301 research outputs found

    Comunicações confiáveis sem-fios para redes veiculares

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    Vehicular communications are a promising field of research, with numerous potential services that can enhance traffic experience. Road safety is the most important objective behind the development of wireless vehicular networks, since many of the current accidents and fatalities could be avoided if vehicles had the ability to share information among them, with the road-side infrastructure and other road users. A future with safe, efficient and comfortable road transportation systems is envisaged by the different traffic stakeholders - users, manufacturers, road operators and public authorities. Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications will contribute to achieve this goal, as well as other technological progress, such as automated driving or improved road infrastructure based on advanced sensoring and the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. Despite these significant benefits, the design of vehicular communications systems poses difficult challenges, mainly due to the very dynamic environments in which they operate. In order to attain the safety-critical requirements involved in this type of scenarios, careful planning is necessary, so that a trustworthy behaviour of the system can be achieved. Dependability and real-time systems concepts provide essential tools to handle this challenging task of enabling determinism and fault-tolerance in vehicular networks. This thesis aims to address some of these issues by proposing architectures and implementing mechanisms that improve the dependability levels of realtime vehicular communications. The developed strategies always try to preserve the required system’s flexibity, a fundamental property in such unpredictable scenarios, where unexpected events may occur and force the system to quickly adapt to the new circumnstances.The core contribution of this thesis focuses on the design of a fault-tolerant architecture for infrastructure-based vehicular networks. It encompasses a set of mechanisms that allow error detection and fault-tolerant behaviour both in the mobile and static nodes of the network. Road-side infrastructure plays a key role in this context, since it provides the support for coordinating all communications taking place in the wireless medium. Furthermore, it is also responsible for admission control policies and exchanging information with the backbone network. The proposed methods rely on a deterministic medium access control (MAC) protocol that provides real-time guarantees in wireless channel access, ensuring that communications take place before a given deadline. However, the presented solutions are generic and can be easily adapted to other protocols and wireless technologies. Interference mitigation techniques, mechanisms to enforce fail-silent behaviour and redundancy schemes are introduced in this work, so that vehicular communications systems may present higher dependability levels. In addition to this, all of these methods are included in the design of vehicular network components, guaranteeing that the real-time constraints are still fulfilled. In conclusion, wireless vehicular networks hold the potential to drastically improve road safety. However, these systems should present dependable behaviour in order to reliably prevent the occurrence of catastrophic events under all possible traffic scenarios.As comunicações veiculares são uma área de investigação bastante promissora, com inúmeros potenciais serviços que podem melhorar a experiência vivida no tráfego. A segurança rodoviária é o objectivo mais importante por detrás do desenvolvimento das redes veiculares sem-fios, visto que muitos dos atuais acidentes e vítimas mortais poderiam ser evitados caso os veículos tivessem a capacidade de trocar informação entre eles, com a infraestrutura rodoviária e outros utilizadores da estrada. Um futuro com sistemas de transporte rodoviário seguros, eficientes e confortáveis é algo ambicionado pelas diferentes partes envolvidas - utilizadores, fabricantes, operadores da infraestrutura e autoridades públicas. As aplicações de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS) cooperativas vão contribuir para alcançar este propósito, em conjunto com outros avanços tecnológicos, nomeadamente a condução autónoma ou uma melhor infraestrutura rodoviária baseada em sensorização avançada e no paradigma da Internet das Coisas (IoT). Apesar destes benefícios significativos, o desenho de sistemas de comunicações veiculares coloca desafios difíceis, em grande parte devido aos ambientes extremamente dinâmicos em que estes operam. De modo a atingir os requisitos de segurança crítica envolvidos neste tipo de cenários, é necessário um cuidadoso planeamento por forma a que o sistema apresente um comportamento confiável. Conceitos de dependabilidade e de sistemas de tempo-real constituem ferramentas essenciais para lidar com esta desafiante tarefa de dotar as redes veiculares de determinismo e tolerância a faltas. Esta tese pretende endereçar alguns destes problemas através da proposta de arquitecturas e da implementação de mecanismos que melhorem os níveis da dependabilidade das comunicações veiculares de tempo-real. As estratégias desenvolvidas tentam sempre preservar a necessária flexibilidade do sistema, uma propriedade fundamental em cenários tão imprevisíveis, onde eventos inesperados podem ocorrer e forçar o sistema a adaptar-se rapidamente às novas circunstâncias.A contribuição principal desta tese foca-se no desenho de uma arquitectura tolerante a faltas para redes veiculares com suporte da infraestrutura de beira de estrada. Esta arquitectura engloba um conjunto de mecanismos que permite detecção de erros e comportamento tolerante a faltas, tanto nos nós móveis como nos nós estáticos da rede. A infraestrutura de beira de estrada desempenha um papel fundamental neste contexto, pois fornece o suporte que permite coordenar todas as comunicações que ocorrem no meio sem-fios. Para além disso, é também responsável pelos mecanismos de controlo de admissão e pela troca de informação com a rede de transporte. Os métodos propostos baseiam-se num protocolo determinístico de controlo de acesso ao meio (MAC) que fornece garantias de tempo-real no accesso ao canal semfios, assegurando que as comunicações ocorrem antes de um determinado limite temporal. No entanto, as soluções apresentadas são genéricas e podem ser facilmente adaptadas a outros protocolos e tecnologias sem-fios. Neste trabalho são introduzidas técnicas de mitigação de interferência, mecanismos para assegurar comportamento falha-silêncio e esquemas de redundância, de modo a que os sistemas de comunicações veiculares apresentem elevados níveis de dependabilidade. Além disso, todos estes métodos são incorporados no desenho dos componentes da rede veicular, guarantindo que as restrições de tempo-real continuam a ser cumpridas. Em suma, as redes veiculares sem-fios têm o potential para melhorar drasticamente a segurança rodoviária. Contudo, estes sistemas precisam de apresentar um comportamento confiável, de forma a prevenir a ocorrência de eventos catastróficos em todos os cenários de tráfego possíveis.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Towards a Framework for Preserving Privacy in VANET

