12 research outputs found

    Fast generalized DFTs for all finite groups

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    For any finite group G, we give an arithmetic algorithm to compute generalized Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFTs) with respect to G, using O(|G|^(ω/2+ ϵ)) operations, for any ϵ > 0. Here, ω is the exponent of matrix multiplication

    Fast generalized DFTs for all finite groups

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    For any finite group GG, we give an arithmetic algorithm to compute generalized Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFTs) with respect to GG, using O(Gω/2+ϵ)O(|G|^{\omega/2 + \epsilon}) operations, for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. Here, ω\omega is the exponent of matrix multiplication

    Fast generalized DFTs for all finite groups

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    For any finite group G, we give an arithmetic algorithm to compute generalized Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFTs) with respect to G, using O(|G|^(ω/2+ ϵ)) operations, for any ϵ > 0. Here, ω is the exponent of matrix multiplication

    Patching Colors with Tensors

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    Computing Generalized Convolutions Faster Than Brute Force

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    Computing Generalized Convolutions Faster Than Brute Force

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    In this paper, we consider a general notion of convolution. Let DD be a finite domain and let DnD^n be the set of nn-length vectors (tuples) of DD. Let f:D×DDf : D \times D \to D be a function and let f\oplus_f be a coordinate-wise application of ff. The ff-Convolution of two functions g,h:Dn{M,,M}g,h : D^n \to \{-M,\ldots,M\} is \begin{displaymath} (g \circledast_f h)(v) := \sum_{\substack{v_g,v_h \in D^n\\ \text{s.t. } v = v_g \oplus_f v_h}} g(v_g) \cdot h(v_h) \end{displaymath} for every vDnv \in D^n. This problem generalizes many fundamental convolutions such as Subset Convolution, XOR Product, Covering Product or Packing Product, etc. For arbitrary function ff and domain DD we can compute ff-Convolution via brute-force enumeration in O~D2n\tilde O{|D|^{2n}} time. Our main result is an improvement over this naive algorithm. We show that ff-Convolution can be computed exactly in O~(cD2)n\tilde O{ (c \cdot |D|^2)^{n}} for constant c:=5/6c := 5/6 when DD has even cardinality. Our main observation is that a \emph{cyclic partition} of a function f:D×DDf : D \times D \to D can be used to speed up the computation of ff-Convolution, and we show that an appropriate cyclic partition exists for every ff. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a single entry of the ff-Convolution can be computed more efficiently. In this variant, we are given two functions g,h:Dn{M,,M}g,h : D^n \to \{-M,\ldots,M\} alongside with a vector vDnv \in D^n and the task of the ff-Query problem is to compute integer (gfh)(v)(g \circledast_f h)(v). This is a generalization of the well-known Orthogonal Vectors problem. We show that ff-Query can be computed in O~Dω2n\tilde O{|D|^{\frac{\omega}{2} n}} time, where ω[2,2.373)\omega \in [2,2.373) is the exponent of currently fastest matrix multiplication algorithm

    Stronger 3-SUM Lower Bounds for Approximate Distance Oracles via Additive Combinatorics

