8 research outputs found

    Performance of Malware Classification on Machine Learning using Feature Selection

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    The exponential growth of malware has created a significant threat in our daily lives, which heavily rely on computers running all kinds of software. Malware writers create malicious software by creating new variants, new innovations, new infections and more obfuscated malware by using techniques such as packing and encrypting techniques. Malicious software classification and detection play an important role and a big challenge for cyber security research. Due to the increasing rate of false alarm, the accurate classification and detection of malware is a big necessity issue to be solved. In this research, eight malware family have been classifying according to their family the research provides four feature selection algorithms to select best feature for multiclass classification problem. Comparing. Then find these algorithms top 100 features are selected to performance evaluations. Five machine learning algorithms is compared to find best models. Then frequency distribution of features are find by feature ranking of best model. At last it is said that frequency distribution of every character of API call sequence can be used to classify malware family

    A Survey on Malware Analysis Techniques: Static, Dynamic, Hybrid and Memory Analysis

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    Now a day the threat of malware is increasing rapidly. A software that sneaks to your computer system without your knowledge with a harmful intent to disrupt your computer operations. Due to the vast number of malware, it is impossible to handle malware by human engineers. Therefore, security researchers are taking great efforts to develop accurate and effective techniques to detect malware. This paper presents a semantic and detailed survey of methods used for malware detection like signature-based and heuristic-based. The Signature-based technique is largely used today by anti-virus software to detect malware, is fast and capable to detect known malware. However, it is not effective in detecting zero-day malware and it is easily defeated by malware that use obfuscation techniques. Likewise, a considerable false positive rate and high amount of scanning time are the main limitations of heuristic-based techniques. Alternatively, memory analysis is a promising technique that gives a comprehensive view of malware and it is expected to become more popular in malware analysis. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) providing an overview of malware types and malware detection approaches, (2) discussing the current malware analysis techniques, their findings and limitations, (3) studying the malware obfuscation, attacking and anti-analysis techniques, and (4) exploring the structure of memory-based analysis in malware detection. The detection approaches have been compared with each other according to their techniques, selected features, accuracy rates, and their advantages and disadvantages. This paper aims to help the researchers to have a general view of malware detection field and to discuss the importance of memory-based analysis in malware detection

    GRASE: Granulometry Analysis with Semi Eager Classifier to Detect Malware

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    Technological advancement in communication leading to 5G, motivates everyone to get connected to the internet including ‘Devices’, a technology named Web of Things (WoT). The community benefits from this large-scale network which allows monitoring and controlling of physical devices. But many times, it costs the security as MALicious softWARE (MalWare) developers try to invade the network, as for them, these devices are like a ‘backdoor’ providing them easy ‘entry’. To stop invaders from entering the network, identifying malware and its variants is of great significance for cyberspace. Traditional methods of malware detection like static and dynamic ones, detect the malware but lack against new techniques used by malware developers like obfuscation, polymorphism and encryption. A machine learning approach to detect malware, where the classifier is trained with handcrafted features, is not potent against these techniques and asks for efforts to put in for the feature engineering. The paper proposes a malware classification using a visualization methodology wherein the disassembled malware code is transformed into grey images. It presents the efficacy of Granulometry texture analysis technique for improving malware classification. Furthermore, a Semi Eager (SemiE) classifier, which is a combination of eager learning and lazy learning technique, is used to get robust classification of malware families. The outcome of the experiment is promising since the proposed technique requires less training time to learn the semantics of higher-level malicious behaviours. Identifying the malware (testing phase) is also done faster. A benchmark database like malimg and Microsoft Malware Classification challenge (BIG-2015) has been utilized to analyse the performance of the system. An overall average classification accuracy of 99.03 and 99.11% is achieved, respectively

    Maldroid- attribute selection analysis for malware classification

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    Android is the most dominant operating system in the mobile market and the number of Android users is increasing year by year. Malware authors use android market as a hub for malicious apps and spread malware to users with the intention to threaten privacy; and this has remained undetected due to the weakness in signature-based detection. A major problem with malware detection is the existence of numerous features in malware code and the need to look at the relevant features in malware analysis. As a result, applying any security solution in malware analysis is considered inefficient because mobile devices have limited resources in terms of its memory, processor and storage. Hence, the objective of this paper is to find the most effective and efficient attribute selection and classification algorithm in malware detection. Moreover, in order to get the best combination between attribute selection and classification algorithm, eight attributes selection and seven categories machine learning algorithm are applied in this study. The experiment evaluated 8000 real data samples and the result showed that InfoGainEval and KNN algorithm are the most selected in attribute selection and classification process

    MDFRCNN: Malware Detection using Faster Region Proposals Convolution Neural Network

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    Technological advancement of smart devices has opened up a new trend: Internet of Everything (IoE), where all devices are connected to the web. Large scale networking benefits the community by increasing connectivity and giving control of physical devices. On the other hand, there exists an increased ‘Threat’ of an ‘Attack’. Attackers are targeting these devices, as it may provide an easier ‘backdoor entry to the users’ network’.MALicious softWARE (MalWare) is a major threat to user security. Fast and accurate detection of malware attacks are the sine qua non of IoE, where large scale networking is involved. The paper proposes use of a visualization technique where the disassembled malware code is converted into gray images, as well as use of Image Similarity based Statistical Parameters (ISSP) such as Normalized Cross correlation (NCC), Average difference (AD), Maximum difference (MaxD), Singular Structural Similarity Index Module (SSIM), Laplacian Mean Square Error (LMSE), MSE and PSNR. A vector consisting of gray image with statistical parameters is trained using a Faster Region proposals Convolution Neural Network (F-RCNN) classifier. The experiment results are promising as the proposed method includes ISSP with F-RCNN training. Overall training time of learning the semantics of higher-level malicious behaviors is less. Identification of malware (testing phase) is also performed in less time. The fusion of image and statistical parameter enhances system performance with greater accuracy. The benchmark database from Microsoft Malware Classification challenge has been used to analyze system performance, which is available on the Kaggle website. An overall average classification accuracy of 98.12% is achieved by the proposed method

