279 research outputs found

    Final Project Assignment

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    Student Assignment, BioInformatics Final Project

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    This final project assignment can be used to implement the accompanying walkthrough in bioinformatics (or other applicable) classes

    P.C.N. and Arena Meet Hotel

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    This paper deals with the analysis of a hotel facility to determine opportunity for improvements using the Process Chain Network (P.C.N.) in combination with the Arena simulation software. The information presented is based on the authors’ personal experiences as guests at hotels, and presented in a final project assignment in the MBA Production and Operations Management course

    CSCI 49378: Final Project Assignment: Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing

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    Final Project Assignment for the course: CSCI 49378: Intro to Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing delivered at Hunter College in Spring 2020 by Bonan Liu as part of the Tech-in-Residence Corps program


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    In this era the existence of clean air is more difficult to find, almost in every area the air pollution is a common thing. Air pollution occurs due to the fumes from motor vehicles, smoke of industrial waste or household, dust and cigarette smoke. Air pollution that are spread out and floated in the air for long time, and when it enter human body through respiratory system it will endanger human life. In this final project assignment will be designing a dust settling tools; the concept is taken from the system of electrostatic preceptor. Dust will stick to the metal plate that has high voltage direct current electricity as one of the effect of electromagnetic phenomena. High voltage DC generated from the high voltage generator Walton Cockcroft, so the metal that flow whit the high voltage has a tensile strength against other particles, and that metal is used as the dust settling. After tested this project show that high voltage generated is 3223,2 volt and show dust collection by electromagnetic phenomena. The application of this final project is to reduce the level of dust in a room. Key words: electrostatic preceptor, high voltage DC, Walton Cockcroft


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    A novel is one of literary works that attract readers of various ages and backgrounds. Novel is a work of fiction, it is a story drawn out of the writer's imagination. Message in a bottle is a famous novel that has one of the international best-selling based on famous author, Nicholas Sparks. The writer believes that this is a great novel to be read. This novel narrates a story of a divorced woman, she found her husband having an affair. Although she is not willing to continue living alone, she still goes on with her job as a columnist, as well as raising her child alone. One day she found a message in a bottle. There, on the paper, written a man's desire for his beloved woman, but the woman has passed away. A further story for this novel in written in the summary and author’s biography

    Quantifying Changes in Creativity: Findings from an Engineering Course on the Design of Complex and Origami Structures

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    Engineering educators have increasingly sought strategies for integrating the arts into their curricula. The primary objective of this integration varies, but one common objective is to improve students’ creative thinking skills. In this paper, we sought to quantify changes in student creativity that resulted from participation in a mechanical engineering course targeted at integrating engineering, technology, and the arts. The course was team taught by instructors from mechanical engineering and art. The art instructor introduced origami principles and techniques as a means for students to optimize engineering structures. Through a course project, engineering student teams interacted with art students to perform structural analysis on an origami-based art installation, which was the capstone project of the art instructor’s undergraduate origami course. Three engineering student teams extended this course project to collaborate with the art students in the final design and physical installation. To evaluate changes in student creativity, we used two instruments: a revised version of the Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA) and the Innovative Behavior Scales. Initially, the survey contained 12 constructs, but three were removed due to poor internal consistency reliability: Extrinsic Motivation; Intrinsic Motivation; and Tolerance of Ambiguity. The nine remaining constructs used for comparison herein included: • Originality: Confidence in developing original, innovative ideas • Ideation: Confidence in generating many ideas • Risk Taking: Adventurous; Brave • Openness of Process: Engaging various potentialities and resisting closure • Iterative Processing: Willingness to iterate on one’s solution • Questioning: Tendency to ask lots of questions • Experimenting/exploring: Tendency to physically or mentally take things apart • Idea networking: Tendency to engage with diverse others in communicative acts • Observing: Tendency to observe the surrounding world By conducting a series of paired t-tests to ascertain if pre and post-course responses were significantly different on the above constructs, we found five significant changes. In order of significance, these included Idea Networking; Questioning; Observing; Originality; and Ideation. To help explain these findings, and to identify how this course may be improved in subsequent offerings, the discussion includes the triangulation of these findings in light of teaching observations, responses from a mid-semester student focus group session, and informal faculty reflections. We close with questions that we and others ought to address as we strive to integrate engineering, technology, and the arts. We hope that these findings and discussion will guide other scholars and instructors as they explore the impact of art on engineering design learning, and as they seek to evaluate student creativity resulting from courses with similar aims

    MBA 681.60: Financial Management

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    ENG 4903-001: Young Adult Literature

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    ENG 4903-001: Young Adult Literature

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