1,537 research outputs found

    The conceptualisation of health and disease in veterinary medicine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The concept of health, as well as the concept of disease, is central in veterinary medicine. However, the definitions "health" and "disease" are not generally acknowledged by veterinarians. The aim of this study was to examine how the concepts "health" and "disease" are defined in veterinary textbooks.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Veterinary textbooks in several disciplines were investigated, but only textbooks with explicit definitions of the concepts were selected for examination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Eighty out of the 500 relevant books within veterinary medicine were written for non-veterinarians. Eight percent of the books had an explicit definition of health and/or disease. More frequently, textbooks written for non veterinarians did have definitions of health or disease, compared to textbooks written for professionals. A division of health definitions in five different categories was suggested, namely:</p> <p>1. Health as normality, 2. Health as biological function, 3. Health as homeostasis, 4. Health as physical and psychological well-being and 5. Health as productivity including reproduction.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Few veterinary textbooks had any health or disease definition at all. Furthermore, explicit definitions of health stated by the authors seemed to have little impact on how health and disease are handled within the profession. Veterinary medicine would probably gain from theoretical discussions about health and disease.</p

    Analisa Pengaruh Tekanan Pembukaan Injektor (Nosel) Terhadap Kinerja Mesin Pada Motor Diesel Injeksi Tidak Langsung/indirect Injection

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    Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja motor diesel adalah pembakaran yang kurang sempurna. Faktor penyebab pembakaran yang tidak sempurna pada motor diesel salah satu diantaranya yaitu tekanan pengabutan bahan bakar yang diinjeksikan pada injektor (nosel) yang kurang baik. Maka untuk itu diperlukannya penelitian terhadap injektor (nosel) dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tekanan pembukaan injektor (nosel) pada motor diesel jenis injeksi tidak langsung yang membawa dampak terhadap kinerja mesin. Dengan penyemprotan yang baik akan menghasilkan pembakaran yang ideal. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah melakukan eksperimental, melalui uji labolatorium untuk mengetahui hasil pengujian variasi penyetelan tekanan pembukaan injektor (nosel) pada motor diesel jenis injeksi tidak langsung/indirect injection yang dirangkaiakan pada alat dynamometer. Adapun langkah-langkah penelitian yang ditempuh melalui alat dan uji coba, variasi penyetelan tekanan pembukaan injektor (nosel), pengambilan data, analisis, kesimpulan dan mempunyai variabel bebas yaitu tekanan pembukaan injektor yang diujikan meliputi 90bar, 100 bar dan 120 bar dengan putaran mesin 1000 rpm, 2000 rpm, 2500 rpm dan 3000 rpm. Sedangkan variabel terikat pada penelitian yaitu konsumsi bahan bakar efektif, torsi dan daya efektif yang mempengaruhi kinerja motor diesel injeksi tidak langsung/indirect injection. Hasil penelitian melalui variasi penyetelan tekanan pembukaan injektor (nosel) pada motor diesel injeksi tidak langsung diperoleh torsi efektif rata-rata maksimum 15,07 Nm, daya efektif rata-rata maksimum 4,25 kW, daya bahan bakar maksimum rata-rata 790,50 Kw, konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik rata-rata maksimum 15,367 kg/kWh dan efisensi daya rata-rata maksimum sebesar 1,12%

    Entwicklung eines Anforderungsprofils für Kontrolleure im Rahmen des Kontrollsystems nach der EU-Verordnung 2092/91

