9 research outputs found

    A unified approach for static and runtime verification : framework and applications

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    Static verification of software is becoming ever more effective and efficient. Still, static techniques either have high precision, in which case powerful judgements are hard to achieve automatically, or they use abstractions supporting increased automation, but possibly losing important aspects of the concrete system in the process. Runtime verification has complementary strengths and weaknesses. It combines full precision of the model (including the real deployment environment) with full automation, but cannot judge future and alternative runs. Another drawback of runtime verification can be the computational overhead of monitoring the running system which, although typically not very high, can still be prohibitive in certain settings. In this paper we propose a framework to combine static analysis techniques and runtime verification with the aim of getting the best of both techniques. In particular, we discuss an instantiation of our framework for the deductive theorem prover KeY, and the runtime verification tool Larva. Apart from combining static and dynamic verification, this approach also combines the data centric analysis of KeY with the control centric analysis of Larva. An advantage of the approach is that, through the use of a single specification which can be used by both analysis techniques, expensive parts of the analysis could be moved to the static phase, allowing the runtime monitor to make significant assumptions, dropping parts of expensive checks at runtime. We also discuss specific applications of our approach.peer-reviewe

    Runtime Verification in Context : Can Optimizing Error Detection Improve Fault Diagnosis

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    Runtime verification has primarily been developed and evaluated as a means of enriching the software testing process. While many researchers have pointed to its potential applicability in online approaches to software fault tolerance, there has been a dearth of work exploring the details of how that might be accomplished. In this paper, we describe how a component-oriented approach to software health management exposes the connections between program execution, error detection, fault diagnosis, and recovery. We identify both research challenges and opportunities in exploiting those connections. Specifically, we describe how recent approaches to reducing the overhead of runtime monitoring aimed at error detection might be adapted to reduce the overhead and improve the effectiveness of fault diagnosis

    A Unified Approach for Static and Runtime Verification: Framework and Applications

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    Static verification of software is becoming ever more effective and efficient. Still, static techniques either have high precision, in which case powerful judgements are hard to achieve automatically, or they use abstractions supporting increased automation, but possibly losing important aspects of the concrete system in the process. Runtime verification has complementary strengths and weaknesses. It combines full precision of the model (including the real deployment environment) with full automation, but cannot judge future and alternative runs. Another drawback of runtime verification can be the computational overhead of monitoring the running system which, although typically not very high, can still be prohibitive in certain settings. In this paper, we propose a framework to combine static analysis techniques and runtime verification with the aim of getting the best of both techniques. In particular, we discuss an instantiation of our framework for the deductive theorem prover KeY, and the runtime verification tool LARVA. Apart from combining static and dynamic verification, this approach also combines the data centric analysis of KeY with the control centric analysis of LARVA. An advantage of the approach is that, through the use of a single specification which can be used by both analysis techniques, expensive parts of the analysis could be moved to the static phase, allowing the runtime monitor to make significant assumptions, dropping parts of expensive checks at runtime. We also discuss specific applications of our approach

    Checking framework interactions with relationships

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    Finding Patterns in Static Analysis Alerts: Improving Actionable Alert Ranking

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    Static analysis (SA) tools that find bugs by inferring programmer beliefs (e.g., FindBugs) are commonplace in today’s software industry. While they find a large number of actual defects, they are often plagued by high rates of alerts that a developer would not act on (unactionable alerts) because they are incorrect, do not significantly affect program execution, etc. High rates of unactionable alerts decrease the utility of static analysis tools in practice. We present a method for differentiating actionable and unactionable alerts by finding alerts with similar code patterns. To do so, we create a feature vector based on code characteristics at the site of each SA alert. With these feature vectors, we use machine learning techniques to build an actionable alert prediction model that is able to classify new SA alerts. We evaluate our technique on three subject programs using the FindBugs static analysis tool and the FaultBench benchmark methodology. For a developer inspecting the top 5% of all alerts for three sample projects, our approach is able to identify 57 of 211 actionable alerts, which is 38 more than the FindBugs priority measure. Combined with previous actionable alert identification techniques, our method finds 75 actionable alerts in the top 5%, which is four more actionable alerts (a 6% improvement) than previous actionable alert identification techniques

