52 research outputs found

    Mechanical design and friction modelling of a cable-driven upper-limb exoskeleton

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    This paper presents a lightweight and low-inertia cable-driven upper-limb exoskeleton powerful enough to meet the requirements for activities of daily living. It presents the mechanical design, kinematic structure,the underlying actuation system, sensors, other electronic components as well as the controller of the exoskeleton. The extensive effect of friction on cable-driven designs, such as the one presented in this paper, requires proper mathematical modelling for controller design. Thus, we propose a current actuator model that describes the relationship between the motor current, velocity, and external load. The model relies on an underlying Stribeck+Coulomb friction representation and an additional parameter that modifies its Coulomb friction representation with an offset to represent adhesion between a cable and sheath. The model has been validated based on experimental data collected with the exoskeleton. The results show that the proposed model better captures the non-linear behaviour of the exoskeleton’s actuation system, increasing overall descriptive performance by 15%. However, adding the adhesion offset to extend the relation of static friction, does not improve the model

    Direct torque control for cable conduit mechanisms for the robotic foot for footwear testing

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd As the shoe durability is affected directly by the dynamic force/pressure between the shoe and its working environments (i.e., the contact ground and the human foot), a footwear testing system should replicate correctly this interaction force profile during gait cycles. Thus, in developing a robotic foot for footwear testing, it is important to power multiple foot joints and to control their output torque to produce correct dynamic effects on footwear. The cable conduit mechanism (CCM) offers great advantages for designing this robotic foot. It not only eliminates the cumbersome actuators and significant inertial effects from the fast-moving robotic foot but also allows a large amount of energy/force to be transmitted/propagated to the compact robotic foot. However, CCMs cause nonlinearities and hysteresis effects to the system performance. Recent studies on CCMs and hysteresis systems mostly addressed the position control. This paper introduces a new approach for modelling the torque transmission and controlling the output torque of a pair of CCMs, which are used to actuate the robotic foot for footwear testing. The proximal torque is used as the input signal for the Bouc–Wen hysteresis model to portray the torque transmission profile while a new robust adaptive control scheme is developed to online estimate and compensate for the nonlinearities and hysteresis effects. Both theoretical proof of stability and experimental validation of the new torque controller have been carried out and reported in this paper. Control experiments of other closed-loop control algorithms have been also conducted to compare their performance with the new controller effectiveness. Qualitative and quantitative results show that the new control approach significantly enhances the torque tracking performance for the system preceded by CCMs

    A soft, synergy-based robotic glove for grasping assistance

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    This paper presents a soft, tendon-driven, robotic glove designed to augment grasp capability and provide rehabilitation assistance for postspinal cord injury patients. The basis of the design is an underactuation approach utilizing postural synergies of the hand to support a large variety of grasps with a single actuator. The glove is lightweight, easy to don, and generates sufficient hand closing force to assist with activities of daily living. Device efficiency was examined through a characterization of the power transmission elements, and output force production was observed to be linear in both cylindrical and pinch grasp configurations. We further show that, as a result of the synergy-inspired actuation strategy, the glove only slightly alters the distribution of forces across the fingers, compared to a natural, unassisted grasping pattern. Finally, a preliminary case study was conducted using a participant suffering from an incomplete spinal cord injury (C7). It was found that through the use of the glove, the participant was able to achieve a 50% performance improvement (from four to six blocks) in a standard Box and Block test

    Development and Biomechanical Analysis toward a Mechanically Passive Wearable Shoulder Exoskeleton

