2,563 research outputs found

    ARPA Training in Vietnam : implementation and certification

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    Fast Collision Culling in Large-Scale Environments Using GPU Mapping Function

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    International audienceThis paper presents a novel and efficient GPU-based parallel algorithm to cull non-colliding object pairs in very large-scale dynamic simulations. It allows to cull objects in less than 25ms with more than 100K objects. It is designed for many-core GPU and fully exploits multi-threaded capabilities and data-parallelism. In order to take advantage of the high number of cores, a new mapping function is defined that enables GPU threads to determine the objects pair to compute without any global memory access. These new optimized GPU kernel functions use the thread indexes and turn them into a unique pair of objects to test. A square root approximation technique is used based on Newton's estimation, enabling the threads to only perform a few atomic operations. A first characterization of the approximation errors is presented, enabling the fixing of incorrect computations. The I/O GPU streams are optimized using binary masks. The implementation and evaluation is made on largescale dynamic rigid body simulations. The increase in speed is highlighted over other recently proposed CPU and GPU-based techniques. The comparison shows that our system is, in most cases, faster than previous approaches

    Planning and estimation algorithms for human-like grasping

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe use of robots in human-like environments requires them to be able to sense and model unstructured scenarios. Thus, their success will depend on their versatility for interacting with the surroundings. This interaction often includes manipulation of objects for accomplishing common daily tasks. Therefore, robots need to sense, understand, plan and perform; and this has to be a continuous loop. This thesis presents a framework which covers most of the phases encountered in a common manipulation pipeline. First, it is shown how to use the Fast Marching Squared algorithm and a leader-followers strategy to control a formation of robots, simplifying a high dimensional path-planning problem. This approach is evaluated with simulations in complex environments in which the formation control technique is applied. Results are evaluated in terms of distance to obstacles (safety) and the needed deformation. Then, a framework to perform the grasping action is presented. The necessary techniques for environment modelling and grasp synthesis and path planning and control are presented. For the motion planning part, the formation concept from the previous chapter is recycled. This technique is applied to the planning and control of the movement of a complex hand-arm system. Tests using robot Manfred show the possibilities of the framework when performing in real scenarios. Finally, under the assumption that the grasping actions may not always result as it was previously planned, a Bayesian-based state-estimation process is introduced to estimate the final in-hand object pose after a grasping action is done, based on the measurements of proprioceptive and tactile sensors. This approach is evaluated in real experiments with Reex Takktile hand. Results show good performance in general terms, while suggest the need of a vision system for a more precise outcome.La investigación en robótica avanza con la intención de evolucionar hacia el uso de los robots en entornos humanos. A día de hoy, su uso está prácticamente limitado a las fábricas, donde trabajan en entornos controlados realizando tareas repetitivas. Sin embargo, estos robots son incapaces de reaccionar antes los más mínimos cambios en el entorno o en la tarea a realizar. En el grupo de investigación del Roboticslab se ha construido un manipulador móvil, llamado Manfred, en el transcurso de los últimos 15 años. Su objetivo es conseguir realizar tareas de navegación y manipulación en entornos diseñados para seres humanos. Para las tareas de manipulación y agarre, se ha adquirido recientemente una mano robótica diseñada en la universidad de Gifu, Japón. Sin embargo, al comienzo de esta tesis, no se había realzado ningún trabajo destinado a la manipulación o el agarre de objetos. Por lo tanto, existe una motivación clara para investigar en este campo y ampliar las capacidades del robot, aspectos tratados en esta tesis. La primera parte de la tesis muestra la aplicación de un sistema de control de formaciones de robots en 3 dimensiones. El sistema explicado utiliza un esquema de tipo líder-seguidores, y se basa en la utilización del algoritmo Fast Marching Square para el cálculo de la trayectoria del líder. Después, mientras el líder recorre el camino, la formación se va adaptando al entorno para evitar la colisión de los robots con los obstáculos. El esquema de deformación presentado se basa en la información sobre el entorno previamente calculada con Fast Marching Square. El algoritmo es probado a través de distintas simulaciones en escenarios complejos. Los resultados son analizados estudiando principalmente dos características: cantidad de deformación necesaria y seguridad de los caminos de los robots. Aunque los resultados son satisfactorios en ambos aspectos, es deseable que en un futuro se realicen simulaciones más realistas y, finalmente, se implemente el sistema en robots reales. El siguiente capítulo nace de la misma idea, el control de formaciones de robots. Este concepto es usado para modelar el sistema brazo-mano del robot Manfred. Al igual que en el caso de una formación de robots, el sistema al completo incluye un número muy elevado de grados de libertad que dificulta la planificación de trayectorias. Sin embargo, la adaptación del esquema de control de formaciones para el brazo-mano robótico nos permite reducir la complejidad a la hora de hacer la planificación de trayectorias. Al igual que antes, el sistema se basa en el uso de Fast Marching Square. Además, se ha construido un esquema completo que permite modelar el entorno, calcular posibles posiciones para el agarre, y planificar los movimientos para realizarlo. Todo ello ha sido implementado en el robot Manfred, realizando pruebas de agarre con objetos reales. Los resultados muestran el potencial del uso de este esquema de control, dejando lugar para mejoras, fundamentalmente en el apartado de la modelización de objetos y en el cálculo y elección de los posibles agarres. A continuación, se trata de cerrar el lazo de control en el agarre de objetos. Una vez un sistema robótico ha realizado los movimientos necesarios para obtener un agarre estable, la posición final del objeto dentro de la mano resulta, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, distinta de la que se había planificado. Este hecho es debido a la acumulación de fallos en los sistemas de percepción y modelado del entorno, y los de planificación y ejecución de movimientos. Por ello, se propone un sistema Bayesiano basado en un filtro de partículas que, teniendo en cuenta la posición de la palma y los dedos de la mano, los datos de sensores táctiles y la forma del objeto, estima la posición del objeto dentro de la mano. El sistema parte de una posición inicial conocida, y empieza a ejecutarse después del primer contacto entre los dedos y el objeto, de manera que sea capaz de detectar los movimientos que se producen al realizar la fuerza necesaria para estabilizar el agarre. Los resultados muestran la validez del método. Sin embargo, también queda claro que, usando únicamente la información táctil y de posición, hay grados de libertad que no se pueden determinar, por lo que, para el futuro, resultaría aconsejable la combinación de este sistema con otro basado en visión. Finalmente se incluyen 2 anexos que profundizan en la implementación de la solución del algoritmo de Fast Marching y la presentación de los sistemas robóticos reales que se han usado en las distintas pruebas de la tesis.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Carlos Balaguer Bernaldo de Quirós.- Secretario: Raúl Suárez Feijoo.- Vocal: Pedro U. Lim

