33 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Self-esteem terhadap Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) pada remaja yang menggunakan SNS

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    Remaja yang mengalami fear of missing out merasakan ketakutan untuk tertinggal momen berharga yang dilakukan orang lain serta berupaya untuk terus terhubung melalui SNS. Hal tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam faktor yang mempengaruhi salah satunya adalah self-esteem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji apakah ada atau tidaknya pengaruh self-esteem terhadap fear of missing out pada remaja yang menggunakan SNS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode kuantitatif berupa analisis regresi linear sederhana dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 349 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik nonprobability sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur yaitu Fear of Missing Out Scale dan Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale-Revised. Masing-masing skala memiliki reliabilitas sebesar 0.810 pada skala FoMO dan reliabilitas sebesar 0.764 pada skala SLCS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self-esteem memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap FoMO yang dapat terlihat dari nilai signifikansi sebesar .000 ( P< .05) dan nilai koefisien R-square ( R2) sebesar .113. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Self-esteem memberikan konstribusi sebesar 11,3 % terhadap FoMO pada remaja, sedangkan sisanya 88,7 % dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti pada penelitian ini. Kata Kunci : Fear of Missing Out, Self-esteem, SN

    FOMO, JOMO and COVID: How Missing Out and Enjoying Life Are Impacting How We Navigate a Pandemic

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    This paper presents the trends of FOMO (Fear of missing out) and JOMO (Joy of missing out) and how they have remained and possibly increased in importance during a global pandemic. Both constructs are explained, and the negative consequences of FOMO are detailed. How consumers FOMO has led to increased consumption during the pandemic is explained. JOMO is presented as a cure for FOMO in general, and especially during a pandemic. JOMO is a more suitable alternative that leads to increased overall satisfaction and a more optimistic outlook


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    In the world we live in today, technology has greatly simplified human life but at the same time significantly reduced physical activities. In this research, we examined the extent to which physical activity among 479 Instagram’s users (Mage = 21.24, SDage = 1.31) could be predicted by fear of missing out (FoMO), a pervasive apprehension to stay connected virtually with others while accounting for the unique contribution of individual differences in controlling mental processes and behaviour (trait self-control). As predicted, participants with higher levels of FoMO more than those with lower levels of FoMo reported less adherence in carrying out physical activity. However, the role of FoMO on physical activity became insignificant once trait self-control was taken into account. Individuals with high self-control traits were able to display adequate physical activity, irrespective of their low or high levels of FoMO.  This finding implies that the benefit of having good self-control in physical activity surpasses the detrimental role of FoMO. Given the importance of social media in shaping their life especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, social media users need to be more selective in maintaining virtual friendships and balancing it with self-control exercises.  Era teknologi saat ini di satu sisi sangat mempermudah hidup manusia, namun di sisi lain mengurangi porsi gerakan tubuh dengan sangat signifikan. Dengan mempertimbangkan kontribusi unik perbedaan kemampuan individual dalam mengendalikan proses mental dan perilaku (trait self-control), penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji sejauh mana aktivitas fisik di kalangan pengguna media sosial Instagram dapat diprediksi oleh fear of missing out (FoMO) sebagai bentuk kecemasan spesifik akibat keinginan untuk terus terhubung secara virtual. Partisipan berjumlah 479 (Musia = 21.24, SDusia = 1.31) yang direkrut melalui survei online yang dirancang sebagai studi korelasional. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa partisipan dengan FoMO yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan partisipan dengan FoMO rendah melaporkan kepatuhan yang lebih rendah dalam menjalankan aktivitas fisik. Meskipun demikian, peran FoMO menjadi tidak signifikan ketika trait self-control partisipan diperhitungkan. Terlepas dari derajat FoMO mereka, individu-individu dengan trait self-control yang tinggi mampu menampilkan aktivitas fisik yang adekuat. Temuan ini berimplikasi bahwa peran positif trait self-control melampui peran negatif FoMO dalam aktivitas fisik individu. Mengingat pentingnya peran interaksi virtual dalam memengaruhi kehidupan mereka terutama pasca status pandemi COVID-19, pengguna media sosial perlu lebih selektif dalam memilih pertemanan dan menyeimbangkannya dengan latihan self-control. Saat ini kita hidup di era teknologi yang di satu sisi sangat mempermudah hidup manusia, namun di sisi lain mengurangi porsi gerakan tubuh dengan sangat signifikan. Penelitian ini menyoroti sejauh mana aktivitas fisik di kalangan pengguna media sosial Instagram dapat diprediksi oleh fear of missing out (FoMO) sebagai bentuk kecemasan spesifik akibat keinginan untuk terus terhubung secara virtual, serta kontribusi unik perbedaan individual dalam hal trait self-control. Partisipan (N = 479; M usia = 21,244, SD = 1,311) dengan FoMO yang lebih tinggi melaporkan kepatuhan yang lebih rendah dalam menjalankan aktivitas fisik, namun peran FoMO menjadi tidak signifikan ketika trait self-control partisipan diperhitungkan. Terlepas dari derajat FoMO, individu dengan trait self-control yang tinggi mampu untuk menampilkan aktivitas fisik yang adekuat. Mengingat pentingnya peran interaksi virtual terutama pascastatus pandemi COVID-19, pengguna media sosial perlu lebih selektif dalam memilih pertemanan yang tidak saja memenuhi kebutuhan psikologis dasar akan kompetensi dan relasi, namun juga kebutuhan akan otonomi. Hal ini perlu diimbangi pula dengan latihan self-control secara mandiri

