47 research outputs found


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    As the amount of information grows and as users become more sophisticated, ranking techniques become important building blocks to meet user needs when answering queries. PageRank is one of the most successful link-based ranking methods, which iteratively computes the importance scores for web pages based on the importance scores of incoming pages. Due to its success, PageRank has been applied in a number of applications that require customization. We address the scalability challenges for two types of customized ranking. The first challenge is to compute the ranking of a subgraph. Various Web applications focus on identifying a subgraph, such as focused crawlers and localized search engines. The second challenge is to compute online personalized ranking. Personalized search improves the quality of search results for each user. The user needs are represented by a personalized set of pages or personalized link importance in an entity relationship graph. This requires an efficient online computation. To solve the subgraph ranking problem efficiently, we estimate the ranking scores for a subgraph. We propose a framework of an exact solution (IdealRank) and an approximate solution (ApproxRank) for computing ranking on a subgraph. Both IdealRank and ApproxRank represent the set of external pages with an external node Λ\Lambda and modify the PageRank-style transition matrix with respect to Λ\Lambda. The IdealRank algorithm assumes that the scores of external pages are known. We prove that the IdealRank scores for pages in the subgraph converge to the true PageRank scores. Since the PageRank-style scores of external pages may not typically be available, we propose the ApproxRank algorithm to estimate scores for the subgraph. We analyze the L1L_1 distance between IdealRank scores and ApproxRank scores of the subgraph and show that it is within a constant factor of the L1L_1 distance of the external pages. We demonstrate with real and synthetic data that ApproxRank provides a good approximation to PageRank for a variety of subgraphs. We consider online personalization using ObjectRank; it is an authority flow based ranking for entity relationship graphs. We formalize the concept of an aggregate surfer on a data graph; the surfer's behavior is controlled by multiple personalized rankings. We prove a linearity theorem over these rankings which can be used as a tool to scale this type of personalization. DataApprox uses a repository of precomputed rankings for a given set of link weights assignments. We define DataApprox as an optimization problem; it selects a subset of the precomputed rankings from the repository and produce a weighted combination of these rankings. We analyze the L1L_1 distance between the DataApprox scores and the real authority flow ranking scores and show that DataApprox has a theoretical bound. Our experiments on the DBLP data graph show that DataApprox performs well in practice and allows fast and accurate personalized authority flow ranking

    Reverse k-Ranks Queries on Large Graphs

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    Automatic Generation of Thematically Focused Information Portals from Web Data

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    Finding the desired information on the Web is often a hard and time-consuming task. This thesis presents the methodology of automatic generation of thematically focused portals from Web data. The key component of the proposed Web retrieval framework is the thematically focused Web crawler that is interested only in a specific, typically small, set of topics. The focused crawler uses classification methods for filtering of fetched documents and identifying most likely relevant Web sources for further downloads. We show that the human efforts for preparation of the focused crawl can be minimized by automatic extending of the training dataset using additional training samples coined archetypes. This thesis introduces the combining of classification results and link-based authority ranking methods for selecting archetypes, combined with periodical re-training of the classifier. We also explain the architecture of the focused Web retrieval framework and discuss results of comprehensive use-case studies and evaluations with a prototype system BINGO!. Furthermore, the thesis addresses aspects of crawl postprocessing, such as refinements of the topic structure and restrictive document filtering. We introduce postprocessing methods and meta methods that are applied in an restrictive manner, i.e. by leaving out some uncertain documents rather than assigning them to inappropriate topics or clusters with low confidence. We also introduce the methodology of collaborative crawl postprocessing for multiple cooperating users in a distributed environment, such as a peer-to-peer overlay network. An important aspect of the thematically focused Web portal is the ranking of search results. This thesis addresses the aspect of search personalization by aggregating explicit or implicit feedback from multiple users and capturing topic-specific search patterns by profiles. Furthermore, we consider advanced link-based authority ranking algorithms that exploit the crawl-specific information, such as classification confidence grades for particular documents. This goal is achieved by weighting of edges in the link graph of the crawl and by adding virtual links between highly relevant documents of the topic. The results of our systematic evaluation on multiple reference collections and real Web data show the viability of the proposed methodology

    Efficient Node Proximity and Node Significance Computations in Graphs

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    abstract: Node proximity measures are commonly used for quantifying how nearby or otherwise related to two or more nodes in a graph are. Node significance measures are mainly used to find how much nodes are important in a graph. The measures of node proximity/significance have been highly effective in many predictions and applications. Despite their effectiveness, however, there are various shortcomings. One such shortcoming is a scalability problem due to their high computation costs on large size graphs and another problem on the measures is low accuracy when the significance of node and its degree in the graph are not related. The other problem is that their effectiveness is less when information for a graph is uncertain. For an uncertain graph, they require exponential computation costs to calculate ranking scores with considering all possible worlds. In this thesis, I first introduce Locality-sensitive, Re-use promoting, approximate Personalized PageRank (LR-PPR) which is an approximate personalized PageRank calculating node rankings for the locality information for seeds without calculating the entire graph and reusing the precomputed locality information for different locality combinations. For the identification of locality information, I present Impact Neighborhood Indexing (INI) to find impact neighborhoods with nodes' fingerprints propagation on the network. For the accuracy challenge, I introduce Degree Decoupled PageRank (D2PR) technique to improve the effectiveness of PageRank based knowledge discovery, especially considering the significance of neighbors and degree of a given node. To tackle the uncertain challenge, I introduce Uncertain Personalized PageRank (UPPR) to approximately compute personalized PageRank values on uncertainties of edge existence and Interval Personalized PageRank with Integration (IPPR-I) and Interval Personalized PageRank with Mean (IPPR-M) to compute ranking scores for the case when uncertainty exists on edge weights as interval values.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Linked Data Entity Summarization

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    On the Web, the amount of structured and Linked Data about entities is constantly growing. Descriptions of single entities often include thousands of statements and it becomes difficult to comprehend the data, unless a selection of the most relevant facts is provided. This doctoral thesis addresses the problem of Linked Data entity summarization. The contributions involve two entity summarization approaches, a common API for entity summarization, and an approach for entity data fusion