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    The "short cycle removal" technique was recently introduced by Abboud, Bringmann, Khoury and Zamir (STOC '22) to prove fine-grained hardness of approximation. Its main technical result is that listing all triangles in an n1/2n^{1/2}-regular graph is n2o(1)n^{2-o(1)}-hard under the 3-SUM conjecture even when the number of short cycles is small; namely, when the number of kk-cycles is O(nk/2+γ)O(n^{k/2+\gamma}) for γ<1/2\gamma<1/2. Abboud et al. achieve γ1/4\gamma\geq 1/4 by applying structure vs. randomness arguments on graphs. In this paper, we take a step back and apply conceptually similar arguments on the numbers of the 3-SUM problem. Consequently, we achieve the best possible γ=0\gamma=0 and the following lower bounds under the 3-SUM conjecture: * Approximate distance oracles: The seminal Thorup-Zwick distance oracles achieve stretch 2k±O(1)2k\pm O(1) after preprocessing a graph in O(mn1/k)O(m n^{1/k}) time. For the same stretch, and assuming the query time is no(1)n^{o(1)} Abboud et al. proved an Ω(m1+112.7552k)\Omega(m^{1+\frac{1}{12.7552 \cdot k}}) lower bound on the preprocessing time; we improve it to Ω(m1+12k)\Omega(m^{1+\frac1{2k}}) which is only a factor 2 away from the upper bound. We also obtain tight bounds for stretch 2+o(1)2+o(1) and 3ϵ3-\epsilon and higher lower bounds for dynamic shortest paths. * Listing 4-cycles: Abboud et al. proved the first super-linear lower bound for listing all 4-cycles in a graph, ruling out (m1.1927+t)1+o(1)(m^{1.1927}+t)^{1+o(1)} time algorithms where tt is the number of 4-cycles. We settle the complexity of this basic problem by showing that the O~(min(m4/3,n2)+t)\widetilde{O}(\min(m^{4/3},n^2) +t) upper bound is tight up to no(1)n^{o(1)} factors. Our results exploit a rich tool set from additive combinatorics, most notably the Balog-Szemer\'edi-Gowers theorem and Rusza's covering lemma. A key ingredient that may be of independent interest is a subquadratic algorithm for 3-SUM if one of the sets has small doubling.Comment: Abstract shortened to fit arXiv requirement

    Sparse {Fourier Transform} by Traversing {Cooley-Tukey FFT} Computation Graphs

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    Computing the dominant Fourier coefficients of a vector is a common task in many fields, such as signal processing, learning theory, and computational complexity. In the Sparse Fast Fourier Transform (Sparse FFT) problem, one is given oracle access to a dd-dimensional vector xx of size NN, and is asked to compute the best kk-term approximation of its Discrete Fourier Transform, quickly and using few samples of the input vector xx. While the sample complexity of this problem is quite well understood, all previous approaches either suffer from an exponential dependence of runtime on the dimension dd or can only tolerate a trivial amount of noise. This is in sharp contrast with the classical FFT algorithm of Cooley and Tukey, which is stable and completely insensitive to the dimension of the input vector: its runtime is O(NlogN)O(N\log N) in any dimension dd. In this work, we introduce a new high-dimensional Sparse FFT toolkit and use it to obtain new algorithms, both on the exact, as well as in the case of bounded 2\ell_2 noise. This toolkit includes i) a new strategy for exploring a pruned FFT computation tree that reduces the cost of filtering, ii) new structural properties of adaptive aliasing filters recently introduced by Kapralov, Velingker and Zandieh'SODA'19, and iii) a novel lazy estimation argument, suited to reducing the cost of estimation in FFT tree-traversal approaches. Our robust algorithm can be viewed as a highly optimized sparse, stable extension of the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm. Finally, we explain the barriers we have faced by proving a conditional quadratic lower bound on the running time of the well-studied non-equispaced Fourier transform problem. This resolves a natural and frequently asked question in computational Fourier transforms. Lastly, we provide a preliminary experimental evaluation comparing the runtime of our algorithm to FFTW and SFFT 2.0

    Traversing the FFT Computation Tree for Dimension-Independent Sparse Fourier Transforms

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    We consider the well-studied Sparse Fourier transform problem, where one aims to quickly recover an approximately Fourier kk-sparse vector x^Cnd\widehat{x} \in \mathbb{C}^{n^d} from observing its time domain representation xx. In the exact kk-sparse case the best known dimension-independent algorithm runs in near cubic time in kk and it is unclear whether a faster algorithm like in low dimensions is possible. Beyond that, all known approaches either suffer from an exponential dependence on the dimension dd or can only tolerate a trivial amount of noise. This is in sharp contrast with the classical FFT of Cooley and Tukey, which is stable and completely insensitive to the dimension of the input vector: its runtime is O(NlogN)O(N\log N) in any dimension dd for N=ndN=n^d. Our work aims to address the above issues. First, we provide a translation/reduction of the exactly kk-sparse FT problem to a concrete tree exploration task which asks to recover kk leaves in a full binary tree under certain exploration rules. Subsequently, we provide (a) an almost quadratic in kk time algorithm for this task, and (b) evidence that a strongly subquadratic time for Sparse FT via this approach is likely impossible. We achieve the latter by proving a conditional quadratic time lower bound on sparse polynomial multipoint evaluation (the classical non-equispaced sparse FT) which is a core routine in the aforementioned translation. Thus, our results combined can be viewed as an almost complete understanding of this approach, which is the only known approach that yields sublinear time dimension-independent Sparse FT algorithms. Subsequently, we provide a robustification of our algorithm, yielding a robust cubic time algorithm under bounded 2\ell_2 noise. This requires proving new structural properties of the recently introduced adaptive aliasing filters combined with a variety of new techniques and ideas

