290 research outputs found

    Conceptual Variability Management in Software Families with Multiple Contributors

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    To offer customisable software, there are two main concepts yet: software product lines that allow the product customisation based on a fixed set of variability and software ecosystems, allowing an open product customisation based on a common platform. Offering a software family that enables external developers to supply software artefacts means to offer a common platform as part of an ecosystem and to sacrifice variability control. Keeping full variability control means to offer a customisable product as a product line, but without the support for external contributors. This thesis proposes a third concept of variable software: partly open software families. They combine a customisable platform similar to product lines with controlled openness similar to ecosystems. As a major contribution of this thesis a variability modelling concept is proposed which is part of a variability management for these partly open software families. This modelling concept is based on feature models and extends them to support open variability modelling by means of interfaces, structural interface specifications and the inclusion of semantic information. Additionally, the introduction of a rights management allows multiple contributors to work with the model. This is required to enable external developers to use the model for the concrete extension development. The feasibility of the proposed model is evaluated using a prototypically developed modelling tool and by means of a case study based on a car infotainment system

    Improving Variabilty Analysis through Scenario-Based Incompatibility Detection

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    Software Product Line (SPL) developments include Variability Management (VA) as a core activity aiming at minimizing the inherent complexity in commonality and variability manipulation. Particularly, the (automated) analysis of variability models refers to the activities, methods and techniques involved in the definition, design, and instantiation of variabilities modeled during SPL development. Steps of this analysis are defined as a variability analysis process (VA process), which is focused on assisting variability model designers in avoiding anomalies and/or inconsistencies, and minimizing problems when products are implemented and derived. Previously, we have proposed an approach for analyzing variability models through a well-defined VA process (named SeVaTax). This process includes a comprehensive set of scenarios, which allows a designer to detect (and even correct in some cases) different incompatibilities. In this work, we extend SeVaTax by classifying the scenarios according to their dependencies, and by assessing the use of these scenarios. This assessment introduces two experiments to evaluate accuracy and coverage. The former addresses responses when variability models are analyzed, and the latter the completeness of our process with respect to other proposals. Findings show that a more extensive set of scenarios might improve the possibilities of current practices in variability analysis.Fil: Buccella, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Confluencia; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Informatica; ArgentinaFil: Pol'la, Matias Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Confluencia; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Informatica; ArgentinaFil: Cechich, Susana Alejandra. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Informatica; Argentin

    A Run-Time Approach of Combining Ontologies to Enhance Interactive Requirements Elicitation for Software Customization

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    This thesis highlights the recent developments in Requirements Engineering for Software Product Line Engineering, with a focus on the use of ontology in interactive Requirements Elicitation and the existing techniques of ontology operations. Recent research done in Requirements Elicitation has been towards using ontologies as a modeling basis for gathering requirements. A new algorithm has been developed to allow ontologies to be combined at run-time when gathering the requirements of software clients. By harnessing knowledge in other ontologies, a more refined set of requirements can be generated. A scenario illustrating the use of ontology combination towards acquiring requirements for mobile platforms is also provided. The proposed method further enhances the capability of interactive software customization, thus helping to make Software Product Line Engineering a new practice in software development

    Sensor Data Visualisation: A Composition-Based Approach to Support Domain Variability

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    International audienceIn the context of the Internet of Things, sensors are surrounding our environment. These small pieces of electronics are inserted in everyday life's elements (e.g., cars, doors, radiators, smartphones) and continuously collect information about their environment. One of the biggest challenges is to support the development of accurate monitoring dashboard to visualise such data. The one-size-fits-all paradigm does not apply in this context, as user's roles are variable and impact the way data should be visualised: a building manager does not need to work on the same data as classical users. This paper presents an approach based on model composition techniques to support the development of such monitoring dashboards, taking into account the domain variability. This variability is supported at both implementation and modelling levels. The results are validated on a case study named SmartCampus, involving sensors deployed in a real academic campus


