based on Graphs of Linguistic Units [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62407TESI

    Dynamic Protocol Reverse Engineering a Grammatical Inference Approach

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    Round trip engineering of software from source code and reverse engineering of software from binary files have both been extensively studied and the state-of-practice have documented tools and techniques. Forward engineering of protocols has also been extensively studied and there are firmly established techniques for generating correct protocols. While observation of protocol behavior for performance testing has been studied and techniques established, reverse engineering of protocol control flow from observations of protocol behavior has not received the same level of attention. State-of-practice in reverse engineering the control flow of computer network protocols is comprised of mostly ad hoc approaches. We examine state-of-practice tools and techniques used in three open source projects: Pidgin, Samba, and rdesktop . We examine techniques proposed by computational learning researchers for grammatical inference. We propose to extend the state-of-art by inferring protocol control flow using grammatical inference inspired techniques to reverse engineer automata representations from captured data flows. We present evidence that grammatical inference is applicable to the problem domain under consideration

    Algoritmos sobre grafos de unidades lingüísticas en procesamiento automático del habla

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    En este trabajo se presentan tres aproximaciones a tres tareas relacionadas con procesamiento automático del habla, en concreto la segmentación fonética, la búsqueda de términos en documentos hablados y la comprensión automática del habla. Las tres aproximaciones tienen como nexo común que están basadas en algoritmos sobre grafos o estructuras derivadas de éstos. Los resultados obtenidos son, para las dos primeras tareas, comparables y en algunos casos mejores que los publicados por otros autores. En el caso de la comprensión del habla, el trabajo aquí presentado es una aproximación preliminar, que constituye el punto de partida para una futura línea de investigación.Calvo Lance, M. (2011). Algoritmos sobre grafos de unidades lingüísticas en procesamiento automático del habla. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15829Archivo delegad

    Spoken dialogue systems: architectures and applications

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    171 p.Technology and technological devices have become habitual and omnipresent. Humans need to learn tocommunicate with all kind of devices. Until recently humans needed to learn how the devices expressthemselves to communicate with them. But in recent times the tendency has become to makecommunication with these devices in more intuitive ways. The ideal way to communicate with deviceswould be the natural way of communication between humans, the speech. Humans have long beeninvestigating and designing systems that use this type of communication, giving rise to the so-calledSpoken Dialogue Systems.In this context, the primary goal of the thesis is to show how these systems can be implemented.Additionally, the thesis serves as a review of the state-of-the-art regarding architectures and toolkits.Finally, the thesis is intended to serve future system developers as a guide for their construction. For that

    Spoken dialogue systems: architectures and applications

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    171 p.Technology and technological devices have become habitual and omnipresent. Humans need to learn tocommunicate with all kind of devices. Until recently humans needed to learn how the devices expressthemselves to communicate with them. But in recent times the tendency has become to makecommunication with these devices in more intuitive ways. The ideal way to communicate with deviceswould be the natural way of communication between humans, the speech. Humans have long beeninvestigating and designing systems that use this type of communication, giving rise to the so-calledSpoken Dialogue Systems.In this context, the primary goal of the thesis is to show how these systems can be implemented.Additionally, the thesis serves as a review of the state-of-the-art regarding architectures and toolkits.Finally, the thesis is intended to serve future system developers as a guide for their construction. For that

    Information-theoretic causal inference of lexical flow

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    This volume seeks to infer large phylogenetic networks from phonetically encoded lexical data and contribute in this way to the historical study of language varieties. The technical step that enables progress in this case is the use of causal inference algorithms. Sample sets of words from language varieties are preprocessed into automatically inferred cognate sets, and then modeled as information-theoretic variables based on an intuitive measure of cognate overlap. Causal inference is then applied to these variables in order to determine the existence and direction of influence among the varieties. The directed arcs in the resulting graph structures can be interpreted as reflecting the existence and directionality of lexical flow, a unified model which subsumes inheritance and borrowing as the two main ways of transmission that shape the basic lexicon of languages. A flow-based separation criterion and domain-specific directionality detection criteria are developed to make existing causal inference algorithms more robust against imperfect cognacy data, giving rise to two new algorithms. The Phylogenetic Lexical Flow Inference (PLFI) algorithm requires lexical features of proto-languages to be reconstructed in advance, but yields fully general phylogenetic networks, whereas the more complex Contact Lexical Flow Inference (CLFI) algorithm treats proto-languages as hidden common causes, and only returns hypotheses of historical contact situations between attested languages. The algorithms are evaluated both against a large lexical database of Northern Eurasia spanning many language families, and against simulated data generated by a new model of language contact that builds on the opening and closing of directional contact channels as primary evolutionary events. The algorithms are found to infer the existence of contacts very reliably, whereas the inference of directionality remains difficult. This currently limits the new algorithms to a role as exploratory tools for quickly detecting salient patterns in large lexical datasets, but it should soon be possible for the framework to be enhanced e.g. by confidence values for each directionality decision
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