6 research outputs found

    Derivaci贸n indirecta de la distribuci贸n espacial y estado de desarrollo de los bosques secundarios en Costa Rica usando im谩genes satelitales de mediana resoluci贸n espacial. Documento I

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    Proyecto de Investigaci贸n (C贸digo: 1401-0077) Instituto Tecnol贸gico De Costa Rica. Vicerrector铆a De Investigaci贸n Y Extensi贸n (VIE). Direcci贸n de Proyectos. Escuela de Ingenier铆a Forestal. Centro de Investigaci贸n en Innovaci贸n Forestal (CIF), 2020El objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n fue desarrollar una t茅cnica indirecta para conocer la distribuci贸n espacial y estado de desarrollo de bosques secundarios usando sensores remotos de mediana resoluci贸n. La metodolog铆a fue probada en un sector de la Zona Huetar Norte de Costa Rica. Se realiz贸 la clasificaci贸n de im谩genes satelitales Landsat y Sentinel-2 de diferentes a帽os: 2000, 2005, 2010 y 2017/2018. Se compar贸 la ubicaci贸n de las masas boscosas por a帽o y se efectu贸 una reclasificaci贸n de las 谩reas donde se present贸 ganancia de cobertura arb贸rea (bosques nuevos) identific谩ndose cu谩les de estas representan bosques secundarios. Se validaron los resultados y las exactitudes obtenidas se utilizaron como variables respuesta de un ANOVA. El m茅todo OBIA supera a MLC en la identificaci贸n de los bosques nuevos (pvalue=0,035). El mes de la imagen influye en la exactitud del productor ya que produce una interacci贸n con el m茅todo (pvalue= 0,027) y con el tipo de imagen (pvalue= 0,008). Tambi茅n se produce una interacci贸n mes-imagen para la exactitud del usuario (pvalue= 0,042) y la exactitud general de la clase de bosques secundarios (pvalue= 0,012). La tendencia muestra que el mejor m茅todo para cuantificar y ubicar los bosques secundarios es la clasificaci贸n de im谩genes Sentinel-2 de los meses de junio y julio mediante An谩lisis Basado en Objetos (OBIA).The objective of the present investigation was to develop an indirect technique to know the spatial distribution and development status of secondary forests using medium resolution remote sensors. The methodology was tested in a sector of the Northern Huetar Zone of Costa Rica. Landsat and Sentinel-2 images were classified for different years: 2000, 2005, 2010, 2017, and 2018. The location of the forest stands per year was compared and a reclassification of the areas where there was a gain in tree cover (new forests) was carried out, identifying which of these represent secondary forests. Results were validated and the accuracies obtained were used as ANOVA response variables. The OBIA method outperforms MLC in identifying new forests (pvalue = 0.035). The month of the image influences the accuracy of the producer since it produces an interaction with the method (pvalue = 0.027) and with the image type (pvalue = 0.008). A month-image interaction also occurs for user accuracy (pvalue = 0.042) and overall accuracy of secondary forest class (pvalue = 0.012). The trend shows that the best method to quantify and locate secondary forests is the classification of Sentinel-2 images for the months of June and July using Object Based Analysis (OBIA)

    Evaluation of four classification algorithms of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellite images to identify forest cover in highly fragmented regions in Costa Rica

