32,928 research outputs found

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio

    Detecting the presence of large buildings in natural images

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    This paper addresses the issue of classification of lowlevel features into high-level semantic concepts for the purpose of semantic annotation of consumer photographs. We adopt a multi-scale approach that relies on edge detection to extract an edge orientation-based feature description of the image, and apply an SVM learning technique to infer the presence of a dominant building object in a general purpose collection of digital photographs. The approach exploits prior knowledge on the image context through an assumption that all input images are �outdoor�, i.e. indoor/outdoor classification (the context determination stage) has been performed. The proposed approach is validated on a diverse dataset of 1720 images and its performance compared with that of the MPEG-7 edge histogram descriptor

    Grouping Method Of Image Fragments Of Adjacent Dislocation Etch Pits Of The Semiconductor Wafer

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    An increase in production volumes of gallium arsenide semiconductor devices determines the need for better control of dislocations of semiconductor wafer.The grouping method of image fragments of adjacent dislocation etch pits of the semiconductor wafer is proposed in the article. Adjacent fragments will be allocated in the pre-binarized image of wafer surface, which contains adjacent fragments of etch pits of dislocation loops after treatment by the described method. Improved methods for determining the loop line width determines the edge line width of etch pits of suspected dislocations, given the variability of their display in the binarized image. The current loop line width is compared to the reference line width of the dislocation loop.The grouping method of image fragments of adjacent dislocation etch pits of the semiconductor wafer defines recovery of loop lines branching, takes into account various options of line adjacency and determines the direction of further recovery of loop line of dislocation etch pits. A step by step description of the method is given

    Environmental modeling and recognition for an autonomous land vehicle

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    An architecture for object modeling and recognition for an autonomous land vehicle is presented. Examples of objects of interest include terrain features, fields, roads, horizon features, trees, etc. The architecture is organized around a set of data bases for generic object models and perceptual structures, temporary memory for the instantiation of object and relational hypotheses, and a long term memory for storing stable hypotheses that are affixed to the terrain representation. Multiple inference processes operate over these databases. Researchers describe these particular components: the perceptual structure database, the grouping processes that operate over this, schemas, and the long term terrain database. A processing example that matches predictions from the long term terrain model to imagery, extracts significant perceptual structures for consideration as potential landmarks, and extracts a relational structure to update the long term terrain database is given

    Image mining: issues, frameworks and techniques

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    [Abstract]: Advances in image acquisition and storage technology have led to tremendous growth in significantly large and detailed image databases. These images, if analyzed, can reveal useful information to the human users. Image mining deals with the extraction of implicit knowledge, image data relationship, or other patterns not explicitly stored in the images. Image mining is more than just an extension of data mining to image domain. It is an interdisciplinary endeavor that draws upon expertise in computer vision, image processing, image retrieval, data mining, machine learning, database, and artificial intelligence. Despite the development of many applications and algorithms in the individual research fields cited above, research in image mining is still in its infancy. In this paper, we will examine the research issues in image mining, current developments in image mining, particularly, image mining frameworks, state-of-the-art techniques and systems. We will also identify some future research directions for image mining at the end of this paper

    ImageSieve: Exploratory search of museum archives with named entity-based faceted browsing

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    Over the last few years, faceted search emerged as an attractive alternative to the traditional "text box" search and has become one of the standard ways of interaction on many e-commerce sites. However, these applications of faceted search are limited to domains where the objects of interests have already been classified along several independent dimensions, such as price, year, or brand. While automatic approaches to generate faceted search interfaces were proposed, it is not yet clear to what extent the automatically-produced interfaces will be useful to real users, and whether their quality can match or surpass their manually-produced predecessors. The goal of this paper is to introduce an exploratory search interface called ImageSieve, which shares many features with traditional faceted browsing, but can function without the use of traditional faceted metadata. ImageSieve uses automatically extracted and classified named entities, which play important roles in many domains (such as news collections, image archives, etc.). We describe one specific application of ImageSieve for image search. Here, named entities extracted from the descriptions of the retrieved images are used to organize a faceted browsing interface, which then helps users to make sense of and further explore the retrieved images. The results of a user study of ImageSieve demonstrate that a faceted search system based on named entities can help users explore large collections and find relevant information more effectively

    An information-driven framework for image mining

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    [Abstract]: Image mining systems that can automatically extract semantically meaningful information (knowledge) from image data are increasingly in demand. The fundamental challenge in image mining is to determine how low-level, pixel representation contained in a raw image or image sequence can be processed to identify high-level spatial objects and relationships. To meet this challenge, we propose an efficient information-driven framework for image mining. We distinguish four levels of information: the Pixel Level, the Object Level, the Semantic Concept Level, and the Pattern and Knowledge Level. High-dimensional indexing schemes and retrieval techniques are also included in the framework to support the flow of information among the levels. We believe this framework represents the first step towards capturing the different levels of information present in image data and addressing the issues and challenges of discovering useful patterns/knowledge from each level