368 research outputs found

    Communication and emotion in bots and chatbots: : the cases of Fabi Grossi and Code of Hope

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    O mapeamento e análise de emoções e sentimentos em conteúdos publicados nas redes sociais online tem sido uma das ferramentas mais modernas em uso atualmente para promover uma comunicação engajadora e eficaz com públicos diversos na internet. Com o avanço de tecnologias algorítmicas e de inteligência artificial, o recurso tem se mostrado útil para identificar e responder a emoções pré-programadas. Neste artigo, após extensa revisão de literatura sobre o estado da arte dos estudos que remetem à virada emocional no campo da comunicação, são apresentadas duas ferramentas interativas baseadas em respostas emocionais: o chatbot Fabi Grossi e o sistema de monitoramento de emoções Code of Hope. Conclui-se que ambas, apesar de divergirem na forma de funcionamento, possuem premissas similares no entendimento da importância da dimensão emocional da comunicação para prevenir casos de suicídio entre jovens e representam bons exemplos de como a virada emocional pode ser útil e eficaz no contexto de sistemas automatizados de comunicação.The mapping and analysis of emotions and feelings in content published on online social networks has been one of the most modern tools in use today to promote engaging and effective communication with diverse audiences on the internet. With the advancement of algorithmic and artificial intelligence technologies, the resource has proven useful for identifying and responding to pre-programmed emotions. In this article, after an extensive literature review on the state of the art of studies that refer to the emotional turn in the field of communication, two interactive tools based on emotional responses are presented: the chatbot Fabi Grossi and the emotion monitoring system Code of Hope. It is concluded that both, despite diverging in the way they work, have similar premises in understanding the importance of the emotional dimension of communication to prevent cases of suicide among young people and represent good examples of how the emotional turn can be useful and effective in the context of automated communication systems

    Communication and emotion in bots and chatbots: the cases of Fabi Grossi and Code of Hope

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    O mapeamento e análise de emoções e sentimentos em conteúdos publicados nas redes sociais online tem sido uma das ferramentas mais modernas em uso atualmente para promover uma comunicação engajadora e eficaz com públicos diversos na internet. Com o avanço de tecnologias algorítmicas e de inteligência artificial, o recurso tem se mostrado útil para identificar e responder a emoções pré-programadas. Neste artigo, após extensa revisão de literatura sobre o estado da arte dos estudos que remetem à virada emocional no campo da comunicação, são apresentadas duas ferramentas interativas baseadas em respostas emocionais: o chatbot Fabi Grossi e o sistema de monitoramento de emoções Code of Hope. Conclui-se que ambas, apesar de divergirem na forma de funcionamento, possuem premissas similares no entendimento da importância da dimensão emocional da comunicação para prevenir casos de suicídio entre jovens e representam bons exemplos de como a virada emocional pode ser útil e eficaz no contexto de sistemas automatizados de comunicação.The mapping and analysis of emotions and feelings in content published on online social networks has been one of the most modern tools in use today to promote engaging and effective communication with diverse audiences on the internet. With the advancement of algorithmic and artificial intelligence technologies, the resource has proven useful for identifying and responding to pre-programmed emotions. In this article, after an extensive literature review on the state of the art of studies that refer to the emotional turn in the field of communication, two interactive tools based on emotional responses are presented: the chatbot Fabi Grossi and the emotion monitoring system Code of Hope. It is concluded that both, despite diverging in the way they work, have similar premises in understanding the importance of the emotional dimension of communication to prevent cases of suicide among young people and represent good examples of how the emotional turn can be useful and effective in the context of automated communication systems.Artigo apoiado por fundos nacionais através da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do Financiamento Plurianual do Centro de Investigação em Comunicação e Sociedade 2020-2023 (que integra o financiamento base, com a referência UIDB/00736/2020

    Functional Derivative of the Zero Point Energy Functional from the Strong Interaction Limit of Density Functional Theory

