607 research outputs found

    Efficiently learning metric and topological maps with autonomous service robots

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    Models of the environment are needed for a wide range of robotic applications, from search and rescue to automated vacuum cleaning. Learning maps has therefore been a major research focus in the robotics community over the last decades. In general, one distinguishes between metric and topological maps. Metric maps model the environment based on grids or geometric representations whereas topological maps model the structure of the environment using a graph. The contribution of this paper is an approach that learns a metric as well as a topological map based on laser range data obtained with a mobile robot. Our approach consists of two steps. First, the robot solves the simultaneous localization and mapping problem using an efficient probabilistic filtering technique. In a second step, it acquires semantic information about the environment using machine learning techniques. This semantic information allows the robot to distinguish between different types of places like, e. g., corridors or rooms. This enables the robot to construct annotated metric as well as topological maps of the environment. All techniques have been implemented and thoroughly tested using real mobile robot in a variety of environments

    Lazy localization using the Frozen-Time Smoother

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    We present a new algorithm for solving the global localization problem called Frozen-Time Smoother (FTS). Time is 'frozen', in the sense that the belief always refers to the same time instant, instead of following a moving target, like Monte Carlo Localization does. This algorithm works in the case in which global localization is formulated as a smoothing problem, and a precise estimate of the incremental motion of the robot is usually available. These assumptions correspond to the case when global localization is used to solve the loop closing problem in SLAM. We compare FTS to two Monte Carlo methods designed with the same assumptions. The experiments suggest that a naive implementation of the FTS is more efficient than an extremely optimized equivalent Monte Carlo solution. Moreover, the FTS has an intrinsic laziness: it does not need frequent updates (scans can be integrated once every many meters) and it can process data in arbitrary order. The source code and datasets are available for download

    An FPGA Acceleration and Optimization Techniques for 2D LiDAR SLAM Algorithm

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    An efficient hardware implementation for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) methods is of necessity for mobile autonomous robots with limited computational resources. In this paper, we propose a resource-efficient FPGA implementation for accelerating scan matching computations, which typically cause a major bottleneck in 2D LiDAR SLAM methods. Scan matching is a process of correcting a robot pose by aligning the latest LiDAR measurements with an occupancy grid map, which encodes the information about the surrounding environment. We exploit an inherent parallelism in the Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) based algorithms to perform scan matching computations for multiple particles in parallel. In the proposed design, several techniques are employed to reduce the resource utilization and to achieve the maximum throughput. Experimental results using the benchmark datasets show that the scan matching is accelerated by 5.31-8.75x and the overall throughput is improved by 3.72-5.10x without seriously degrading the quality of the final outputs. Furthermore, our proposed IP core requires only 44% of the total resources available in the TUL Pynq-Z2 FPGA board, thus facilitating the realization of SLAM applications on indoor mobile robots

    Consistent map building in petrochemical complexes for firefighter robots using SLAM based on GPS and LIDAR

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    The objective of this study was to achieve simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) of firefighter robots for petrochemical complexes. Consistency of the SLAM map is important because human operators compare the map with aerial images and identify target positions on the map. The global positioning system (GPS) enables increased consistency. Therefore, this paper describes two Rao-Blackwellized particle filters (RBPFs) based on GPS and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) as SLAM solutions. Fast-SLAM 1.0 and Fast-SLAM 2.0 were used in grid maps for RBPFs in this study. We herein propose the use of Fast-SLAM to combine GPS and LIDAR. The difference between the original Fast-SLAM and the proposed method is the use of the log-likelihood function of GPS; the proposed combination method is implemented using a probabilistic mathematics formulation. The proposed methods were evaluated using sensor data measured in a real petrochemical complex in Japan ranging in size from 550–380 m. RTK-GPS data was used for the GPS measurement and had an availability of 56%. Our results showed that Fast-SLAM 2.0 based on GPS and LIDAR in a dense grid map produced the best results. There was significant improvement in alignment to aerial data, and the mean square root error was 0.65 m. To evaluate the mapping consistency, accurate 3D point cloud data measured by Faro Focus 3D (± 3 mm) was used as the ground truth. Building sizes were compared; the minimum mean errors were 0.17 and 0.08 m for the oil refinery and management building area and the area of a sparse building layout with large oil tanks, respectively. Consequently, a consistent map, which was also consistent with an aerial map (from Google Maps), was built by Fast-SLAM 1.0 and 2.0 based on GPS and LIDAR. Our method reproduced map consistency results for ten runs with a variance of ± 0.3 m. Our method reproduced map consistency results with a global accuracy of 0.52 m in a low RTK-Fix-GPS environment, which was a factory with a building layout similar to petrochemical complexes with 20.9% of RTK-Fix-GPS data availability

    Extending the Occupancy Grid Concept for Low-Cost Sensor Based SLAM

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    The simultaneous localization and mapping problem is approached by using an ultrasound sensor and wheel encoders. To be able to account for the low precision inherent in ultrasound sensors, the occupancy grid notion is extended. The extension takes into consideration with which angle the sensor is pointing, to compensate for the issue that an object is not necessarily detectable from all position due to deficiencies in how ultrasonic range sensors work. Also, a mixed linear/nonlinear model is derived for future use in Rao-Blackwellized particle smoothing


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