4,682 research outputs found

    Map Management Approach for SLAM in Large-Scale Indoor and Outdoor Areas

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    This work presents a semantic map management approach for various environments by triggering multiple maps with different simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) configurations. A modular map structure allows to add, modify or delete maps without influencing other maps of different areas. The hierarchy level of our algorithm is above the utilized SLAM method. Evaluating laser scan data (e.g. the detection of passing a doorway) triggers a new map, automatically choosing the appropriate SLAM configuration from a manually predefined list. Single independent maps are connected by link-points, which are located in an overlapping zone of both maps, enabling global navigation over several maps. Loop- closures between maps are detected by an appearance-based method, using feature matching and iterative closest point (ICP) registration between point clouds. Based on the arrangement of maps and link-points, a topological graph is extracted for navigation purpose and tracking the global robot's position over several maps. Our approach is evaluated by mapping a university campus with multiple indoor and outdoor areas and abstracting a metrical-topological graph. It is compared to a single map running with different SLAM configurations. Our approach enhances the overall map quality compared to the single map approaches by automatically choosing predefined SLAM configurations for different environmental setups

    AUV SLAM and experiments using a mechanical scanning forward-looking sonar

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    Navigation technology is one of the most important challenges in the applications of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) which navigate in the complex undersea environment. The ability of localizing a robot and accurately mapping its surroundings simultaneously, namely the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem, is a key prerequisite of truly autonomous robots. In this paper, a modified-FastSLAM algorithm is proposed and used in the navigation for our C-Ranger research platform, an open-frame AUV. A mechanical scanning imaging sonar is chosen as the active sensor for the AUV. The modified-FastSLAM implements the update relying on the on-board sensors of C-Ranger. On the other hand, the algorithm employs the data association which combines the single particle maximum likelihood method with modified negative evidence method, and uses the rank-based resampling to overcome the particle depletion problem. In order to verify the feasibility of the proposed methods, both simulation experiments and sea trials for C-Ranger are conducted. The experimental results show the modified-FastSLAM employed for the navigation of the C-Ranger AUV is much more effective and accurate compared with the traditional methods

    Performance improvement in VSLAM using stabilized feature points

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    Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is the main prerequisite for the autonomy of a mobile robot. In this paper, we present a novel method that enhances the consistency of the map using stabilized corner features. The proposed method integrates template matching based video stabilization and Harris corner detector. Extracting Harris corner features from stabilized video consistently increases the accuracy of the localization. Data coming from a video camera and odometry are fused in an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to determine the pose of the robot and build the map of the environment. Simulation results validate the performance improvement obtained by the proposed technique

    A minimalistic approach to appearance-based visual SLAM

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    This paper presents a vision-based approach to SLAM in indoor / outdoor environments with minimalistic sensing and computational requirements. The approach is based on a graph representation of robot poses, using a relaxation algorithm to obtain a globally consistent map. Each link corresponds to a relative measurement of the spatial relation between the two nodes it connects. The links describe the likelihood distribution of the relative pose as a Gaussian distribution. To estimate the covariance matrix for links obtained from an omni-directional vision sensor, a novel method is introduced based on the relative similarity of neighbouring images. This new method does not require determining distances to image features using multiple view geometry, for example. Combined indoor and outdoor experiments demonstrate that the approach can handle qualitatively different environments (without modification of the parameters), that it can cope with violations of the “flat floor assumption” to some degree, and that it scales well with increasing size of the environment, producing topologically correct and geometrically accurate maps at low computational cost. Further experiments demonstrate that the approach is also suitable for combining multiple overlapping maps, e.g. for solving the multi-robot SLAM problem with unknown initial poses