    FOMO effect: social media and online traders

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    The pervasive and omnipresent penetration of the Internet in our lives is inevitably changing our behaviour and the financial industry as such. This study discusses the psychological phenomenon known as the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ (FOMO) by elucidating its psychological basis and definition and why and how its effects are amplified under the influence of social media and social trading media. The study will demonstrate how FOMO and human interaction with social media and social trading networks can lead to irrational decision-making, financial risk-taking, and harm to personal and family wealth and psychological well-being. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing these effects and making more rational and informed choices in trading and investment to avoid gambling behaviour, copy investing, and trading, following the traders in the social trading network, which leads to excessive risk-taking. This study aims to utilize the advancements in behavioural finance and neural processes to explain the mechanism and impact of FOMO, trying to give a basis to safeguard individual e-traders from financial market errors and protect their personal and family wealth

    Exploring the characteristics of healthy lifestyle campaign on social media: a case study on FIT Malaysia

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    Through the establishment of FIT Malaysia, the Malaysian Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYS) aimed to ensure the adoption of healthy lifestyles by all Malaysians particularly youth, with initiatives to provide a variety of sports and fitness activities. This paper discusses the characteristics of the healthy lifestyle campaign by MOYS in spearheading the promotion of healthy living among youth after joining the social media bandwagon, with consideration of the time spent online by this targeted community. The study is significant to ensure that MOYS not only organises, but most importantly, utilises the most appropriate means in reaching the intended youth audiences. Through in-depth interviews with policy makers and implementers at MOYS, it was discovered that the characteristics of campaign management were not in line with social media characteristics and this has resulted in the superficial understandings of the success rate of promoting FIT Malaysia in Facebook and Twitter. This further highlighted the needs for the stakeholders to possess holistic knowledge on the social media realm as well as appropriate tools and sufficient budget to implement healthy lifestyle campaigns on social media. From this perspective, the paper provides in-depth discussions of health promotion from two aspects; the characteristics of campaign and how it can be synthesised with social media characteristics to reach out to youth and their healthy lifestyle in Malaysia through social media

    Personal Moderation Configurations on Facebook: Exploring the Role of FoMO, Social Media Addiction, Norms, and Platform Trust

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    Personal moderation tools on social media platforms let users control their news feeds by configuring acceptable toxicity thresholds for their feed content or muting inappropriate accounts. This research examines how four critical psychosocial factors - fear of missing out (FoMO), social media addiction, subjective norms, and trust in moderation systems - shape Facebook users' configuration of these tools. Findings from a nationally representative sample of 1,061 participants show that FoMO and social media addiction make Facebook users more vulnerable to content-based harms by reducing their likelihood of adopting personal moderation tools to hide inappropriate posts. In contrast, descriptive and injunctive norms positively influence the use of these tools. Further, trust in Facebook's moderation systems also significantly affects users' engagement with personal moderation. This analysis highlights qualitatively different pathways through which FoMO and social media addiction make affected users disproportionately unsafe and offers design and policy solutions to address this challenge

    Does mobile social media undermine our romantic relationships? The influence of fear of missing out (FoMO) on young people’s romantic relationship

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    The widespread use of social media has a transformative effect on people’s work and lives. With the increasing information explosion and more cases of social media addiction, users have been always worried that they have missed some information. FoMO (fear of missing out) of mobile users emerges. FoMO is an important theory that explicates the underlying cognitive, psychological, and social processes of dark or negative sides of online information behaviour (Shen, et al., 2021). This paper explores the impact of FoMO of post-90s generation mobile users on romantic relationship in the context of social media. The questionnaire survey was conducted in December 2017. The sample size was 274 Chinese post-90s (people born in the 1990’s) mobile social media users who were in love for at least one year and unmarried.. The statistical methods such as regression analysis were adopted. The impacts of FoMO on romantic relationship were analyzed from the perspectives of three dimensions of FoMO: cognitive, emotional and behavioural manifestations. The quantitative analysis of survey data employed the statistical package SPSS 26.0. The behavioural manifestation of FoMO has a significant negative effect on romantic relationships, while emotional and cognitive manifestations of FoMO have no significant effects on romantic relationships. This indicates that driven by FoMO, the post-90s mobile users often check the information in device frequently and subconsciously, resulting in excessive information behaviours, which does harm to the development of romantic relationship. It also implies that the view of simply treating the anxiety disorder FoMO as a psychological symptom is debatable.Conclusion. FoMO has affected users’ interpersonal relationship and behaviour in the offline environment, especially for post-90s generation users. This paper enriches the research on the effects of psychology and information behaviour of mobile social media users on their interpersonal relationship.Peer Reviewe

    Identificación automática de usuarios conflictivos en grupos de Facebook

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    Actualmente, las redes sociales cumplen un papel primordial en el modo en cómo interaccionan los grupos sociales. La creación de grupos específicos permite que los usuarios entren en contacto con otros usuarios con sus mismos intereses. Sin embargo, las redes sociales no están exentas de los conflictos que pueden surgir de las dinámicas grupales. Por lo cual, cada vez es más frecuente la necesidad de moderadores para identificar aquellos usuarios con conductas no deseadas y aplicar advertencias o sanciones. En este artículo, proponemos un enfoque para identificar a los usuarios conflictivos en una red social basado en la observación del comportamiento en grupos de interés de Facebook. Obtuvimos resultados preliminares prometedores que se pueden usar para asistir a administradores o moderadores con el análisis y mantenimiento de estos grupos.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