11,553 research outputs found

    Human Computation and Convergence

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    Humans are the most effective integrators and producers of information, directly and through the use of information-processing inventions. As these inventions become increasingly sophisticated, the substantive role of humans in processing information will tend toward capabilities that derive from our most complex cognitive processes, e.g., abstraction, creativity, and applied world knowledge. Through the advancement of human computation - methods that leverage the respective strengths of humans and machines in distributed information-processing systems - formerly discrete processes will combine synergistically into increasingly integrated and complex information processing systems. These new, collective systems will exhibit an unprecedented degree of predictive accuracy in modeling physical and techno-social processes, and may ultimately coalesce into a single unified predictive organism, with the capacity to address societies most wicked problems and achieve planetary homeostasis.Comment: Pre-publication draft of chapter. 24 pages, 3 figures; added references to page 1 and 3, and corrected typ

    A Survey of Agent-Based Modeling Practices (January 1998 to July 2008)

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    In the 1990s, Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) began gaining popularity and represents a departure from the more classical simulation approaches. This departure, its recent development and its increasing application by non-traditional simulation disciplines indicates the need to continuously assess the current state of ABM and identify opportunities for improvement. To begin to satisfy this need, we surveyed and collected data from 279 articles from 92 unique publication outlets in which the authors had constructed and analyzed an agent-based model. From this large data set we establish the current practice of ABM in terms of year of publication, field of study, simulation software used, purpose of the simulation, acceptable validation criteria, validation techniques and complete description of the simulation. Based on the current practice we discuss six improvements needed to advance ABM as an analysis tool. These improvements include the development of ABM specific tools that are independent of software, the development of ABM as an independent discipline with a common language that extends across domains, the establishment of expectations for ABM that match their intended purposes, the requirement of complete descriptions of the simulation so others can independently replicate the results, the requirement that all models be completely validated and the development and application of statistical and non-statistical validation techniques specifically for ABM.Agent-Based Modeling, Survey, Current Practices, Simulation Validation, Simulation Purpose

    SciTech News Volume 71, No. 2 (2017)

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    Columns and Reports From the Editor 3 Division News Science-Technology Division 5 Chemistry Division 8 Engineering Division 9 Aerospace Section of the Engineering Division 12 Architecture, Building Engineering, Construction and Design Section of the Engineering Division 14 Reviews Sci-Tech Book News Reviews 16 Advertisements IEEE

    Exploratory Mediation Analysis with Many Potential Mediators

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    Social and behavioral scientists are increasingly employing technologies such as fMRI, smartphones, and gene sequencing, which yield 'high-dimensional' datasets with more columns than rows. There is increasing interest, but little substantive theory, in the role the variables in these data play in known processes. This necessitates exploratory mediation analysis, for which structural equation modeling is the benchmark method. However, this method cannot perform mediation analysis with more variables than observations. One option is to run a series of univariate mediation models, which incorrectly assumes independence of the mediators. Another option is regularization, but the available implementations may lead to high false positive rates. In this paper, we develop a hybrid approach which uses components of both filter and regularization: the 'Coordinate-wise Mediation Filter'. It performs filtering conditional on the other selected mediators. We show through simulation that it improves performance over existing methods. Finally, we provide an empirical example, showing how our method may be used for epigenetic research.Comment: R code and package are available online as supplementary material at https://github.com/vankesteren/cmfilter and https://github.com/vankesteren/ema_simulation

    Darwin and Fisher meet at biotech : on the potential of computational molecular evolution in industry

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    Today computational molecular evolution is a vibrant research field that benefits from the availability of large and complex new generation sequencing data - ranging from full genomes and proteomes to microbiomes, metabolomes and epigenomes. The grounds for this progress were established long before the discovery of the DNA structure. Specifically, Darwin's theory of evolution by means of natural selection not only remains relevant today, but also provides a solid basis for computational research with a variety of applications. But a long-term progress in biology was ensured by the mathematical sciences, as exemplified by Sir R. Fisher in early 20th century. Now this is true more than ever: The data size and its complexity require biologists to work in close collaboration with experts in computational sciences, modeling and statistics

    Integrated Assessment Modelling of Complexity in the New Zealand Farming Industry

