68,871 research outputs found

    A simple morphodynamic model for sand banks and large-scale sand pits subject to asymetrical tides

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    We extend existing knowledge on theoretical growth characteristics of tidal sand banks by including asymmetrical tides with an M0, M2 and M4-constituent, thus allowing for migration. Furthermore, in the context of the continuously increasing demand on the Dutch sand market, we show that creating a large-scale offshore sand pit has long-term morphological implications, both for the pit itself and the surrounding area. The pit deepens, while around it a sand bank pattern emerges, spreading at a constant rate of the order of tens to hundred metres per year

    Urban morphology and transformation the pattern of housing in the historical cities of Iran

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    Regardless of the historical and cultural collapse of today's contemporary architecture that arose in the aftermath of the advent of modernity, if we look at the process of the emergence of architecture before this era, we see that most architectural monuments in different periods have been able, due to modeling, to possess A distinct and defined style. The study of urban morphology and architectural typology on different scales show that the formation of ancient cities in the Middle East has always been subject to various conditions, including political, social, economic, geographical and cultural conditions. Cultural conditions are the most important and the first parameter in the formation of urban structure in Iranian cities. The city of Shiraz is one of the sample cities. By studying the historical context of Shiraz from the past and reviewing its morphology, it can be understood that the city's structure is based on cultural conditions. The modern city structure in Shiraz is very different from the historical structure that continued to Qajar period that is the finalist historical period of Iranian urbanism.In this paper, by analyzing different parts of the historical texture of Shiraz, the concept and dimensions of changing the pattern of housing based on urban morphology have been analyzed and analyzed. The results of this descriptive-analytic study show that the concept of housing in this city has been changed and the main factor of development has been derived from the inside. Therefore, it can be argued that the core of the forces forming the Islamic cities, based on the concept of housing in the present age, has lost its meaning

    Memory-Based Lexical Acquisition and Processing

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    Current approaches to computational lexicology in language technology are knowledge-based (competence-oriented) and try to abstract away from specific formalisms, domains, and applications. This results in severe complexity, acquisition and reusability bottlenecks. As an alternative, we propose a particular performance-oriented approach to Natural Language Processing based on automatic memory-based learning of linguistic (lexical) tasks. The consequences of the approach for computational lexicology are discussed, and the application of the approach on a number of lexical acquisition and disambiguation tasks in phonology, morphology and syntax is described.Comment: 18 page

    Amazonian-aged fluvial system and associated ice-related features in Terra Cimmeria, Mars

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    The Martian climate throughout the Amazonian is widely believed to have been cold and hyper-arid, very similar to the current conditions. However, ubiquitous evidence of aqueous and glacial activity has been recently reported, including channels that can be tens to hundreds of kilometres long, alluvial and fluvial deposits, ice-rich mantles, and glacial and periglacial landforms. Here we study a ∌340 km-long fluvial system located in the Terra Cimmeria region, in the southern mid-latitudes of Mars. The fluvial system is composed of an upstream catchment system with narrow glaciofluvial valleys and remnants of ice-rich deposits. We observe depositional features including fan-shaped deposits, and erosional features such as scour marks and streamlined islands. At the downstream section of this fluvial system is an outflow channel named KārĆ«n Valles, which displays a unique braided alluvial fan and terminates on the floor of the Ariadnes Colles basin. Our observations point to surface runoff of ice/snow melt as the water source for this fluvial activity. According to our crater size–frequency distribution analysis the entire fluvial system formed during early to middle Amazonian, between ∌1.8+0.2 −0.2 Ga to 510+40 −40 Ma. Hydraulic modelling indicates that the KārĆ«n Valles and consequently the alluvial fan formation took place in geologically short-term event(s). We conclude that liquid water was present in Terra Cimmeria during the early to middle Amazonian, and that Mars during that time may have undergone several episodic glacial-related events