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    Shoulder disability is a prevalent health issue associated with various orthopedic and neurological conditions, like rotator cuff tear and peripheral nerve injury. Many individuals with shoulder disability experience mild to moderate impairment and struggle with elevating the shoulder or holding the arm against gravity. To address this clinical need, I have focused my research on developing wearable passive exoskeletons that provide continuous at-home movement assistance. Through a combination of experiments and computational tools, I aim to optimize the design of these exoskeletons. In pursuit of this goal, I have designed, fabricated, and preliminarily evaluated a wearable, passive, cam-driven shoulder exoskeleton prototype. Notably, the exoskeleton features a modular spring-cam-wheel module, allowing customizable assistive force to compensate for different proportions of the shoulder elevation moment due to gravity. The results of my research demonstrated that this exoskeleton, providing modest one-fourth gravity moment compensation at the shoulder, can effectively reduce muscle activity, including deltoid and rotator cuff muscles. One crucial aspect of passive shoulder exoskeleton design is determining the optimal anti-gravity assistance level. I have addressed this challenge using computational tools and found that an assistance level within the range of 20-30% of the maximum gravity torque at the shoulder joint yields superior performance for specific shoulder functional tasks. When facing a new task dynamic, such as wearing a passive shoulder exoskeleton, the human neuro-musculoskeletal system adapts and modulates limb impedance at the end-limb (i.e., hand) to enhance task stability. I have presented development and validation of a realistic neuromusculoskeletal model of the upper limb that can predict stiffness modulation and motor adaptation in response to newly introduced environments and force fields. Future studies will explore the model\u27s applicability in predicting stiffness modulation for 3D movements in novel environments, such as passive assistive devices\u27 force fields

    A Wearable Control Interface for Tele-operated Robots

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    Department of Mehcanical EngineeringThis thesis presents a wearable control interface for the intuitive control of tele-operated robots, which aim to overcome the limitations of conventional uni-directional control interfaces. The control interface is composed of a haptic control interface and a tele-operated display system. The haptic control interface can measure user???s motion while providing force feedback. Thus, the user can control a tele-operated robot arm by moving his/her arm in desired configurations while feeling the interaction forces between the robot and the environment. Immersive visual feedback is provided to the user with the tele-operated display system and a predictive display algorithm. An exoskeleton structure was designed as a candidate of the control interface structure considering the workspace and anatomy of the human arm to ensure natural movement. The translational motion of human shoulder joint and the singularity problem of exoskeleton structures were addressed by the tilted and vertically translating shoulder joint. The proposed design was analyzed using forward and inverse kinematics methods. Because the shoulder elevation affects all of the joint angles, the angles were calculated by applying an inverse kinematics method in an iterative manner. The proposed design was tested in experiments with a kinematic prototype. Two force-controllable cable-driven actuation mechanisms were developed for the actuation of haptic control interfaces. The mechanisms were designed to have lightweight and compact structures for high haptic transparency. One mechanism is an asymmetric cable-driven mechanism that can simplify the cable routing structure by replacing a tendon to a linear spring, which act as an antagonistic force source to the other tendon. High performance force control was achieved by a rotary series elastic mechanism and a robust controller, which combine a proportional and differential (PD) controller optimized by a linear quadratic (LQ) method with a disturbance observer (DOB) and a zero phase error tracking (ZPET) feedforward filter. The other actuation mechanism is a series elastic tendon-sheath actuation mechanism. Unlike previously developed tendon-sheath actuation systems, the proposed mechanism can deliver desired force even in multi-DOF systems by modeling and feedforwardly compensating the friction. The pretension change, which can be a significant threat in the safety of tendon-sheath actuation systems, is reduced by adopting series elastic elements on the motor side. Prototypes of the haptic control interfaces were developed with the proposed actuation mechanisms, and tested in the interaction with a virtual environment or a tele-operation experiment. Also, a visual feedback system is developed adopting a head mounted display (HMD) to the control interface. Inspired by a kinematic model of a human head-neck complex, a robot neck-camera system was built to capture the field of view in a desired orientation. To reduce the sickness caused by the time-varying bidirectional communication delay and operation delay of the robot neck, a predictive display algorithm was developed based on the kinematic model of the human and robot neck-camera system, and the geometrical model of a camera. The performance of the developed system was tested by experiments with intentional delays.clos

