432 research outputs found

    Fault Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems with Dynamic Bayesian Networks and Hybrid Possible Conficts

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    Hybrid systems are very important in our society, we can find them in many engineering fields. They can develop a task by themselves or they can interact with people so they have to work in a nominal and safe state. Model-based Diagnosis (MBD) is a diagnosis branch that bases its decisions in models. This dissertation is placed in the MBD framework with Artificial Intelligence techniques, which is known as DX community. The kind of hybrid systems we focus on have a continuous behaviour commanded by discrete events. There are several works already done in the diagnosis of hybrid systems field. Most of them need to pre-enumerate all the possible modes in the system even if they are never visited during the process. To solve that problem, some authors have presented the Hybrid Bond Graph (HBG) modeling technique, that is an extension of Bond Graphs. HBGs do not need to enumerate all the system modes, they are built as the system visits them at run time. Regarding the faults that can appear in a hybrid system, they can be divided in two main groups: (1) Discrete faults, and (2) parametric or continuous faults. The discrete faults are related to the hybrid nature of the systems while the parametric or continuous faults appear as faults in the system parameters or in the sensors. Both types af faults have not been considered in a unified diagnosis architecture for hybrid systems. The diagnosis process can be divided in three main stages: Fault Detection, Fault Isolation and Fault Identification. Computing the set of Possible Conflicts (PCs) is a compilation technique used in MBD of continuous systems. They provide a decomposition of a system in subsystems with minimal analytical redundancy that makes the isolation process more efficient. They can be used for fault detection and isolation tasks by means of the Fault Signature Matrix (FSM). The FSM is a matrix that relates the different parameters (fault candidates) in a system and the PCs where they are used

    Integrate qualitative biological knowledge for gene regulatory network reconstruction with dynamic Bayesian networks

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    Reconstructing gene regulatory networks, especially the dynamic gene networks that reveal the temporal program of gene expression from microarray expression data, is essential in systems biology. To overcome the challenges posed by the noisy and under-sampled microarray data, developing data fusion methods to integrate legacy biological knowledge for gene network reconstruction is a promising direction. However, large amount of qualitative biological knowledge accumulated by previous research, albeit very valuable, has received less attention for reconstructing dynamic gene networks due to its incompatibility with the quantitative computational models.;In this dissertation, I introduce a novel method to fuse qualitative gene interaction information with quantitative microarray data under the Dynamic Bayesian Networks framework. This method extends the previous data integration methods by its capabilities of both utilizing qualitative biological knowledge by using Bayesian Networks without the involvement of human experts, and taking time-series data to produce dynamic gene networks. The experimental study shows that when compared with standard Dynamic Bayesian Networks method which only uses microarray data, our method excels by both accuracy and consistency

    Distributed Damage Estimation for Prognostics based on Structural Model Decomposition

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    Model-based prognostics approaches capture system knowledge in the form of physics-based models of components, and how they fail. These methods consist of a damage estimation phase, in which the health state of a component is estimated, and a prediction phase, in which the health state is projected forward in time to determine end of life. However, the damage estimation problem is often multi-dimensional and computationally intensive. We propose a model decomposition approach adapted from the diagnosis community, called possible conflicts, in order to both improve the computational efficiency of damage estimation, and formulate a damage estimation approach that is inherently distributed. Local state estimates are combined into a global state estimate from which prediction is performed. Using a centrifugal pump as a case study, we perform a number of simulation-based experiments to demonstrate the approach

    Can bounded and self-interested agents be teammates? Application to planning in ad hoc teams

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    Planning for ad hoc teamwork is challenging because it involves agents collaborating without any prior coordination or communication. The focus is on principled methods for a single agent to cooperate with others. This motivates investigating the ad hoc teamwork problem in the context of self-interested decision-making frameworks. Agents engaged in individual decision making in multiagent settings face the task of having to reason about other agents’ actions, which may in turn involve reasoning about others. An established approximation that operationalizes this approach is to bound the infinite nesting from below by introducing level 0 models. For the purposes of this study, individual, self-interested decision making in multiagent settings is modeled using interactive dynamic influence diagrams (I-DID). These are graphical models with the benefit that they naturally offer a factored representation of the problem, allowing agents to ascribe dynamic models to others and reason about them. We demonstrate that an implication of bounded, finitely-nested reasoning by a self-interested agent is that we may not obtain optimal team solutions in cooperative settings, if it is part of a team. We address this limitation by including models at level 0 whose solutions involve reinforcement learning. We show how the learning is integrated into planning in the context of I-DIDs. This facilitates optimal teammate behavior, and we demonstrate its applicability to ad hoc teamwork on several problem domains and configurations

