19 research outputs found

    High throughput FPGA Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm

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     The growth of computer systems and electronic communications and transactions has meant that the need for effective security and reliability of data communication, processing and storage is more important than ever. In this context, cryptography is a high priority research area in engineering. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric-key criptographic algorithm for protecting sensitive information and is one of the most widely secure and used algorithm today. High-throughput, low power and compactness have always been topic of interest for implementing this type of algorithm. In this paper, we are interested on the development of high throughput architecture and implementation of AES algorithm, using the least amount of hardware possible. We have adopted a pipeline approach in order to reduce the critical path and achieve competitive performances in terms of throughput and efficiency. This approach is effectively tested on the AES S-Box substitution. The latter is a complex transformation and the key point to improve architecture performances. Considering the high delay and hardware required for this transformation, we proposed 7-stage pipelined S-box by using composite field in order to deal with the critical path and the occupied area resources. In addition, efficient AES key expansion architecture suitable for our proposed pipelined AES is presented. The implementation had been successfully done on Virtex-5 XC5VLX85 and Virtex-6 XC6VLX75T Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices using Xilinx ISE v14.7. Our AES design achieved a data encryption rate of 108.69 Gbps and used only 6361 slices ressource. Compared to the best previous work, this implementation improves data throughput by 5.6% and reduces the used slices to 77.69%

    An IoT Endpoint System-on-Chip for Secure and Energy-Efficient Near-Sensor Analytics

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    Near-sensor data analytics is a promising direction for IoT endpoints, as it minimizes energy spent on communication and reduces network load - but it also poses security concerns, as valuable data is stored or sent over the network at various stages of the analytics pipeline. Using encryption to protect sensitive data at the boundary of the on-chip analytics engine is a way to address data security issues. To cope with the combined workload of analytics and encryption in a tight power envelope, we propose Fulmine, a System-on-Chip based on a tightly-coupled multi-core cluster augmented with specialized blocks for compute-intensive data processing and encryption functions, supporting software programmability for regular computing tasks. The Fulmine SoC, fabricated in 65nm technology, consumes less than 20mW on average at 0.8V achieving an efficiency of up to 70pJ/B in encryption, 50pJ/px in convolution, or up to 25MIPS/mW in software. As a strong argument for real-life flexible application of our platform, we show experimental results for three secure analytics use cases: secure autonomous aerial surveillance with a state-of-the-art deep CNN consuming 3.16pJ per equivalent RISC op; local CNN-based face detection with secured remote recognition in 5.74pJ/op; and seizure detection with encrypted data collection from EEG within 12.7pJ/op.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication to the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I: Regular Paper

    On Implementing Deniable Storage Encryption for Mobile Devices

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    Data confidentiality can be effectively preserved through encryption. In certain situations, this is inadequate, as users may be coerced into disclosing their decryption keys. In this case, the data must be hidden so that its very existence can be denied. Steganographic techniques and deniable encryption algorithms have been devised to address this specific problem. Given the recent proliferation of smartphones and tablets, we examine the feasibility and efficacy of deniable storage encryption for mobile devices. We evaluate existing, and discover new, challenges that can compromise plausibly deniable encryption (PDE) in a mobile environment. To address these obstacles, we design a system called Mobiflage that enables PDE on mobile devices by hiding encrypted volumes within random data on a device’s external storage. We leverage lessons learned from known issues in deniable encryption in the desktop environment, and design new countermeasures for threats specific to mobile systems. Key features of Mobiflage include: deniable file systems with limited impact on throughput; efficient storage use with no data expansion; and restriction/prevention of known sources of leakage and disclosure. We provide a proof-of-concept implementation for the Android OS to assess the feasibility and performance of Mobiflage. We also compile a list of best practices users should follow to restrict other known forms of leakage and collusion that may compromise deniability

    Design Exploration of AES Accelerators on FPGAs and GPUs, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2017, nr 1

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    The embedded systems are increasingly becoming a key technological component of all kinds of complex technical systems and an exhaustive analysis of the state of the art of all current performance with respect to architectures, design methodologies, test and applications could be very interesting. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), based on the well-known algorithm Rijndael, is designed to be easily implemented in hardware and software platforms. General purpose computing on graphics processing unit (GPGPU) is an alternative to recongurable accelerators based on FPGA devices. This paper presents a direct comparison between FPGA and GPU used as accelerators for the AES cipher. The results achieved on both platforms and their analysis has been compared to several others in order to establish which device is best at playing the role of hardware accelerator by each solution showing interesting considerations in terms of throughput, speedup factor, and resource usage. This analysis suggests that, while hardware design on FPGA remains the natural choice for consumer-product design, GPUs are nowadays the preferable choice for PC based accelerators, especially when the processing routines are highly parallelizable

    Deniable Storage Encryption for Mobile Devices

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    Smartphones, and other mobile computing devices, are being widely adopted globally as the de-facto personal computing platform. Given the amount of sensitive information accumulated by these devices, there are serious privacy and security implications for both personal use and enterprise deployment. Confidentiality of data-at-rest can be effectively preserved through storage encryption. All major mobile OSes now incorporate some form of storage encryption. In certain situations, this is inadequate, as users may be coerced into disclosing their decryption keys. In this case, the data must be hidden so that its very existence can be denied. Steganographic techniques and deniable encryption algorithms have been devised to address this specific problem. This dissertation explores the feasibility and efficacy of deniable storage encryption for mobile devices. A feature that allows the user to feign compliance with a coercive adversary, by decrypting plausible and innocuous decoy data, while maintaining the secrecy of their sensitive or contentious hidden data. A deniable storage encryption system, Mobiflage, was designed and implemented for the Android OS, the first such application for mobile devices. Current mobile encryption mechanisms all rely, in some way, on a user secret. Users notoriously choose weak passwords that are easily guessed/cracked. This thesis offers a new password scheme for use with storage encryption. The goal is to create passwords that are suitably strong for protection of encryption keys, easier to input on mobile devices, and build on memorability research in cognitive psychology for a better user experience than current password guidelines