    Design of a shape memory alloy actuator for soft wearable robots

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    Soft robotics represents a paradigm shift in the design of conventional robots; while the latter are designed as monolithic structures, made of rigid materials and normally composed of several stiff joints, the design of soft robots is based on the use of deformable materials such as polymers, fluids or gels, resulting in a biomimetic design that replicates the behavior of organic tissues. The introduction of this design philosophy into the field of wearable robots has transformed them from rigid and cumbersome devices into something we could call exo-suits or exo-musculatures: motorized, lightweight and comfortable clothing-like devices. If one thinks of the ideal soft wearable robot (exoskeleton) as a piece of clothing in which the actuation system is fully integrated into its fabrics, we consider that that existing technologies currently used in the design of these devices do not fully satisfy this premise. Ultimately, these actuation systems are based on conventional technologies such as DC motors or pneumatic actuators, which due to their volume and weight, prevent a seamless integration into the structure of the soft exoskeleton. The aim of this thesis is, therefore, to design of an actuator that represents an alternative to the technologies currently used in the field of soft wearable robotics, after having determined the need for an actuator for soft exoskeletons that is compact, flexible and lightweight, while also being able to produce the force required to move the limbs of a human user. Since conventional actuation technologies do not allow the design of an actuator with the required characteristics, the proposed actuator design has been based on so-called emerging actuation technologies, more specifically, on shape memory alloys (SMA). The mechanical design of the actuator is based on the Bowden transmission system. The SMA wire used as the transducer of the actuator has been routed into a flexible sheath, which, in addition to being easily adaptable to the user's body, increases the actuation bandwidth by reducing the cooling time of the SMA element by 30 %. At its nominal operating regime, the actuator provides an output displacement of 24 mm and generates a force of 64 N. Along with the actuator, a thermomechanical model of its SMA transducer has been developed to simulate its complex behavior. The developed model is a useful tool in the design process of future SMA-based applications, accelerating development ix time and reducing costs. The model shows very few discrepancies with respect to the behavior of a real wire. In addition, the model simulates characteristic phenomena of these alloys such as thermal hysteresis, including internal hysteresis loops and returnpoint memory, the dependence between transformation temperatures and applied force, or the effects of latent heat of transformation on the wire heating and cooling processes. To control the actuator, the use of a non-linear control technique called four-term bilinear proportional-integral-derivative controller (BPID) is proposed. The BPID controller compensates the non-linear behavior of the actuator caused by the thermal hysteresis of the SMA. Compared to the operation of two other implemented controllers, the BPID controller offers a very stable and robust performance, minimizing steady-state errors and without the appearance of limit cycles or other effects associated with the control of these alloys. To demonstrate that the proposed actuator together with the BPID controller are a valid solution for implementing the actuation system of a soft exoskeleton, both developments have been integrated into a real soft hand exoskeleton, designed to provide force assistance to astronauts. In this case, in addition to using the BPID controller to control the position of the actuators, it has been applied to the control of the assistive force provided by the exoskeleton. Through a simple mechanical multiplication mechanism, the actuator generates a linear displacement of 54 mm and a force of 31 N, thus fulfilling the design requirements imposed by the application of the exoskeleton. Regarding the control of the device, the BPID controller is a valid control technique to control both the position and the force of a soft exoskeleton using an actuation system based on the actuator proposed in this thesis.La robótica flexible (soft robotics) ha supuesto un cambio de paradigma en el diseño de robots convencionales; mientras que estos consisten en estructuras monolíticas, hechas de materiales duros y normalmente compuestas de varias articulaciones rígidas, el diseño de los robots flexibles se basa en el uso de materiales deformables como polímeros, fluidos o geles, resultando en un diseño biomimético que replica el comportamiento de los tejidos orgánicos. La introducción de esta filosofía de diseño en el campo de los robots vestibles (wearable robots) ha hecho que estos pasen de ser dispositivos rígidos y pesados a ser algo que podríamos llamar exo-trajes o exo-musculaturas: prendas de vestir motorizadas, ligeras y cómodas. Si se piensa en el robot vestible (exoesqueleto) flexible ideal como una prenda de vestir en la que el sistema de actuación está totalmente integrado en sus tejidos, consideramos que las tecnologías existentes que se utilizan actualmente en el diseño de estos dispositivos no satisfacen plenamente esta premisa. En última instancia, estos sistemas de actuaci on se basan en tecnologías convencionales como los motores de corriente continua o los actuadores neumáticos, que debido a su volumen y peso, hacen imposible una integraci on completa en la estructura del exoesqueleto flexible. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por tanto, el diseño de un actuador que suponga una alternativa a las tecnologias actualmente utilizadas en el campo de los exoesqueletos flexibles, tras haber determinado la necesidad de un actuador para estos dispositivos que sea compacto, flexible y ligero, y que al mismo tiempo sea capaz de producir la fuerza necesaria para mover las extremidades de un usuario humano. Dado que las tecnologías de actuación convencionales no permiten diseñar un actuador de las características necesarias, se ha optado por basar el diseño del actuador propuesto en las llamadas tecnologías de actuación emergentes, en concreto, en las aleaciones con memoria de forma (SMA). El diseño mecánico del actuador está basado en el sistema de transmisión Bowden. El hilo de SMA usado como transductor del actuador se ha introducido en una funda flexible que, además de adaptarse facilmente al cuerpo del usuario, aumenta el ancho de banda de actuación al reducir un 30 % el tiempo de enfriamiento del elemento SMA. En su régimen nominal de operaci on, el actuador proporciona un desplazamiento de salida de 24 mm y genera una fuerza de 64 N. Además del actuador, se ha desarrollado un modelo termomecánico de su transductor SMA que permite simular su complejo comportamiento. El modelo desarrollado es una herramienta útil en el proceso de diseño de futuras aplicaciones basadas en SMA, acelerando el tiempo de desarrollo y reduciendo costes. El modelo muestra muy pocas discrepancias con respecto al comportamiento de un hilo real. Además, es capaz de simular fenómenos característicos de estas aleaciones como la histéresis térmica, incluyendo los bucles internos de histéresis y la memoria de puntos de retorno (return-point memory), la dependencia entre las temperaturas de transformacion y la fuerza aplicada, o los efectos del calor latente de transformación en el calentamiento y el enfriamiento del hilo. Para controlar el actuador, se propone el uso de una t ecnica de control no lineal llamada controlador proporcional-integral-derivativo bilineal de cuatro términos (BPID). El controlador BPID compensa el comportamiento no lineal del actuador causado por la histéresis térmica del SMA. Comparado con el funcionamiento de otros dos controladores implementados, el controlador BPID ofrece un rendimiento muy estable y robusto, minimizando el error de estado estacionario y sin la aparición de ciclos límite u otros efectos asociados al control de estas aleaciones. Para demostrar que el actuador propuesto junto con el controlador BPID son una soluci on válida para implementar el sistema de actuación de un exoesqueleto flexible, se han integrado ambos desarrollos en un exoesqueleto flexible de mano real, diseñado para proporcionar asistencia de fuerza a astronautas. En este caso, además de utilizar el controlador BPID para controlar la posición de los actuadores, se ha aplicado al control de la fuerza proporcionada por el exoesqueleto. Mediante un simple mecanismo de multiplicación mecánica, el actuador genera un desplazamiento lineal de 54 mm y una fuerza de 31 N, cumpliendo así con los requisitos de diseño impuestos por la aplicación del exoesqueleto. Respecto al control del dispositivo, el controlador BPID es una técnica de control válida para controlar tanto la posición como la fuerza de un exoesqueleto flexible que use un sistema de actuación basado en el actuador propuesto en esta tesis.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Fabio Bonsignorio.- Secretario: Concepción Alicia Monje Micharet.- Vocal: Elena García Armad

