177 research outputs found

    Effects of pulsed Nd:YAG laser on Pt/Ag thin film metal contacts

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    This study focused on the effect of laser annealing on Pt/Ag metal contacts deposited on Silicon, (Si) substrates. DC sputtering was used to deposit the metal thin films on the Si. The samples were treated by annealing using pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Then, the samples were characterized based on its morphological, optical, structural and electrical properties. From surface morphological, it is clearly shown that the surface roughness of the laser annealed sample is smoother than the as-deposited sample. The calculated energy band gap was obtained as 1.38 eV. For electrical properties, the resistivity for laser anneal was lower compared to as-deposited sample, which are 5.10 × 10-4 ohm-cm and 1.37 × 10-3 ohm-cm respectively. The conductivity increases when the resistivity decreases

    Machine Learning And Image Processing For Noise Removal And Robust Edge Detection In The Presence Of Mixed Noise

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    The central goal of this dissertation is to design and model a smoothing filter based on the random single and mixed noise distribution that would attenuate the effect of noise while preserving edge details. Only then could robust, integrated and resilient edge detection methods be deployed to overcome the ubiquitous presence of random noise in images. Random noise effects are modeled as those that could emanate from impulse noise, Gaussian noise and speckle noise. In the first step, evaluation of methods is performed based on an exhaustive review on the different types of denoising methods which focus on impulse noise, Gaussian noise and their related denoising filters. These include spatial filters (linear, non-linear and a combination of them), transform domain filters, neural network-based filters, numerical-based filters, fuzzy based filters, morphological filters, statistical filters, and supervised learning-based filters. In the second step, switching adaptive median and fixed weighted mean filter (SAMFWMF) which is a combination of linear and non-linear filters, is introduced in order to detect and remove impulse noise. Then, a robust edge detection method is applied which relies on an integrated process including non-maximum suppression, maximum sequence, thresholding and morphological operations. The results are obtained on MRI and natural images. In the third step, a combination of transform domain-based filter which is a combination of dual tree – complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) and total variation, is introduced in order to detect and remove Gaussian noise as well as mixed Gaussian and Speckle noise. Then, a robust edge detection is applied in order to track the true edges. The results are obtained on medical ultrasound and natural images. In the fourth step, a smoothing filter, which is a feed-forward convolutional network (CNN) is introduced to assume a deep architecture, and supported through a specific learning algorithm, l2 loss function minimization, a regularization method, and batch normalization all integrated in order to detect and remove impulse noise as well as mixed impulse and Gaussian noise. Then, a robust edge detection is applied in order to track the true edges. The results are obtained on natural images for both specific and non-specific noise-level

    Efficiency of texture image enhancement by DCT-based filtering

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    International audienceTextures or high-detailed structures as well as image object shapes contain information that is widely exploited in pattern recognition and image classification. Noise can deteriorate these features and has to be removed. In this paper, we consider the influence of textural properties on efficiency of image enhancement by noise suppression for the posterior treatment. Among possible variants of denoising, filters based on discrete cosine transform known to be effective in removing additive white Gaussian noise are considered. It is shown that noise removal in texture images using the considered techniques can distort fine texture details. To detect such situations and to avoid texture degradation due to filtering, filtering efficiency predictors, including neural network based predictor, applicable to a wide class of images are proposed. These predictors use simple statistical parameters to estimate performance of the considered filters. Image enhancement is analysed in terms of both standard criteria and metrics of image visual quality for various scenarios of texture roughness and noise characteristics. The discrete cosine transform based filters are compared to several counterparts. Problems of noise removal in texture images are demonstrated for all of them. A special case of spatially correlated noise is considered as well. Potential efficiency of filtering is analysed for both studied noise models. It is shown that studied filters are close to the potential limits

    Patch-based Denoising Algorithms for Single and Multi-view Images

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    In general, all single and multi-view digital images are captured using sensors, where they are often contaminated with noise, which is an undesired random signal. Such noise can also be produced during transmission or by lossy image compression. Reducing the noise and enhancing those images is among the fundamental digital image processing tasks. Improving the performance of image denoising methods, would greatly contribute to single or multi-view image processing techniques, e.g. segmentation, computing disparity maps, etc. Patch-based denoising methods have recently emerged as the state-of-the-art denoising approaches for various additive noise levels. This thesis proposes two patch-based denoising methods for single and multi-view images, respectively. A modification to the block matching 3D algorithm is proposed for single image denoising. An adaptive collaborative thresholding filter is proposed which consists of a classification map and a set of various thresholding levels and operators. These are exploited when the collaborative hard-thresholding step is applied. Moreover, the collaborative Wiener filtering is improved by assigning greater weight when dealing with similar patches. For the denoising of multi-view images, this thesis proposes algorithms that takes a pair of noisy images captured from two different directions at the same time (stereoscopic images). The structural, maximum difference or the singular value decomposition-based similarity metrics is utilized for identifying locations of similar search windows in the input images. The non-local means algorithm is adapted for filtering these noisy multi-view images. The performance of both methods have been evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively through a number of experiments using the peak signal-to-noise ratio and the mean structural similarity measure. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm for single image denoising outperforms the original block matching 3D algorithm at various noise levels. Moreover, the proposed algorithm for multi-view image denoising can effectively reduce noise and assist to estimate more accurate disparity maps at various noise levels