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is envisioned as an integral part of the Intelligent Transportation Systems as it promises various services and benefits such as road safety, traffic efficiency, navigation and infotainment services. However, the security and privacy risks associated with the wireless communication are often overlooked. Messages exchanged in VANET wireless communication carry inferable Personally Identifiable Information(PII). This introduces several privacy threats that could limit the adoption of VANET. The quantification of these privacy threats is an active research area in VANET security and privacy domains. The Pseudonymisation technique is currently the most preferred solution for critical privacy threats in VANET to provide conditional anonymous authentication. In the existing literature, several Pseudonym Changing Schemes(PCS) have been proposed as effective de-identification approaches to prevent the inference of PII. However, for various reasons, none of the proposed schemes received public acceptance. Moreover, one of the open research challenges is to compare different PCSs under varying circumstances with a set of standardized experimenting parameters and consistent metrics. In this research, we propose a framework to assess the effectiveness of PCSs in VANET with a systematic approach. This comprehensive equitable framework consists of a variety of building blocks which are segmented into correlated sub-domains named Mobility Models, Adversary Models, and Privacy Metrics. Our research introduces a standard methodology to evaluate and compare VANET PCSs using a generic simulation setup to obtain optimal, realistic and most importantly, consistent results. This road map for the simulation setup aims to help the research \& development community to develop, assess and compare the PCS with standard set of parameters for proper analysis and reporting of new PCSs. The assessment of PCS should not only be equitable but also realistic and feasible. Therefore, the sub-domains of the framework need coherent as well as practically applicable characteristics. The Mobility Model is the layout of the traffic on the road which has varying features such as traffic density and traffic scenarios based on the geographical maps. A diverse range of Adversary Models is important for pragmatic evaluation of the PCSs which not only considers the presence of global passive adversary but also observes the effect of intelligent and strategic \u27local attacker\u27 placements. The biggest challenge in privacy measurement is the fact that it is a context-based evaluation. In the literature, the PCSs are evaluated using either user-oriented or adversary-oriented metrics. Under all circumstances, the PCSs should be assessed from both user and adversary perspectives. Using this framework, we determined that a local passive adversary can be strong based on the attacking capabilities. Therefore, we propose two intelligent adversary placements which help in privacy assessment with realistic adversary modelling. When the existing PCSs are assessed with our systematic approach, consistent models and metrics, we identified the privacy vulnerabilities and the limitations of existing PCSs. There was a need for comprehensive PCS which consider the context of the vehicles and the changing traffic patterns in the neighbourhood. Consequently, we developed a Context-Aware \& Traffic Based PCS that focuses on increasing the overall rate of confusion for the adversary and to reduce deterministic information regarding the pseudonym change. It is achieved by increasing the number of dynamic attributes in the proposed PCS for inference of the changing pattern of the pseudonyms. The PCS increases the anonymity of the vehicle by having the synchronized pseudonym changes. The details given under the sub-domains of the framework solidifies our findings to strengthen the privacy assessment of our proposed PCS