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    Ziel der Studie ist es, das Anforderungsprofil für Kontrolleure auf der Grundlage der EU-Öko-Verordnung 2092/91 für die unterschiedlichen Kontrollbereiche zu ermitteln. Grundlage dafür bilden die Analyse der Tätigkeiten von Kontrolleuren aufgegliedert nach Branchen in die verschiedenen Kontrollbereiche Landwirtschaft, Verarbeitung und Import aus Drittländern. Ergänzend wurde erfasst, welche Anforderungen in anderen Kontroll- und Qualitätssicherungsnormen und -verordnungen an das Kontroll- bzw. Auditpersonal gestellt werden. Ableitend von diesen Analysen wurde das Anforderungsprofil für die drei Kontrollbereiche erstellt. Das Anforderungsprofil gliedert sich in vier Teile: die persönliche Qualifikation (in Anlehnung an ISO 10011), die Basisqualifikation (mündliche und schriftliche Kommunikation, Kalkulation, Berufserfahrung), die fachliche Qualifikation, die sich je nach Kontrollbereich unterscheidet sowie die Kenntnisse der gesetzlichen Regelungen. Für jeden Baustein im Anforderungsprofil wurde abgeleitet, mit welcher Berufsausbildung, Trainingsmaßnahme o.ä. diese Qualifikation erreicht und wie sie nachgewiesen werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde auch das in Deutschland übliche Zulassungsverfahren für Kontrollpersonal diskutiert. Die Verordnung (EWG) 2092/91 sowie der ergänzend geltenden EN 45011 enthält keine Vorgaben, welche die Zulassung von Kontrolleuren durch Aufsichtsbehörden vor dem Einsatz erforderlich machen. Es muss allerdings im Rahmen der Überwachung der Kontrollstellen überprüft werden, ob die Kontrollstellen über sachgerechte Personalkriterien, ein angemessenes dokumentiertes Verfahren für die Auswahl des Personals sowie individuelle Leistungsbeurteilungen verfügen und das Personal angemessen aus- und fortbilden. Eine Umfrage bei den Kontrollstellen im deutschsprachigen Raum erfasste die derzeitigen Aus- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen für Kontrollpersonal. Auf Grundlage der Auswertung der Tätigkeitsanalysen und der Rückmeldungen der Kontrollstellen wurde festgestellt, dass Bedarf an einem kontrollstellenüber-greifenden Fortbildungsangebot besteht, das sich vor allem auf die Spezialbereiche im Kontrollsystem konzentriert (z.B. Umgang mit schwierigen Kontrollsituationen, Aktuelle Änderungen der VO 2092/91, Hofverarbeitung, Rückstandsanalytik und Probenahmeverfahren, Importkontrolle)

    Analysis of the Decentralized Fuel Injection in the Otto Engine

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    U ovom radu, detaljno su opisani i analizirani sustavi koji se najčešće koriste za ubrizgavanje goriva. Ti se sustavi ubrajaju u decentralizirano ubrizgavanje goriva kod Otto motora. Ti sustavi redom su: sustav za ubrizgavanje K - Jetronic, sustav za ubrizgavanje KE - Jetronic, sustav za ubrizgavanje Multi Point Injection (MPI), sustav za ubrizgavanje s mjerenjem volumnog protoka zraka (L - Jetronic), direktno ubrizgavanje (Gasoline Direct Injection - GDI). Osim toga u kratko je opisan razvoj benzinskih motornih vozila i sustava za ubrizgavanje, princip rada četverotaktnog Otto motora te analiziran cjelokupan sustav napajanja gorivom kod Otto motora. Osnovna zadaća svakog sustava ubrizgavanja je dobaviti gorivo iz spremnika, potom ga stlačiti na određeni tlak i fino raspršiti u prostor izgaranja u cilju postizanja potpunog izgaranja smjese. Da bi se ostvarilo potpuno izgaranje i pravilan rad motora, potrebno je međusobno uskladiti rad svih komponenti sustava ubrizgavanja kako ne bi došlo do kvara samog motora.In this paper, the systems wich are commonly used for fuel injection are described and analyzed in detail. These systems are considered to be decentralized fuel injection with Otto engines. Those systems are: injection system K – Jetronic, KE – Jetronic, Multi Point Injection (MPI), directly injection (Gasoline Direct Injection - GDI) and injection system L - Jetronic. Besides that, development of gasoline engines and injection systems are briefly described, the principle of operation of the four-stroke Otto engine and analyzed entire fuel system of Otto engines. The main task of each injection system is to obtain fuel from the tank, then compact it on a certain pressure and finely disperse in the combustion space in order to achieve complete combustion of the mixture. To achieve complete combustion and proper operation of engine, it is necessary to synchronize the work of all components of the injection system to avoid malfunction of the motor itself