    Hardware Design of an Advanced-Feature Cryptographic Tile within the European Processor Initiative

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    This work describes the hardware implementation of a cryptographic accelerators suite, named Crypto-Tile, in the framework of the European Processor Initiative (EPI) project. The EPI project traced the roadmap to develop the first family of low-power processors with the design fully made in Europe, for Big Data, supercomputers and automotive. Each of the coprocessors of Crypto-Tile is dedicated to a specific family of cryptographic algorithms, offering functions for symmetric and public-key cryptography, computation of digests, generation of random numbers, and Post-Quantum cryptography. The performances of each coprocessor outperform other available solutions, offering innovative hardware-native services, such as key management, clock randomisation and access privilege mechanisms. The system has been synthesised on a 7 nm standard-cell technology, being the first Cryptoprocessor to be characterised in such an advanced silicon technology. The post-synthesis netlist has been employed to assess the resistance of Crypto-Tile to power analysis side-channel attacks. Finally, a demoboard has been implemented, integrating a RISC-V softcore processor and the Crypto-Tile module, and drivers for hardware abstraction layer, bare-metal applications and drivers for Linux kernel in C language have been developed. Finally, we exploited them to compare in terms of execution speed the hardware-accelerated algorithms against software-only solutions

    Parallel Multiplier Designs for the Galois/Counter Mode of Operation

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    The Galois/Counter Mode of Operation (GCM), recently standardized by NIST, simultaneously authenticates and encrypts data at speeds not previously possible for both software and hardware implementations. In GCM, data integrity is achieved by chaining Galois field multiplication operations while a symmetric key block cipher such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), is used to meet goals of confidentiality. Area optimization in a number of proposed high throughput GCM designs have been approached through implementing efficient composite Sboxes for AES. Not as much work has been done in reducing area requirements of the Galois multiplication operation in the GCM which consists of up to 30% of the overall area using a bruteforce approach. Current pipelined implementations of GCM also have large key change latencies which potentially reduce the average throughput expected under traditional internet traffic conditions. This thesis aims to address these issues by presenting area efficient parallel multiplier designs for the GCM and provide an approach for achieving low latency key changes. The widely known Karatsuba parallel multiplier (KA) and the recently proposed Fan-Hasan multiplier (FH) were designed for the GCM and implemented on ASIC and FPGA architectures. This is the first time these multipliers have been compared with a practical implementation, and the FH multiplier showed note worthy improvements over the KA multiplier in terms of delay with similar area requirements. Using the composite Sbox, ASIC designs of GCM implemented with subquadratic multipliers are shown to have an area savings of up to 18%, without affecting the throughput, against designs using the brute force Mastrovito multiplier. For low delay LUT Sbox designs in GCM, although the subquadratic multipliers are a part of the critical path, implementations with the FH multiplier showed the highest efficiency in terms of area resources and throughput over all other designs. FPGA results similarly showed a significant reduction in the number of slices using subquadratic multipliers, and the highest throughput to date for FPGA implementations of GCM was also achieved. The proposed reduced latency key change design, which supports all key types of AES, showed a 20% improvement in average throughput over other GCM designs that do not use the same techniques. The GCM implementations provided in this thesis provide some of the most area efficient, yet high throughput designs to date

    Design of Efficient Symmetric-Key Cryptographic Algorithms

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    User-Controlled Computations in Untrusted Computing Environments

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    Computing infrastructures are challenging and expensive to maintain. This led to the growth of cloud computing with users renting computing resources from centralized cloud providers. There is also a recent promise in providing decentralized computing resources from many participating users across the world. The compute on your own server model hence is no longer prominent. But, traditional computer architectures, which were designed to give a complete power to the owner of the computing infrastructure, continue to be used in deploying these new paradigms. This forces users to completely trust the infrastructure provider on all their data. The cryptography and security community research two different ways to tackle this problem. The first line of research involves developing powerful cryptographic constructs with formal security guarantees. The primitive of functional encryption (FE) formalizes the solutions where the clients do not interact with the sever during the computation. FE enables a user to provide computation-specific secret keys which the server can use to perform the user specified computations (and only those) on her encrypted data. The second line of research involves designing new hardware architectures which remove the infrastructure owner from the trust base. The solutions here tend to have better performance but their security guarantees are not well understood. This thesis provides contributions along both lines of research. In particular, 1) We develop a (single-key) functional encryption construction where the size of secret keys do not grow with the size of descriptions of the computations, while also providing a tighter security reduction to the underlying computational assumption. This construction supports the computation class of branching programs. Previous works for this computation class achieved either short keys or tighter security reductions but not both. 2) We formally model the primitive of trusted hardware inspired by Intel's Software Guard eXtensions (SGX). We then construct an FE scheme in a strong security model using this trusted hardware primitive. We implement this construction in our system Iron and evaluate its performance. Previously, the constructions in this model relied on heavy cryptographic tools and were not practical. 3) We design an encrypted database system StealthDB that provides complete SQL support. StealthDB is built on top of Intel SGX and designed with the usability and security limitations of SGX in mind. The StealthDB implementation on top of Postgres achieves practical performance (30% overhead over plaintext evaluation) with strong leakage profile against adversaries who get snapshot access to the memory of the system. It achieves a more gradual degradation in security against persistent adversaries than the prior designs that aimed at practical performance and complete SQL support. We finally survey the research on providing security against quantum adversaries to the building blocks of SGX