10,950 research outputs found

    The physics of earthquakes

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    Earthquakes occur as a result of global plate motion. However, this simple picture is far from complete. Some plate boundaries glide past each other smoothly, while others are punctuated by catastrophic failures. Some earthquakes stop after only a few hundred metres while others continue rupturing for a thousand kilometres. Earthquakes are sometimes triggered by other large earthquakes thousands of kilometres away. We address these questions by dissecting the observable phenomena and separating out the quantifiable features for comparison across events. We begin with a discussion of stress in the crust followed by an overview of earthquake phenomenology, focusing on the parameters that are readily measured by current seismic techniques. We briefly discuss how these parameters are related to the amplitude and frequencies of the elastic waves measured by seismometers as well as direct geodetic measurements of the Earth's deformation. We then review the major processes thought to be active during the rupture and discuss their relation to the observable parameters. We then take a longer range view by discussing how earthquakes interact as a complex system. Finally, we combine subjects to approach the key issue of earthquake initiation. This concluding discussion will require using the processes introduced in the study of rupture as well as some novel mechanisms. As our observational database improves, our computational ability accelerates and our laboratories become more refined, the next few decades promise to bring more insights on earthquakes and perhaps some answers

    Thermal effects on geologic carbon storage

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.12.011One of the most promising ways to significantly reduce greenhouse gases emissions, while carbon-free energy sources are developed, is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Non-isothermal effects play a major role in all stages of CCS. In this paper, we review the literature on thermal effects related to CCS, which is receiving an increasing interest as a result of the awareness that the comprehension of non-isothermal processes is crucial for a successful deployment of CCS projects. We start by reviewing CO2 transport, which connects the regions where CO2 is captured with suitable geostorage sites. The optimal conditions for CO2 transport, both onshore (through pipelines) and offshore (through pipelines or ships), are such that CO2 stays in liquid state. To minimize costs, CO2 should ideally be injected at the wellhead in similar pressure and temperature conditions as it is delivered by transport. To optimize the injection conditions, coupled wellbore and reservoir simulators that solve the strongly non-linear problem of CO2 pressure, temperature and density within the wellbore and non-isothermal two-phase flow within the storage formation have been developed. CO2 in its way down the injection well heats up due to compression and friction at a lower rate than the geothermal gradient, and thus, reaches the storage formation at a lower temperature than that of the rock. Inside the storage formation, CO2 injection induces temperature changes due to the advection of the cool injected CO2, the Joule-Thomson cooling effect, endothermic water vaporization and exothermic CO2 dissolution. These thermal effects lead to thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical coupled processes with non-trivial interpretations. These coupled processes also play a relevant role in “Utilization” options that may provide an added value to the injected CO2, such as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), Enhanced Coal Bed Methane (ECBM) and geothermal energy extraction combined with CO2 storage. If the injected CO2 leaks through faults, the caprock or wellbores, strong cooling will occur due to the expansion of CO2 as pressure decreases with depth. Finally, we conclude by identifying research gaps and challenges of thermal effects related to CCS.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mineral exploration potential of ERTS-1 data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. ERTS-1 imagery of an area approximately 15,000 square miles in Arizona was interpreted for regional structure and tectonic units. Eight fault systems were identified by trend, of which two, northeast and northwest, are considered to be related to porphyry copper mineralization. Nine tectonic units can be identified on the imagery as distinct geological identities. The boundaries between these units can be correlated with theoretical shear directions related to the San Andreas stress system. Fourier analysis of the N 50 W fault trend indicates a fundamental spacing between Fourier energy maxima that can be related to distances between copper deposits

    LIBRA: An inexpensive geodetic network densification system

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    A description is given of the Libra (Locations Interposed by Ranging Aircraft) system, by which geodesy and earth strain measurements can be performed rapidly and inexpensively to several hundred auxiliary points with respect to a few fundamental control points established by any other technique, such as radio interferometry or satellite ranging. This low-cost means of extending the accuracy of space age geodesy to local surveys provides speed and spatial resolution useful, for example, for earthquake hazards estimation. Libra may be combined with an existing system, Aries (Astronomical Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying) to provide a balanced system adequate to meet the geophysical needs, and applicable to conventional surveying. The basic hardware design was outlined and specifications were defined. Then need for network densification was described. The following activities required to implement the proposed Libra system are also described: hardware development, data reduction, tropospheric calibrations, schedule of development and estimated costs