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    [EN] Mapping of land use and forest cover and assessing their changes is essential in the design of strategies to manage and preserve the natural resources of a country, and remote sensing have been extensively used with this purpose. By comparing four classification algorithms and two types of satellite images, the objective of the research was to identify the type of algorithm and satellite image that allows higher global accuracy in the identification of forest cover in highly fragmented landscapes. The study included a treatment arrangement with three factors and six randomly selected blocks within the Huetar Norte Zone in Costa Rica. More accurate results were obtained for classifications based on Sentinel-2 images compared to Landsat-8 images. The best classification algorithms were Maximum Likelihood, Support Vector Machine or Neural Networks, and they yield better results than Minimum Distance Classification. There was no interaction among image type and classification methods, therefore, Sentinel-2 images can be used with any of the three best algorithms, but the best result was the combination of Sentinel-2 and Support Vector Machine. An additional factor included in the study was the image acquisition date. There were significant differences among months during which the image was acquired and an interaction between the classification algorithm and this factor was detected. The best results correspond to images obtained in April, and the lower to September, month that corresponds with the period of higher rainfall in the region studied. The higher global accuracy identifying forest cover is obtained with Sentinel-2 images from the dry season in combination with Maximum Likelihood, Support Vector Machine, and Neural Network image classification methods.[ES] Conocer y cartografiar los cambios del uso y cobertura de la tierra es esencial para la formulaci贸n de estrategias de manejo y conservaci贸n de los recursos naturales. Las herramientas que conforman la disciplina de la teledetecci贸n han sido extensamente usadas con este objetivo. Al comparar cuatro algoritmos de clasificaci贸n y dos tipos de im谩genes satelitales, el objetivo de la investigaci贸n fue determinar el tipo de algoritmo e imagen satelital que permite obtener una mayor fiabilidad global en la identificaci贸n de la cobertura boscosa en paisajes de uso de la tierra con alta fragmentaci贸n. El estudio se desarroll贸 en la Zona Huetar Norte de Costa Rica, utilizando un dise帽o experimental de seis bloques con un arreglo de tratamientos con tres factores. El uso de im谩genes Sentinel-2 fue superior al obtenido con Landsat-8. No existen diferencias significativas en la fiabilidad lograda con los algoritmos de clasificaci贸n de M谩xima Verosimilitud, M谩quinas de Vectores Soporte y Redes Neuronales, pero s铆 de estos con respecto a la clasificaci贸n por M铆nima Distancia. No se detect贸 interacci贸n entre tipo de imagen y algoritmo de clasificaci贸n, por lo que las im谩genes de Sentinel-2 podr铆an usarse con cualquiera de los tres mejores algoritmos estudiados. Se analiz贸 adem谩s el efecto que tuvo el mes en cada imagen adquirida, y se encontraron diferencias significativas debido a este factor, adem谩s se produce una interacci贸n de este con el m茅todo de clasificaci贸n. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con im谩genes de abril, y los m谩s bajos con im谩genes de septiembre, mes que coincide con la 茅poca lluviosa en la zona estudiada. Se concluye que la mayor fiabilidad en la identificaci贸n de la cobertura boscosa se logra mediante el uso de los algoritmos de M谩xima Verosimilitud, M谩quinas de Vectores Soporte y Redes Neuronales empleando im谩genes Sentinel-2 tomadas en la temporada seca.Los autores agradecen a la Vice-Rector铆a de Investigaci贸n y Extensi贸n del ITCR por el apoyo financiero y administrativo para la realizaci贸n del proyecto: Derivaci贸n indirecta de la distribuci贸n espacial y estado de desarrollo de los bosques secundarios en Costa Rica usando im谩genes satelitales de mediana resoluci贸n espacial. Igualmente se agradece al programa de becas CeNAT-CONARE y al laboratorio PRIAS del Centro Nacional de Alta Tecnolog铆a (CeNAT) de Costa Rica por la facilitaci贸n de los equipos de c贸mputo de avanzada y el uso de las licencias de los softwares requeridos para llevar a cabo esta investigaci贸n.脕vila-P茅rez, I.; Ortiz-Malavassi, E.; Soto-Montoya, C.; Vargas-Solano, Y.; Aguilar-Arias, H.; Miller-Granados, C. (2020). Evaluaci贸n de cuatro algoritmos de clasificaci贸n de im谩genes satelitales Landsat-8 y Sentinel-2 para la identificaci贸n de cobertura boscosa en paisajes altamente fragmentados en Costa Rica. Revista de Teledetecci贸n. 0(57):37-49. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2020.13340OJS374905

    Emprego de s茅ries temporais na Amaz么nia : an谩lise de imagens MODIS e RADAR para mapeamento de uso e ocupa莽茫o do solo no Estado do Acre