    Feature-preserving image restoration and its application in biological fluorescence microscopy

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    This thesis presents a new investigation of image restoration and its application to fluorescence cell microscopy. The first part of the work is to develop advanced image denoising algorithms to restore images from noisy observations by using a novel featurepreserving diffusion approach. I have applied these algorithms to different types of images, including biometric, biological and natural images, and demonstrated their superior performance for noise removal and feature preservation, compared to several state of the art methods. In the second part of my work, I explore a novel, simple and inexpensive super-resolution restoration method for quantitative microscopy in cell biology. In this method, a super-resolution image is restored, through an inverse process, by using multiple diffraction-limited (low) resolution observations, which are acquired from conventional microscopes whilst translating the sample parallel to the image plane, so referred to as translation microscopy (TRAM). A key to this new development is the integration of a robust feature detector, developed in the first part, to the inverse process to restore high resolution images well above the diffraction limit in the presence of strong noise. TRAM is a post-image acquisition computational method and can be implemented with any microscope. Experiments show a nearly 7-fold increase in lateral spatial resolution in noisy biological environments, delivering multi-colour image resolution of ~30 nm

    Structure-aware image denoising, super-resolution, and enhancement methods

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    Denoising, super-resolution and structure enhancement are classical image processing applications. The motive behind their existence is to aid our visual analysis of raw digital images. Despite tremendous progress in these fields, certain difficult problems are still open to research. For example, denoising and super-resolution techniques which possess all the following properties, are very scarce: They must preserve critical structures like corners, should be robust to the type of noise distribution, avoid undesirable artefacts, and also be fast. The area of structure enhancement also has an unresolved issue: Very little efforts have been put into designing models that can tackle anisotropic deformations in the image acquisition process. In this thesis, we design novel methods in the form of partial differential equations, patch-based approaches and variational models to overcome the aforementioned obstacles. In most cases, our methods outperform the existing approaches in both quality and speed, despite being applicable to a broader range of practical situations.Entrauschen, Superresolution und Strukturverbesserung sind klassische Anwendungen der Bildverarbeitung. Ihre Existenz bedingt sich in dem Bestreben, die visuelle Begutachtung digitaler Bildrohdaten zu unterstützen. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte in diesen Feldern bedürfen bestimmte schwierige Probleme noch weiterer Forschung. So sind beispielsweise Entrauschungsund Superresolutionsverfahren, welche alle der folgenden Eingenschaften besitzen, sehr selten: die Erhaltung wichtiger Strukturen wie Ecken, Robustheit bezüglich der Rauschverteilung, Vermeidung unerwünschter Artefakte und niedrige Laufzeit. Auch im Gebiet der Strukturverbesserung liegt ein ungelöstes Problem vor: Bisher wurde nur sehr wenig Forschungsaufwand in die Entwicklung von Modellen investieret, welche anisotrope Deformationen in bildgebenden Verfahren bewältigen können. In dieser Arbeit entwerfen wir neue Methoden in Form von partiellen Differentialgleichungen, patch-basierten Ansätzen und Variationsmodellen um die oben erwähnten Hindernisse zu überwinden. In den meisten Fällen übertreffen unsere Methoden nicht nur qualitativ die bisher verwendeten Ansätze, sondern lösen die gestellten Aufgaben auch schneller. Zudem decken wir mit unseren Modellen einen breiteren Bereich praktischer Fragestellungen ab

