1,537 research outputs found

    Type-II/III DCT/DST algorithms with reduced number of arithmetic operations

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    We present algorithms for the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and discrete sine transform (DST), of types II and III, that achieve a lower count of real multiplications and additions than previously published algorithms, without sacrificing numerical accuracy. Asymptotically, the operation count is reduced from ~ 2N log_2 N to ~ (17/9) N log_2 N for a power-of-two transform size N. Furthermore, we show that a further N multiplications may be saved by a certain rescaling of the inputs or outputs, generalizing a well-known technique for N=8 by Arai et al. These results are derived by considering the DCT to be a special case of a DFT of length 4N, with certain symmetries, and then pruning redundant operations from a recent improved fast Fourier transform algorithm (based on a recursive rescaling of the conjugate-pair split radix algorithm). The improved algorithms for DCT-III, DST-II, and DST-III follow immediately from the improved count for the DCT-II.Comment: 9 page

    Pruned Bit-Reversal Permutations: Mathematical Characterization, Fast Algorithms and Architectures

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    A mathematical characterization of serially-pruned permutations (SPPs) employed in variable-length permuters and their associated fast pruning algorithms and architectures are proposed. Permuters are used in many signal processing systems for shuffling data and in communication systems as an adjunct to coding for error correction. Typically only a small set of discrete permuter lengths are supported. Serial pruning is a simple technique to alter the length of a permutation to support a wider range of lengths, but results in a serial processing bottleneck. In this paper, parallelizing SPPs is formulated in terms of recursively computing sums involving integer floor and related functions using integer operations, in a fashion analogous to evaluating Dedekind sums. A mathematical treatment for bit-reversal permutations (BRPs) is presented, and closed-form expressions for BRP statistics are derived. It is shown that BRP sequences have weak correlation properties. A new statistic called permutation inliers that characterizes the pruning gap of pruned interleavers is proposed. Using this statistic, a recursive algorithm that computes the minimum inliers count of a pruned BR interleaver (PBRI) in logarithmic time complexity is presented. This algorithm enables parallelizing a serial PBRI algorithm by any desired parallelism factor by computing the pruning gap in lookahead rather than a serial fashion, resulting in significant reduction in interleaving latency and memory overhead. Extensions to 2-D block and stream interleavers, as well as applications to pruned fast Fourier transforms and LTE turbo interleavers, are also presented. Moreover, hardware-efficient architectures for the proposed algorithms are developed. Simulation results demonstrate 3 to 4 orders of magnitude improvement in interleaving time compared to existing approaches.Comment: 31 page

    Convolutional neural network architecture for geometric matching

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    We address the problem of determining correspondences between two images in agreement with a geometric model such as an affine or thin-plate spline transformation, and estimating its parameters. The contributions of this work are three-fold. First, we propose a convolutional neural network architecture for geometric matching. The architecture is based on three main components that mimic the standard steps of feature extraction, matching and simultaneous inlier detection and model parameter estimation, while being trainable end-to-end. Second, we demonstrate that the network parameters can be trained from synthetically generated imagery without the need for manual annotation and that our matching layer significantly increases generalization capabilities to never seen before images. Finally, we show that the same model can perform both instance-level and category-level matching giving state-of-the-art results on the challenging Proposal Flow dataset.Comment: In 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017

    An Analysis of Errors in Graph-Based Keypoint Matching and Proposed Solutions

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    International audienceAn error occurs in graph-based keypoint matching when key-points in two different images are matched by an algorithm but do not correspond to the same physical point. Most previous methods acquire keypoints in a black-box manner, and focus on developing better algorithms to match the provided points. However to study the complete performance of a matching system one has to study errors through the whole matching pipeline, from keypoint detection, candidate selection to graph optimisation. We show that in the full pipeline there are six different types of errors that cause mismatches. We then present a matching framework designed to reduce these errors. We achieve this by adapting keypoint detectors to better suit the needs of graph-based matching, and achieve better graph constraints by exploiting more information from their keypoints. Our framework is applicable in general images and can handle clutter and motion discontinuities. We also propose a method to identify many mismatches a posteriori based on Left-Right Consistency inspired by stereo matching due to the asymmetric way we detect keypoints and define the graph