23 research outputs found

    A gradient-based weighted averaging method for estimation of fingerprint orientation fields

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    Estimation of orientation fields is an essential module in a fingerprint recognition system. Conventional gradient based approaches are popular but very sensitive to noise. In this paper, we propose a new implementation that is more resistant to noise. Our basic idea is to conduct redundant estimation over four overlapping neighborhoods for each target block. Following this idea, we devise a weighted averaging scheme operated on the base blocks directly. Thus, each block (including the target one) in the overlapping neighborhoods has different impact on estimation of the dominant orientation fields. Our preliminary experiment results suggest that the proposed weighted averaging algorithm is more robust against noise in comparison with other gradient based methods

    Determining the Standard Value of Acquisition Distortion of Fingerprint Images Based on Image Quality

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    This paper describes a novel procedure for determining the standard value of acquisition distortion of fingerprint images. Knowledge about the standard value of acquisition distortion of the fingerprint images is very important in determining the method for improving image quality. In this paper, we propose a model to determine the standard value that can be used in classifying the type of distortion of the fingerprint images based on the image quality. The results show that the standard value of acquisition distortion of the fingerprint images based on the image quality have values of the local clarity scores (LCS) follows: dry parameter values are in the range of 0.0127-0.0149, neutral parameter values are less than 0.0127, and oily parameter values are greater than 0.0149. Meanwhile, the global clarity scores (GCS) are as follows: dry parameter values are in the range of 0.0117-0.0120, neutral parameter values are less than 0.0117, and oily parameter values are greater than 0.0120; and ridge-valley thickness ratios (RVTR) are as follows: dry parameter values are less than 7.75E-05, neutral parameter values are 7.75E-05-5.94E-05, and oily parameter values are greater than 5.94E-05


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    There are two defects in WOW. One is image feature is not considered when hiding information through minimal distortion path and it leads to high total distortion. Another is total distortion grows too rapidly with hidden capacity increasing and it leads to poor anti-detection when hidden capacity is large. To solve these two problems, a new algorithm named MDIS was proposed. MDIS is also based on the minimizing additive distortion framework of STC and has the same distortion function with WOW. The feature that there are a large number of pixels, having the same value with one of their eight neighbour pixels and the mechanism of secret sharing are used in MDIS, which can reduce the total distortion, improve the antidetection and increase the value of PNSR. Experimental results showed that MDIS has better invisibility, smaller distortion and stronger anti-detection than WOW

    [[alternative]]Design of a Fingerprint Classification System

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    Fingerprint recognition through circular sampling

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    The uniqueness of the human fingerprint is considered to be one of the most reliable characteristics for personal identification. Considering that we leave them on nearly all of the surfaces we touch, they become valuable to those in law enforcement for identifying perpetrators of a crime. However, the matching of a single fingerprint with the millions that have been cataloged proves to be a difficult task. This study presents an alternate method to fingerprint recognition by way of a spatial re-sampling of the pattern through concentric circles. With this approach, the concentric circular samples have rotation invariant features while a translation is dependent only on the location of the circles\u27 center. The resulting circles are then correlated with those from the known set to obtain a collection of the most probable matches. This technique has shown exceptional results when comparing various binary test patterns as well as synthetic binary fingerprint images but is unable to recognize unenhanced greyscale fingerprint images

    Fingerprint minutiae filtering based on multiscale directional information

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    Automatic identification of humans based on their fingerprints is still one of the most reliable identification methods in criminal and forensic applications, and is widely applied in civil applications as well. Most automatic systems available today use distinctive fingerprint features called minutiae for fingerprint comparison. Conventional feature extraction algorithm can produce a large number of spurious minutiae if fingerprint pattern contains large regions of broken ridges (often called creases). This can drastically reduce the recognition rate in automatic fingerprint identification systems. We can say that for performance of those systems it is more important not to extract spurious (false) minutia even though it means some genuine might be missing as well. In this paper multiscale directional information obtained from orientation field image is used to filter those spurious minutiae, resulting in multiple decrease of their number