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    We derive an explicit expression for the functional derivative of the subleading term in the strong interaction limit expansion of the generalized Levy--Lieb functional for the special case of two electrons in one dimension. The expression is derived from the zero point energy (ZPE) functional, which is valid if the quantum state reduces to strongly correlated electrons in the strong coupling limit. The explicit expression is confirmed numerically and respects the relevant sum-rule. We also show that the ZPE potential is able to generate a bond mid-point peak for homo-nuclear dissociation and is properly of purely kinetic origin. Unfortunately, the ZPE diverges for Coulomb systems, whereas the exact peaks should be finite.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Entre o simulacro e o real: performance e vitimização do chatbot Fabi Grossi

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    O artigo focaliza o robô conversacional Fabi Grossi, um projeto de Inteligência Artificial da Unicef, Facebook e SaferNet. Programado para performar características humanas e auxiliar na compreensão sobre a pornografia de vingança, o chatbot simula a narrativa de uma jovem sexualmente exposta por meio do envio de selfies, áudios, prints e mensagens de texto aos interagentes. Analisamos a atribuição de signos hiper-reais à performance do robô, a partir do seu repertório linguístico e dos suportes midiáticos, a fim de compreender as potencialidades de tal ferramenta, bem como os limites e riscos diante de interações controversas

    Enhancing banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) resistance by plant genetic modification: A perspective

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    Banana weevil is a serious pest of bananas and plantains in Africa. The development of resistant cultivars is seen as the long term and more sustainable control strategy. The difficulty in conventional breeding of bananas and plantains has prompted efforts towards the use of genetic transformation for banana and plantain improvement. In this review, the current status of banana weevil resistance, sources of resistance and resistance mechanisms is assessed. Further, current efforts and future prospects for identifying resistance genes outside the genus Musa with potential to control banana weevil in a transgenic approach are outlined and discussed. Key words: Banana weevil, host plant resistance, pest resistance genes, transgenic plants African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 2 (12), pp. 563-569, December 200


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    We report the case of a 48 year old men who developed a selective impairment in famous voice recognition after ischemic stroke in right subcortical structures (lenticular nucleus and head of the caudate) and right anterior temporal lobe. He underwent fibrinolytic treatment. During the following days he progressively recovered and was discharged without neurological focal sign. Patent foramen ovale was found. When he got back to his house he noticed that he was unable to recognize the voice of his favoured singers and needed to ask who was the singer to his relatives. Neuropsychological examination revealed a selective impairment in famous voice recognition in the absence of alteration of voice perception, face perception and famous face recognition. All other neuropsychological domains were spared. In particular language, memory and executive functions were intact. Neuroimaging carried out by means of PET and MRI revealed two small ischemic lesions in the right subcortical region, involving lenticular and caudate nuclei and in the right temporal pole. To our knowledge, this is the first case described in literature of a patient showing a selective associative phonagnosia after right anterior temporal stroke. The present case helps to clarify the brain circuits underlying famous voice recognition and adds evidence in favour of a right hemisphere involvement in processing knowledge of familiar voices. These findings are discussed in relation to current models of brain organization of person-specific and general semantic knowledge.

    Kohn-Sham equations with functionals from the strictly-correlated regime: Investigation with a spectral renormalization method

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    We re-adapt a spectral renormalization method, introduced in nonlinear optics, to solve the Kohn-Sham (KS) equations of density functional theory (DFT), with a focus on functionals based on the strictly-correlated electrons (SCE) regime, which are particularly challenging to converge. Important aspects of the method are: (i) the eigenvalues and the density are computed simultaneously; (ii) it converges using randomized initial guesses; (iii) easy to implement. Using this method we could converge for the first time the Kohn-Sham equations with functionals that include the next leading term in the strong-interaction limit of density functional theory, the so-called zero-point energy (ZPE) functional as well as with an interaction-strength-interpolation (ISI) functional that includes both the exact SCE and ZPE terms. This work is the first building block for future studies on quantum systems confined in low dimensions with different statistics and long-range repulsions, such as localization properties of fermions and bosons with strong long-range repulsive interactions in the presence of a random external potential