    Analaysis of fuel supply L-jetronic system on Otto motor

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    Priprema smjese goriva i zraka je zadaća uređaja za napajanje Ottovih motora gorivom. Pritom je bitno da se gorivo i zrak što potpunije izmiješaju i da se postigne što bolja homogenost smjese. L-jetronic sustav ubrizgavanja goriva radi s prekidajućim ubrizgavanjem u usisnu cijev ispred usisnih ventila. Glavne zadaće sustava su osigurati svakom cilindru toliko goriva koliko je potrebno za trenutačno stanje opterećenja motora pri korištenju vozila. Elektroničko upravljanje ubrizgavanja goriva omogućuje osnovnu i točnu regulaciju dodatnih količina goriva koju zahtijeva znatni broj različitih stanja opterećenja motora. Uvođenjem i razvojem L-jetronic sustava značajno je smanjeno zagađivanje okoliša zbog manje potrošnje goriva te su ostvareni mnogo čišći ispušni plinovi.The preparation of fuel and air mixtures is the task of the Otto engine power supply. In doing so, it is essential that the fuel and air are mixed more thoroughly to achieve the best mix homogeneity. The L-jetronic fuel injection system works with intermittent injection into the suction pipe in front of the intake valves. The main tasks of the system are to provide each cylinder with as much fuel as it needs for the current engine load condition when using the vehicle. Electronic fuel injection control provides basic and accurate control of additional fuel quantities required by a number of different engine load states. The introduction and development of the L-jetronic system significantly reduced environmental pollution due to lower fuel consumption and much cleaner exhaust gases

    Radioaktive Stoffe: Hinweise zum Umgang an Schulen

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    Versuche mit radioaktiven Stoffen im Schulunterricht unterliegen der Strahlenschutzverordnung. Die Broschüre enthält wichtige Schutzvorschriften, die von Schulleitern und Lehrkräften im Umgang mit natürlichen und künstlichen radioaktiven Stoffen zu beachten sind. Die Vorschriften betreffen Erwerb, Lagerung, Kennzeichnung und Dokumentation von radioaktiven Stoffen sowie die personelle Organisation des Strahlenschutzes an Schulen

    Strahlenschutzanweisung für die Universität Paderborn : vom 28. Oktober 2002

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    Analysis of the Decentralized Fuel Injection in the Otto Engine

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    U ovom radu, detaljno su opisani i analizirani sustavi koji se najčešće koriste za ubrizgavanje goriva. Ti se sustavi ubrajaju u decentralizirano ubrizgavanje goriva kod Otto motora. Ti sustavi redom su: sustav za ubrizgavanje K - Jetronic, sustav za ubrizgavanje KE - Jetronic, sustav za ubrizgavanje Multi Point Injection (MPI), sustav za ubrizgavanje s mjerenjem volumnog protoka zraka (L - Jetronic), direktno ubrizgavanje (Gasoline Direct Injection - GDI). Osim toga u kratko je opisan razvoj benzinskih motornih vozila i sustava za ubrizgavanje, princip rada četverotaktnog Otto motora te analiziran cjelokupan sustav napajanja gorivom kod Otto motora. Osnovna zadaća svakog sustava ubrizgavanja je dobaviti gorivo iz spremnika, potom ga stlačiti na određeni tlak i fino raspršiti u prostor izgaranja u cilju postizanja potpunog izgaranja smjese. Da bi se ostvarilo potpuno izgaranje i pravilan rad motora, potrebno je međusobno uskladiti rad svih komponenti sustava ubrizgavanja kako ne bi došlo do kvara samog motora.In this paper, the systems wich are commonly used for fuel injection are described and analyzed in detail. These systems are considered to be decentralized fuel injection with Otto engines. Those systems are: injection system K – Jetronic, KE – Jetronic, Multi Point Injection (MPI), directly injection (Gasoline Direct Injection - GDI) and injection system L - Jetronic. Besides that, development of gasoline engines and injection systems are briefly described, the principle of operation of the four-stroke Otto engine and analyzed entire fuel system of Otto engines. The main task of each injection system is to obtain fuel from the tank, then compact it on a certain pressure and finely disperse in the combustion space in order to achieve complete combustion of the mixture. To achieve complete combustion and proper operation of engine, it is necessary to synchronize the work of all components of the injection system to avoid malfunction of the motor itself