    Improved micro-contact resistance model that considers material deformation, electron transport and thin film characteristics

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    This paper reports on an improved analytic model forpredicting micro-contact resistance needed for designing microelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS) switches. The originalmodel had two primary considerations: 1) contact materialdeformation (i.e. elastic, plastic, or elastic-plastic) and 2) effectivecontact area radius. The model also assumed that individual aspotswere close together and that their interactions weredependent on each other which led to using the single effective aspotcontact area model. This single effective area model wasused to determine specific electron transport regions (i.e. ballistic,quasi-ballistic, or diffusive) by comparing the effective radius andthe mean free path of an electron. Using this model required thatmicro-switch contact materials be deposited, during devicefabrication, with processes ensuring low surface roughness values(i.e. sputtered films). Sputtered thin film electric contacts,however, do not behave like bulk materials and the effects of thinfilm contacts and spreading resistance must be considered. Theimproved micro-contact resistance model accounts for the twoprimary considerations above, as well as, using thin film,sputtered, electric contact

    Current challenges for preseismic electromagnetic emissions: shedding light from micro-scale plastic flow, granular packings, phase transitions and self-affinity notion of fracture process

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    Are there credible electromagnetic (EM) EQ precursors? This a question debated in the scientific community and there may be legitimate reasons for the critical views. The negative view concerning the existence of EM precursors is enhanced by features that accompany their observation which are considered as paradox ones, namely, these signals: (i) are not observed at the time of EQs occurrence and during the aftershock period, (ii) are not accompanied by large precursory strain changes, (iii) are not accompanied by simultaneous geodetic or seismological precursors and (v) their traceability is considered problematic. In this work, the detected candidate EM precursors are studied through a shift in thinking towards the basic science findings relative to granular packings, micron-scale plastic flow, interface depinning, fracture size effects, concepts drawn from phase transitions, self-affine notion of fracture and faulting process, universal features of fracture surfaces, recent high quality laboratory studies, theoretical models and numerical simulations. Strict criteria are established for the definition of an emerged EM anomaly as a preseismic one, while, precursory EM features, which have been considered as paradoxes, are explained. A three-stage model for EQ generation by means of preseismic fracture-induced EM emissions is proposed. The claim that the observed EM precursors may permit a real-time and step-by-step monitoring of the EQ generation is tested

    Contactless Rotor Ground Fault Detection Method for Brushless Synchronous Machines Based on an AC/DC Rotating Current Sensor

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    Brushless synchronous machines (BSMs) are replacing conventional synchronous machines with static excitation in generation facilities due to the absence of sparking and lower maintenance. However, this excitation system makes measuring electric parameters in the rotor challenging. It is highly difficult to detect ground faults, which are the most common type of electrical fault in electric machines. In this paper, a ground fault detection method for BSMs is proposed. It is based on an inductive AC/DC rotating current sensor installed in the shaft. In the case of a ground fault in the rotating parts of the BSM, a fault current will flow through the rotor’s sensor, inducing voltage in its stator. By analyzing the frequency components of the induced voltage, the detection of a ground fault in the rotating elements is possible. The ground faults detection method proposed covers the whole rotor and discerns between DC and AC sides. This method does not need any additional power source, slip ring, or brush, which is an important advantage in comparison with the existing methods. To corroborate the detection method, experimental tests have been performed using a prototype of this sensor connected to laboratory synchronous machines, achieving satisfactory results.This research was funded by Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Madrid under grant number RP2304330031

