408 research outputs found


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    We explore ideal models for a programming language with recursive polymorphic types, variants of the model studied by MacQueen, Plotkin, and Sethi. The use of suitable ideals yields a close fit between models and programming language. Two of our semantics of type expressions are faithful, in the sense that programs that behave identically in all contexts have exactly the same types

    A Simple Semantics for ML Polymorphism

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    We give a framework for denotational semantics for the polymorphic core of the programming language ML. This framework requires no more semantic material than what is needed for modeling the simple type discipline. In our view, the terms of ML are pairs consisting of a raw (untyped) lambda term and a type-scheme that ML\u27s type inference system can derive for the raw term. We interpret type-schemes as sets of simple types. Then, given any model M of the simply typed lambda calculus, the meaning of an ML term will be a set of pairs, each consisting of a simple type Ï„ and an element of M of type Ï„. Hence, there is no need to interpret all raw terms, as was done in Milner\u27s original semantic framework. In comparison to Mitchell and Harper\u27s analysis, we avoid having to provide a very large type universe in which generic type-schemes are interpreted. Also, we show how to give meaning to ML terms rather than to derivations in the ML type inference system (which can be several for the same term). We give an axiomatization for the equational theory that corresponds to our semantic framework and prove the analogs of the compeleteness theorems that Friedman proved for the simply typed lambda calculus. The framework can be extended to languages with constants, type constructors and recursive types (via regular trees). For the extended language, we prove a theorem that allows the transfer of certain full abstraction results from languages based on the typed lambda calculus to ML-like languages

    Functionality, Polymorphism, and Concurrency: A Mathematical Investigation of Programming Paradigms

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    The search for mathematical models of computational phenomena often leads to problems that are of independent mathematical interest. Selected problems of this kind are investigated in this thesis. First, we study models of the untyped lambda calculus. Although many familiar models are constructed by order-theoretic methods, it is also known that there are some models of the lambda calculus that cannot be non-trivially ordered. We show that the standard open and closed term algebras are unorderable. We characterize the absolutely unorderable T-algebras in any algebraic variety T. Here an algebra is called absolutely unorderable if it cannot be embedded in an orderable algebra. We then introduce a notion of finite models for the lambda calculus, contrasting the known fact that models of the lambda calculus, in the traditional sense, are always non-recursive. Our finite models are based on Plotkin’s syntactical models of reduction. We give a method for constructing such models, and some examples that show how finite models can yield useful information about terms. Next, we study models of typed lambda calculi. Models of the polymorphic lambda calculus can be divided into environment-style models, such as Bruce and Meyer’s non-strict set-theoretic models, and categorical models, such as Seely’s interpretation in PL-categories. Reynolds has shown that there are no set-theoretic strict models. Following a different approach, we investigate a notion of non-strict categorical models. These provide a uniform framework in which one can describe various classes of non-strict models, including set-theoretic models with or without empty types, and Kripke-style models. We show that completeness theorems correspond to categorical representation theorems, and we reprove a completeness result by Meyer et al. on set-theoretic models of the simply-typed lambda calculus with possibly empty types. Finally, we study properties of asynchronous communication in networks of communicating processes. We formalize several notions of asynchrony independently of any particular concurrent process paradigm. A process is asynchronous if its input and/or output is filtered through a communication medium, such as a buffer or a queue, possibly with feedback. We prove that the behavior of asynchronous processes can be equivalently characterized by first-order axioms

    Programs for cheap!

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    Write down the definition of a recursion operator on a piece of paper. Tell me its type, but be careful not to let me see the operator’s definition. I will tell you an optimization theorem that the operator satisfies. As an added bonus, I will also give you a proof of correctness for the optimisation, along with a formal guarantee about its effect on performance. The purpose of this paper is to explain these tricks

    Relational Parametricity for Computational Effects

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    According to Strachey, a polymorphic program is parametric if it applies a uniform algorithm independently of the type instantiations at which it is applied. The notion of relational parametricity, introduced by Reynolds, is one possible mathematical formulation of this idea. Relational parametricity provides a powerful tool for establishing data abstraction properties, proving equivalences of datatypes, and establishing equalities of programs. Such properties have been well studied in a pure functional setting. Many programs, however, exhibit computational effects, and are not accounted for by the standard theory of relational parametricity. In this paper, we develop a foundational framework for extending the notion of relational parametricity to programming languages with effects.Comment: 31 pages, appears in Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Flexible Relations - Operational Support of Variant Relational Struetures

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    The relational model is accepted for its simplicity and eIegance. At the other side the simplicity causes the problem, that most semantic type constructs are not representable as a simple relation. Variant and heterogeneous structures belong to those constructs not adequatly supported by the simple relational model. In this paper we give an overview of the model of flexible relations that allows to model and process arbitrary heterogeneous structures, while preserving the relational philosophy of operating with a single constructor. As flexible relations support both the modeling and the operational aspect of variant structures seamlessly, our model truly helps to further bridge the gap between semantic and operational data models. We discuss the structural part of the moQ.el and introduce an algebra for flexible relations. Further we examine a subdass of flexible relations, that can be processed as efficiently as the simple relational model, and show that this subdass possesses desirable structural normal form properties. In addition, we point out that our approach exceeds the objectoriented paradigm in modeling power, typing precision, and query optimization potential

    Recursion and Sequentiality in Categories of Sheaves

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    We present a fully abstract model of a call-by-value language with higher-order functions, recursion and natural numbers, as an exponential ideal in a topos. Our model is inspired by the fully abstract models of O'Hearn, Riecke and Sandholm, and Marz and Streicher. In contrast with semantics based on cpo's, we treat recursion as just one feature in a model built by combining a choice of modular components
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