48 research outputs found

    Fulltime biometric mouse design for continuous authentication

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    As we embrace the information and communication technology in our everyday activities and day-to-day transactions, security concerns have increasingly come to light, especially in some of the critical areas of our society today such as education, health and commerce, where such security concerns are even higher. The need for complete and clear authentication and authorisation is of paramount importance. This paper explores andpresents the optimal use of full-time biometric mouse (FBM) for continuous authentication, which would not only enable authentication during log in and start of an application, but will enable continuous authentication throughout a transaction. We formulate a full-time biometric mouse (FBM) design that would ensure thumb positioning and its  ergonomics while ensuring comfort and maximum contact with the scanner to enable continuous authentication of the user in a speedy, easy and non-strenuous way. The mouse employs a simple algorithm that ensures quick operation to cut on possible delays and yet maintain the accuracy of the system

    Taming Self-Supervised Learning for Presentation Attack Detection: De-Folding and De-Mixing

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    Biometric systems are vulnerable to Presentation Attacks (PA) performed using various Presentation Attack Instruments (PAIs). Even though there are numerous Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) techniques based on both deep learning and hand-crafted features, the generalization of PAD for unknown PAI is still a challenging problem. In this work, we empirically prove that the initialization of the PAD model is a crucial factor for the generalization, which is rarely discussed in the community. Based on such observation, we proposed a self-supervised learning-based method, denoted as DF-DM. Specifically, DF-DM is based on a global-local view coupled with De-Folding and De-Mixing to derive the task-specific representation for PAD. During De-Folding, the proposed technique will learn region-specific features to represent samples in a local pattern by explicitly minimizing generative loss. While De-Mixing drives detectors to obtain the instance-specific features with global information for more comprehensive representation by minimizing interpolation-based consistency. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve significant improvements in terms of both face and fingerprint PAD in more complicated and hybrid datasets when compared with state-of-the-art methods. When training in CASIA-FASD and Idiap Replay-Attack, the proposed method can achieve an 18.60% Equal Error Rate (EER) in OULU-NPU and MSU-MFSD, exceeding baseline performance by 9.54%. The source code of the proposed technique is available at https://github.com/kongzhecn/dfdm.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS

    Biometric Spoofing: A JRC Case Study in 3D Face Recognition

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    Based on newly available and affordable off-the-shelf 3D sensing, processing and printing technologies, the JRC has conducted a comprehensive study on the feasibility of spoofing 3D and 2.5D face recognition systems with low-cost self-manufactured models and presents in this report a systematic and rigorous evaluation of the real risk posed by such attacking approach which has been complemented by a test campaign. The work accomplished and presented in this report, covers theories, methodologies, state of the art techniques, evaluation databases and also aims at providing an outlook into the future of this extremely active field of research.JRC.G.6-Digital Citizen Securit

    The Impact Of The Development Of ICT In Several Hungarian Economic Sectors

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    As the author could not find a reassuring mathematical and statistical method in the literature for studying the effect of information communication technology on enterprises, the author suggested a new research and analysis method that he also used to study the Hungarian economic sectors. The question of what factors have an effect on their net income is vital for enterprises. At first, the author studied some potential indicators related to economic sectors, then those indicators were compared to the net income of the surveyed enterprises. The resulting data showed that the growing penetration of electronic marketplaces contributed to the change of the net income of enterprises to the greatest extent. Furthermore, among all the potential indicators, it was the only indicator directly influencing the net income of enterprises. With the help of the compound indicator and the financial data of the studied economic sectors, the author made an attempt to find a connection between the development level of ICT and profitability. Profitability and productivity are influenced by a lot of other factors as well. As the effect of the other factors could not be measured, the results – shown in a coordinate system - are not full but informative. The highest increment of specific Gross Value Added was produced by the fields of ‘Manufacturing’, ‘Electricity, gas and water supply’, ‘Transport, storage and communication’ and ‘Financial intermediation’. With the exception of ‘Electricity, gas and water supply’, the other economic sectors belong to the group of underdeveloped branches (below 50 percent). On the other hand, ‘Construction’, ‘Health and social work’ and ‘Hotels and restaurants’ can be seen as laggards, so they got into the lower left part of the coordinate system. ‘Agriculture, hunting and forestry’ can also be classified as a laggard economic sector, but as the effect of the compound indicator on the increment of Gross Value Added was less significant, it can be found in the upper left part of the coordinate system. Drawing a trend line on the points, it can be made clear that it shows a positive gradient, that is, the higher the usage of ICT devices, the higher improvement can be detected in the specific Gross Value Added

    Multimodal biometric authentication based on voice, fingerprint and face recognition

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    openNew decison module to combine the score of voice, fingerprint and face recognition in a multimodal biometric system.New decison module to combine the score of voice, fingerprint and face recognition in a multimodal biometric system

    Continuous and transparent multimodal authentication: reviewing the state of the art

