479 research outputs found

    ImageSieve: Exploratory search of museum archives with named entity-based faceted browsing

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    Over the last few years, faceted search emerged as an attractive alternative to the traditional "text box" search and has become one of the standard ways of interaction on many e-commerce sites. However, these applications of faceted search are limited to domains where the objects of interests have already been classified along several independent dimensions, such as price, year, or brand. While automatic approaches to generate faceted search interfaces were proposed, it is not yet clear to what extent the automatically-produced interfaces will be useful to real users, and whether their quality can match or surpass their manually-produced predecessors. The goal of this paper is to introduce an exploratory search interface called ImageSieve, which shares many features with traditional faceted browsing, but can function without the use of traditional faceted metadata. ImageSieve uses automatically extracted and classified named entities, which play important roles in many domains (such as news collections, image archives, etc.). We describe one specific application of ImageSieve for image search. Here, named entities extracted from the descriptions of the retrieved images are used to organize a faceted browsing interface, which then helps users to make sense of and further explore the retrieved images. The results of a user study of ImageSieve demonstrate that a faceted search system based on named entities can help users explore large collections and find relevant information more effectively

    User Evaluation Methods for Visual Web Search Interfaces

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    In recent years, numerous visual Web search interfaces have been developed in the research community. How-ever, the user evaluations of these interfaces have been per-formed using a wide range of methods, making it difficult to compare and verify the relative value of the proposed advancements. In this paper, we survey these evaluation methods, and propose a stepped evaluation and refinement model for the systematic study and enhancement of visual Web search interfaces. We suggest that this stepped model can be generalized to support the evaluation of other in-formation visualization systems that target exploratory or knowledge-centric domains.

    Lattice investigation of heavy quark symmetry in semi-leptonic decays of B mesons

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    A Visual Decision-Support System using Fingerprint Matrices applied to Cyclical Spatio-Temporal Data from Motorsports

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    Visualizing cyclical spatio-temporal data is an important part of understanding how and why objects move in the context of motorsports, which is critical feedback for drivers to improve their performance. Current methods have problems such as occlusion and loss of context which significantly limit our ability to see and understand vehicle data. Here we demonstrate how the fingerprint matrix method (which is normally used in lexical analysis) can be applied in vehicle motion analysis to overcome these two problems. Compared to traditional methods using traction circle scatterplot displays of acceleration force data from a race car, our prototype design allows decision makers to see individual datapoints in a more concise display. We show that informative but previously-hidden anomalies and patterns become more easily recognized in the data. Our design generalizes to other cyclical spatio-temporal visualization problems involving transportation, medicine, and the natural world

    The Coffee House and the Ashram: Gandhi, Civil Society and Public Spheres

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    This paper considers what light the associational forms that Gandhi created shed on the debate about civil society and the public sphere in political and social theory. As John Keane remarks, "reflexive, self-organizing non-governmental organizations that some call civil society can and do live by other names in other linguistic and cultural milieus". How does his "Indian" variant square with the practice and concept of civil society and public sphere as they have evolved in European history, thought and practice

    Improved Upsilon Spectrum with Dynamical Wilson Fermions

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    We present results for the b \bar b spectrum obtained using an O(M_bv^6)-correct non-relativistic lattice QCD action, where M_b denotes the bare b-quark mass and v^2 is the mean squared quark velocity. Propagators are evaluated on SESAM's three sets of dynamical gauge configurations generated with two flavours of Wilson fermions at beta = 5.6. These results, the first of their kind obtained with dynamical Wilson fermions, are compared to a quenched analysis at equivalent lattice spacing, beta = 6.0. Using our three sea-quark values we perform the ``chiral'' extrapolation to m_eff = m_s/3, where m_s denotes the strange quark mass. The light quark mass dependence is found to be small in relation to the statistical errors. Comparing the full QCD result to our quenched simulation we find better agreement of our dynamical data with experimental results in the spin-independent sector but observe no unquenching effects in hyperfine-splittings. To pin down the systematic errors we have also compared quenched results in different ``tadpole'' schemes as well as using a lower order action. We find that spin-splittings with an O(M_bv^4) action are O(10%) higher compared to O(M_bv^6) results. Relative to the results obtained with the plaquette method the Landau gauge mean link tadpole scheme raises the spin splittings by about the same margin so that our two improvements are opposite in effect.Comment: 24 pages (latex file, Phys Rev D style file, uses epsf-style

    What's interrupting your search? A diary study of everyday mobile search interruptions

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    Web search is a common activity in a mobile context. However, the nature of performing tasks in a mobile environment means there is the risk interruption. While the effects of interruptions on mobile search have been studied in recent years, the nature of such interruptions occurring in real-world mobile settings have not. Using a diary study approach, we collected data from 20 participants on the everyday interruptions they faced conducting mobile web searches over a 10-day period. We used inductive open coding to categorise the nature of the interruptions assigning each interruption to a category/sub-category combination. We then used a deductive coding approach to classify each interruption as being either internally or externally-induced; and mobile or non mobile-specific. We found a broad range of interruptions, which we have organised into an extensive taxonomy. Further, a substantial proportion of the interruptions are externally-induced and more than half are unique to mobile contexts. The empirical evidence of the nature of mobile search interruptions in our findings provide insight into the complex environment of mobile search, information upon which to base future mobile search studies (e.g., surveys, controlled laboratory studies), and motivation for the study of search interface designs that can help mitigate the effects of such interruptions.Peer Reviewe

    Study of Instanton Contributions to Moments of Nucleon Spin-Dependent Structure Functions

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    Instantons are the natural mechanism in non-perturbative QCD to remove helicity from valence quarks and transfer it to gluons and quark-antiquark pairs. To understand the extent to which instantons explain the so-called "spin crisis" in the nucleon, we calculate moments of spin-dependent structure functions in quenched QCD and compare them with the results obtained with cooled configurations from which essentially all gluon contributions except instantons have been removed. Preliminary results are presented.Comment: LATTICE98(matrixelement), 3 pages, 1 figur

    Light Spectrum and Decay Constants in Full QCD with Wilson Fermions

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    We present results from an analysis of the light spectrum and the decay constants f_{\pi} and f_V^{-1} in Full QCD with n_f=2 Wilson fermions at a coupling of beta=5.6 on a 16^3x32 lattice.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX with 4 eps figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96(spectrum