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    Tese (doutorado)鈥擴niversidade de Bras铆lia, Instituto de Ci锚ncias Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de P贸s-Gradua莽茫o em Geografia, 2019.Objetivou-se avaliar metodologias para trabalhar s茅ries temporais na Amaz么nia, em ambiente com alta frequ锚ncia de nuvens. A regi茫o amaz么nica abriga grande biodiversidade ambiental e diversidade sociocultural, justificando a necessidade de estudos para acompanhar a din芒mica de uso e ocupa莽茫o do solo, bem como realizar o monitoramento dos recursos ambientais. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos 3 cap铆tulos em formato de artigos. No primeiro artigo, avaliou-se a quantidade ideal de imagens para uma s茅rie temporal visando melhores resultados de classifica莽茫o de uso e ocupa莽茫o do solo. Observou-se que os cubos temporais precisam ter imagens claras para atingir os melhores resultados das classifica莽玫es. A presen莽a de imagens com nuvem resulta em classifica莽玫es com baixo 铆ndice kappa. Dentre os classificadores utilizados, o M铆nima Dist芒ncia foi o que se apresentou menos sens铆vel 脿 presen莽a de nuvens. No segundo artigo, foram avaliadas t茅cnicas de composi莽茫o afim de encontrar uma s铆ntese que abrangesse os per铆odos secos e chuvosos na regi茫o. Observou-se que intervalos regulares de composi莽茫o n茫o foram suficientes para obten莽茫o de imagens livres de nuvem ao longo do ano. Intervalos irregulares (personalizados) de composi莽茫o podem trazer um maior n煤mero de dados ao pesquisador, sobretudo, em ambientes com alta frequ锚ncia de cobertura de nuvem. Dentre os m茅todos s铆ntese testados, o de M谩ximo NDVI e o de Mediana apresentaram os melhores resultados. A restri莽茫o do 芒ngulo do sensor z锚nite levou a composi莽玫es mais limpas, ou seja, menos influenciadas por fatores geom茅tricos e atmosf茅ricos. No terceiro artigo, utilizamos uma s茅rie temporal de imagens de radar, avaliando sua capacidade de identificar alvos como o cultivo da cana-de-a莽煤car. Dentre os testes realizados, aquele que combinou dados de radar e 贸ticos na s茅rie temporal, apresentou os melhores resultados. Foi poss铆vel identificar a cana-de-a莽煤car, com mais de 50% de acertos na maioria dos testes realizados. Conclu铆mos que as an谩lises com dados orbitais para a classifica莽茫o de s茅ries temporais na Amaz么nia, s茫o poss铆veis, embora as s茅ries temporais necessitem ter baixa influ锚ncia de cobertura de nuvem. As possibilidades que se apresentam com as imagens de radar Sentinel s茫o grandes considerando o volume de dados dispon铆veis, com boa resolu莽茫o temporal e espacial.This study aimed to evaluate methodologies for working time series in the Amazon, in a high cloud frequency environment. The Amazon region is home to great environmental biodiversity and sociocultural diversity, justifying the need for studies to follow the dynamics of land use and occupation, as well as monitoring environmental resources. For that, 3 chapters were developed in paper format. In the first paper, the ideal amount of images for a temporal series was evaluated aiming at better results of classification of use and occupation of the soil. It was observed that temporal cubes need to have clear images to achieve the best results of the classifications. The presence of cloud images results in ratings with a low kappa index. Among the classifiers used, the Minimum Distance was the one that was less sensitive to the presence of clouds in the time series. In the second paper, image composition techniques were evaluated in order to find a synthesis that covered the dry and rainy periods in the region. It was observed that regular composition intervals were not enough to obtain cloud-free images throughout the year. Irregular (custom) composition intervals can bring a greater amount of data to the researcher, especially in environments with high frequency cloud coverage. Among the synthesis methods tested, Maximum NDVI and Median presented the best results. Restriction of the zenith sensor angle has led to cleaner compositions that is lessinfluenced by geometric and atmospheric factors. In the third article, we used a time series of radar images, evaluating their ability to identify targets such as sugarcane cultivation. Among the tests performed, the one that combined radar and optical data in the time series presented the best results. It was possible to identify the sugarcane, with more than 50% of correct answers in most of the tests performed. We conclude that the analyzes with orbital data for the classification of time series in the Amazon, are possible, although the time series need to have low influence of cloud coverage. The possibilities presented with Sentinel radar images are large considering the volume of data available, with good temporal and spatial resolution