    Trajectory Privacy Preservation and Lightweight Blockchain Techniques for Mobility-Centric IoT

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    Various research efforts have been undertaken to solve the problem of trajectory privacy preservation in the Internet of Things (IoT) of resource-constrained mobile devices. Most attempts at resolving the problem have focused on the centralized model of IoT, which either impose high delay or fail against a privacy-invading attack with long-term trajectory observation. These proposed solutions also fail to guarantee location privacy for trajectories with both geo-tagged and non-geo-tagged data, since they are designed for geo-tagged trajectories only. While a few blockchain-based techniques have been suggested for preserving trajectory privacy in decentralized model of IoT, they require large storage capacity on resource-constrained devices and can only provide conditional privacy when a set of authorities governs the blockchain. This dissertation addresses these challenges to develop efficient trajectory privacy-preservation and lightweight blockchain techniques for mobility-centric IoT. We develop a pruning-based technique by quantifying the relationship between trajectory privacy and delay for real-time geo-tagged queries. This technique yields higher trajectory privacy with a reduced delay than contemporary techniques while preventing a long-term observation attack. We extend our study with the consideration of the presence of non-geo-tagged data in a trajectory. We design an attack model to show the spatiotemporal correlation between the geo-tagged and non-geo-tagged data which undermines the privacy guarantee of existing techniques. In response, we propose a methodology that considers the spatial distribution of the data in trajectory privacy-preservation and improves existing solutions, in privacy and usability. With respect to blockchain, we design and implement one of the first blockchain storage management techniques utilizing the mobility of the devices. This technique reduces the required storage space of a blockchain and makes it lightweight for resource-constrained mobile devices. To address the trajectory privacy challenges in an authority-based blockchain under the short-range communication constraints of the devices, we introduce a silence-based one of the first technique to establish a balance between trajectory privacy and blockchain utility. The designed trajectory privacy- preservation techniques we established are light- weight and do not require an intermediary to guarantee trajectory privacy, thereby providing practical and efficient solution for different mobility-centric IoT, such as mobile crowdsensing and Internet of Vehicles

    In-vehicle communication networks : a literature survey

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    The increasing use of electronic systems in automobiles instead of mechanical and hydraulic parts brings about advantages by decreasing their weight and cost and providing more safety and comfort. There are many electronic systems in modern automobiles like antilock braking system (ABS) and electronic brakeforce distribution (EBD), electronic stability program (ESP) and adaptive cruise control (ACC). Such systems assist the driver by providing better control, more comfort and safety. In addition, future x-by-wire applications aim to replace existing braking, steering and driving systems. The developments in automotive electronics reveal the need for dependable, efficient, high-speed and low cost in-vehicle communication. This report presents the summary of a literature survey on in-vehicle communication networks. Different in-vehicle system domains and their requirements are described and main invehicle communication networks that have been used in automobiles or are likely to be used in the near future are discussed and compared with key references

