390 research outputs found

    A survey of visual preprocessing and shape representation techniques

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    Many recent theories and methods proposed for visual preprocessing and shape representation are summarized. The survey brings together research from the fields of biology, psychology, computer science, electrical engineering, and most recently, neural networks. It was motivated by the need to preprocess images for a sparse distributed memory (SDM), but the techniques presented may also prove useful for applying other associative memories to visual pattern recognition. The material of this survey is divided into three sections: an overview of biological visual processing; methods of preprocessing (extracting parts of shape, texture, motion, and depth); and shape representation and recognition (form invariance, primitives and structural descriptions, and theories of attention)

    Retinal vessel segmentation using textons

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    Segmenting vessels from retinal images, like segmentation in many other medical image domains, is a challenging task, as there is no unified way that can be adopted to extract the vessels accurately. However, it is the most critical stage in automatic assessment of various forms of diseases (e.g. Glaucoma, Age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cardiovascular diseases etc.). Our research aims to investigate retinal image segmentation approaches based on textons as they provide a compact description of texture that can be learnt from a training set. This thesis presents a brief review of those diseases and also includes their current situations, future trends and techniques used for their automatic diagnosis in routine clinical applications. The importance of retinal vessel segmentation is particularly emphasized in such applications. An extensive review of previous work on retinal vessel segmentation and salient texture analysis methods is presented. Five automatic retinal vessel segmentation methods are proposed in this thesis. The first method focuses on addressing the problem of removing pathological anomalies (Drusen, exudates) for retinal vessel segmentation, which have been identified by other researchers as a problem and a common source of error. The results show that the modified method shows some improvement compared to a previously published method. The second novel supervised segmentation method employs textons. We propose a new filter bank (MR11) that includes bar detectors for vascular feature extraction and other kernels to detect edges and photometric variations in the image. The k-means clustering algorithm is adopted for texton generation based on the vessel and non-vessel elements which are identified by ground truth. The third improved supervised method is developed based on the second one, in which textons are generated by k-means clustering and texton maps representing vessels are derived by back projecting pixel clusters onto hand labelled ground truth. A further step is implemented to ensure that the best combinations of textons are represented in the map and subsequently used to identify vessels in the test set. The experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that our proposed method performs well compared to other published work and the results of human experts. A further test of our system on an independent set of optical fundus images verified its consistent performance. The statistical analysis on experimental results also reveals that it is possible to train unified textons for retinal vessel segmentation. In the fourth method a novel scheme using Gabor filter bank for vessel feature extraction is proposed. The ii method is inspired by the human visual system. Machine learning is used to optimize the Gabor filter parameters. The experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly enhances the true positive rate while maintaining a level of specificity that is comparable with other approaches. Finally, we proposed a new unsupervised texton based retinal vessel segmentation method using derivative of SIFT and multi-scale Gabor filers. The lack of sufficient quantities of hand labelled ground truth and the high level of variability in ground truth labels amongst experts provides the motivation for this approach. The evaluation results reveal that our unsupervised segmentation method is comparable with the best other supervised methods and other best state of the art methods

    Iris Recognition Using Scattering Transform and Textural Features

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    Iris recognition has drawn a lot of attention since the mid-twentieth century. Among all biometric features, iris is known to possess a rich set of features. Different features have been used to perform iris recognition in the past. In this paper, two powerful sets of features are introduced to be used for iris recognition: scattering transform-based features and textural features. PCA is also applied on the extracted features to reduce the dimensionality of the feature vector while preserving most of the information of its initial value. Minimum distance classifier is used to perform template matching for each new test sample. The proposed scheme is tested on a well-known iris database, and showed promising results with the best accuracy rate of 99.2%

    Learning Appearance Primitives of Iris Images for Ethnic Classification

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    Iris pattern is commonly regarded as a kind of phenotypic feature without relation to genes. In our previous work, we argued that iris texture is race related, and its genetic infor-mation is illustrated in coarse scale texture features, rather than preserved in the minute local features of state-of-the-art iris recognition algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel ethnic classification method based on learning appearance primitives of iris images. So we not only confirm that iris texture is race related, but also try to find out which kinds of iris visual primitives make iris images look different between Asian and non-Asian. In our scheme, we learned a small finite vocabulary of micro-structures, which are called Iris-Textons, to represent visual primitives of iris images. Then we use Iris-Texton histogram to capture the difference be-tween iris textures. Finally iris images are grouped into two race categories, Asian and non-Asian, by Support VectorMa-chine(SVM). Based on the proposed method, we get a higher correct classification rate(CCR) of 91.02 % than our previous method on a database containing 2400 iris samples. Index Terms — Iris recognition, SVM, image process-ing, ethnic classification