    Exploring Locational Criteria to Optimise Biofuel Production Potential in Nigeria

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    Energy is one of the important building blocks of any economy and the sustainability of its supply is crucial. Renewable energy sources are being explored with the objective of harnessing their potential to address demand shortages and provide sustainable clean energy. Biofuels, as one of these renewables, continue to expand and their share in global energy consumption continues to increase. Apart from lower net carbon emissions compared to fossil fuels and their role as transitional fuel sources in global shift towards renewable energy, biofuels offer other benefits such as increasing the volume of liquid fuels, improving air quality, expanding trade, import substitution and energy diversification. Therefore, there are strong environmental and economic arguments for the Nigerian Government to embark on deployment of renewable energy, including biofuels. Despite abundant biomass resources, biofuel programmes have not been fully operationalised in the country, partly because biofuels vary in their favourability profiles which depend on local conditions and practices, as well as spatial conflicts between land designed for energy production and other land uses such as agriculture or nature reserves. Consequently, there is a need for robust and detailed approaches to this location-related problem. Although Spatial Multi-criteria Analysis (SMCA) as a support tool has been applied to biofuel production analysis, accounting for multiple stakeholder opinions has been one of the major challenges. In Nigeria, there have been few attempts to apply spatial analysis to locational problems related to biofuel production. In addition, these studies are limited in terms of scope, were based on feedstock other than energy crops, and provided superficial analysis of suitability of the identified sites. The goal of this thesis was to show how to improve the robustness and transparency of spatial analysis in Nigeria through answering some spatial questions about biofuel production, which extends our knowledge of GIS and is relevant to practice. Robustness implies detailed exploration of the required environmental criteria and incorporation of the expert decisions on the criteria preferences. This work transparently demonstrates detailed application of the combined geospatial and multi-criteria methods to make the academic contribution transferable. The technical goal of the work was to conduct spatial optimisation for biofuel production in the country through detailed assessment of environmental criteria, modelling land suitability for cultivating sweet sorghum, sugarcane, cassava, oil palm and jatropha as biofuel crops in Nigeria and modelling optimal sites for biofuel processing and/or blending. This will provide support for spatial decisions regarding establishing biofuel processing plants or expanding the existing ones. Analytical Hierarchy Process (pairwise comparison) was adopted as the multi-criteria analysis method due to its robustness regarding stakeholder inclusion. Weighted overlay was adopted as method of land suitability modelling and supply area modelling was adopted as the method of site optimisation. The analysis showed that northcentral geo-political zone of Nigeria has the largest areas of land that is very suitable for cultivating sugarcane, cassava, oil palm and jatropha, while northeast has the largest areas of land that is very suitable for cultivating sweet sorghum. Based on these, three sizes of service area were considered assuming worst, average and highest crop yields scenarios to optimise processing/blending sites. Existing petroleum depots were considered as the candidate sites. Ilorin petroleum depot was found to be the most optimal location for processing/blending biofuel in Nigeria based on all the crop yields scenarios, within 300 km service area. However, assuming worst case yields scenario within 100 km service area, Maiduguri depot was found to be the best location for sweet sorghum and sugarcane biofuel processing/blending, but Yola depot was suggested as replacement for sugarcane. Ibadan was found to be the best for oil palm and jatropha, but Ikot Abasi depot was suggested as replacement for oil palm. Aba was found to be the best for cassava, but Makurdi was suggested as replacement. This work had demonstrated how robust integration of GIS tools with MCDM techniques could improve the effectiveness of spatial decision-making process regarding positioning biofuel production in developing countries like Nigeria. It is therefore concluded that this work will serve as a point of reference for state-of-the-art application of spatial multi-criteria evaluation analysis, not only for the biofuel industry, but also for other sectors of environmental management such as river basin management, land use or settlement planning. The tendency of a biofuel programme in Nigeria to succeed would greatly be enhanced by adopting sustainability strategies along its value chain through climate smart agriculture, designing and/or adopting a suitable feedstock supply model, effective land use management, realigning policy objectives, enforcing policy directives and balancing between strong and weak sustainability strategies. This will create a conducive environment for stimulating biofuel programme, delivering energy source diversification, economic growth and sustainable development for Nigeria