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    The reuse of software units, such as classes, components and services require professional knowledge to be performed. Today a multiplicity of different software unit technologies, supporting tools, and related activities used in reuse processes exist. Each of these relevant reuse elements may also include a high number of variations and may differ in the level and quality of necessary reuse knowledge. In such an environment of increasing variations and, therefore, an increasing need for knowledge, software engineers must obtain such knowledge to be able to perform software unit reuse activities. Today many different reuse activities exist for a software unit. Some typical knowledge intensive activities are: transformation, integration, and deployment. In addition to the problem of the amount of knowledge required for such activities, other difficulties also exist. The global industrial environment makes it challenging to identify sources of, and access to, knowledge. Typically, such sources (e.g., repositories) are made to search and retrieve information about software unitsand not about the required reuse activity knowledge for a special unit. Additionally, the knowledge has to be learned by inexperienced software engineers and, therefore, to be interpreted. This interpretation may lead to variations in the reuse result and can differ from the estimated result of the knowledge creator. This makes it difficult to exchange knowledge between software engineers or global teams. Additionally, the reuse results of reuse activities have to be repeatable and sustainable. In such a scenario, the knowledge about software reuse activities has to be exchanged without the above mentioned problems by an inexperienced software engineer. The literature shows a lack of techniques to store and subsequently distribute relevant reuse activity knowledge among software engineers. The central aim of this thesis is to enable inexperienced software engineers to use knowledge required to perform reuse activities without experiencing the aforementioned problems. The reuse activities: transformation, integration, and deployment, have been selected as the foundation for the research. Based on the construction level of handling a software unit, these activities are called Software Construction Activities (SCAcs) throughout the research. To achieve the aim, specialised software construction activity models have been created and combined with an abstract software unit model. As a result, different SCAc knowledge is described and combined with different software unit artefacts needed by the SCAcs. Additionally, the management (e.g., the execution of an SCAc) will be provided in a service-oriented environment. Because of the focus on reuse activities, an approach which avoids changing the knowledge level of software engineers and the abstraction view on software units and activities, the object of the investigation differs from other approaches which aim to solve the insufficient reuse activity knowledge problem. The research devised novel abstraction models to describe SCAcs as knowledge models related to the relevant information of software units. The models and the focused environment have been created using standard technologies. As a result, these were realised easily in a real world environment. Softwareengineers were able to perform single SCAcs without having previously acquired the necessary knowledge. The risk of failing reuse decreases because single activities can be performed. The analysis of the research results is based on a case study. An example of a reuse environmenthas been created and tested in a case study to prove the operational capability of the approach. The main result of the research is a proven concept enabling inexperienced software engineers to reuse software units by reusing SCAcs. The research shows the reduction in time for reuse and a decrease of learning effort is significant

    A classification of grammar-infused templates for ontology and model verbalisation

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    Involving domain-experts in the development, maintenance, and use of knowledge organisation systems can be made easier through the introduction of easy-to-use interfaces that are based on natural language. Well resourced languages make use of natural language generation techniques to provide such interfaces. In particular, they often make use of templates combined with computational grammar rules to generate grammatically complex text. However, there is no model of pairing templates and computational grammar rules to ensure suitability for less-resourced languages. These languages require a modular design that ensures grammar detachability so as to allow grammar re-use across domains and applications. In this paper, we present a model and classification scheme for grammar-infused templates suited for less-resourced languages and classify existing systems that make use of them. We have found that of the 15 systems that pair templates and grammar rules, and their 11 distinct template types, 13 have support for detachable grammars

    Modelling aggregation motivated interactions in descriptive text generation

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    Unified GUI adaptation in Dynamic Software Product Lines

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    In the modern world of mobile computing and ubiquitous technology, society is able to interact with technology in new and fascinating ways. To help provide an improved user experience, mobile software should be able to adapt itself to suit the user. By monitoring context information based on the environment and user, the application can better meet the dynamic requirements of the user. Similarly, it is noticeable that programs can require different static changes to suit static requirements. This program commonality and variability can benefit from the use of Software Product Line Engineering, reusing artefacts over a set of similar programs, called a Software Product Line (SPL). Historically, SPLs are limited to handling static compile time adaptations. Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL) however, allow for the program configuration to change at runtime, allow for compile time and runtime adaptation to be developed in a single unified approach. While currently DSPLs provide methods for dealing with program logic adaptations, variability in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) has largely been neglected. Due to this, depending on the intended time to apply GUI adaptation, different approaches are required. The main goal of this work is to extend a unified representation of variability to the GUI, whereby GUI adaptation can be applied at compile time and at runtime. In this thesis, an approach to handling GUI adaptation within DSPLs, providing a unified representation of GUI variability is presented. The approach is based on Feature-Oriented Programming (FOP), enabling developers to implement GUI adaptation along with program logic in feature modules. This approach is applied to Document-Oriented GUIs, also known as GUI description languages. In addition to GUI unification, we present an approach to unifying context and feature modelling, and handling context dynamically at runtime, as features of the DSPL. This unification can allow for more dynamic and self-aware context acquisition. To validate our approach, we implemented tool support and middleware prototypes. These different artefacts are then tested using a combination of scenarios and scalability tests. This combination first helps demonstrate the versatility and its relevance of the different approach aspects. It further brings insight into how the approach scales with DSPL size
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