    Design and evaluation of a powered prosthetic foot with monoarticular and biarticular actuation

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    To overcome the limitations of passive prosthetic feet, powered prostheses have been developed, that can provide the range of motion and power of their human counterparts. These devices can equalize spatio-temporal gait parameters and improve the metabolic effort compared to passive prostheses, but asymmetries and compensatory motions between the healthy and impaired leg remain. Unlike their human counter part, existing powered prosthetic feet are fully monoarticular actuating only the prosthetic ankle joint, whereas in the biological counter part, ankle and knee joint are additionally coupled by the biarticular gastrocnemius muscle. The goal of this work is to investigate the benefits of a powered biarticular transtibial prosthesis comprising mono- and biarticular actuators similar to the human example. The contributions of the present work are as follows: A biarticular prosthesis prototype is methodically designed to match the capabilities of the monoarticular muscles at the human ankle joint as well as the biarticular gastrocnemius muscle during level walking. The prototype consists of an existing powered monoarticular prosthetic foot, which is extended with a knee orthoses and a stationary biarticular Bowden cable actuator. Both actuators are modeled as serial elastic actuators (SEA) and the identification of the model parameters is conducted. A model based torque control utilizing the measurements commonly available in SEAs, an impedance control law based on human ankle reference trajectories, and a high level control to enable steady walking in the lab are introduced. The proposed hardware setup and control structure can provide sagittal plane angles and torques similar to the mono- and biarticular muscles at the human ankle, with proper torque tracking performance and a freely adjustable allocation of torque between the monoarticular and biarticular actuator. The biarticular prosthesis is evaluated in the gait lab with three subjects with unilateral transtibial amputation utilizing a continuous sweep experimental protocol to investigate the metabolic effort and spatio-temporal gait parameters. All subjects show a tendency to reduced metabolic effort for medium activity of the artificial gastrocnemius, although noise level and time variation are large. In addition to the reduction in metabolic effort, the artificial gastrocnemius is able to influence spatio temporal gait parameters between the impaired and the intact side, but partially opposing effects are observed among the individual subjects. In conclusion, this thesis describes the implementation of an artificial gastrocnemius following the human example and the systematic investigation of metabolic effort and spatio-temporal gait parameters. It is shown that the addition of the artificial gastrocnemius to a monoarticular prosthesis can positively affect the investigated parameters. The meaningfulness of the results should be improved by increased clinical effort in future work