    Current-based Techniques for Condition Monitoring of Pumps

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    [ES] Las bombas hidráulicas son el núcleo de muchos procesos en la industria y el sector servicios. Conviene tener en cuenta que los motores eléctricos son responsables del 69% del consumo de energía eléctrica en la industria, siendo en torno a un 22% de motores utilizados para el accionamiento de bombas. Los fallos de estas bombas pueden provocar averías en el proceso y, por lo tanto, implican altos costes económicos para el operador de la planta. Además, un funcionamiento defectuoso de las bombas conlleva una reducción de la eficiencia energética de la planta. De forma habitual, se utilizan principalmente dos tipos de estrategias orientadas al mantenimiento de maquinaria. Una estrategia de mantenimiento (mantenimiento preventivo) consiste en la sustitución de las piezas desgastadas en un intervalo de tiempo fijo. Este tipo de estrategia presenta muchas desventajas asociadas a la escasa optimización en el uso de los recursos y al consiguiente impacto económico. Por otro lado, la estrategia basada en la condición del equipo (mantenimiento basado en la condición) liga el reemplazo de las piezas desgastadas al estado del equipo, el cual es monitorizado a través de señales adquiridas mediante sensores. Sin embargo, el uso de sensores tiene algunos inconvenientes, como costes de inversión adicionales, posibles problemas en el montaje del sensor y posibles fallos del mismo. El análisis de la señal de corriente no se ha utilizado de forma habitual en la práctica para evaluar el estado de la bomba, aunque en muchas aplicaciones se dispone de sensores de corriente ya instalados que se podrían utilizar a tal fin. Se ha demostrado que técnicas basadas en el análisis de la corriente resultan de gran utilidad para diagnosticar varios tipos de fallos en motores eléctricos. De hecho, el análisis de la firma de corriente del motor se utiliza hoy en día ampliamente en la industria, especialmente para el diagnóstico de fallos en motores de inducción. En la presente tesis, se evalúa la utilización de la técnica de análisis de corrientes para el diagnóstico de fallos típicos relacionados con las bombas en diferentes aplicaciones. Se investigan tres tipos de bombas diferentes: bombas en línea de rotor húmedo, bombas de rotor seco y bombas sumergibles. En la tesis se han adaptado diversas técnicas, previamente empleadas para la detección de fallos en motores, al diagnóstico de fallos en la propia bomba. Los resultados indican que fallos como obstrucción de la bomba, fisura del impulsor y desgaste de los cojinetes influyen especialmente en dos frecuencias del espectro de corriente, las cuales pueden utilizarse como base de estrategias de mantenimiento basadas en la condición. En concreto, en las bombas de rotor húmedo, estos dos indicadores de fallo varían sensiblemente en función del punto de carga hidráulica de la bomba. Con la ayuda de un método de extracción de características basado en la motor reference frame theory, se demuestra que las mencionadas frecuencias pueden analizarse en tiempo real en un entorno industrial. Además, se presentan directrices para la monitorización en la nube y se valida con la ayuda de ensayos de laboratorio. Adicionalmente, se demuestra que los fallos son también detectables al analizar la corriente de arranque mediante herramientas de descomposición tiempo-frecuencia. Este hito no se había abordado anteriormente en la literatura técnica del área en lo referente a la detección de fallos en bombas. En conclusión, los resultados de este trabajo demuestran que los métodos de diagnóstico basados en la corriente pueden detectar con éxito diversos tipos de fallo en bombas, lo cual constituye un punto de gran interés para las industrias que utilicen estos activos en sus procesos.[CA] Les bombes hidràuliques són el nucli de molts processos en la indústria i en el sector dels serveis. Cal mencionar que els motors elèctrics són responsables del 69% del consum de la energia elèctrica en la indústria, sent al voltant del 22% dels motors utilitzats per l'accionament de bombes. Les fallades d'aquestes bombes poden causar avaries en els processos, i per tant, representen un alt cost econòmic per a l'operador de la planta. A més a més, un funcionament defectuós en les bombes representa una reducció de l'eficiència energètica de la planta. De manera habitual, s'utilitzen principalment dos tipus d'estratègies orientades al manteniment de la maquinària. Una estratègia de manteniment (manteniment preventiu) consisteix en la canvi de les peces desgastades en un interval fixe de temps. Aquest tipus d'estratègia presenta molts desavantatges associats a la reduïda optimització en el ús dels recursos i el seu impacte econòmic. D'altra banda, la estratègia basada en la condició dels equipaments (manteniment basat en la condició) enllaça la substitució de les peces desgastades al estat de l'equip, el qual es monitoritzat per mig de senyals adquirides per sensors. No obstant això, el ús de sensors té alguns inconvenients com costos d'inversió addicionals, possibles problemes al muntatge i possibles fallades. L'anàlisi dels senyals de corrent no s'utilitzen