357 research outputs found

    CLARK: fast and accurate classification of metagenomic and genomic sequences using discriminative k-mers.

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    BackgroundThe problem of supervised DNA sequence classification arises in several fields of computational molecular biology. Although this problem has been extensively studied, it is still computationally challenging due to size of the datasets that modern sequencing technologies can produce.ResultsWe introduce CLARK a novel approach to classify metagenomic reads at the species or genus level with high accuracy and high speed. Extensive experimental results on various metagenomic samples show that the classification accuracy of CLARK is better or comparable to the best state-of-the-art tools and it is significantly faster than any of its competitors. In its fastest single-threaded mode CLARK classifies, with high accuracy, about 32 million metagenomic short reads per minute. CLARK can also classify BAC clones or transcripts to chromosome arms and centromeric regions.ConclusionsCLARK is a versatile, fast and accurate sequence classification method, especially useful for metagenomics and genomics applications. It is freely available at http://clark.cs.ucr.edu/

    High-throughput sequencing of the T-cell receptor repertoire: pitfalls and opportunities.

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    T-cell specificity is determined by the T-cell receptor, a heterodimeric protein coded for by an extremely diverse set of genes produced by imprecise somatic gene recombination. Massively parallel high-throughput sequencing allows millions of different T-cell receptor genes to be characterized from a single sample of blood or tissue. However, the extraordinary heterogeneity of the immune repertoire poses significant challenges for subsequent analysis of the data. We outline the major steps in processing of repertoire data, considering low-level processing of raw sequence files and high-level algorithms, which seek to extract biological or pathological information. The latest generation of bioinformatics tools allows millions of DNA sequences to be accurately and rapidly assigned to their respective variable V and J gene segments, and to reconstruct an almost error-free representation of the non-templated additions and deletions that occur. High-level processing can measure the diversity of the repertoire in different samples, quantify V and J usage and identify private and public T-cell receptors. Finally, we discuss the major challenge of linking T-cell receptor sequence to function, and specifically to antigen recognition. Sophisticated machine learning algorithms are being developed that can combine the paradoxical degeneracy and cross-reactivity of individual T-cell receptors with the specificity of the overall T-cell immune response. Computational analysis will provide the key to unlock the potential of the T-cell receptor repertoire to give insight into the fundamental biology of the adaptive immune system and to provide powerful biomarkers of disease


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    The advent of next generation sequencing technologies (NGS) generated a revolution in biological research. However, in order to use the data they produce, new computational tools are needed. Due to significantly shorter length of the reads and higher per-base error rate, more complicated approaches are employed and still critical problems, such as genome assembly, are not satisfactorily solved. We therefore focus our attention on improving the quality of the NGS data. More precisely, we address the error correction issue. The current methods for correcting errors are not very accurate. In addition, they do not adapt to the data. We proposed a novel tool, HiTEC, to correct errors in NGS data. HiTEC is based on the suffix array data structure accompanied by a statistical analysis. HiTEC’s accuracy is significantly higher than all previous methods. In addition, it is the only tool with the ability of adjusting to the given data set. In addition, HiTEC is time and space efficient