    Design, implementation, control, and user evaluations of assiston-arm self-aligning upper-extremity exoskeleton

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    Physical rehabilitation therapy is indispensable for treating neurological disabilities. The use of robotic devices for rehabilitation holds high promise, since these devices can bear the physical burden of rehabilitation exercises during intense therapy sessions, while therapists are employed as decision makers. Robot-assisted rehabilitation devices are advantageous as they can be applied to patients with all levels of impairment, allow for easy tuning of the duration and intensity of therapies and enable customized, interactive treatment protocols. Moreover, since robotic devices are particularly good at repetitive tasks, rehabilitation robots can decrease the physical burden on therapists and enable a single therapist to supervise multiple patients simultaneously; hence, help to lower cost of therapies. While the intensity and quality of manually delivered therapies depend on the skill and fatigue level of therapists, high-intensity robotic therapies can always be delivered with high accuracy. Thanks to their integrated sensors, robotic devices can gather measurements throughout therapies, enable quantitative tracking of patient progress and development of evidence-based personalized rehabilitation programs. In this dissertation, we present the design, control, characterization and user evaluations of AssistOn-Arm, a powered, self-aligning exoskeleton for robotassisted upper-extremity rehabilitation. AssistOn-Arm is designed as a passive back-driveable impedance-type robot such that patients/therapists can move the device transparently, without much interference of the device dynamics on natural movements. Thanks to its novel kinematics and mechanically transparent design, AssistOn-Arm can passively self-align its joint axes to provide an ideal match between human joint axes and the exoskeleton axes, guaranteeing ergonomic movements and comfort throughout physical therapies. The self-aligning property of AssistOn-Arm not only increases the usable range of motion for robot-assisted upper-extremity exercises to cover almost the whole human arm workspace, but also enables the delivery of glenohumeral mobilization (scapular elevation/depression and protraction/retraction) and scapular stabilization exercises, extending the type of therapies that can be administered using upper-extremity exoskeletons. Furthermore, the self-alignment property of AssistOn-Arm signi cantly shortens the setup time required to attach a patient to the exoskeleton. As an impedance-type device with high passive back-driveability, AssistOn- Arm can be force controlled without the need of force sensors; hence, high delity interaction control performance can be achieved with open-loop impedance control. This control architecture not only simpli es implementation, but also enhances safety (coupled stability robustness), since open-loop force control does not su er from the fundamental bandwidth and stability limitations of force-feedback. Experimental characterizations and user studies with healthy volunteers con- rm the transparency, range of motion, and control performance of AssistOn- Ar

    Conception et évaluation d'actionneurs à embrayages magnétorhéologiques pour la robotique collaborative

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    La robotique collaborative se démarque de la robotique industrielle par sa sécurité dans le but de travailler en collaboration avec les humains. Toutefois, la majorité des robots collaboratifs sériels reposent sur un actionnement à haut ratio de réduction, ce qui augmente considérablement la masse reflétée à l’effecteur du robot, et donc, nuit à la sécurité. Pour pallier cette masse reflétée et maintenir un seuil minimal de sécurité, les vitesses d’opération sont abaissées, nuisant ainsi directement à la productivité des entreprises. Afin de minimiser la masse reflétée à l’effecteur, les masses des actionneurs ainsi que leur inertie reflétée doivent être minimisés. Les embrayages à fluide magnétorhéologique (MR) maintenus en glissement continus découplent l’inertie provenant de la source de puissance, souvent un moteur et un réducteur, offrant ainsi un actionneur possédant un haut rapport couple-inertie. Toutefois, les embrayages MR, utilisés de façon antagoniste, ajoutent des composantes à l’actionneur ce qui réduit la densité de couple, et donc, augmente la masse reflétée à l’effecteur du robot. Certains actionneurs MR [1–3] ont été développés, mais leur basse densité de couple contrebalance leur faible inertie lorsqu’utilisés comme actionneurs aux articulations de robots collaboratifs sériels. Cette constatation a mené à ma question de recherche : Comment profiter de la faible inertie des actionneurs MR pour maximiser les performances dynamiques des robots collaboratifs sériels? L’objectif de ce projet de recherche vise donc à étudier le potentiel des embrayages MR en robotique collaborative. Pour ce faire, deux architectures MR sont développées et testées expérimentalement. La première architecture consiste en une articulation robotisée modulaire comportant des embrayages MR en glissement continu et possédant un rapport couple/masse et une taille équivalente à l’actionneur d’Universal Robots (UR) de couple égal, mais possédant un rapport couple/inertie 150 fois supérieur. À l’intérieur de l’articulation, deux chaines de puissance (2 moteurs et 2 embrayages MR) indépendantes se rejoignent à la sortie du joint offrant ainsi une redondance et augmentant la densité de couple comparativement à une architecture standard (1 moteur pour 2 embrayages MR). La deuxième architecture étudiée consiste en un actionnement délocalisé du robot où les embrayages MR sont situés à la base du robot et une transmission hydrostatique à membranes déroulantes achemine la puissance aux articulations. Cette architecture a été testée expérimentalement dans un contexte de bras robotisé surnuméraire. Contrairement à l’articulation MR, cette architecture n’offre pas une modularité habituellement recherchée en robotique sérielle, mais offre la possibilité de réduire l’inertie de la structure avec la délocalisation de l’actionnement. Finalement, les deux architectures développées ont été comparées à une architecture standard (haut ratio avec réducteur harmonique) afin de situer le potentiel du MR en robotique collaborative. Cette analyse théorique a démontré que pour un robot collaboratif sériel à 6 degrés de liberté, les architectures MR ont le potentiel d’accélérer 6 et 3 fois plus (respectivement) que le robot standard d’UR, composé d’actionneurs à hauts ratios

    Bio-Inspired Soft Artificial Muscles for Robotic and Healthcare Applications

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    Soft robotics and soft artificial muscles have emerged as prolific research areas and have gained substantial traction over the last two decades. There is a large paradigm shift of research interests in soft artificial muscles for robotic and medical applications due to their soft, flexible and compliant characteristics compared to rigid actuators. Soft artificial muscles provide safe human-machine interaction, thus promoting their implementation in medical fields such as wearable assistive devices, haptic devices, soft surgical instruments and cardiac compression devices. Depending on the structure and material composition, soft artificial muscles can be controlled with various excitation sources, including electricity, magnetic fields, temperature and pressure. Pressure-driven artificial muscles are among the most popular soft actuators due to their fast response, high exertion force and energy efficiency. Although significant progress has been made, challenges remain for a new type of artificial muscle that is easy to manufacture, flexible, multifunctional and has a high length-to-diameter ratio. Inspired by human muscles, this thesis proposes a soft, scalable, flexible, multifunctional, responsive, and high aspect ratio hydraulic filament artificial muscle (HFAM) for robotic and medical applications. The HFAM consists of a silicone tube inserted inside a coil spring, which expands longitudinally when receiving positive hydraulic pressure. This simple fabrication method enables low-cost and mass production of a wide range of product sizes and materials. This thesis investigates the characteristics of the proposed HFAM and two implementations, as a wearable soft robotic glove to aid in grasping objects, and as a smart surgical suture for perforation closure. Multiple HFAMs are also combined by twisting and braiding techniques to enhance their performance. In addition, smart textiles are created from HFAMs using traditional knitting and weaving techniques for shape-programmable structures, shape-morphing soft robots and smart compression devices for massage therapy. Finally, a proof-of-concept robotic cardiac compression device is developed by arranging HFAMs in a special configuration to assist in heart failure treatment. Overall this fundamental work contributes to the development of soft artificial muscle technologies and paves the way for future comprehensive studies to develop HFAMs for specific medical and robotic requirements