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    Individuals, businesses and governments undertake an ever-growing range of activities online and via various Internet-enabled digital devices. Unfortunately, these activities, services, information and devices are the targets of cybercrimes. Verifying the user legitimacy to use/access a digital device or service has become of the utmost importance. Authentication is the frontline countermeasure of ensuring only the authorized user is granted access; however, it has historically suffered from a range of issues related to the security and usability of the approaches. They are also still mostly functioning at the point of entry and those performing sort of re-authentication executing it in an intrusive manner. Thus, it is apparent that a more innovative, convenient and secure user authentication solution is vital. This paper reviews the authentication methods along with the current use of authentication technologies, aiming at developing a current state-of-the-art and identifying the open problems to be tackled and available solutions to be adopted. It also investigates whether these authentication technologies have the capability to fill the gap between high security and user satisfaction. This is followed by a literature review of the existing research on continuous and transparent multimodal authentication. It concludes that providing users with adequate protection and convenience requires innovative robust authentication mechanisms to be utilized in a universal level. Ultimately, a potential federated biometric authentication solution is presented; however it needs to be developed and extensively evaluated, thus operating in a transparent, continuous and user-friendly manner


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    Attendance is essential for an institution or institution; it can assess employee salaries and performance. The company that will be audited is PT Anugerah Familindo Lestari, a company that distributes beauty and hair and body care products. This company's problem is that the fingerprint machine used has an error, which causes several employees who have been absent but are not recorded in the system. Therefore, to implement a sound fingerprint attendance system, it is necessary to carry out a checking activity known as an information system audit. In conducting data and observations, the study used questionnaires and interviews with related information and document confirmation. So far, the system has been implemented to support attendance procedures. In this study, the selected domains are Deliver Service and Support (DSS) domain and Monitor, Evaluate, and Assessment (MEA) domain with a focus on IT Process DSS01, DSS04, DSS05, and MEA02. Based on the research conducted, the writer found that the average level of the DSS01 domain was 1.6, the DSS04 domain was 1.7, the DSS05 domain was 1.7, and the MEA02 domain was 1.8. In all the domains studied, the level of capability of the domain is still below the expectation; the author concludes that from the results of this capability level, PT. Anugerah Familindo Lestari still has much to do with the management and maintenance of their attendance system to increase the current level of capability because it is still quite far from the level expected by this company

    Multimodal Biometric Systems for Personal Identification and Authentication using Machine and Deep Learning Classifiers

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    Multimodal biometrics, using machine and deep learning, has recently gained interest over single biometric modalities. This interest stems from the fact that this technique improves recognition and, thus, provides more security. In fact, by combining the abilities of single biometrics, the fusion of two or more biometric modalities creates a robust recognition system that is resistant to the flaws of individual modalities. However, the excellent recognition of multimodal systems depends on multiple factors, such as the fusion scheme, fusion technique, feature extraction techniques, and classification method. In machine learning, existing works generally use different algorithms for feature extraction of modalities, which makes the system more complex. On the other hand, deep learning, with its ability to extract features automatically, has made recognition more efficient and accurate. Studies deploying deep learning algorithms in multimodal biometric systems tried to find a good compromise between the false acceptance and the false rejection rates (FAR and FRR) to choose the threshold in the matching step. This manual choice is not optimal and depends on the expertise of the solution designer, hence the need to automatize this step. From this perspective, the second part of this thesis details an end-to-end CNN algorithm with an automatic matching mechanism. This thesis has conducted two studies on face and iris multimodal biometric recognition. The first study proposes a new feature extraction technique for biometric systems based on machine learning. The iris and facial features extraction is performed using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) combined with the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Merging the relevant characteristics of the two modalities is used to create a pattern for an individual in the dataset. The experimental results show the robustness of our proposed technique and the efficiency when using the same feature extraction technique for both modalities. The proposed method outperformed the state-of-the-art and gave an accuracy of 98.90%. The second study proposes a deep learning approach using DensNet121 and FaceNet for iris and faces multimodal recognition using feature-level fusion and a new automatic matching technique. The proposed automatic matching approach does not use the threshold to ensure a better compromise between performance and FAR and FRR errors. However, it uses a trained multilayer perceptron (MLP) model that allows people’s automatic classification into two classes: recognized and unrecognized. This platform ensures an accurate and fully automatic process of multimodal recognition. The results obtained by the DenseNet121-FaceNet model by adopting feature-level fusion and automatic matching are very satisfactory. The proposed deep learning models give 99.78% of accuracy, and 99.56% of precision, with 0.22% of FRR and without FAR errors. The proposed and developed platform solutions in this thesis were tested and vali- dated in two different case studies, the central pharmacy of Al-Asria Eye Clinic in Dubai and the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters (Police GHQ). The solution allows fast identification of the persons authorized to access the different rooms. It thus protects the pharmacy against any medication abuse and the red zone in the military zone against the unauthorized use of weapons