    A TV flow based local scale estimate and its application to texture discrimination

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    This paper presents a local region based scale measure, which exploits properties of a certain type of nonlinear diffusion, the so-called total variation (TV) flow. During the signal evolution by means of TV flow, pixels change their value with a speed that is inversely proportional to the size of the region they belong to. From this evolution speed one can derive a local scale estimate based on regions instead of derivative filters. Main motivation for such a scale measure is its application to texture discrimination, in particular the construction of an alternative to Gabor filters. When the scale estimate is combined with the components of the structure tensor, which provides orientation information, it yields a texture feature space of only four dimensions. Like Gabor features, this sparse feature space discriminates textures by means of their orientation and scale, yet the representation of orientation and scale is less redundant. The quality of the feature space containing the new scale measure is evaluated in texture segmentation experiments by comparing results to those achieved with Gabor filters. It turns out that one can gain a total speedup of factor 2 without loosing any quality concerning the discrimination of textures

    Adaptive visual sampling

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    PhDVarious visual tasks may be analysed in the context of sampling from the visual field. In visual psychophysics, human visual sampling strategies have often been shown at a high-level to be driven by various information and resource related factors such as the limited capacity of the human cognitive system, the quality of information gathered, its relevance in context and the associated efficiency of recovering it. At a lower-level, we interpret many computer vision tasks to be rooted in similar notions of contextually-relevant, dynamic sampling strategies which are geared towards the filtering of pixel samples to perform reliable object association. In the context of object tracking, the reliability of such endeavours is fundamentally rooted in the continuing relevance of object models used for such filtering, a requirement complicated by realworld conditions such as dynamic lighting that inconveniently and frequently cause their rapid obsolescence. In the context of recognition, performance can be hindered by the lack of learned context-dependent strategies that satisfactorily filter out samples that are irrelevant or blunt the potency of models used for discrimination. In this thesis we interpret the problems of visual tracking and recognition in terms of dynamic spatial and featural sampling strategies and, in this vein, present three frameworks that build on previous methods to provide a more flexible and effective approach. Firstly, we propose an adaptive spatial sampling strategy framework to maintain statistical object models for real-time robust tracking under changing lighting conditions. We employ colour features in experiments to demonstrate its effectiveness. The framework consists of five parts: (a) Gaussian mixture models for semi-parametric modelling of the colour distributions of multicolour objects; (b) a constructive algorithm that uses cross-validation for automatically determining the number of components for a Gaussian mixture given a sample set of object colours; (c) a sampling strategy for performing fast tracking using colour models; (d) a Bayesian formulation enabling models of object and the environment to be employed together in filtering samples by discrimination; and (e) a selectively-adaptive mechanism to enable colour models to cope with changing conditions and permit more robust tracking. Secondly, we extend the concept to an adaptive spatial and featural sampling strategy to deal with very difficult conditions such as small target objects in cluttered environments undergoing severe lighting fluctuations and extreme occlusions. This builds on previous work on dynamic feature selection during tracking by reducing redundancy in features selected at each stage as well as more naturally balancing short-term and long-term evidence, the latter to facilitate model rigidity under sharp, temporary changes such as occlusion whilst permitting model flexibility under slower, long-term changes such as varying lighting conditions. This framework consists of two parts: (a) Attribute-based Feature Ranking (AFR) which combines two attribute measures; discriminability and independence to other features; and (b) Multiple Selectively-adaptive Feature Models (MSFM) which involves maintaining a dynamic feature reference of target object appearance. We call this framework Adaptive Multi-feature Association (AMA). Finally, we present an adaptive spatial and featural sampling strategy that extends established Local Binary Pattern (LBP) methods and overcomes many severe limitations of the traditional approach such as limited spatial support, restricted sample sets and ad hoc joint and disjoint statistical distributions that may fail to capture important structure. Our framework enables more compact, descriptive LBP type models to be constructed which may be employed in conjunction with many existing LBP techniques to improve their performance without modification. The framework consists of two parts: (a) a new LBP-type model known as Multiscale Selected Local Binary Features (MSLBF); and (b) a novel binary feature selection algorithm called Binary Histogram Intersection Minimisation (BHIM) which is shown to be more powerful than established methods used for binary feature selection such as Conditional Mutual Information Maximisation (CMIM) and AdaBoost