    Navigace mobilních robotů v neznámém prostředí s využitím měření vzdáleností

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    The ability of a robot to navigate itself in the environment is a crucial step towards its autonomy. Navigation as a subtask of the development of autonomous robots is the subject of this thesis, focusing on the development of a method for simultaneous localization an mapping (SLAM) of mobile robots in six degrees of freedom (DOF). As a part of this research, a platform for 3D range data acquisition based on a continuously inclined laser rangefinder was developed. This platform is presented, evaluating the measurements and also presenting the robotic equipment on which the platform can be fitted. The localization and mapping task is equal to the registration of multiple 3D images into a common frame of reference. For this purpose, a method based on the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm was developed. First, the originally implemented SLAM method is presented, focusing on the time-wise performance and the registration quality issues introduced by the implemented algorithms. In order to accelerate and improve the quality of the time-demanding 6DOF image registration, an extended method was developed. The major extension is the introduction of a factorized registration, extracting 2D representations of vertical objects called leveled maps from the 3D point sets, ensuring these representations are 3DOF invariant. The extracted representations are registered in 3DOF using ICP algorithm, allowing pre-alignment of the 3D data for the subsequent robust 6DOF ICP based registration. The extended method is presented, showing all important modifications to the original method. The developed registration method was evaluated using real 3D data acquired in different indoor environments, examining the benefits of the factorization and other extensions as well as the performance of the original ICP based method. The factorization gives promising results compared to a single phase 6DOF registration in vertically structured environments. Also, the disadvantages of the method are discussed, proposing possible solutions. Finally, the future prospects of the research are presented.Schopnost lokalizace a navigace je podmínkou autonomního provozu mobilních robotů. Předmětem této disertační práce jsou navigační metody se zaměřením na metodu pro simultánní lokalizaci a mapování (SLAM) mobilních robotů v šesti stupních volnosti (6DOF). Nedílnou součástí tohoto výzkumu byl vývoj platformy pro sběr 3D vzdálenostních dat s využitím kontinuálně naklápěného laserového řádkového scanneru. Tato platforma byla vyvinuta jako samostatný modul, aby mohla být umístěna na různé šasi mobilních robotů. Úkol lokalizace a mapování je ekvivalentní registraci více 3D obrazů do společného souřadného systému. Pro tyto účely byla vyvinuta metoda založená na algoritmu Iterative Closest Point Algorithm (ICP). Původně implementovaná verze navigační metody využívá ICP s akcelerací pomocí kd-stromů přičemž jsou zhodnoceny její kvalitativní a výkonnostní aspekty. Na základě této analýzy byly vyvinuty rozšíření původní metody založené na ICP. Jednou z hlavních modifikací je faktorizace registračního procesu, kdy tato faktorizace je založena na redukci dat: vytvoření 2D „leveled“ map (ve smyslu jednoúrovňových map) ze 3D vzdálenostních obrazů. Pro tuto redukci je technologicky i algoritmicky zajištěna invariantnost těchto map vůči třem stupňům volnosti. Tyto redukované mapy jsou registrovány pomocí ICP ve zbylých třech stupních volnosti, přičemž získaná transformace je aplikována na 3D data za účelem před-registrace 3D obrazů. Následně je provedena robustní 6DOF registrace. Rozšířená metoda je v disertační práci v popsána spolu se všemi podstatnými modifikacemi. Vyvinutá metoda byla otestována a zhodnocena s využitím skutečných 3D vzdálenostních dat naměřených v různých vnitřních prostředích. Jsou zhodnoceny přínosy faktorizace a jiných modifikací ve srovnání s původní jednofázovou 6DOF registrací, také jsou zmíněny nevýhody implementované metody a navrženy způsoby jejich řešení. Nakonec následuje návrh budoucího výzkumu a diskuse o možnostech dalšího rozvoje.

    Network Uncertainty Informed Semantic Feature Selection for Visual SLAM

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    In order to facilitate long-term localization using a visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm, careful feature selection can help ensure that reference points persist over long durations and the runtime and storage complexity of the algorithm remain consistent. We present SIVO (Semantically Informed Visual Odometry and Mapping), a novel information-theoretic feature selection method for visual SLAM which incorporates semantic segmentation and neural network uncertainty into the feature selection pipeline. Our algorithm selects points which provide the highest reduction in Shannon entropy between the entropy of the current state and the joint entropy of the state, given the addition of the new feature with the classification entropy of the feature from a Bayesian neural network. Each selected feature significantly reduces the uncertainty of the vehicle state and has been detected to be a static object (building, traffic sign, etc.) repeatedly with a high confidence. This selection strategy generates a sparse map which can facilitate long-term localization. The KITTI odometry dataset is used to evaluate our method, and we also compare our results against ORB_SLAM2. Overall, SIVO performs comparably to the baseline method while reducing the map size by almost 70%.Comment: Published in: 2019 16th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV