271 research outputs found

    RealCoins: A Case Study of Enhanced Model Driven Development for Pervasive Games

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    Model Driven Development (MDD) and Domain Specific Modeling (DSM) have been widely used in information system domains and achieved success in many open or in-house scenarios. But its application in the game domain is seldom and immature. In our research, we identified three issues that should be considered carefully in order to play the strength of MDD in the game development environment to a larger extend: 1) structured domain analysis should be done to assure the size and familiarity of the domain; 2) adapted process should be designed to save cost and support evolution; and 3) proper tools (especially language workbenches) should be evaluated and utilized to ease DSM tasks and accelerate iterations. In this paper, we explain these three issues and illustrate our solutions to them by presenting the development details (both technical and procedural) of one pervasive game case. We evaluate the gains and costs by involving MDD into the game development process. We reflect on the issues we have met, and discuss possible future works as well.an open access journa

    Galaxy: a comprehensive approach for supporting accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational research in the life sciences

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    Increased reliance on computational approaches in the life sciences has revealed grave concerns about how accessible and reproducible computation-reliant results truly are. Galaxy http://usegalaxy.org, an open web-based platform for genomic research, addresses these problems. Galaxy automatically tracks and manages data provenance and provides support for capturing the context and intent of computational methods. Galaxy Pages are interactive, web-based documents that provide users with a medium to communicate a complete computational analysis

    Polyglot software development

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    The languages we choose to design solutions influence the way we think about the problem, the words we use in discussing it with colleagues, the processes we adopt in developing the software which should solve that problem. Therefore we should strive to use the best language possible for depicting each facet of the system. To do that we have to solve two challenges: i) first of all to understand merits and issues brought by the languages we could adopt and their long reaching effects on the organizations, ii) combine them wisely, trying to reduce the overhead due to their assembling. In the first part of this dissertation we study the adoption of modeling and domain specific languages. On the basis of an industrial survey we individuate a list of benefits attainable through these languages, how frequently they can be reached and which techniques permit to improve the chances to obtain a particular benefit. In the same way we study also the common problems which either prevent or hinder the adoption of these languages. We then analyze the processes through which these languages are employed, studying the relative frequency of the usage of the different techniques and the factors influencing it. Finally we present two case-studies performed in a small and in a very large company, with the intent of presenting the peculiarities of the adoption in different contexts. As consequence of adopting specialized languages, many of them have to be employed to represent the complete solution. Therefore in the second part of the thesis we focus on the integration of these languages. Being this topic really new we performed preliminary studies to first understand the phenomenon, studying the different ways through which languages interact and their effects on defectivity. Later we present some prototypal solutions for i) the automatic spotting of cross-language relations, ii) the design of language integration tool support in language workbenches through the exploitation of common meta-metamodeling. This thesis wants to offer a contribution towards the productive adoption of multiple, specific languages in the same software development project, hence polyglot software development. From this approach we should be able to reduce the complexity due to misrepresentation of solutions, offer a better facilities to think about problems and, finally to be able to solve more difficult problems with our limited brain resources. Our results consists in a better understanding of MDD and DSLs adoption in companies. From that we can derive guidelines for practitioners, lesson learned for deploying in companies, depending on the size of the company, and implications for other actors involved in the process: company management and universities. Regarding cross-language relations our contribution is an initial definition of the problem, supported by some empirical evidence to sustain its importance. The solutions we propose are not yet mature but we believe that from them future work can stem

    Requirements for modelling tools for teaching

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    Modelling is an important activity in software development and it is essential that students learn the relevant skills. Modelling relies on dedicated tools and these can be complex to install, configure, and use—distracting students from learning key modelling concepts and creating accidental complexity for teachers. To address these challenges, we believe that modelling tools specifically aimed at use in teaching are required. Based on discussions at a working session organised at MODELS 2023 and the results from an internationally shared questionnaire, we report on requirements for such modelling tools for teaching. We also present examples of existing modelling tools for teaching and how they address some of the requirements identified

    Middle-out domain-specific aspect languages and their application in agent-based modelling runtime inspection

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    Domain-Specific Aspect Languages (DSALs) are a valuable tool for separating cross-cutting concerns, particularly within fields with endemic cross-cutting practices. Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) runtime inspection, which cuts across the core concern of model development, serves as a prime example. Despite their usefulness, DSALs face multiple adoption issues: the literature regarding their development and use is incohesive, coupling to a weave target hinders re-use, and available tooling is immature compared to Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs). We believe these issues can be aided by furthering DSL middle-out techniques for DSALs.We first define the background of what a DSAL is and how they may be used, moving onto how we can use DSL techniques to further DSALs. We develop a middle-out semantic model approach for developing domain-level DSALs with transparent aspect orientation using adaptions of DSL techniques. We have implemented the approach for model-specific DSALs for the in-house framework Animaux, and as middleware-specific DSAL for agent messages in the JADE framework, which can be specialised to models using extension DSALs. We give illustrative result cases using our implementations to provide a base of the user development costs and performance of this approach.In conclusion, we believe the adoption of these technologies aids ABM applications and encourage future work in similar fields. This thesis has given a base philosophy toward DSLs, a novel approach for the development of middle-out DSALs and illustrative cases of this approach

    Modding the Apocalypse: (Re)Making Videogames as Post-Structuralist Free Play

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    This dissertation is about seeing videogames, and videogame design, through the lens of Gregory Ulmer ℱs electracy apparatus theory. Videogame modding is emphasized an electrate approach to intervening in existing media. Mods have the potential to make potent rhetorical arguments, but they are little-understood in the field of rhet-comp, and there are numerous obstacles to carving a space for them in academic curricula; nevertheless, they are an increasingly common form of participatory engagement that make use of a broad digital skillset. Modders fit into Gregory Ulmer ℱs electracy apparatus as egents ”agents of change in the Internet age ”and their playful appropriation of objects from various archives resembles the electrate genre of MyStory (personal alternative-history). By positioning modding as electrate composition praxis, a new gateway for academic game study and production is opened, one where play is integral to the process of knowledge formation. Fallout 4 (2016) serves as an example of a moddable game whose rhetorical affordances can be adapted to craft MyStories and MEmorials

    Final FLaReNet deliverable: Language Resources for the Future - The Future of Language Resources

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    Language Technologies (LT), together with their backbone, Language Resources (LR), provide an essential support to the challenge of Multilingualism and ICT of the future. The main task of language technologies is to bridge language barriers and to help creating a new environment where information flows smoothly across frontiers and languages, no matter the country, and the language, of origin. To achieve this goal, all players involved need to act as a community able to join forces on a set of shared priorities. However, until now the field of Language Resources and Technology has long suffered from an excess of individuality and fragmentation, with a lack of coherence concerning the priorities for the field, the direction to move, not to mention a common timeframe. The context encountered by the FLaReNet project was thus represented by an active field needing a coherence that can only be given by sharing common priorities and endeavours. FLaReNet has contributed to the creation of this coherence by gathering a wide community of experts and making them participate in the definition of an exhaustive set of recommendations

    Adapting modeling environments to domain specific interactions

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    Software tools are being used by experts in a variety of domains. There are numerous software modeling environments tailored to a specific domain expertise. However, there is no consistent approach to generically synthesize a product line of such modeling environments that also take into account the user interaction and experience adapted to the domain. The focus of my thesis is the proposal of a solution to explicitly model user interfaces and interaction of modeling environments so that they can be tailored to the habits and preferences of domain experts. We extend current model-driven engineering techniques that synthesize graphical modeling environments to also take interaction models into account. The formal semantics of our language framework is based on statecharts. We define a development process for generating such modeling environments to maximize reuse through a novel statechart refinement technique.Les outils logiciels sont utilisĂ©s par des experts dans une variĂ©tĂ© de domaines. Il existe de nombreux environnements de modĂ©lisation logicielle adaptĂ©s ĂĄ une expertise spĂ©cifique. Cependant, il n’existe pas d’approche cohĂ©rente pour synthĂ©tiser gĂ©nĂ©riquement une ligne de produits de tels environnements de modĂ©lisation qui prennent Ă©galement en compte l’interaction et l’expĂ©rience utilisateur adaptĂ©es au domaine. L’objectif de ma thĂ©se est la proposition d’une solution pour modĂ©liser explicitement les interfaces utilisateur et l’interaction des environnements de modĂ©lisation afin qu’ils puissent Ă©tre adaptĂ©s aux habitudes et aux prĂ©fĂ©rences des experts du domaine. Nous Ă©tendons les techniques d’ingĂ©nierie actuelles pilotĂ©es par un modĂ©le qui synthĂ©tisent des environnements de modĂ©lisation graphique pour prendre Ă©galement en compte les modĂšles d’interaction. La sĂ©mantique formelle de notre cadre linguistique est basĂ©e sur des statecharts. Nous dĂ©finissons un processus de dĂ©veloppement pour gĂ©nĂ©rer de tels environnements de modĂ©lisation afin de maximiser la rĂ©utilisation Ă  travers une nouveau technique de raffinement de statecharts