    On the Security of Software Systems and Services

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    This work investigates new methods for facing the security issues and threats arising from the composition of software. This task has been carried out through the formal modelling of both the software composition scenarios and the security properties, i.e., policies, to be guaranteed. Our research moves across three different modalities of software composition which are of main interest for some of the most sensitive aspects of the modern information society. They are mobile applications, trust-based composition and service orchestration. Mobile applications are programs designed for being deployable on remote platforms. Basically, they are the main channel for the distribution and commercialisation of software for mobile devices, e.g., smart phones and tablets. Here we study the security threats that affect the application providers and the hosting platforms. In particular, we present a programming framework for the development of applications with a static and dynamic security support. Also, we implemented an enforcement mechanism for applying fine-grained security controls on the execution of possibly malicious applications. In addition to security, trust represents a pragmatic and intuitive way for managing the interactions among systems. Currently, trust is one of the main factors that human beings keep into account when deciding whether to accept a transaction or not. In our work we investigate the possibility of defining a fully integrated environment for security policies and trust including a runtime monitor. Finally, Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is the leading technology for business applications distributed over a network. The security issues related to the service networks are many and multi-faceted. We mainly deal with the static verification of secure composition plans of web services. Moreover, we introduce the synthesis of dynamic security checks for protecting the services against illegal invocations

    Verification of temporal properties involving multiple interacting objects

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    Defects that arise due to violating a prescribed order for executing statements or executing a disallowed sequence of statements can be hard to detect since the sequence is often spread over multiple functions and source code files. In this dissertation, we develop a verification tool which uses a sound and precise static analysis to verify temporal specifications that can involve multiple objects. Statically analyzing properties that involve multiple objects requires two separate abstractions; one that abstracts the objects in the program and the second which abstracts the state of a group of objects. We present two such abstractions. Objects are abstracted using a storeless heap abstraction. This provides flow-sensitive tracking of individual objects along control flow paths and precise may-alias information. The state abstraction leverages the object abstraction to abstract the state of a group of related objects. We use the IFDS algorithm to implement an analysis that computes the object and state abstractions. Since the original IFDS algorithm is not directly suitable for domains involving objects and pointers, we present four extensions to the original IFDS algorithm. We also present results of an empirical study to measure the precision of the analysis. The performance of the analysis is improved through the use of two types of method summaries. Callee summaries guarantee that using the summary instead of flow-sensitive analysis of the callee does not degrade the precision of the abstraction at the callsite for the callee. For further performance gains, caller summaries that make conservative assumptions for aliasing between parameters of a function call are used. We present results from empirically evaluating the use of these summaries for the object analysis. Finally, to make the analysis practical for use in the development life cycle, we present a verification tool to configure the analysis and visualize the results. The tool provides a number of configuration options to run the analysis. The analysis results are presented in a list displaying statements flagged as possible violations of a property and, for each violation, the sequence of events (statements) that lead to this violation

    Time-triggered Runtime Verification of Real-time Embedded Systems

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    In safety-critical real-time embedded systems, correctness is of primary concern, as even small transient errors may lead to catastrophic consequences. Due to the limitations of well-established methods such as verification and testing, recently runtime verification has emerged as a complementary approach, where a monitor inspects the system to evaluate the specifications at run time. The goal of runtime verification is to monitor the behavior of a system to check its conformance to a set of desirable logical properties. The literature of runtime verification mostly focuses on event-triggered solutions, where a monitor is invoked when a significant event occurs (e.g., change in the value of some variable used by the properties). At invocation, the monitor evaluates the set of properties of the system that are affected by the occurrence of the event. This type of monitor invocation has two main runtime characteristics: (1) jittery runtime overhead, and (2) unpredictable monitor invocations. These characteristics result in transient overload situations and over-provisioning of resources in real-time embedded systems and hence, may result in catastrophic outcomes in safety-critical systems. To circumvent the aforementioned defects in runtime verification, this dissertation introduces a novel time-triggered monitoring approach, where the monitor takes samples from the system with a constant frequency, in order to analyze the system's health. We describe the formal semantics of time-triggered monitoring and discuss how to optimize the sampling period using minimum auxiliary memory and path prediction techniques. Experiments on real-time embedded systems show that our approach introduces bounded overhead, predictable monitoring, less over-provisioning, and effectively reduces the involvement of the monitor at run time by using negligible auxiliary memory. We further advance our time-triggered monitor to component-based multi-core embedded systems by establishing an optimization technique that provides the invocation frequency of the monitors and the mapping of components to cores to minimize monitoring overhead. Lastly, we present RiTHM, a fully automated and open source tool which provides time-triggered runtime verification specifically for real-time embedded systems developed in C