    One-Class Classification: Taxonomy of Study and Review of Techniques

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    One-class classification (OCC) algorithms aim to build classification models when the negative class is either absent, poorly sampled or not well defined. This unique situation constrains the learning of efficient classifiers by defining class boundary just with the knowledge of positive class. The OCC problem has been considered and applied under many research themes, such as outlier/novelty detection and concept learning. In this paper we present a unified view of the general problem of OCC by presenting a taxonomy of study for OCC problems, which is based on the availability of training data, algorithms used and the application domains applied. We further delve into each of the categories of the proposed taxonomy and present a comprehensive literature review of the OCC algorithms, techniques and methodologies with a focus on their significance, limitations and applications. We conclude our paper by discussing some open research problems in the field of OCC and present our vision for future research.Comment: 24 pages + 11 pages of references, 8 figure

    A Framework for Dynamic Terrain with Application in Off-road Ground Vehicle Simulations

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    The dissertation develops a framework for the visualization of dynamic terrains for use in interactive real-time 3D systems. Terrain visualization techniques may be classified as either static or dynamic. Static terrain solutions simulate rigid surface types exclusively; whereas dynamic solutions can also represent non-rigid surfaces. Systems that employ a static terrain approach lack realism due to their rigid nature. Disregarding the accurate representation of terrain surface interaction is rationalized because of the inherent difficulties associated with providing runtime dynamism. Nonetheless, dynamic terrain systems are a more correct solution because they allow the terrain database to be modified at run-time for the purpose of deforming the surface. Many established techniques in terrain visualization rely on invalid assumptions and weak computational models that hinder the use of dynamic terrain. Moreover, many existing techniques do not exploit the capabilities offered by current computer hardware. In this research, we present a component framework for terrain visualization that is useful in research, entertainment, and simulation systems. In addition, we present a novel method for deforming the terrain that can be used in real-time, interactive systems. The development of a component framework unifies disparate works under a single architecture. The high-level nature of the framework makes it flexible and adaptable for developing a variety of systems, independent of the static or dynamic nature of the solution. Currently, there are only a handful of documented deformation techniques and, in particular, none make explicit use of graphics hardware. The approach developed by this research offloads extra work to the graphics processing unit; in an effort to alleviate the overhead associated with deforming the terrain. Off-road ground vehicle simulation is used as an application domain to demonstrate the practical nature of the framework and the deformation technique. In order to realistically simulate terrain surface interactivity with the vehicle, the solution balances visual fidelity and speed. Accurately depicting terrain surface interactivity in off-road ground vehicle simulations improves visual realism; thereby, increasing the significance and worth of the application. Systems in academia, government, and commercial institutes can make use of the research findings to achieve the real-time display of interactive terrain surfaces

    A New Approach To Estimate The Collision Probability For Automotive Applications

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    We revisit the computation of probability of collision in the context of automotive collision avoidance (the estimation of a potential collision is also referred to as conflict detection in other contexts). After reviewing existing approaches to the definition and computation of a collision probability we argue that the question "What is the probability of collision within the next three seconds?" can be answered on the basis of a collision probability rate. Using results on level crossings for vector stochastic processes we derive a general expression for the upper bound of the distribution of the collision probability rate. This expression is valid for arbitrary prediction models including process noise. We demonstrate in several examples that distributions obtained by large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations obey this bound and in many cases approximately saturate the bound. We derive an approximation for the distribution of the collision probability rate that can be computed on an embedded platform. In order to efficiently sample this probability rate distribution for determination of its characteristic shape an adaptive method to obtain the sampling points is proposed. An upper bound of the probability of collision is then obtained by one-dimensional numerical integration over the time period of interest. A straightforward application of this method applies to the collision of an extended object with a second point-like object. Using an abstraction of the second object by salient points of its boundary we propose an application of this method to two extended objects with arbitrary orientation. Finally, the distribution of the collision probability rate is identified as the distribution of the time-to-collision.Comment: Revised and restructured version, discussion of extended vehicles expanded, section on TTC expanded, references added, other minor changes, 17 pages, 18 figure