    The Build-Up of the Hubble Sequence in the COSMOS Field

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    We use ~8,600 >5e10 Msol COSMOS galaxies to study how the morphological mix of massive ellipticals, bulge-dominated disks, intermediate-bulge disks, bulge-less disks and irregular galaxies evolves from z=0.2 to z=1. The morphological evolution depends strongly on mass. At M>3e11 Msol, no evolution is detected in the morphological mix: ellipticals dominate since z=1, and the Hubble sequence has quantitatively settled down by this epoch. At the 1e11 Msol mass scale, little evolution is detected, which can be entirely explained with major mergers. Most of the morphological evolution from z=1 to z=0.2 takes place at masses 5e10 - 1e11 Msol, where: (i) The fraction of spirals substantially drops and the contribution of early-types increases. This increase is mostly produced by the growth of bulge-dominated disks, which vary their contribution from ~10% at z=1 to >30% at z=0.2 (cf. the elliptical fraction grows from ~15% to ~20%). Thus, at these masses, transformations from late- to early-types result in disk-less elliptical morphologies with a statistical frequency of only 30% - 40%. Otherwise, the processes which are responsible for the transformations either retain or produce a non-negligible disk component. (ii) The bulge-less disk galaxies, which contribute ~15% to the intermediate-mass galaxy population at z=1, virtually disappear by z=0.2. The merger rate since z=1 is too low to account for the disappearance of these massive bulge-less disks, which most likely grow a bulge via secular evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Evidence of coevolution in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    This paper demonstrates that simple yet important characteristics of coevolution can occur in evolutionary algorithms when only a few conditions are met. We find that interaction-based fitness measurements such as fitness (linear) ranking allow for a form of coevolutionary dynamics that is observed when 1) changes are made in what solutions are able to interact during the ranking process and 2) evolution takes place in a multi-objective environment. This research contributes to the study of simulated evolution in a at least two ways. First, it establishes a broader relationship between coevolution and multi-objective optimization than has been previously considered in the literature. Second, it demonstrates that the preconditions for coevolutionary behavior are weaker than previously thought. In particular, our model indicates that direct cooperation or competition between species is not required for coevolution to take place. Moreover, our experiments provide evidence that environmental perturbations can drive coevolutionary processes; a conclusion that mirrors arguments put forth in dual phase evolution theory. In the discussion, we briefly consider how our results may shed light onto this and other recent theories of evolution

    Creating a new town koine : children and language change in Milton Keynes.

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    Koineization – the development of a new, mixed variety following dialect contact – has well-documented outcomes. However, there have been few studies of the phenomenon actually in progress. This article describes the development of a new variety in the English New Town of Milton Keynes, designated in 1967. The article is structured around eight “principles” that relate the process of koineization to its outcomes. Recordings were made of 48 Milton Keynes-born children in three age groups (4, 8, and 12), the principal caregiver of each child, and several elderly locally born residents. Quantitative analysis of ten phonetic variables suggests that substantial but not complete focusing occurs in the child generation. The lack of linguistic continuity in the New Town is demonstrated, and the time scale of koineization there is discussed. Finally, it is shown that demography and the social-network characteristics of individuals are crucial to the outcomes of koineization

    A Review of Mathematical Models for the Formation of\ud Vascular Networks

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    Mainly two mechanisms are involved in the formation of blood vasculature: vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. The former consists of the formation of a capillary-like network from either a dispersed or a monolayered population of endothelial cells, reproducible also in vitro by specific experimental assays. The latter consists of the sprouting of new vessels from an existing capillary or post-capillary venule. Similar phenomena are also involved in the formation of the lymphatic system through a process generally called lymphangiogenesis.\ud \ud A number of mathematical approaches have analysed these phenomena. This paper reviews the different modelling procedures, with a special emphasis on their ability to reproduce the biological system and to predict measured quantities which describe the overall processes. A comparison between the different methods is also made, highlighting their specific features

    Morphological stability of electromigration-driven vacancy islands

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    The electromigration-induced shape evolution of two-dimensional vacancy islands on a crystal surface is studied using a continuum approach. We consider the regime where mass transport is restricted to terrace diffusion in the interior of the island. In the limit of fast attachment/detachment kinetics a circle translating at constant velocity is a stationary solution of the problem. In contrast to earlier work [O. Pierre-Louis and T.L. Einstein, Phys. Rev. B 62, 13697 (2000)] we show that the circular solution remains linearly stable for arbitrarily large driving forces. The numerical solution of the full nonlinear problem nevertheless reveals a fingering instability at the trailing end of the island, which develops from finite amplitude perturbations and eventually leads to pinch-off. Relaxing the condition of instantaneous attachment/detachment kinetics, we obtain non-circular elongated stationary shapes in an analytic approximation which compares favorably to the full numerical solution.Comment: 12 page
