702 research outputs found

    Future benefits and applications of intelligent on-board processing to VSAT services

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    The trends and roles of VSAT services in the year 2010 time frame are examined based on an overall network and service model for that period. An estimate of the VSAT traffic is then made and the service and general network requirements are identified. In order to accommodate these traffic needs, four satellite VSAT architectures based on the use of fixed or scanning multibeam antennas in conjunction with IF switching or onboard regeneration and baseband processing are suggested. The performance of each of these architectures is assessed and the key enabling technologies are identified

    Performance evaluation of currently available VLSI implementations satisfying U-interface requirements for an ISDN in South Africa.

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    A project report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering.This project report examines the performance of three VLSI U-interface implementations satisfying the requirements of Basic Access on an ISDN. The systems evaluated are the Intel 89120,Siemens PEB2090 and STC DSP144, operating on 2BIQ, MMS4J and SU32 line codes respectively. Before evaluating the three abovementioned systems, a review of the underlying principles of U-interface technology is presented. Included in the review are aspects of transmission line theory, line coding, echo-cancellation, decision feedback equalisation, and pulse density modulation. The functional specifications of the three systems are then presented followed by a practical evaluation of each system. As an aid to testing the transmission systems, an evaluation board has been designed and built. The latter provides the necessary functionality to correctly activate each system, as well as the appropriate interfacing requirements for the error-rate tester. The U-interface transmission systems are evaluated on a number of test-loops, comprising sections of cable varying in length and gauge. Additionally, impairments are injected into data-carrying cables, in order to test the performance of each system in the presence of noise. The results of each test are recorded and analysed. Finally, a recommendation is made in favour of the 2BIQ U-interface. It is shown to offer superior transmission performance, at the expense of a slightly higher transmit-power level.Andrew Chakane 201

    MedLAN: Compact mobile computing system for wireless information access in emergency hospital wards

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.As the need for faster, safer and more efficient healthcare delivery increases, medical consultants seek new ways of implementing a high quality telemedical system, using innovative technology. Until today, teleconsultation (the most common application of Telemedicine) was performed by transferring the patient from the Accidents and Emergency ward, to a specially equipped room, or by moving large and heavy machinery to the place where the patient resided. Both these solutions were unpractical, uneconomical and potentially dangerous. At the same time wireless networks became increasingly useful in point-of-care areas such as hospitals, because of their ease of use, low cost of installation and increased flexibility. This thesis presents an integrated system called MedLAN dedicated for use inside the A&E hospital wards. Its purpose is to wirelessly support high-quality live video, audio, high-resolution still images and networks support from anywhere there is WLAN coverage. It is capable of transmitting all of the above to a consultant residing either inside or outside the hospital, or even to an external place, thorough the use of the Internet. To implement that, it makes use of the existing IEEE 802.11b wireless technology. Initially, this thesis demonstrates that for specific scenarios (such as when using WLANs), DICOM specifications should be adjusted to accommodate for the reduced WLAN bandwidth. Near lossless compression has been used to send still images through the WLANs and the results have been evaluated by a number of consultants to decide whether they retain their diagnostic value. The thesis further suggests improvements on the existing 802.11b protocol. In particular, as the typical hospital environment suffers from heavy RF reflections, it suggests that an alternative method of modulation (OFDM) can be embedded in the 802.11b hardware to reduce the multipath effect, increase the throughput and thus the video quality sent by the MedLAN system. Finally, realising that the trust between a patient and a doctor is fundamental this thesis proposes a series of simple actions aiming at securing the MedLAN system. Additionally, a concrete security system is suggested, that encapsulates the existing WEP security protocol, over IPSec

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression

    Měření Triple play služeb v hybridní síti

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    The master's thesis deals with a project regarding the implementation, design and the quality of IPTV, VoIP and Data services within the Triple Play services. In heterostructural networks made up of GEPON and xDSL technologies. Different lengths of the optical and metallic paths were used for the measurements. The first part of the thesis is theoretically analyzed the development and trend of optical and metallic networks. The second part deals with the measurement of typical optical and metallic parameters on the constructed experimental network, where its integrity was tested. Another part of the thesis is the evaluation of Triple play results, regarding the test where the network was variously tasked/burdened with data traffic and evaluated according to defined standards. The last part is concerned with the Optiwave Software simulation environment.Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem, realizací a kvalitou služeb IPTV, VoIP a Data v rámci Triple play služeb v heterostrukturní sítí tvořené GEPON a xDSL technologiemi. Pro měření byli využity různé délky optické a metalické trasy. První části diplomové práce je teoreticky rozebrán vývoj a trend optických a metalických sítí. Druhá část se zaměřuje na měření typických optických a metalických parametrů na vybudované experimentální síti, kde byla následně testována její integrita. Dalším bodem práce je vyhodnocení výsledků Triple play, kde síť je různě zatěžována datovým provozem a následně vyhodnocována podle definovaných norem. Závěr práce je věnovaný simulačnímu prostředí Optiwave.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Design of a 3.3 V analog video line driver with controlled output impedance

