26 research outputs found

    AudioPrint: An efficient audio fingerprint system based on a novel cost-less synchronization scheme

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    This paper presents the latest improvements on AudioPrint: the IRCAM audio fingerprint system. Cosine filters are introduced in the short-term spectral analysis, in order to compensate the effect of pitch shifting, and a simple solution is proposed for the determination of the frame positions, robust to audio degradations, with nearly no additional cost. We then show that both contributions significantly improve the Audio-Print system, with evaluations both on a free corpus, made publicly available, and a real-world corpus of broadcast radio streams

    Evaluating biometrics fingerprint template protection for an emergency situation

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    Biometric template protection approaches have been developed to secure the biometric templates against image reconstruction on the stored templates. Two cancellable fingerprint template protection approaches namely minutiae-based bit-string cancellable fingerprint template and modified minutiae-based bit-string cancellable fingerprint template, are selected to be evaluated. Both approaches include the geometric information of the fingerprint into the extracted minutiae. Six modified fingerprint data sets are derived from the original fingerprint images in FVC2002DB1_B and FVC2002DB2_B by conducting the rotation and changing the quality of original fingerprint images according to the environment conditions during an emergency situation such as wet or dry fingers and disoriented angle of fingerprint images. The experimental results show that the modified minutiae-based bit-string cancellable fingerprint template performs well on all conditions during an emergency situation by achieving the matching accuracy between 83% and 100% on FVC2002DB1_B data set and between 99% and 100% on FVC2002DB2_B data set

    Retrieval and Perfect Hashing Using Fingerprinting

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    Coverage and connectivity management in wireless sensor networks

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    Fingerprint template protection schemes: A literature review

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    The fingerprint is the most widely used technology for identification or authentication systems, which can be known as fingerprint authentication systems (FAS).In addition to providing security, the fingerprint is also easy to use, very reliable and has a high accuracy for identity recognition. FAS is still exposed to security attacks because fingerprint information is unencrypted.Therefore, fingerprint information requires protection known as fingerprint template protection (FTP).This paper aims to provide an organized literature on FTP.Three research questions were formulated to guide the literature analysis.First, this analysis focuses on the types of FTP schemes; second, the metrics used for evaluating the FTP schemes; and finally, the common datasets used for evaluating the FTP schemes. The latest information and references are analysed and classified based on FTP methods and publication year to obtain information related to the development and application of FTP.This study mainly surveyed 62 documents reported on FTP schemes between the year 2000 and 2017.The results of this survey can be a source of reference for other researchers in finding literature relevant to the FTP

    Access System Based on Fingerprint Detection

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    Import 22/07/2015Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací přístupového systému založeného na detekci otisku prstu.Výslednou implementací systému je realizace fyzického prototypu zařízení, jeho firmwaru a serverového softwaru pro identifikaci osob na základě rozpoznávání otisku prstu. Práce je rozdělena do 3 tematických kapitol, přičemž první kapitola se zabývá teoretickým nástinem funkce rozpoznávání otisků prstů a další dvě kapitoly se zaměřují na návrh a realizaci systému samotného.This master's thesis is focused on designing and implementation of access system based on fingerprint detection. The outcome of the implementation is production of physical prototype of the device, it's firmware and server software for identification of person based on fingerprint recognition. The thesis is divided into 3 chapters, where the first one focuses on theoretical way of describing how fingerprint recognition works and the other two chapters deals with design and implementation of the system itself.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Biometrics based privacy-preserving authentication and mobile template protection

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    Smart mobile devices are playing a more and more important role in our daily life. Cancelable biometrics is a promising mechanism to provide authentication to mobile devices and protect biometric templates by applying a noninvertible transformation to raw biometric data. However, the negative effect of nonlinear distortion will usually degrade the matching performance significantly, which is a nontrivial factor when designing a cancelable template. Moreover, the attacks via record multiplicity (ARM) present a threat to the existing cancelable biometrics, which is still a challenging open issue. To address these problems, in this paper, we propose a new cancelable fingerprint template which can not only mitigate the negative effect of nonlinear distortion by combining multiple feature sets, but also defeat the ARM attack through a proposed feature decorrelation algorithm. Our work is a new contribution to the design of cancelable biometrics with a concrete method against the ARM attack. Experimental results on public databases and security analysis show the validity of the proposed cancelable template

    Degradation-Invariant Music Indexing

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    For music indexing robust to sound degradations and scalable for big music catalogs, this scientific report presents an approach based on audio descriptors relevant to the music content and invariant to sound transformations (noise addition, distortion, lossy coding, pitch/time transformations, or filtering e.g.). To achieve this task, one of the key point of the proposed method is the definition of high-dimensional audio prints, which are intrinsically (by design) robust to some sound degradations. The high dimensionality of this first representation is then used to learn a linear projection to a sub-space significantly smaller, which reduces again the sensibility to sound degradations using a series of discriminant analyses. Finally, anchoring the analysis times on local maxima of a selected onset function, an approximative hashing is done to provide a better tolerance to bit corruptions, and in the same time to make easier the scaling of the method