    Inferring Hierarchical Orthologous Groups

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    The reconstruction of ancestral evolutionary histories is the cornerstone of most phylogenetic analyses. Many applications are possible once the evolutionary history is unveiled, such as identifying taxonomically restricted genes (genome barcoding), predicting the function of unknown genes based on their evolutionary related genes gene ontologies, identifying gene losses and gene gains among gene families, or pinpointing the time in evolution where particular gene families emerge (sometimes referred to as “phylostratigraphy”). Typically, the reconstruction of the evolutionary histories is limited to the inference of evolutionary relationships (homology, orthology, paralogy) and basic clustering of these orthologs. In this thesis, we adopted the concept of Hierarchical Orthology Groups (HOGs), introduced a decade ago, and proposed several improvements both to improve their inference and to use them in biological analyses such as the aforementioned applications. In addition, HOGs are a powerful framework to investigate ancestral genomes since HOGs convey information regarding gene family evolution (gene losses, gene duplications or gene gains). In this thesis, an ancestral genome at a given taxonomic level denotes the last common ancestor genome for the related taxon and its hypothetical ancestral gene composition and gene order (synteny). The ancestral genes composition and ancestral synteny for a given ancestral genome provides valuable information to study the genome evolution in terms of genomic rearrangement (duplication, translocation, deletion, inversion) or of gene family evolution (variation of the gene function, accelerate gene evolution, duplication rich clade). This thesis identifies three major open challenges that composed my three research arcs. First, inferring HOGs is complex and computationally demanding meaning that robust and scalable algorithms are mandatory to generate good quality HOGs in a reasonable time. Second, benchmarking orthology clustering without knowing the true evolutionary history is a difficult task, which requires appropriate benchmark strategies. And third, the lack of tools to handle HOGs limits their applications. In the first arc of the thesis, I proposed two new algorithm refinements to improve orthology inference in order to produce orthologs less sensitive to gene fragmentations and imbalances in the rate of evolution among paralogous copies. In addition, I introduced version 2.0 of the GETHOGs 2.0 algorithm, which infers HOGs in a bottom up fashion, and which has been shown to be both faster and more accurate. In the second arc, I proposed new strategies to benchmark the reconstruction of gene families using detailed cases studies based on evidence from multiple sequence alignments along with reconstructed gene trees, and to benchmark orthology using a simulation framework that provides full control of the evolutionary genomic setup. This work highlights the main challenges in current methods. Third, I created pyHam (python HOG analysis method), iHam (interactive HOG analysis method) and GTM (Graph - Tree - Multiple sequence alignment)—a collection of tools to process, manipulate and visualise HOGs. pyHam offers an easy way to handle and work with HOGs using simple python coding. Embedded at its heart are two visualisation tools to synthesise HOG-derived information: iHam that allow interactive browsing of HOG structure and a tree based visualisation called tree profile that pinpoints evolutionary events induced by the HOGs on a species tree. In addition, I develop GTM an interactive web based visualisation tool that combine for a given gene family (or set of genes) the related sequences, gene tree and orthology graph. In this thesis, I show that HOGs are a useful framework for phylogenetics, with considerable work done to produce robust and scalable inferences. Another important aspect is that our inferences are benchmarked using manual case studies and automated verification using simulation or reference Quest for Orthologs Benchmarks. Lastly, one of the major advances was the conception and implementation of tools to manipulate and visualise HOG. Such tools have already proven useful when investigating HOGs for developmental reasons or for downstream analysis. Ultimately, the HOG framework is amenable to integration of all aspects which can reasonably be expected to have evolved along the history of genes