    Malware Resistant Data Protection in Hyper-connected Networks: A survey

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    Data protection is the process of securing sensitive information from being corrupted, compromised, or lost. A hyperconnected network, on the other hand, is a computer networking trend in which communication occurs over a network. However, what about malware. Malware is malicious software meant to penetrate private data, threaten a computer system, or gain unauthorised network access without the users consent. Due to the increasing applications of computers and dependency on electronically saved private data, malware attacks on sensitive information have become a dangerous issue for individuals and organizations across the world. Hence, malware defense is critical for keeping our computer systems and data protected. Many recent survey articles have focused on either malware detection systems or single attacking strategies variously. To the best of our knowledge, no survey paper demonstrates malware attack patterns and defense strategies combinedly. Through this survey, this paper aims to address this issue by merging diverse malicious attack patterns and machine learning (ML) based detection models for modern and sophisticated malware. In doing so, we focus on the taxonomy of malware attack patterns based on four fundamental dimensions the primary goal of the attack, method of attack, targeted exposure and execution process, and types of malware that perform each attack. Detailed information on malware analysis approaches is also investigated. In addition, existing malware detection techniques employing feature extraction and ML algorithms are discussed extensively. Finally, it discusses research difficulties and unsolved problems, including future research directions.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables, no where submitted ye

    An ensemble-based anomaly-behavioural crypto-ransomware pre-encryption detection model

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    Crypto-ransomware is a malware that leverages cryptography to encrypt files for extortion purposes. Even after neutralizing such attacks, the targeted files remain encrypted. This irreversible effect on the target is what distinguishes crypto-ransomware attacks from traditional malware. Thus, it is imperative to detect such attacks during pre-encryption phase. However, existing crypto-ransomware early detection solutions are not effective due to inaccurate definition of the pre-encryption phase boundaries, insufficient data at that phase and the misuse-based approach that the solutions employ, which is not suitable to detect new (zero-day) attacks. Consequently, those solutions suffer from low detection accuracy and high false alarms. Therefore, this research addressed these issues and developed an Ensemble-Based Anomaly-Behavioural Pre-encryption Detection Model (EABDM) to overcome data insufficiency and improve detection accuracy of known and novel crypto-ransomware attacks. In this research, three phases were used in the development of EABDM. In the first phase, a Dynamic Pre-encryption Boundary Definition and Features Extraction (DPBD-FE) scheme was developed by incorporating Rocchio feedback and vector space model to build a pre-encryption boundary vector. Then, an improved term frequency-inverse document frequency technique was utilized to extract the features from runtime data generated during the pre-encryption phase of crypto-ransomware attacks’ lifecycle. In the second phase, a Maximum of Minimum-Based Enhanced Mutual Information Feature Selection (MM-EMIFS) technique was used to select the informative features set, and prevent overfitting caused by high dimensional data. The MM-EMIFS utilized the developed Redundancy Coefficient Gradual Upweighting (RCGU) technique to overcome data insufficiency during pre-encryption phase and improve feature’s significance estimation. In the final phase, an improved technique called incremental bagging (iBagging) built incremental data subsets for anomaly and behavioural-based detection ensembles. The enhanced semi-random subspace selection (ESRS) technique was then utilized to build noise-free and diverse subspaces for each of these incremental data subsets. Based on the subspaces, the base classifiers were trained for each ensemble. Both ensembles employed the majority voting to combine the decisions of the base classifiers. After that, the decision of the anomaly ensemble was combined into behavioural ensemble, which gave the final decision. The experimental evaluation showed that, DPBD-FE scheme reduced the ratio of crypto-ransomware samples whose pre-encryption boundaries were missed from 18% to 8% as compared to existing works. Additionally, the features selected by MM-EMIFS technique improved the detection accuracy from 89% to 96% as compared to existing techniques. Likewise, on average, the EABDM model increased detection accuracy from 85% to 97.88% and reduced the false positive alarms from 12% to 1% in comparison to existing early detection models. These results demonstrated the ability of the EABDM to improve the detection accuracy of crypto-ransomware attacks early and before the encryption takes place to protect files from being held to ransom

    Методи розпізнавання кібератак: розпізнавання комп’ютерних вірусів

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    Навчальний посібник містить матеріали для самостійної роботи здобувачів ступеня бакалавр за освітньою програмою «Системне програмування та спеціалізовані комп’ютерні системи» спеціальності 123 «Комп’ютерна інженерія» при вивченні розділу «Розпізнавання шкідливого програмного забезпечення» з дисципліни «Методи розпізнавання кібератак». Також стане у нагоді розробникам програмного забезпечення, аспірантам та студентам технічних спеціальностей.The textbook contains materials for independent work of applicants for a bachelor's degree in the educational program "System Programming and Specialized Computer Systems" specialty 123 "Computer Engineering" when studying the section "Recognition of Malicious Software" in the discipline "Methods for recognizing cyber attacks". Also useful to software developers, graduate students and students of technical specialties