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    As New Zealand farming industry pursues more productivity this has implication for environment and makes land use and agricultural policy decision processes more complex for which integrated assessment modeling (IAM) can support. The purpose of this review paper is to propose means through which IAM can be improved specifically to minimize uncertainties and increase relevance, reliability, and utility of outputs of different models. Literature suggests that the general motivation for land use change is that farmers do consider the environment, but need to maintain profitability. There are handful decision support tools for land use and land policy decisions but one common feature of most of the models is that each seems suitable for only a part of the complexity. An appropriate framework for linking different models in an integrated assessment is still needed. As integrated assessment often goes beyond an individual researcher‘s role, research institutions need to align their research portfolio across the dimensions of the complexity by creating an appropriate mechanism to integrate individual research into integrated assessments while individual researchers need to present modelling results in a compatible format for integration into another model‘s application.integrated assessment, modeling, complexity, farming industry, New Zealand, Agribusiness, Land Economics/Use,

    Digitalization in psychology: A bit of challenge and a byte of success

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    Digitalization affects research in almost every scientific discipline. This becomes apparent in new approaches of data analysis and management, such as machine learning, but also in new therapeutic approaches using digital and virtual technologies in patient care. Thus, digitalization can be considered a promising area in the field of evidence-based health care. However, a glance at the history of such applications reveals that the interaction between psychology and digital technologies has a long tradition. This perspective gives a brief overview on how digital technologies have emerged into psychological science in the past and what future challenges and opportunities are

    Comprendiendo el potencial y los desafíos del Big Data en las escuelas y la educación

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    In recent years, the world has experienced a huge revolution centered around the gathering and application of big data in various fields. This has affected many aspects of our daily life, including government, manufacturing, commerce, health, communication, entertainment, and many more. So far, education has benefited only a little from the big data revolution. In this article, we review the potential of big data in the context of education systems. Such data may include log files drawn from online learning environments, messages on online discussion forums, answers to open-ended questions, grades on various tasks, demographic and administrative information, speech, handwritten notes, illustrations, gestures and movements, neurophysiologic signals, eye movements, and many more. Analyzing this data, it is possible to calculate a wide range of measurements of the learning process and to support various educational stakeholders with informed decision-making. We offer a framework for better understanding of how big data can be used in education. The framework comprises several elements that need to be addressed in this context: defining the data; formulating data-collecting and storage apparatuses; data analysis and the application of analysis products. We further review some key opportunities and some important challenges of using big data in educationEn los últimos años, el mundo ha experimentado una gran revolución centrada en la recopilación y aplicación de big data en varios campos. Esto ha afectado muchos aspectos de nuestra vida diaria, incluidos el gobierno, la manufactura, el comercio, la salud, la comunicación, el entretenimiento y muchos más. Hasta ahora, la educación se ha beneficiado muy poco de la revolución del big data. En este artículo revisamos el potencial de los macrodatos en el contexto de los sistemas educativos. Dichos datos pueden incluir archivos de registro extraídos de entornos de aprendizaje en línea, mensajes en foros de discusión en línea, respuestas a preguntas abiertas, calificaciones en diversas tareas, información demográfica y administrativa, discurso, notas escritas a mano, ilustraciones, gestos y movimientos, señales neurofisiológicas, movimientos oculares y muchos más. Analizando estos datos es posible calcular una amplia gama de mediciones del proceso de aprendizaje y apoyar a diversos interesados educativos con una toma de decisiones informada. Ofrecemos un marco para una mejor comprensión de cómo se puede utilizar el big data en la educación. El marco comprende varios elementos que deben abordarse en este contexto: definición de los datos; formulación de aparatos de recolección y almacenamiento de datos; análisis de datos y aplicación de productos de análisis. Además, revisamos algunas oportunidades clave y algunos desafíos importantes del uso de big data en la educació

    Imagination extended and embedded : artifactual versus fictional accounts of models

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    This paper presents an artifactual approach to models that also addresses their fictional features. It discusses first the imaginary accounts of models and fiction that set model descriptions apart from imagined-objects, concentrating on the latter (e.g., Frigg in Synthese 172(2):251-268, 2010; Frigg and Nguyen in The Monist 99(3):225-242, 2016; Godfrey-Smith in Biol Philos 21(5):725-740, 2006; Philos Stud 143(1):101-116, 2009). While the imaginary approaches accommodate surrogative reasoning as an important characteristic of scientific modeling, they simultaneously raise difficult questions concerning how the imagined entities are related to actual representational tools, and coordinated among different scientists, and with real-world phenomena. The artifactual account focuses, in contrast, on the culturally established external representational tools that enable, embody, and extend scientific imagination and reasoning. While there are commonalities between models and fictions, it is argued that the focus should be on the fictional uses of models rather than considering models as fictions.Peer reviewe