and ancestral genome reconstruction. -- La reconstruction de l'histoire évolutive ancestrale est la pierre angulaire de la majorité des analyses phylogénétiques. Nombreuses sont les applications possibles une fois que l'histoire évolutive est révélée, comme l'identification de gènes restreints taxonomiquement (barcoding de génome), la prédiction de fonction pour les gènes inconnus en se basant sur les ontologies des gènes relatifs evolutionnairement, l'identification de la perte ou de l'apparition de gènes au sein de familles de gènes ou encore pour dater au cours de l'évolution l'apparition de famille de gènes (phylostratigraphie). Généralement, la reconstruction de l'histoire évolutive se limite à l'inférence des relations évolutives (homologie, orthologie, paralogie) ainsi qu'à la construction de groupes d’orthologues simples. Dans cette thèse, nous adoptons le concept des groupes hiérarchiques d’orthologues (HOGs en anglais pour Hierarchical Orthology Groups), introduit il y a plus de 10 ans, et proposons plusieurs améliorations tant bien au niveau de leurs inférences que de leurs utilisations dans les analyses biologiques susmentionnées. Cette thèse a pour but d'identifier les trois problématiques majeures qui composent mes trois axes de recherches. Premièrement, l'inférence des HOGs est complexe et nécessite une puissance computationnelle importante ce qui rend obligatoire la création d'algorithmes robustes et efficients dans l'espace temps afin de maintenir une génération de résultats de qualité rigoureuse dans un temps raisonnable. Deuxièmement, le contrôle de la qualité du groupement des orthologues est une tâche difficile si on ne connaît l'histoire évolutive réelle ce qui nécessite la mise en place de stratégies de contrôle de qualité adaptées. Tertio, le manque d'outils pour manipuler les HOGs limite leur utilisation ainsi que leurs applications. Dans le premier axe de ma thèse, je propose deux nouvelles améliorations de l'algorithme pour l'inférence des orthologues afin de pallier à la sensibilité de l'inférence vis à vis de la fragmentation des gènes et de l'asymétrie du taux d'évolution au sein de paralogues. De plus, j'introduis la version 2.0 de l'algorithme GETHOGs qui utilise une nouvelle approche de type 'bottom-up' afin de produire des résultats plus rapides et plus précis. Dans le second axe, je propose de nouvelles stratégies pour contrôler la qualité de la reconstruction des familles de gènes en réalisant des études de cas manuels fondés sur des preuves apportées par des alignement multiples de séquences et des reconstructions d'arbres géniques, et aussi pour contrôler la qualité de l'orthologie en simulant l'évolution de génomes afin de pouvoir contrôler totalement le matériel génétique produit. Ce travail met en avant les principales problématiques des méthodes actuelles. Dans le dernier axe, je montre pyHam, iHam et GTM - une panoplie d'outils que j’ai créée afin de faciliter la manipulation et la visualisation des HOGs en utilisant un programmation simple en python. Deux outils de visualisation sont directement intégrés au sein de pyHam afin de pouvoir synthétiser l'information véhiculée par les HOGs: iHam permet d’interactivement naviguer dans les HOGs ainsi qu’une autre visualisation appelée “tree profile” utilisant un arbre d'espèces où sont localisés les événements révolutionnaires contenus dans les HOGs. En sus, j'ai développé GTM un outil interactif web qui combine pour une famille de gènes donnée (ou un ensemble de gènes) leurs séquences alignées, leur arbre de gène ainsi que le graphe d'orthologie en relation. Dans cette thèse, je montre que le concept des HOGs est utile à la phylogénétique et qu'un travail considérable a été réalisé dans le but d'améliorer leur inférences de façon robuste et rapide. Un autre point important est que la qualité de nos inférences soit contrôlée en réalisant des études de cas manuellement ou en utilisant le Quest for Orthologs Benchmark qui est une référence dans le contrôle de la qualité de l’orthologie. Dernièrement, une des avancée majeure proposée est la conception et l'implémentation d'outils pour visualiser et manipuler les HOGs. Ces outils s'avèrent déjà utilisés tant pour l'étude des HOGs dans un but d'amélioration de leur qualité que pour leur utilisation dans des analyses biologiques. Pour conclure, on peut noter que tous les aspects qui semblent avoir évolué en relation avec l'histoire évolutive des gènes ou des génomes ancestraux peuvent être intégrés au concept des HOGs