    Exploring Locational Criteria to Optimise Biofuel Production Potential in Nigeria

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    Energy is one of the important building blocks of any economy and the sustainability of its supply is crucial. Renewable energy sources are being explored with the objective of harnessing their potential to address demand shortages and provide sustainable clean energy. Biofuels, as one of these renewables, continue to expand and their share in global energy consumption continues to increase. Apart from lower net carbon emissions compared to fossil fuels and their role as transitional fuel sources in global shift towards renewable energy, biofuels offer other benefits such as increasing the volume of liquid fuels, improving air quality, expanding trade, import substitution and energy diversification. Therefore, there are strong environmental and economic arguments for the Nigerian Government to embark on deployment of renewable energy, including biofuels. Despite abundant biomass resources, biofuel programmes have not been fully operationalised in the country, partly because biofuels vary in their favourability profiles which depend on local conditions and practices, as well as spatial conflicts between land designed for energy production and other land uses such as agriculture or nature reserves. Consequently, there is a need for robust and detailed approaches to this location-related problem. Although Spatial Multi-criteria Analysis (SMCA) as a support tool has been applied to biofuel production analysis, accounting for multiple stakeholder opinions has been one of the major challenges. In Nigeria, there have been few attempts to apply spatial analysis to locational problems related to biofuel production. In addition, these studies are limited in terms of scope, were based on feedstock other than energy crops, and provided superficial analysis of suitability of the identified sites. The goal of this thesis was to show how to improve the robustness and transparency of spatial analysis in Nigeria through answering some spatial questions about biofuel production, which extends our knowledge of GIS and is relevant to practice. Robustness implies detailed exploration of the required environmental criteria and incorporation of the expert decisions on the criteria preferences. This work transparently demonstrates detailed application of the combined geospatial and multi-criteria methods to make the academic contribution transferable. The technical goal of the work was to conduct spatial optimisation for biofuel production in the country through detailed assessment of environmental criteria, modelling land suitability for cultivating sweet sorghum, sugarcane, cassava, oil palm and jatropha as biofuel crops in Nigeria and modelling optimal sites for biofuel processing and/or blending. This will provide support for spatial decisions regarding establishing biofuel processing plants or expanding the existing ones. Analytical Hierarchy Process (pairwise comparison) was adopted as the multi-criteria analysis method due to its robustness regarding stakeholder inclusion. Weighted overlay was adopted as method of land suitability modelling and supply area modelling was adopted as the method of site optimisation. The analysis showed that northcentral geo-political zone of Nigeria has the largest areas of land that is very suitable for cultivating sugarcane, cassava, oil palm and jatropha, while northeast has the largest areas of land that is very suitable for cultivating sweet sorghum. Based on these, three sizes of service area were considered assuming worst, average and highest crop yields scenarios to optimise processing/blending sites. Existing petroleum depots were considered as the candidate sites. Ilorin petroleum depot was found to be the most optimal location for processing/blending biofuel in Nigeria based on all the crop yields scenarios, within 300 km service area. However, assuming worst case yields scenario within 100 km service area, Maiduguri depot was found to be the best location for sweet sorghum and sugarcane biofuel processing/blending, but Yola depot was suggested as replacement for sugarcane. Ibadan was found to be the best for oil palm and jatropha, but Ikot Abasi depot was suggested as replacement for oil palm. Aba was found to be the best for cassava, but Makurdi was suggested as replacement. This work had demonstrated how robust integration of GIS tools with MCDM techniques could improve the effectiveness of spatial decision-making process regarding positioning biofuel production in developing countries like Nigeria. It is therefore concluded that this work will serve as a point of reference for state-of-the-art application of spatial multi-criteria evaluation analysis, not only for the biofuel industry, but also for other sectors of environmental management such as river basin management, land use or settlement planning. The tendency of a biofuel programme in Nigeria to succeed would greatly be enhanced by adopting sustainability strategies along its value chain through climate smart agriculture, designing and/or adopting a suitable feedstock supply model, effective land use management, realigning policy objectives, enforcing policy directives and balancing between strong and weak sustainability strategies. This will create a conducive environment for stimulating biofuel programme, delivering energy source diversification, economic growth and sustainable development for Nigeria