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    The internet revolution has led to the demand for high speed, low cost solutions for providing high bandwidth to the consumers. Cable and DSL systems address these requirements through sophisticated analog and digital signal processing schemes. A key element of the analog front end of such systems is the line driver which interfaces with the transmission medium such as co-axial cable or twisted pair. The line driver is an amplifier that provides the necessary output current to drive the low impedance of the line. The main requirements for design are high output swing, high linearity, matched impedance to the line and power efficiency. These requirements are addressed by a class AB amplifier whose output impedance can be controlled through feedback. The property of this topology is that when the gain is unity, the output resistance of the driver is matched to the line resistance. Unity gain is achieved for varying line conditions through a tuning loop consisting of peak-to-peak detectors and differential difference amplifier. The design is fabricated in 0.5 micron AMI CMOS process technology. For line variations from 65 to 170 ohms, the gain is unity with an error of 3 % and the impedance matching error is 20 % at the worst-case. The linearity is better than 50 dB for a 1.2 V peak-to-peak signal over the signal bandwidth from 10 kHz to 5 MHz and the line resitance range from 65 to 160 ohms

    Voice over IP

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    The area that this thesis covers is Voice over IP (or IP Telephony as it is sometimes called) over Private networks and not over the Internet. There is a distinction to be made between the two even though the term is loosely applied to both. IP Telephony over Private Networks involve calls made over private WANs using IP telephony protocols while IP Telephony over the Internet involve calls made over the public Internet using IP telephony protocols. Since the network is private, service is reliable because the network owner can control how resources are allocated to various applications, such as telephony services. The public Internet on the other hand is a public, largely unmanaged network that offers no reliable service guarantee. Calls placed over the Internet can be low in quality, but given the low price, some find this solution attractive. What started off as an Internet Revolution with free phone calls being offered to the general public using their multimedia computers has turned into a telecommunication revolution where enterprises are beginning to converge their data and voice networks into one network. In retrospect, an enterprise\u27s data networks are being leveraged for telephony. The communication industry has come full circle. Earlier in the decade data was being transmitted over the public voice networks and now voice is just another application which is/will be run over the enterprises existing data networks. We shall see in this thesis the problems that are encountered while sending Voice over Data networks using the underlying IP Protocol and the corrective steps taken by the Industry to resolve these multitudes of issues. Paul M. Zam who is collaborating in this Joint Thesis/project on VoIP will substantiate this theoretical research with his practical findings. On reading this paper the reader will gain an insight in the issues revolving the implementation of VoIP in an enterprises private network as well the technical data, which sheds more light on the same. Thus the premise of this joint thesis/project is to analyze the current status of the technology and present a business case scenario where an organization will be able to use this information

    Simulation and analytical performance studies of generic atm switch fabrics.

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    As technology improves exciting new services such as video phone become possible and economically viable but their deployment is hampered by the inability of the present networks to carry them. The long term vision is to have a single network able to carry all present and future services. Asynchronous Transfer Mode, ATM, is the versatile new packet -based switching and multiplexing technique proposed for the single network. Interest in ATM is currently high as both industrial and academic institutions strive to understand more about the technique. Using both simulation and analysis, this research has investigated how the performance of ATM switches is affected by architectural variations in the switch fabric design and how the stochastic nature of ATM affects the timing of constant bit rate services. As a result the research has contributed new ATM switch performance data, a general purpose ATM switch simulator and analytic models that further research may utilise and has uncovered a significant timing problem of the ATM technique. The thesis will also be of interest and assistance to anyone planning on using simulation as a research tool to model an ATM switch

    A high-speed wireless network used for telemedicine

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    Nowadays, there is growing interest in using telemedicine to provide non-face-to-face healthcare for patients. The emergence and development of WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) technology, which supports high-speed wireless communications within the existing Intranet that covers the healthcare system, makes it possible to provide routine body check-ups for patients who need long-term monitoring. In this thesis, we present the design of a wireless telemedicine system using WLAN technology. [Continues.