51 research outputs found

    Error Prevention in Sensors and Sensor Systems

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    Achievements in all fields of engineering and fabrication methods have led towards optimization and integration of multiple sensing devices into a concise system. These advances have caused significant innovation in various commercial, industrial, and research efforts. Integrations of subsystems have important applications for sensor systems in particular. The need for reporting and real time awareness of a device’s condition and surroundings have led to sensor systems being implemented in a wide variety of fields. From environmental sensors for agriculture, to object characterization and biomedical sensing, the application for sensor systems has impacted all modern facets of innovation. With these innovations, however, additional sources of errors can occur, that can cause new but exciting challenges for such integrated devices. Such challenges range from error correction and accuracy to power optimization. Researchers have invested significant time and effort to improve the applicability and accuracy of sensors and sensor systems. Efforts to reduce inherent and external noise of sensors can range from hardware to software solutions, focusing on signal processing and exploiting the integration of multiple signals and/or sensor types. My research work throughout my career has been focused on deployable and integrated sensor systems. Their integration not only in hardware and components but also in software, machine learning, pattern recognition, and overall signal processing algorithms to aid in error correction and noise tailoring in all their hardware and software components

    Development of Implantable Pulse Oxygen Saturation Meter for Dairy-Cattle Respiratory Monitoring

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    This master of science thesis introduces an implantable measurement device that can be used to measure oxygen saturation (SpO2) with pulse oximetry methods. The device is intended to be incorporated into a implantable measurement device developed earlier at Tampere University of Technology (TUT). Two prototype devices were built and tested externally on a human subject with number of different measurement setups to determine how it would function in vivo. Respiratory diseases are the cause of approximately 50 % of all mortality in cattle. They can be hard to diagnose in early stages since there are no obvious external symptoms, this can cause outbreaks in groups of cattle. SpO2 gives a good measurement on how the respiratory system is functioning in the cattle by measuring the amount of oxygenated hemoglobin versus deoxygenated hemoglobin. The developed device measures the SpO2 with a probe made out of two light emitting diodes (LED) and a photosensor. In the thesis two types of coating methods where used to seal the probe, 3.5mm layer of medical grade epoxy and 15 µm layer of Parylene-C. The effect of these coatings on the probe components and signals where determined with measurements prior to coating and after. Parylene-C coating had much less effect on the signal acquisition than the epoxy coating, where the amplitude of the non-pulsatile signal increased on average over 1V and the pulsatile part decreased in amplitude. For Parylene-C there was a minor decrease in the amplitude of the non-pulsatile part but the pulsatile part had similar amplitude to non-coated probe. This difference is partially explained with the fact that thicker layer of coating creates internal scattering of light inside the coating. This light hits the photosensor before being absorbed by tissue and thus increases the DC level. A signal processing script was written in MATLAB to calculate the uncalibrated SpO2 from the raw signal. The noise level in all measurements was estimated with the standard deviation since the signal is unambigous and it was concluded that with a moving average filter of 4- or 8-points it is possible to reduce the noise significantly. Thermal radiation of the probe was estimated with test measurement of two different LED drive currents and theoretical calculations, neither case showed any significant increase in temperature. The effect of fat tissue that will surround the implant was also tested in a practical way with cow fat from a local supermarket. According to theory, light penetrates well through fat tissue and this was confirmed with measurements where the increased thickness of fat tissue decreased the amplitude of the signal. By applying a 8-point moving average filter it was possible to acquire a signal through ∼1cm thick layer of tissue with no perfusion. Number of other minor topics were solved some theoretically and others practically. The output of the thesis is a novel device that could be easily implanted in a dairy-cow as well as other mammals. The thesis also presents new information on the effects of coating SpO2 probes and the effects of fat tissue in cattle on the SpO2 signal. Pulse oxygen saturation measurements have not been conducted with an implantable meter before in any type of animal and thus certain uncertainty of measurements can only be eliminated with an implantation of a real device

    Design of Common ECG/PPG Electrod

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    Import 03/11/2016Tématem této bakalářské práce je návrh společné EKG/PPG elektrody. První část je zaměřena na teoretický rozbor Elektrokardiografie a Fotopletysmografie. Práce dále obsahuje rešerši, která zpracovává různé studie související s těmito metodami měření biologických signálů. Praktická část je zaměřena na návrh a výrobu společné elektrody. Cílem této práce je umožnit společné snímání, jak elektrické aktivity srdce, tak objemových změn v tkáních. Snímání EKG bylo provedeno pomocí dvou kovových destiček, a pro měření PPG byl využit reflexní typ senzoru. K sloučení obou typů senzorů byl využit textilní gumový pás, díky kterému je možno umístit senzory v různých vzdálenostech na různých částech těla. Hlavním přínosem práce je otestování různých umístění snímačů na těle, výběr toho nejvhodnějšího a dále možnost snímat společně oba signály EKG i PPG pro pozdější analýzu naměřených křivek.The theme of this bachelor thesis is Design of Common ECG/PPG electrode. The first part is focused on the theoretical analysis of Electrocardiography and Photopletysmography. Next part of this thesis is a search, which handles various studies associated with these methods of measuring biological signals. The practical part is focused on design and manufacture of common electrode. The aim of this work is to enable the common sensing electrical activity of heart and volume changes in the tissue. For measuring ECG was used two little metal squares and for sensing PPG was used reflective type sensor. For merger both types of sensor was used textile rubber belt, which allow different placement of sensors on the body. The main contribution of this work is to test and evaluate different sensor location on the body, selection of the most appropriate and the chance to shoot together both ECG and PPG signals and determine their measured results.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn