572 research outputs found

    Feature-Dependent Confusion Matrices for Low-Resource NER Labeling with Noisy Labels

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    In low-resource settings, the performance of supervised labeling models can be improved with automatically annotated or distantly supervised data, which is cheap to create but often noisy. Previous works have shown that significant improvements can be reached by injecting information about the confusion between clean and noisy labels in this additional training data into the classifier training. However, for noise estimation, these approaches either do not take the input features (in our case word embeddings) into account, or they need to learn the noise modeling from scratch which can be difficult in a low-resource setting. We propose to cluster the training data using the input features and then compute different confusion matrices for each cluster. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first to leverage feature-dependent noise modeling with pre-initialized confusion matrices. We evaluate on low-resource named entity recognition settings in several languages, showing that our methods improve upon other confusion-matrix based methods by up to 9%.Comment: Published at EMNLP-IJCNLP 201

    Weak supervision and label noise handling for Natural language processing in low-resource scenarios

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    The lack of large amounts of labeled data is a significant factor blocking many low-resource languages and domains from catching up with recent advancements in natural language processing. To reduce this dependency on labeled instances, weak supervision (semi-)automatically annotates unlabeled data. These labels can be obtained more quickly and cheaply than manual, gold-standard annotations. They also, however, contain more errors. Handling these noisy labels is often required to leverage the weakly supervised data successfully. In this dissertation, we study the whole weak supervision pipeline with a focus on the task of named entity recognition. We develop a tool for automatic annotation, and we propose an approach to model label noise when a small amount of clean data is available. We study the factors that influence the noise model's quality from a theoretic perspective, and we validate this approach empirically on several different tasks and languages. An important aspect is the aim for a realistic evaluation. We perform our analysis, among others, on several African low-resource languages. We show the performance benefits that can be achieved using weak supervision and label noise modeling. But we also highlight open issues that the field still has to overcome. For the low-resource settings, we expand the analysis to few-shot learning. For classification errors, we present a novel approach to obtain interpretable insights of where classifiers fail.Der Mangel an annotierten Daten ist ein wesentlicher Faktor, der viele Sprachen und Domänen mit geringen Ressourcen daran hindert, mit den jüngsten Fortschritten in der digitalen Textverarbeitung Schritt zu halten. Um diese Abhängigkeit von gelabelten Trainingsdaten zu verringern, werden bei Weak Supervision nicht gelabelte Daten (halb-)automatisch annotiert. Diese Annotationen sind schneller und günstiger zu erhalten. Sie enthalten jedoch auch mehr Fehler. Oft ist eine besondere Behandlung dieser Noisy Labels notwendig, um die Daten erfolgreich nutzen zu können. In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir die gesamte Weak Supervision Pipeline mit einem Schwerpunkt auf den Einsatz für die Erkennung von Entitäten. Wir entwickeln ein Tool zur automatischen Annotation und präsentieren einen neuen Ansatz zur Modellierung von Noisy Labels. Wir untersuchen die Faktoren, die die Qualität dieses Modells aus theoretischer Sicht beeinflussen, und wir validieren den Ansatz empirisch für verschiedene Aufgaben und Sprachen. Ein wichtiger Aspekt dieser Arbeit ist das Ziel einer realistischen Analyse. Die Untersuchung führen wir unter anderem an mehreren afrikanischen Sprachen durch und zeigen die Leistungsvorteile, die durch Weak Supervision und die Modellierung von Label Noise erreicht werden können. Auch erweitern wir die Analyse auf das Lernen mit wenigen Beispielen. In Bezug auf Klassifizierungsfehler, stellen wir zudem einen neuen Ansatz vor, um interpretierbare Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen

    Analysing the Noise Model Error for Realistic Noisy Label Data

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    Distant and weak supervision allow to obtain large amounts of labeled training data quickly and cheaply, but these automatic annotations tend to contain a high amount of errors. A popular technique to overcome the negative effects of these noisy labels is noise modelling where the underlying noise process is modelled. In this work, we study the quality of these estimated noise models from the theoretical side by deriving the expected error of the noise model. Apart from evaluating the theoretical results on commonly used synthetic noise, we also publish NoisyNER, a new noisy label dataset from the NLP domain that was obtained through a realistic distant supervision technique. It provides seven sets of labels with differing noise patterns to evaluate different noise levels on the same instances. Parallel, clean labels are available making it possible to study scenarios where a small amount of gold-standard data can be leveraged. Our theoretical results and the corresponding experiments give insights into the factors that influence the noise model estimation like the noise distribution and the sampling technique.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 2021, additional material at https://github.com/uds-lsv/noise-estimatio

    Robust input representations for low-resource information extraction

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    Recent advances in the field of natural language processing were achieved with deep learning models. This led to a wide range of new research questions concerning the stability of such large-scale systems and their applicability beyond well-studied tasks and datasets, such as information extraction in non-standard domains and languages, in particular, in low-resource environments. In this work, we address these challenges and make important contributions across fields such as representation learning and transfer learning by proposing novel model architectures and training strategies to overcome existing limitations, including a lack of training resources, domain mismatches and language barriers. In particular, we propose solutions to close the domain gap between representation models by, e.g., domain-adaptive pre-training or our novel meta-embedding architecture for creating a joint representations of multiple embedding methods. Our broad set of experiments demonstrates state-of-the-art performance of our methods for various sequence tagging and classification tasks and highlight their robustness in challenging low-resource settings across languages and domains.Die jüngsten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache wurden mit Deep-Learning-Modellen erzielt. Dies führte zu einer Vielzahl neuer Forschungsfragen bezüglich der Stabilität solcher großen Systeme und ihrer Anwendbarkeit über gut untersuchte Aufgaben und Datensätze hinaus, wie z. B. die Informationsextraktion für Nicht-Standardsprachen, aber auch Textdomänen und Aufgaben, für die selbst im Englischen nur wenige Trainingsdaten zur Verfügung stehen. In dieser Arbeit gehen wir auf diese Herausforderungen ein und leisten wichtige Beiträge in Bereichen wie Repräsentationslernen und Transferlernen, indem wir neuartige Modellarchitekturen und Trainingsstrategien vorschlagen, um bestehende Beschränkungen zu überwinden, darunter fehlende Trainingsressourcen, ungesehene Domänen und Sprachbarrieren. Insbesondere schlagen wir Lösungen vor, um die Domänenlücke zwischen Repräsentationsmodellen zu schließen, z.B. durch domänenadaptives Vortrainieren oder unsere neuartige Meta-Embedding-Architektur zur Erstellung einer gemeinsamen Repräsentation mehrerer Embeddingmethoden. Unsere umfassende Evaluierung demonstriert die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Methoden für verschiedene Klassifizierungsaufgaben auf Word und Satzebene und unterstreicht ihre Robustheit in anspruchsvollen, ressourcenarmen Umgebungen in verschiedenen Sprachen und Domänen

    When Silver Is As Good As Gold: Using Weak Supervision to Train Machine Learning Models on Social Media Data

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    Over the last decade, advances in machine learning have led to an exponential growth in artificial intelligence i.e., machine learning models capable of learning from vast amounts of data to perform several tasks such as text classification, regression, machine translation, speech recognition, and many others. While massive volumes of data are available, due to the manual curation process involved in the generation of training datasets, only a percentage of the data is used to train machine learning models. The process of labeling data with a ground-truth value is extremely tedious, expensive, and is the major bottleneck of supervised learning. To curtail this, the theory of noisy learning can be employed where data labeled through heuristics, knowledge bases and weak classifiers can be utilized for training, instead of data obtained through manual annotation. The assumption here is that a large volume of training data, which contains noise and acquired through an automated process, can compensate for the lack of manual labels. In this study, we utilize heuristic based approaches to create noisy silver standard datasets. We extensively tested the theory of noisy learning on four different applications by training several machine learning models using the silver standard dataset with several sample sizes and class imbalances and tested the performance using a gold standard dataset. Our evaluations on the four applications indicate the success of silver standard datasets in identifying a gold standard dataset. We conclude the study with evidence that noisy social media data can be utilized for weak supervisio

    Multilingual Named Entity Recognition through Data and Model Transfer

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    Maisterintutkielma käsittelee monikielistä nimien tunnistusta. Tutkielmassa testataan kahta lähestymistapaa monikieliseen nimien tunnistukseen: annotoidun datan siirtoa toisille kielille, sekä monikielisen mallin luomista. Lisäksi nämä kaksi lähestymistapaa yhdistetään. Tarkoitus on löytää menetelmiä, joilla nimien tunnistusta voidaan tehdä luotettavasti myös pienemmillä kielillä, joilla annotoituja nimientunnistusaineistoja ei ole suuressa määrin saatavilla. Tutkielmassa koulutetaan ja testataan malleja neljällä kielellä: suomeksi, viroksi, hollanniksi ja espanjaksi. Ensimmäisessä metodissa annotoitu data siirretään kieleltä toiselle monikielisen paralleelikorpuksen avulla, ja näin syntynyttä dataa käytetään neuroverkkoja hyödyntävän koneoppimismallin opettamiseen. Toisessa metodissa käytetään monikielistä BERT-mallia. Mallin koulutukseen käytetään annotoituja korpuksia, jotka yhdistetään monikieliseksi opetusaineistoksi. Kolmannessa metodissa kaksi edellistä metodia yhdistetään, ja kieleltä toiselle siirrettyä dataa käytetään monikielisen BERT-mallin koulutuksessa. Kaikkia kolmea lähestymistapaa testataan kunkin kielen annotoidulla testisetillä, ja tuloksia verrataan toisiinsa. Metodi, jossa rakennettiin monikielinen BERT-malli, saavutti selkeästi parhaimmat tulokset nimien tunnistamisessa. Neuroverkkomallit, jotka koulutettiin kielestä toiseen siirretyillä annotaatioilla, saivat selkeästi heikompia tuloksia. BERT-mallin kouluttaminen siirretyillä annotaatioilla tuotti myös heikkoja tuloksia. Annotaatioiden siirtäminen kieleltä toiselle osoittautui haastavaksi, ja tuloksena syntynyt data sisälsi virheitä. Tulosten heikkouteen vaikutti myös opetusaineiston ja testiaineiston kuuluminen eri genreen. Monikielinen BERT-malli on tutkielman mukaan testatuista parhaiten toimiva metodi, ja sopii myös kielille, joilla annotoituja aineistoja ei ole paljon saatavilla

    Neural Sequence Labeling on Social Media Text

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    As social media (SM) brings opportunities to study societies across the world, it also brings a variety of challenges to automate the processing of SM language. In particular, most of the textual content in SM is considered noisy; it does not always stick to the rules of the written language, and it tends to have misspellings, arbitrary abbreviations, orthographic inconsistencies, and flexible grammar. Additionally, SM platforms provide a unique space for multilingual content. This polyglot environment requires modern systems to adapt to a diverse range of languages, imposing another linguistic barrier to processing and understanding of text from SM domains. This thesis aims at providing novel sequence labeling approaches to handle noise and linguistic code-switching (i.e., the alternation of languages in the same utterance) in SM text. In particular, the first part of this thesis focuses on named entity recognition for English SM text, where I propose linguistically-inspired methods to address phonological writing and flexible syntax. Besides, I investigate whether the performance of current state-of-the-art models relies on memorization or contextual generalization of entities. In the second part of this thesis, I focus on three sequence labeling tasks for code-switched SM text: language identification, part-of-speech tagging, and named entity recognition. Specifically, I propose transfer learning methods from state-of-the-art monolingual and multilingual models, such as ELMo and BERT, to the code-switching setting for sequence labeling. These methods reduce the demand for code-switching annotations and resources while exploiting multilingual knowledge from large pre-trained unsupervised models. The methods presented in this thesis are meant to benefit higher-level NLP applications oriented to social media domains, including but not limited to question-answering, conversational systems, and information extraction