6 research outputs found


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    Avances en sistremas interactivos para personas con parálisis cerebral

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    La Paràlisi Cerebral és la discapacitat motora més comuna durant la infància i consisteix en una alteració de la mobilitat deguda a una lesió en el sistema nerviós central produïda durant l'etapa prenatal, perinatal o infantil. Aquestes lesions, que no són una malaltia, no evolucionen, però les seves conseqüències sí que interfereixen en el desenvolupament de la persona. Les dificultats motores, que solen anar acompanyades en moltes ocasions per problemes sensorials, alteracions en l'atenció, cognició i altres, suposen un handicap per a l'exploració de l'entorn, la participació en les activitats quotidianes i les relacions amb els iguals, que són la base de l'aprenentatge i el desenvolupament. Aquesta tesi, que s'enquadra dins de la disciplina de la Interacció Persona-Ordinador (IPO), se centra en la concepció, aplicació i avaluació de sistemes interactius per a persones amb paràlisi cerebral. En primer lloc fem una revisió de l' estat de l'art en sistemes interactius audiovisuals per a persones amb paràlisi cerebral. A continuació realitzem una proposta de diferents mètodes per a l'anàlisi de la qualitat de la interacció. Després abordem diverses propostes de sistemes interactius basats en visió artificial dissenyats per a persones amb paràlisi cerebral. D'entre aquestes, fem especial èmfasi en una proposta de sistema interactiu audiovisual orientat a persones amb trastorns físics, cognitius i sensorials en graus moderat i sever que ha demostrat ser assequible per a moltes d'aquestes persones i els proporciona una experiència lúdica motivadora, que facilita el treball de certes competències per part dels professionals.La Parálisis Cerebral es la discapacidad motora más común durante la infancia y consiste en una alteración de la movilidad debida a una lesión en el sistema nervioso central producida durante la etapa prenatal, perinatal o infantil. Estas lesiones, que no son una enfermedad, no evolucionan, pero sus consecuencias sí que interfieren en el desarrollo de la persona. Las dificultades motoras, que suelen ir acompañadas en muchas ocasiones por problemas sensoriales, alteraciones en la atención, cognición y otros, suponen un hándicap para la exploración del entorno, la participación en las actividades cotidianas y las relaciones con los iguales, que son la base del aprendizaje y el desarrollo. Esta tesis, que se encuadra dentro de la disciplina de la Interacción Persona-Ordenador (IPO), se centra en la concepción, aplicación y evaluación de sistemas interactivos para personas con parálisis cerebral. En primer lugar hacemos una revisión del estado del arte en sistemas interactivos audiovisuales para personas con parálisis cerebral. A continuación realizamos una propuesta de distintos métodos para el análisis de la calidad de la interacción. Después abordamos varias propuestas de sistemas interactivos basados en visión artificial diseñados para personas con parálisis cerebral. De entre éstas, hacemos especial énfasis en una propuesta de sistema interactivo audiovisual orientado a personas con trastornos físicos, cognitivos y sensoriales en grados moderado y severo que ha demostrado ser asequible para muchas de estas personas y les proporciona una experiencia lúdica motivadora, que facilita el trabajo de ciertas competencias por parte de los profesionales.Cerebral Palsy is the most common motor disability in childhood and entails impaired mobility due to damage to the central nervous system just before or during the birth, or during the early childhood. These lesions, which are not a disease, are not progressive, but its consequences interfere with the development of the child. Motor impairments often come with other difficulties such as alterations in attention, cognition, and others. Such deficiencies are a handicap for the exploration of the environment, for the participation in daily activities and for the relationship with peers which are the basis for learning and development. This thesis, which falls within the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) scope, focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of interactive systems for people with cerebral palsy. Firstly, we review the state of the art in audio-visual interactive systems for people with cerebral palsy. Secondly, we propose different methods for analysing the quality of the interaction. Finally, we propose several interactive systems for people with cerebral palsy based on computer vision, among which we put special emphasis on an interactive audio-visual proposal aimed at people with physical, cognitive and sensory impairments in moderate and severe degrees. This system proved to be attainable for many of these people and to provide a motivating playing experience that allows professionals to develop some skills on the users

    ArtAbilitation 2006:Conference proceedings

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    Designing play equipment to develop the social competence of children with cerebral palsy