    Algorithms for sparse convolution and sublinear edit distance

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    In this PhD thesis on fine-grained algorithm design and complexity, we investigate output-sensitive and sublinear-time algorithms for two important problems. (1) Sparse Convolution: Computing the convolution of two vectors is a basic algorithmic primitive with applications across all of Computer Science and Engineering. In the sparse convolution problem we assume that the input and output vectors have at most t nonzero entries, and the goal is to design algorithms with running times dependent on t. For the special case where all entries are nonnegative, which is particularly important for algorithm design, it is known since twenty years that sparse convolutions can be computed in near-linear randomized time O(t log^2 n). In this thesis we develop a randomized algorithm with running time O(t \log t) which is optimal (under some mild assumptions), and the first near-linear deterministic algorithm for sparse nonnegative convolution. We also present an application of these results, leading to seemingly unrelated fine-grained lower bounds against distance oracles in graphs. (2) Sublinear Edit Distance: The edit distance of two strings is a well-studied similarity measure with numerous applications in computational biology. While computing the edit distance exactly provably requires quadratic time, a long line of research has lead to a constant-factor approximation algorithm in almost-linear time. Perhaps surprisingly, it is also possible to approximate the edit distance k within a large factor O(k) in sublinear time O~(n/k + poly(k)). We drastically improve the approximation factor of the known sublinear algorithms from O(k) to k^{o(1)} while preserving the O(n/k + poly(k)) running time.In dieser Doktorarbeit über feinkörnige Algorithmen und Komplexität untersuchen wir ausgabesensitive Algorithmen und Algorithmen mit sublinearer Lauf-zeit für zwei wichtige Probleme. (1) Dünne Faltungen: Die Berechnung der Faltung zweier Vektoren ist ein grundlegendes algorithmisches Primitiv, das in allen Bereichen der Informatik und des Ingenieurwesens Anwendung findet. Für das dünne Faltungsproblem nehmen wir an, dass die Eingabe- und Ausgabevektoren höchstens t Einträge ungleich Null haben, und das Ziel ist, Algorithmen mit Laufzeiten in Abhängigkeit von t zu entwickeln. Für den speziellen Fall, dass alle Einträge nicht-negativ sind, was insbesondere für den Entwurf von Algorithmen relevant ist, ist seit zwanzig Jahren bekannt, dass dünn besetzte Faltungen in nahezu linearer randomisierter Zeit O(t \log^2 n) berechnet werden können. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir einen randomisierten Algorithmus mit Laufzeit O(t \log t), der (unter milden Annahmen) optimal ist, und den ersten nahezu linearen deterministischen Algorithmus für dünne nichtnegative Faltungen. Wir stellen auch eine Anwendung dieser Ergebnisse vor, die zu scheinbar unverwandten feinkörnigen unteren Schranken gegen Distanzorakel in Graphen führt. (2) Sublineare Editierdistanz: Die Editierdistanz zweier Zeichenketten ist ein gut untersuchtes Ähnlichkeitsmaß mit zahlreichen Anwendungen in der Computerbiologie. Während die exakte Berechnung der Editierdistanz nachweislich quadratische Zeit erfordert, hat eine lange Reihe von Forschungsarbeiten zu einem Approximationsalgorithmus mit konstantem Faktor in fast-linearer Zeit geführt. Überraschenderweise ist es auch möglich, die Editierdistanz k innerhalb eines großen Faktors O(k) in sublinearer Zeit O~(n/k + poly(k)) zu approximieren. Wir verbessern drastisch den Approximationsfaktor der bekannten sublinearen Algorithmen von O(k) auf k^{o(1)} unter Beibehaltung der O(n/k + poly(k))-Laufzeit