de manera habitual en la pràctica per avaluar l'estat de la bomba, encara que en moltes aplicacions, estos sensors es troben instal·lats i es podrien fer servir per a aquesta finalitat. Ha estat demostrat que les tècniques basades en l'anàlisi de la corrent són de gran utilitat per el diagnosi de diversos tipus de fallades en motors elèctrics. De fet, l'anàlisi de la firma de la corrent del motor s'utilitza àmpliament en l'indústria, especialment per el diagnosi de fallades en motors d'inducció. En la present tesi, s'avalua l'utilització de la tècnica d'anàlisi de corrents per el diagnosi de fallades típiques relacionades en bombes per a diferents aplicacions. Se investiguen tres tipus de bombes diferents: bombes en línia de rotor humit, bombes de rotor sec i bombes submergibles. En aquesta tesi se han adaptat diverses tècniques, prèviament utilitzades en el diagnosi de màquines elèctriques, per al diagnosi de la pròpia bomba. Els resultat indiquen que les fallades com obstrucció de la bomba, la fissura de l'impulsor i el desgast dels coixinets influeixen especialment en dos freqüències de l'espectre de la corrent, les quals es poden utilitzar com a base per a una estratègia de manteniment basada en la condició. Particularment, en les bombes de rotor humit, aquestos dos indicadors de fallada varíen sensiblement en funció del punt de càrrega hidràulica de la bomba. En l'ajuda de un mètode d'extracció de característiques basat en la "motor reference frame theory", es demostra que les mencionades freqüències es poden analitzar en temps real en un entorn industrial. A més a més, es presenten directrius per la monitorització en el núvol i es valida en l'ajuda de assajos en el laboratori. Addicionalment, es demostra que les fallades són també detectables quan s'analitza la corrent d'arrancada mitjançant ferramentes de descomposició temps-freqüència. Aquest fet no ha estat analitzat prèviament en cap tipus de literatura tècnica dins del camp de detecció de fallades en bombes. En conclusió, els resultats d'aquest treball demostren que els mètodes de diagnosi basats en la corrent poden detectar en èxit diversos tipus de fallades en bombes, el qual constitueix un punt d'interés per a l'indústria que utilitzen aquest tipus de actiu en els seus processos.[EN] Pumps are the heart of many processes in industry and service sector. Electric motors are responsible for 69% of electric energy consumption in industry, with 22% of them being used for the operation of pumps. Pump faults can lead to process breakdowns and are thus related to high costs for the plant operator. Furthermore, faulty operation of pumps reduces the energy efficiency of the plant. In many cases, a time-based maintenance strategy is applied, which means that typical wear parts are replaced within defined time cycles, which comes with some drawbacks such as poor resource efficiency and high costs. Condition-based maintenance strategies - meaning that the replacement of parts is planned based on the condition of the pump - are often based on the evaluation of sensor signals like vibration or noise. However, the use of sensors also has some drawbacks, such as additional investment costs, frequent problems with the sensor mounting, and possible sensor faults. There is no widespread use of the current signal to make statements about the pump condition, although current sensors are installed in many applications anyway. As for motor fault diagnosis, different current-based techniques have demonstrated their function. Today, motor current signature analysis is used in industry, especially for the diagnosis of induction motors. In this thesis, the current-based diagnosis of typical pump-related faults in different applications is evaluated. In total, three different pump types are investigated: a wet-rotor pump, a dry-runner inline pump, and a submersible pump. The techniques used for motor fault detection are adapted for the diagnosis of pump-related faults. The results indicate that the faults clogging, impeller crack, and bearing wear, in particular, influence two frequencies in the current spectrum, which can be used as a basis for a condition-based maintenance strategy. Especially in wet-rotor pumps, these two fault indicators strongly vary depending on the hydraulic load point of the pump. With the help of a feature extraction method based on the adapted reference frame theory, this work demonstrates that the two frequencies can be analyzed in real time in a field environment. Furthermore, a concept for cloud monitoring is presented and validated with the help of a laboratory test. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the faults are visible if the starting current is evaluated in a time-frequency map, which has not been considered before in the literature on pump-related faults. In summary, the findings of this work indicate that current-based diagnosis methods can successfully detect typical faults in pumps, a fact that is of high interest for companies using these assets in their industrial processes.Becker, V. (2022). Current-based Techniques for Condition Monitoring of Pumps [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19063
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