    HAHap: a read-based haplotyping method using hierarchical assembly

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    Background The need for read-based phasing arises with advances in sequencing technologies. The minimum error correction (MEC) approach is the primary trend to resolve haplotypes by reducing conflicts in a single nucleotide polymorphism-fragment matrix. However, it is frequently observed that the solution with the optimal MEC might not be the real haplotypes, due to the fact that MEC methods consider all positions together and sometimes the conflicts in noisy regions might mislead the selection of corrections. To tackle this problem, we present a hierarchical assembly-based method designed to progressively resolve local conflicts. Results This study presents HAHap, a new phasing algorithm based on hierarchical assembly. HAHap leverages high-confident variant pairs to build haplotypes progressively. The phasing results by HAHap on both real and simulated data, compared to other MEC-based methods, revealed better phasing error rates for constructing haplotypes using short reads from whole-genome sequencing. We compared the number of error corrections (ECs) on real data with other methods, and it reveals the ability of HAHap to predict haplotypes with a lower number of ECs. We also used simulated data to investigate the behavior of HAHap under different sequencing conditions, highlighting the applicability of HAHap in certain situations

    The iPlant Collaborative: Cyberinfrastructure for Plant Biology

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    The iPlant Collaborative (iPlant) is a United States National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project that aims to create an innovative, comprehensive, and foundational cyberinfrastructure in support of plant biology research (PSCIC, 2006). iPlant is developing cyberinfrastructure that uniquely enables scientists throughout the diverse fields that comprise plant biology to address Grand Challenges in new ways, to stimulate and facilitate cross-disciplinary research, to promote biology and computer science research interactions, and to train the next generation of scientists on the use of cyberinfrastructure in research and education. Meeting humanity's projected demands for agricultural and forest products and the expectation that natural ecosystems be managed sustainably will require synergies from the application of information technologies. The iPlant cyberinfrastructure design is based on an unprecedented period of research community input, and leverages developments in high-performance computing, data storage, and cyberinfrastructure for the physical sciences. iPlant is an open-source project with application programming interfaces that allow the community to extend the infrastructure to meet its needs. iPlant is sponsoring community-driven workshops addressing specific scientific questions via analysis tool integration and hypothesis testing. These workshops teach researchers how to add bioinformatics tools and/or datasets into the iPlant cyberinfrastructure enabling plant scientists to perform complex analyses on large datasets without the need to master the command-line or high-performance computational services

    Making Mitochondrial Haplogroup and DNA Sequence Predictions from Low-Density Genotyping data

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    The mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) is inherited differently and mutates more frequently than the genetic material residing in the cells’ nucleus. Whilst the genome of the mtDNA is small, at only 16.5 kilobases, it contains key components of the metabolic chain, and must communicate in a precise and timely way with the genes in the nuclear genome and sense the minute-to-minute needs of its host cell. MtDNA is an underexplored place to search for health-related variants. Unlike the time-consuming and expensive methods of whole genome sequencing, genotyping examines certain positions in the genome allowing imputation of the other variants typically linked to these positions. Current methods, which use nuclear genome data to model their predictions, do not tailor imputation to take advantage of the different inheritance patterns of the mtDNA. I present a novel method, using an open-source library of fully sequenced mtDNA samples with manually assigned haplogroups, to take genotyping data and predict the other variants present in the sample’s mtDNA sequence, a two-stage method referred to as in silico genotyping and barcode matching. The method has been assessed for performance on a test data set to explore inconsistencies across the mitochondrial genome and the human mtDNA phylogeny. The first use of in silico genotyping and barcode matching is presented; extending the use of UKBiobank’s data [22]. The UKBiobank represents data which is not only rich in detail but also covers a large population of individuals aged between 51 and 84 in 2021. The phenotypic data is health-focussed, including general health records, which is being augmented by new diagnoses or events in the participants’ medical history. Extensive use is being made of the data in UKBiobank with the exception of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The scale of the phenotypic data collected by the UKBiobank is proving a valuable resource, values all the more because of the difficulty and expense of its collection. Making further use of phenotyping by extending potential associations into the mtDNA is vital, and likely to offer substantial rewards. Using the method described below to transform genotypes into predicted mtDNA sequence opens the doors for mitochondrial variation to be put to considerable use too. The introduction presents evidence that: (a) the mitochondrion is essential for cell and organism function, (b) mtDNA can harbour variations associating with phenotypes, and (c) the current methods of mtDNA imputation can be improved upon. The method presented mimics any genotyping microarray to produce a library of data transformed to appear as if it had been genotyped by the physical array. The effectiveness and accuracy of this transformation have been investigated and the results are presented. Finally, the transformed library is used to predict the UKBiobank participant data to greatly extend a data set with huge reserves of potential especially for mitochondrial data. My development of in silico genotyping and barcode matching has allowed me to make weighted prediction for test samples, guessing their haplogroups and the variants they carry. Whilst I admit to the significant potential to improve algorithms, the overall accuracy of these predictions is at a level high enough to search for links between UKBiobank samples and their phenotypic data in a GWAS-style search

    Representing and extracting knowledge from single cell data

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    Single-cell analysis is currently one of the most high-resolution techniques to study biology. The large complex datasets that have been generated have spurred numerous developments in computational biology, in particular the use of advanced statistics and machine learning. This review attempts to explain the deeper theoretical concepts that underpin current state-of-the-art analysis methods. Single-cell analysis is covered from cell, through instruments, to current and upcoming models. A minimum of mathematics and statistics has been used, but the reader is assumed to either have basic knowledge of single-cell analysis workflows, or have a solid knowledge of statistics. The aim of this review is to spread concepts which are not yet in common use, especially from topology and generative processes, and how new statistical models can be developed to capture more of biology. This opens epistemological questions regarding our ontology and models, and some pointers will be given to how natural language processing (NLP) may help overcome our cognitive limitations for understanding single-cell data