    Nonlinear Adaptive Diffusion Models for Image Denoising

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    Most of digital image applications demand on high image quality. Unfortunately, images often are degraded by noise during the formation, transmission, and recording processes. Hence, image denoising is an essential processing step preceding visual and automated analyses. Image denoising methods can reduce image contrast, create block or ring artifacts in the process of denoising. In this dissertation, we develop high performance non-linear diffusion based image denoising methods, capable to preserve edges and maintain high visual quality. This is attained by different approaches: First, a nonlinear diffusion is presented with robust M-estimators as diffusivity functions. Secondly, the knowledge of textons derived from Local Binary Patterns (LBP) which unify divergent statistical and structural models of the region analysis is utilized to adjust the time step of diffusion process. Next, the role of nonlinear diffusion which is adaptive to the local context in the wavelet domain is investigated, and the stationary wavelet context based diffusion (SWCD) is developed for performing the iterative shrinkage. Finally, we develop a locally- and feature-adaptive diffusion (LFAD) method, where each image patch/region is diffused individually, and the diffusivity function is modified to incorporate the Inverse Difference Moment as a local estimate of the gradient. Experiments have been conducted to evaluate the performance of each of the developed method and compare it to the reference group and to the state-of-the-art methods

    Wavelet Shrinkage Based Image Denoising using Soft Computing

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    Noise reduction is an open problem and has received considerable attention in the literature for several decades. Over the last two decades, wavelet based methods have been applied to the problem of noise reduction and have been shown to outperform the traditional Wiener filter, Median filter, and modified Lee filter in terms of root mean squared error (MSE), peak signal noise ratio (PSNR) and other evaluation methods. In this research, two approaches for the development of high performance algorithms for de-noising are proposed, both based on soft computing tools, such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. First, an improved additive noise reduction method for digital grey scale nature images, which uses an interval type-2 fuzzy logic system to shrink wavelet coefficients, is proposed. This method is an extension of a recently published approach for additive noise reduction using a type-1 fuzzy logic system based wavelet shrinkage. Unlike the type-1 fuzzy logic system based wavelet shrinkage method, the proposed approach employs a thresholding filter to adjust the wavelet coefficients according to the linguistic uncertainty in neighborhood values, inter-scale dependencies and intra-scale correlations of wavelet coefficients at different resolutions by exploiting the interval type-2 fuzzy set theory. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can efficiently and rapidly remove additive noise from digital grey scale images. Objective analysis and visual observations show that the proposed approach outperforms current fuzzy non-wavelet methods and fuzzy wavelet based methods, and is comparable with some recent but more complex wavelet methods, such as Hidden Markov Model based additive noise de-noising method. The main differences between the proposed approach and other wavelet shrinkage based approaches and the main improvements of the proposed approach are also illustrated in this thesis. Second, another improved method of additive noise reduction is also proposed. The method is based on fusing the results of different filters using a Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN). The proposed method combines the advantages of these filters and has outstanding ability of smoothing out additive noise while preserving details of an image (e.g. edges and lines) effectively. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to choose the optimal parameters of the FNN. The experimental results show that the proposed method is powerful for removing noise from natural images, and the MSE of this approach is less, and the PSNR of is higher, than that of any individual filters which are used for fusion. Finally, the two proposed approaches are compared with each other from different point of views, such as objective analysis in terms of mean squared error(MSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), image quality index (IQI) based on quality assessment of distorted images, and Information Theoretic Criterion (ITC) based on a human vision model, computational cost, universality, and human observation. The results show that the proposed FNN based algorithm optimized by GA has the best performance among all testing approaches. Important considerations for these proposed approaches and future work are discussed

    Deep, convergent, unrolled half-quadratic splitting for image deconvolution

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    In recent years, algorithm unrolling has emerged as a powerful technique for designing interpretable neural networks based on iterative algorithms. Imaging inverse problems have particularly benefited from unrolling-based deep network design since many traditional model-based approaches rely on iterative optimization. Despite exciting progress, typical unrolling approaches heuristically design layer-specific convolution weights to improve performance. Crucially, convergence properties of the underlying iterative algorithm are lost once layer-specific parameters are learned from training data. We propose an unrolling technique that breaks the trade-off between retaining algorithm properties while simultaneously enhancing performance. We focus on image deblurring and unrolling the widely-applied Half-Quadratic Splitting (HQS) algorithm. We develop a new parametrization scheme which enforces layer-specific parameters to asymptotically approach certain fixed points. Through extensive experimental studies, we verify that our approach achieves competitive performance with state-of-the-art unrolled layer-specific learning and significantly improves over the traditional HQS algorithm. We further establish convergence of the proposed unrolled network as the number of layers approaches infinity, and characterize its convergence rate. Our experimental verification involves simulations that validate the analytical results as well as comparison with state-of-the-art non-blind deblurring techniques on benchmark datasets. The merits of the proposed convergent unrolled network are established over competing alternatives, especially in the regime of limited training.Comment: Accepted with mandatory minor revisions by Transactions on Computational Imagin