104 research outputs found

    Acoustic Adaptation to Dynamic Background Conditions with Asynchronous Transformations

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    This paper proposes a framework for performing adaptation to complex and non-stationary background conditions in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) by means of asynchronous Constrained Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (aCMLLR) transforms and asynchronous Noise Adaptive Training (aNAT). The proposed method aims to apply the feature transform that best compensates the background for every input frame. The implementation is done with a new Hidden Markov Model (HMM) topology that expands the usual left-to-right HMM into parallel branches adapted to different background conditions and permits transitions among them. Using this, the proposed adaptation does not require ground truth or previous knowledge about the background in each frame as it aims to maximise the overall log-likelihood of the decoded utterance. The proposed aCMLLR transforms can be further improved by retraining models in an aNAT fashion and by using speaker-based MLLR transforms in cascade for an efficient modelling of background effects and speaker. An initial evaluation in a modified version of the WSJCAM0 corpus incorporating 7 different background conditions provides a benchmark in which to evaluate the use of aCMLLR transforms. A relative reduction of 40.5% in Word Error Rate (WER) was achieved by the combined use of aCMLLR and MLLR in cascade. Finally, this selection of techniques was applied in the transcription of multi-genre media broadcasts, where the use of aNAT training, aCMLLR transforms and MLLR transforms provided a relative improvement of 2–3%

    Articulatory features for conversational speech recognition

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    Confidence Score Based Speaker Adaptation of Conformer Speech Recognition Systems

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    Speaker adaptation techniques provide a powerful solution to customise automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems for individual users. Practical application of unsupervised model-based speaker adaptation techniques to data intensive end-to-end ASR systems is hindered by the scarcity of speaker-level data and performance sensitivity to transcription errors. To address these issues, a set of compact and data efficient speaker-dependent (SD) parameter representations are used to facilitate both speaker adaptive training and test-time unsupervised speaker adaptation of state-of-the-art Conformer ASR systems. The sensitivity to supervision quality is reduced using a confidence score-based selection of the less erroneous subset of speaker-level adaptation data. Two lightweight confidence score estimation modules are proposed to produce more reliable confidence scores. The data sparsity issue, which is exacerbated by data selection, is addressed by modelling the SD parameter uncertainty using Bayesian learning. Experiments on the benchmark 300-hour Switchboard and the 233-hour AMI datasets suggest that the proposed confidence score-based adaptation schemes consistently outperformed the baseline speaker-independent (SI) Conformer model and conventional non-Bayesian, point estimate-based adaptation using no speaker data selection. Similar consistent performance improvements were retained after external Transformer and LSTM language model rescoring. In particular, on the 300-hour Switchboard corpus, statistically significant WER reductions of 1.0%, 1.3%, and 1.4% absolute (9.5%, 10.9%, and 11.3% relative) were obtained over the baseline SI Conformer on the NIST Hub5'00, RT02, and RT03 evaluation sets respectively. Similar WER reductions of 2.7% and 3.3% absolute (8.9% and 10.2% relative) were also obtained on the AMI development and evaluation sets.Comment: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processin

    Statistical models for noise-robust speech recognition

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    A standard way of improving the robustness of speech recognition systems to noise is model compensation. This replaces a speech recogniser's distributions over clean speech by ones over noise-corrupted speech. For each clean speech component, model compensation techniques usually approximate the corrupted speech distribution with a diagonal-covariance Gaussian distribution. This thesis looks into improving on this approximation in two ways: firstly, by estimating full-covariance Gaussian distributions; secondly, by approximating corrupted-speech likelihoods without any parameterised distribution. The first part of this work is about compensating for within-component feature correlations under noise. For this, the covariance matrices of the computed Gaussians should be full instead of diagonal. The estimation of off-diagonal covariance elements turns out to be sensitive to approximations. A popular approximation is the one that state-of-the-art compensation schemes, like VTS compensation, use for dynamic coefficients: the continuous-time approximation. Standard speech recognisers contain both per-time slice, static, coefficients, and dynamic coefficients, which represent signal changes over time, and are normally computed from a window of static coefficients. To remove the need for the continuous-time approximation, this thesis introduces a new technique. It first compensates a distribution over the window of statics, and then applies the same linear projection that extracts dynamic coefficients. It introduces a number of methods that address the correlation changes that occur in noise within this framework. The next problem is decoding speed with full covariances. This thesis re-analyses the previously-introduced predictive linear transformations, and shows how they can model feature correlations at low and tunable computational cost. The second part of this work removes the Gaussian assumption completely. It introduces a sampling method that, given speech and noise distributions and a mismatch function, in the limit calculates the corrupted speech likelihood exactly. For this, it transforms the integral in the likelihood expression, and then applies sequential importance resampling. Though it is too slow to use for recognition, it enables a more fine-grained assessment of compensation techniques, based on the KL divergence to the ideal compensation for one component. The KL divergence proves to predict the word error rate well. This technique also makes it possible to evaluate the impact of approximations that standard compensation schemes make.This work was supported by Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Cambridge Research Laboratory

    Dysarthric speech analysis and automatic recognition using phase based representations

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    Dysarthria is a neurological speech impairment which usually results in the loss of motor speech control due to muscular atrophy and poor coordination of articulators. Dysarthric speech is more difficult to model with machine learning algorithms, due to inconsistencies in the acoustic signal and to limited amounts of training data. This study reports a new approach for the analysis and representation of dysarthric speech, and applies it to improve ASR performance. The Zeros of Z-Transform (ZZT) are investigated for dysarthric vowel segments. It shows evidence of a phase-based acoustic phenomenon that is responsible for the way the distribution of zero patterns relate to speech intelligibility. It is investigated whether such phase-based artefacts can be systematically exploited to understand their association with intelligibility. A metric based on the phase slope deviation (PSD) is introduced that are observed in the unwrapped phase spectrum of dysarthric vowel segments. The metric compares the differences between the slopes of dysarthric vowels and typical vowels. The PSD shows a strong and nearly linear correspondence with the intelligibility of the speaker, and it is shown to hold for two separate databases of dysarthric speakers. A systematic procedure for correcting the underlying phase deviations results in a significant improvement in ASR performance for speakers with severe and moderate dysarthria. In addition, information encoded in the phase component of the Fourier transform of dysarthric speech is exploited in the group delay spectrum. Its properties are found to represent disordered speech more effectively than the magnitude spectrum. Dysarthric ASR performance was significantly improved using phase-based cepstral features in comparison to the conventional MFCCs. A combined approach utilising the benefits of PSD corrections and phase-based features was found to surpass all the previous performance on the UASPEECH database of dysarthric speech

    Shared-hidden-layer Deep Neural Network for Under-resourced Language the Content

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    Training speech recognizer with under-resourced language data still proves difficult. Indonesian language is considered under-resourced because the lack of a standard speech corpus, text corpus, and dictionary. In this research, the efficacy of augmenting limited Indonesian speech training data with highly-resourced-language training data, such as English, to train Indonesian speech recognizer was analyzed. The training was performed in form of shared-hidden-layer deep-neural-network (SHL-DNN) training. An SHL-DNN has language-independent hidden layers and can be pre-trained and trained using multilingual training data without any difference with a monolingual deep neural network. The SHL-DNN using Indonesian and English speech training data proved effective for decreasing word error rate (WER) in decoding Indonesian dictated-speech by achieving 3.82% absolute decrease compared to a monolingual Indonesian hidden Markov model using Gaussian mixture model emission (GMM-HMM). The case was confirmed when the SHL-DNN was also employed to decode Indonesian spontaneous-speech by achieving 4.19% absolute WER decrease
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