    Mecanismos de suporte para MAC 802.11p determinística

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesTransportation systems play an extremely important role in modern society. A huge research e ort has been devoted to this eld in the past few years making them safer cleaner and more e cient, originating the so-called Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). While some of the enabling technologies are entering their mature phase, there are still many open problems that must be solved before such systems can be e ectively leveraged. Specifically, the medium access is regarded as being one of the most challenging issues to solve in order to provide dependable wireless communications in vehicular networks [BUSB09]. The standard protocols have been shown to fail in addressing this issue and some possible solutions are being proposed, but despite the di culty of correctly modelling the channel dynamics, most work on MAC protocols for real-time vehicular communications has been performed under simulated environments, using simplistic assumptions that do not necessarily hold in a read environment. The implementation of a deterministic MAC scheme is hampered by the fact that commercial devices do not allow modi cations to the standard MAC mechanism, and the development of a device from scratch to implement one Medium Access Control (MAC) scheme is an extremely laborious endeavour. However, over the last few years, the IT2S platform for vehicular communication has been developed and is now in a stage that allows implementation and testing of new solutions for the vehicular communications environment. It is a exible platform that allows modi cation to be made in any layer of the communication stack and therefore suited to be adapted for the implementation of new MAC schemes. This work presents an overview of MAC mechanisms capable of providing deterministic real-time access and assesses the features a communications device must include in order to allow the implementation of these mechanisms. It then proposes an implementation of such as device based on the existing IT2S plaform. A exible solution was obtained that allows all the studied MAC schemes to be implemented purely in software, with no modi cations required to the hardware mechanisms, lowering the needed amount of skills required to perform a working implementation of a novel MAC scheme. The performance of the solution was also found to be appropriate for the required uses. It is now possible to create test beds for new MAC schemes and perform more concrete and accurate analysis of their performance.Os meios de transporte têm um papel preponderante na sociedade moderna. Muito esforço de investigação tem sido dedicada e este campo nos últimos anos, com vista a tornar estes meios mais limpos, seguros e eficientes, originado os chamados Sistemas de Transporte Inteligentes (ITS). Enquanto algumas das tecnologias base estão já prontas a ser utilizadas, ainda existem problemas a ser resolvidos antes de se poder utilizar todo o potencial destes sistemas. Um problema específico, o acesso ao meio, é atualmente considerado um dos mais desa antes em termos de investigação e que detém ainda uma quantidade interessante de problemas a ser resolvidos para que se possa depender de comunicações sem fios em ambientes veiculares. Estudos provaram que os protocolos standard nãoo resolvem este problema e têm sido propostas soluções, Mas apesar da dificuldade de modelar corretamente a dinâmica do canal, a maior parte das análises tem sido realizada em ambientes de simulação, com assunçõess simplistas que não correspondem necessariamente ao ambiente real. A implementação de um mecanismo de acesso ao meio determinístico é dificultada pelo facto de que os dispositivos comerciais não permitem modificações aos mecanismos standard e o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo de raiz que implemente o mecanismo proposto ser extremamente trabalhoso. No entanto,ao longo dos últimos anos tem sido desenvolvida a plataforma de comunicações veiculares IT2S, que atingiu agora uma fase que permite a sua utilização para implementar e testar novas soluções para ambientes veiculares. Trata-se de uma plataforma flexível que permite a realização de modificações em qualquer camada da pilha protocolar, portanto passível de ser adaptada para a implementação de novos mecanismos de acesso ao meio. Este trabalho apresenta uma perspetiva alargada dos mecanismos de acesso ao meio determinísticos propostos na literatura e estuda quais as características necessárias que um dispositivo de comunicação precisa fornecer para os poder implementar. Segue-se então uma proposta de implementação de um tal dispositivo, baseada na plataforma IT2S. Foi possível obter uma solução flexível o suficiente para implementar todos os mecanismos estudados recorrendo apenas a software, sem necessidade de alterações ao hardware, baixando a fasquia da dificuldade na criação de uma implementação prática de um mecanismo de acesso ao meio. A solução foi testada e a desempenho considerada adequada para as possíveis utilizações. É agora possível criar bancadas de teste para novos mecanismos de acesso ao meio e executar análises mais concretas e precisas da sua desempenho

    Survey and Systematization of Secure Device Pairing

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    Secure Device Pairing (SDP) schemes have been developed to facilitate secure communications among smart devices, both personal mobile devices and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Comparison and assessment of SDP schemes is troublesome, because each scheme makes different assumptions about out-of-band channels and adversary models, and are driven by their particular use-cases. A conceptual model that facilitates meaningful comparison among SDP schemes is missing. We provide such a model. In this article, we survey and analyze a wide range of SDP schemes that are described in the literature, including a number that have been adopted as standards. A system model and consistent terminology for SDP schemes are built on the foundation of this survey, which are then used to classify existing SDP schemes into a taxonomy that, for the first time, enables their meaningful comparison and analysis.The existing SDP schemes are analyzed using this model, revealing common systemic security weaknesses among the surveyed SDP schemes that should become priority areas for future SDP research, such as improving the integration of privacy requirements into the design of SDP schemes. Our results allow SDP scheme designers to create schemes that are more easily comparable with one another, and to assist the prevention of persisting the weaknesses common to the current generation of SDP schemes.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, accepted at IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 2017 (Volume: PP, Issue: 99