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.This study investigated the design of play equipment for encouraging peer-to-peer social interactions amongst children with cerebral palsy aged from 4 to 6 years, as a means of developing their social competence. The focus was on developing a new conceptual model and criteria for designing this specialist play equipment and, thus, creating a level playing field for children with different manifestations of cerebral palsy. According to the statistics of the National Health Service, it is estimated that approximately 1 in 400 children is born with cerebral palsy in the UK (NHS, 2017). It is recognised that these children often have reduced social engagement, yet socialisation plays a fundamental role in development. In spite of this, there are few toys specifically developed for children with cerebral palsy and even fewer which support peer socialisation. Therefore, there is a need to develop relational play equipment for them. The research presented here is interdisciplinary and informed by a social perspective on disability. It combined theoretical investigation with design practice within an action-research approach. User-centred design was used for the design development and intervention. Observations of children with cerebral palsy and interviews with their parents and conductors were employed for collecting data about the children’s social interactions before and during the design intervention in order to determine the effectiveness of the proposed concept. Data collection was carried out at the National Institute of Conductive Education in Birmingham, England. A conceptual design model of play equipment for enhancing the social competence in children with cerebral palsy was developed. The model focused on designing semiotic content that could trigger cognitive, emotional, social and physical processes to encourage children to participate in relational play and facilitate peer-to-peer social interactions. Based on this model, design criteria were developed, integrating two interrelated sets of indicators. The first set pertained to the design position and comprised child-friendly design criteria. The second pertained to the social purpose, comprising indicators of social competence, such as social skills and self-confidence. Based on these criteria, a number of design ideas were developed, using ideation, intuitive hand sketching and brainstorming. A final idea of the thematic play environment, “Undersea Friends”, which corresponded best to the conceptual model of play equipment and met most of the design criteria and recommendations from parents and conductors, was chosen for the design intervention. “Undersea Friends” consists of the toys intended for practising particular social skills, where each toy in the play space is a creature-friend and a facilitator of children’s interactions. These toys are Octopush Olly for practising turn taking, Hexapush Hetty for practising cooperation and Larry Long Legs for sharing. Two prototype toys for this environment were developed and evaluated with children with cerebral palsy for the purposes of this study. This completed study highlights the difficulties which children with cerebral palsy may experience with peer interactions while playing. It provides a new understanding of the development of social competence through engaging children in relational play, facilitated by specialist play equipment, as well as the prototype toys of the play environment, “Undersea Friends”. This research contributes to understanding of how designers can approach the creation of such play equipment by providing design criteria, design recommendations and suggestions for further investigation

    Os ambientes artísticos interativos na inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais

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    Doutoramento em Multimédia em EducaçãoCom o objetivo de sublinhar a habilidade e o direito à criação do indivíduo com necessidades especiais este projeto deriva da beleza do território da arte e dos paradigmas de interação e imersão, hoje potencializados pelo feedback multimodal e multissensorial dos ambientes multimédia responsivos. Enfatizando o atual contexto da escola inclusiva, este estudo teve lugar num estabelecimento de ensino, em Portugal, envolvendo um grupo de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais — NEE — de Currículo Específico Individual — CEI. Num contexto real, intentámos avaliar que tipo de impacto poderão ter os ambientes artísticos interativos nestes alunos, enquanto meio de autoexpressão e de inclusão. O estudo realizado assumiu um carácter exploratório. Special INPUT foi o conceito proposto por diferentes ambientes e abordagens de interação, implementados em sessões individuais com os participantes, que permitiu observar e promover, sob um contexto artístico, as habilidades intelectual, emocional, de personalidade, interpessoal, intrapessoal, psicomotora e, artística. Conceptualizámos, prototipámos e implementámos oito ambientes interativos, artísticos e lúdicos, que enfatizaram de formas diversas a experiência imersiva mediada pela técnica. Daí emergiram três grupos de ambientes – Special SOUND, Special MOVEMENT e Special ME – que intentaram promover nestes alunos a descoberta de si mesmos através do input de som, movimento e/ou vídeo processados em tempo real. O feedback visual e/ou sonoro visou o “engajamento lúdico” e a “ressonância estética” enquanto meios de descoberta e desenvolvimento da habilidade e valor pessoais. Numa perspetiva de diferenciação e individualização curricular, reconhecemos as vantagens dos ambientes artísticos interativos na inclusão de alunos com NEE, tendo-se observado um impacto positivo derivado da autoria e do controlo propiciados aos participantes nestes contextos. Hoje, a possibilidade de recorrer ao multimédia e a toda uma panóplia de interfaces não invasivas, explorando a poética de som e imagem interativos, em contexto artístico, inspira abordagens originais, centradas na pessoa, atentando às potencialidades e plasticidades das vigentes ferramentas de autor para a programação de interação, promovendo a dignificação da diferença, a autoexpressão e sensibilidade individuais, e os processos de autoobservação, autodescoberta e autoconsciência da capacidade expressiva que promovem a ideia positiva do “self” e o desenvolvimento de diferentes aptidões pessoais.With the aim of highlighting the ability and the right to create of the special needs individual, the intent of this project derives from the beauty of the field of arts and from interaction and immersion paradigms, which are today potentiated by multisensory and multimodal feedback of responsive multimedia environments. Emphasizing todayʼs Portuguese inclusive school framework, this study was carried out in a public education establishment, with twelve special needs students from individualized special curricula. The study adopted an exploratory nature. Special INPUT was the concept proposed for different types of environments and interaction approaches that were implemented in individual sessions with the participants, which allowed to observe and promote, in an artistic context, their intellectual, emotional, personal, interpersonal, intrapersonal, psychomotor and artistic skills. We conceptualized, prototyped and implemented eight interactive environments, artistic and playful, which emphasised in various ways the participantsʼ immersion mediated by technology. Three types of environments emerged from here – Special SOUND, Special MOVEMENT and Special ME – which tried to promote among the participating students different contexts for observation and exploitation of themselves through sound input, movement or video processed in real time. The visual and/or audio feedback aimed the "ludic engagement" and "aesthetic resonance" as a means of discovery and development of ability and personal valuing. From a perspective of curricular differentiation and individualisation, we recognize the advantage of interactive artistic environments on special needs studentsʼ inclusion, and we observed a positive impact derived from the authoring and control provided to the participants in these contexts. Today, the possibility to resort to multimedia and to a whole array of noninvasive interfaces, exploring the poetry of interactive sound and image, in artistic contexts, inspires original approaches, person-centered, paying attention to the potential and plasticity of existing authoring tools for programming interaction, promoting the dignification of difference, selfexpression and individual sensitivity, and the processes of self-observation, self-discovery and self-awareness of the expressive capability that promote the idea of the positive "self" and the development of different personal aptitudes