    Econometric Models of Network Formation

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    This article provides a selective review on the recent literature on econometric models of network formation. The survey starts with a brief exposition on basic concepts and tools for the statistical description of networks. I then offer a review of dyadic models, focussing on statistical models on pairs of nodes and describe several developments of interest to the econometrics literature. The article also presents a discussion of non-dyadic models where link formation might be influenced by the presence or absence of additional links, which themselves are subject to similar influences. This is related to the statistical literature on conditionally specified models and the econometrics of game theoretical models. I close with a (non-exhaustive) discussion of potential areas for further development

    Um estudo sobre métodos de determinação de estados e parâmetros de máquinas síncronas de polos salientes

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    Orientador: Mateus GiesbrechtDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: As máquinas síncronas de polos salientes desempenham um papel fundamental na análise de estabilidade de sistemas elétricos de potência, especialmente em países cuja maior parte da energia gerada provém de fontes hidráulicas. Os modelos elétricos equivalentes que descrevem o comportamento dessas máquinas são compostos por diversos parâmetros, os quais são utilizados em uma ampla gama de estudos. No presente trabalho, estudam-se e propõem-se técnicas de estimação de estados e parâmetros de máquinas síncronas de polos salientes. A princípio, as equações de tensão, de fluxos concatenados, de potência e de movimento são desenvolvidas com as devidas unidades de medida, tanto em variáveis de máquina quanto em variáveis projetadas sobre um plano ortogonal que gira na velocidade elétrica do rotor. Na maior parte da literatura, essas unidades não são explicitadas no equacionamento. Dentre os parâmetros elétricos dos modelos das máquinas síncronas de polos salientes, as reatâncias de magnetização são os que mais influenciam o comportamento da máquina em condições de regime permanente senoidal. Desta forma, apresenta-se uma nova abordagem à estimação do ângulo de carga dessas máquinas e o subsequente cálculo das reatâncias de magnetização a partir de condições de carga específicas -- o desempenho do método proposto é avaliado em dados de simulação e em dados reais de operação de um gerador síncrono de grande porte. Algumas abordagens à determinação de parâmetros requerem que a máquina seja posta fora de operação para que ensaios específicos possam ser realizados. Dentre eles, um dos mais empregados na determinação de parâmetros transitórios e de regime permanente é o ensaio de rejeição de carga; assim, este ensaio também é analisado e aperfeiçoado por um método automatizado de separação de soma de exponenciais baseado em projeção de variáveis. Por tratar-se de um sistema multivariável e altamente não linear, diferentes observadores de estado também são utilizados para se determinarem estados e parâmetros de máquinas síncronas em tempo hábil e com precisão satisfatória. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem não linear recursivamente aplicável à estimação de fluxos concatenados, correntes de enrolamentos amortecedores, ângulo de carga e reatâncias de magnetização de máquinas síncronas de polos salientes por meio da filtragem de partículas. Um modelo não linear de oitava ordem é considerado e apenas as medições realizadas nos terminais da armadura e do campo durante regime permanente se fazem necessárias para estimar as referidas grandezasAbstract: Salient-pole synchronous machines play a fundamental role in the stability analysis of electrical power systems, especially in countries where most of the generated energy comes from hydraulic sources. The electrical equivalent models that describe the behavior of these machines are composed of several electrical parameters, which are used in a wide range of studies. In the present work, techniques for estimating states and parameters of salient-pole synchronous machines are studied and proposed. A priori, the voltage, flux linkage, power, and motion equations are developed with the appropriate units included, both in machine variables and in variables projected on an orthogonal plane rotating in the rotor's electrical speed. In most of the literature, these units are not explained in the equation process. Among the electrical parameters, the magnetizing reactances are the ones that most influence the machine behavior under transient and steady-state conditions. In this way, a new approach to estimate the load angle of these machines and the subsequent calculation of the magnetizing reactances from specific load conditions are presented -- the performance of the proposed method is evaluated by means of simulation data and by operating data of a large synchronous generator. Some approaches to determine parameters require the machine to be taken out of operation, so that specific tests may be performed. Among them, one of the most used to determine transient and steady-state parameters is the load rejection test; thus, this test is also analyzed and refined by an automated method based on variable projection for separating the resulting sum-of-exponentials. Since the machines are highly nonlinear, multivariate, dynamic systems, different state observers seek to solve the state estimation problem in a timely manner and with satisfactory accuracy. This work presents a nonlinear and recursive approach for the estimation of flux linkages per second, amortisseur winding currents, load angle, and magnetizing reactances of salient-pole synchronous machines by means of the particle filtering. An eighth-order nonlinear model is considered, and only measurements taken at the machine terminals are necessary to estimate these quantitiesMestradoAutomaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétrica162015/2018-6CNPq
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