    Unimodal and crossmodal working memory binding is not differentially affected by age or Alzheimer’s disease

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    Working Memory Binding (WMB) entails the integration of multiple sources of information to form and temporarily store unique representations. Information can be processed through either one (i.e., Unimodal WMB) or separate sensory modalities (i.e., Crossmodal WMB). Objective: In this study, we investigated whether Crossmodal WMB is differentially affected by normal or pathological aging compared to Unimodal WMB. Method: Experiment 1: 26 older and 26 younger adults recalled the target feature matching the test probe to complete a previously displayed color-shape binding (visually presented in the Unimodal condition; auditorily and visually presented in the Crossmodal condition). Experiment 2: 35 older and 35 younger adults undertook the same paradigm while carrying out articulatory suppression to limit verbal recoding. Experiment 3: 24 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and two groups of 24 healthy matched controls (tested respectively with the same and an increased memory load compared to the patients) were recruited to perform a similar task. Results: Results show no age-related additional cost in Crossmodal WMB in respect to Unimodal WMB. AD patients had poor attainment in both WMB tasks regardless of specific binding condition. Conclusion: These findings provide evidence identifying WMB per se to be impaired in AD, regardless of the type of to-be-bound material. This supports the view that WMB is a suitable cognitive marker for AD

    Thermal energy performance of a bioclimatic building in a high radiation area of Argentina

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    Se describe el diseño de un edificio bioclimático para el INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) en Victorica, al NO de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina (37º38´S, 63º34´W). Las pautas generales de diseño fueron: minimizar el consumo de energía convencional, utilizar la tecnología tradicional, maximizar el confort térmico y visual y alcanzar un costo adicional inferior al 10%. Las estrategias fueron: solarización (ganancia solar directa), conservación (envolvente de baja permeabilidad térmica y masa de acumulación), disipación (ventilación natural cruzada) y protección solar. Los objetivos del trabajo son: analizar el comportamiento higrotérmico y energético del edificio a través del monitoreo durante el invierno de 2017 y el verano 2017-2018. Los resultados del monitoreo experimental muestran un entorno térmicamente aceptable. El área colectora al norte del 7 % respecto al área útil es apropiada. El consumo anual de energía es de 46 kWh/m2 (calefacción) y 19 kWh/m2 (electricidad utilizada para refrigeración, equipos e iluminación) y resultan de las mediciones registradas en medidores entre las 7 hs del de agosto de 2017 y las 7hs del 1 de agosto de 2018. Las aproximaciones realizadas en las primeras etapas de diseño fueron apropiadasThe design of a bioclimatic building for the INTA (National Institute of Agricultural Technology) in Victorica, NW of the province of La Pampa, Argentina (37º38'S, 63º34'W) is described. The general design guidelines were: minimize conventional energy consumption, use traditional technology, maximize thermal and visual comfort and achieve an additional cost of less than 10%. The strategies were: solarization (direct solar gain), conservation (envelope with low thermal permeability and thermal mass), dissipation (natural cross ventilation) and shading. The objectives of the work are: to analyze the hygrothermal and energetic behavior of the building through monitoring during winter of 2017 and summer 2017-2018. The results of the experimental monitoring show a thermally acceptable environment. The collection area north of 7% with respect to the useful area is appropriate. The annual energy consumption is 46 kWh / m2 (heating) and 19 kWh / m2 (electricity used for refrigeration, equipment and lighting) and results from measurements recorded on meters between 7 am (August 1, 2017) and 7 am (August 1, 2018). The approximations made in the early design stages were appropriate.Fil: Filippin, Maria Celina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Flores Larsen, Silvana Elinor. Universidad Nacional de Salta; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones en Energía no Convencional. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Investigaciones en Energía no Convencional; ArgentinaFil: Marek, L.. No especifíca