377 research outputs found

    Facility layout problem: Bibliometric and benchmarking analysis

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    Facility layout problem is related to the location of departments in a facility area, with the aim of determining the most effective configuration. Researches based on different approaches have been published in the last six decades and, to prove the effectiveness of the results obtained, several instances have been developed. This paper presents a general overview on the extant literature on facility layout problems in order to identify the main research trends and propose future research questions. Firstly, in order to give the reader an overview of the literature, a bibliometric analysis is presented. Then, a clusterization of the papers referred to the main instances reported in literature was carried out in order to create a database that can be a useful tool in the benchmarking procedure for researchers that would approach this kind of problems

    The single row layout problem with clearances

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    The single row layout problem (SRLP) is a specially structured instance of the classical facility layout problem, especially used in flexible manufacturing systems. The SRLP consists of finding the most efficient arrangement of a given number of machines along one side of the material handling path with the purpose of minimising the total weighted sum of distances among all machine pairs. To reflect real manufacturing situations, a minimum space (so-called clearances) between machines may be required by observing technological constraints, safety considerations and regulations. This thesis intends to outline the different concepts of clearances used in literature and analyse their effects on modelling and solution approaches for the SRLP. In particular the special characteristics of sequence-dependent, asymmetric clearances are discussed and finally extended to large size clearances (machine-spanning clearances). For this, adjusted and novel model formulations and solution approaches are presented. Furthermore, a comprehensive survey of articles published in this research area since 2000 is provided which identify recent developments and emerging trends in SRLP

    Heuristics and Metaheuristics Approaches for Facility Layout Problems: A Survey

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    Facility Layout Problem (FLP) is a NP-hard problem concerned with the arrangement of facilities as to minimize the distance travelled between all pairs of facilities. Many exact and approximate approaches have been proposed with an extensive applicability to deal with this problem. This paper studies the fundamentals of some well-known heuristics and metaheuristics used in solving the FLPs. It is hoped that this paper will trigger researchers for in-depth studies in FLPs looking into more specific interest such as equal or unequal FLPs

    Métodos para Resolução eficiente de Problemas de Layout

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    Em sistemas produtivos onde a diminuição dos custos de produção é vista como peça chave na estratégia competitiva, a otimização entra como uma importante ferramenta para auxiliar as empresas nesse processo de sobrevivência e expansão no mercado. Na indústria surgem muitos problemas de Layout, os quais são problemas de otimização que se caracterizam pelo arranjo físico de facilidades ao longo de uma determinada área, formando um Layout. Problemas de Layout são difíceis e complexos de serem resolvidos do ponto de vista computacional. Por motivação de origem econômica e acadêmica, os problemas de Layout vêm sendo estudados há décadas. Esta dissertação propõe métodos heurísticos e híbridos para a resoluções da alguns destes problemas encontrados na literatura, como os Layouts de facilidades em duas ou mais linhas paralelas. Mais especificamente, são implementados métodos baseados nas meta-heurísticas Simulated Annealing, Variable Neighborhood Search e Iterated Local Search para resolver tais problemas. Além de meta-heurísticas, também é utilizado um modelo de Programação Linear

    Facility layout planning. An extended literature review

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    [EN] Facility layout planning (FLP) involves a set of design problems related to the arrangement of the elements that shape industrial production systems in a physical space. The fact that they are considered one of the most important design decisions as part of business operation strategies, and their proven repercussion on production systems' operation costs, efficiency and productivity, mean that this theme has been widely addressed in science. In this context, the present article offers a scientific literature review about FLP from the operations management perspective. The 232 reviewed articles were classified as a large taxonomy based on type of problem, approach and planning stage and characteristics of production facilities by configuring the material handling system and methods to generate and assess layout alternatives. We stress that the generation of layout alternatives was done mainly using mathematical optimisation models, specifically discrete quadratic programming models for similar sized departments, or continuous linear and non-linear mixed integer programming models for different sized departments. Other approaches followed to generate layout alternatives were expert's knowledge and specialised software packages. Generally speaking, the most frequent solution algorithms were metaheuristics.The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union H2020 Program under grant agreement No 958205 `Industrial Data Services for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing (i4Q)'and from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under grant agreement RTI2018-101344-B-I00 `Optimisation of zerodefectsproduction technologies enabling supply chains 4.0 (CADS4.0)'Pérez-Gosende, P.; Mula, J.; Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM. (2021). Facility layout planning. An extended literature review. International Journal of Production Research. 59(12):3777-3816. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2021.189717637773816591

    Facility layout problem: Bibliometric and benchmarking analysis

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    Facility layout problem is related to the location of departments in a facility area, with the aim of determining the most effective configuration. Researches based on different approaches have been published in the last six decades and, to prove the effectiveness of the results obtained, several instances have been developed. This paper presents a general overview on the extant literature on facility layout problems in order to identify the main research trends and propose future research questions. Firstly, in order to give the reader an overview of the literature, a bibliometric analysis is presented. Then, a clusterization of the papers referred to the main instances reported in literature was carried out in order to create a database that can be a useful tool in the benchmarking procedure for researchers that would approach this kind of problems


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    Este trabajo de investigación desarrolla una metodología compuesta por tres fases que puede ser implementada por las empresas pymes. La primera fase agrupa las máquinas en celdas de manufactura, la segunda asigna una distribución de las máquinas en cada una de sus respectivas celdas de trabajo y la última fase permite encontrar la distribución óptima de las celdas dentro de la planta de producción. Dicha metodología es implementada en problemas expuestos previamente en la literatura obteniendo soluciones óptimas en el 80% de los problemas pequeños y en el 33% de los problemas medianos. Asimismo es implementada satisfactoriamente en una empresa del sector real colombiano dedicada a la elaboración de productos naturales. Finalmente, se hace un análisis de sensibilidad a los parámetros que intervienen en la solución del problema real para entender qué información afecta de manera considerable la solución obtenida y sus repercusiones en la empresa. Una vez implementada la metodología propuesta y después de realizado el análisis de sensibilidad, se encuentra que la mejor configuración bajo el enfoque de celdas de manufactura reduce en un 63% el costo asociado al manejo de materiales respecto a la configuración actual, lo que representa un ahorro anual cercano a USD $ 13,000

    Evolutionary Computation Strategies applied to the UA-FLP

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    En la presente tesis doctoral se desarrollan dos aproximaciones distintas al problema de distribución en planta de áreas desiguales (UA-FLP). En primer lugar, se trata de incorporar el conocimiento del diseñador experto a los algoritmos clásicos de optimización, de forma que, además de buscar buenas soluciones desde el punto de vista cuantitativo, por ejemplo minimizando el flujo de materiales, se introduzca la posibilidad de que el diseñador aporte su experiencia y preferencias personales. Para facilitar la intervención humana en el proceso de búsqueda de soluciones, se ha utilizado un procedimiento de clustering, el cual permite clasificar las soluciones subyacentes en el conjunto de búsqueda, de forma que se presente al diseñador un número suficientemente representativo y, a la vez, evitándole una fatiga innecesaria. Además, en esta primera propuesta se han implementado dos técnicas de niching, denominadas Deterministic Crowding y Restricted Tournament Selection. Estas técnicas tienen la capacidad de mantener ciertas propiedades dentro de la población de soluciones, preservar múltiples nichos con soluciones cercanas a los óptimos locales, y reducir la probabilidad de quedar atrapado en ellos. De esta manera el algoritmo se enfoca simultáneamente en más de una región (nicho) en el espacio de búsqueda, lo cual es esencial para descubrir varios óptimos en una sola ejecución. Por otro lado, en la segunda aproximación al problema, se ha implementado una estrategia evolutiva paralela, muy útil para los problemas de alta complejidad en los que el tiempo de ejecución con un enfoque evolutivo secuencial es prohibitivo. La propuesta desarrollada, denominada IMGA, está basada en un algoritmo genético paralelo de grano grueso con múltiples poblaciones o islas. Este enfoque se caracteriza por evolucionar varias subpoblaciones independientemente, entre las que se intercambian individuos, haciendo posible explorar diferentes regiones del espacio de búsqueda, al mismo tiempo que se mantiene la diversidad de la población, permitiendo la obtención de buenas y diversas soluciones. Con ambas propuestas se han realizado experimentos que han arrojado resultados muy satisfactorios, encontrando buenas soluciones para un conjunto de problemas bien conocidos en la bibliografía. Estos buenos resultados han permitido la publicación de dos artículos indexados en el primer decil del ranking JCR (Journal Citation Reports).The present doctoral thesis develops two different approaches to the Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem (UA-FLP). The first approach encompasses the designer’s knowledge on classic optimization of algorithms in pursuance of good quantitative solutions (e.g. minimizing the materials flow) and also opens the possibility to include the contribution of the designer by means of his expertise and personal preferences. A clustering procedure has been used to facilitate human intervention in the process of finding solutions. This allows the underlying solutions to be classified in the search in order to present the designer with sufficiently representative solutions and, at the same time, avoiding unnecessary fatigue. In addition, two niching techniques have been implemented, called Deterministic Crowding and Restricted Tournament Selection. These techniques have the ability to maintain certain properties within the solutions space, preserve multiple niches with solutions close by local optimums, and reduce the probability of being trapped in them. In this way, the algorithm focuses simultaneously on more than one region (niche) in the search space, which is essential to discover several optimums in a single execution. The second approach to the problem comprises the implementation of a parallel evolutionary strategy. This method is useful for problems of high complexity in which the execution time using a sequential evolutionary approach is prohibitive. The proposal developed, called IMGA (Island Model Genetic Algorithm), is based on a parallel genetic algorithm of multiple-population coarse-grained. This is characterized by evolving several subpopulations independently among which individuals are exchanged. Different regions of the search space can be explored while the diversity of the population is maintained. Satisfactory and diverse solutions have been obtained as a result of this method. Experiments with both proposals have been carried out with satisfactory results, providing good solutions for a set of problems well known in the literature. These results were already published in two papers indexed in the first decile of the JCR (Journal Citation Reports) ranking