1,866 research outputs found

    Implementation and verification of a hardware-basedcontroller for a three-phase induction motor on an FPGA

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    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és estudiar diverses tècniques de control motor per tal d’implementar i verificar un controlador basat en hardware per a un motor d’inducció trifàsic desenvolupat en llenguatge VHDL i funcionant en una FPGA Artix-7 (Xil-inx). Aquest controlador està basat en tècniques de variació de freqüència. Els mòduls que defineixen la descripció de hardware funcionen simultàniament entre ells, i permeten agilitzar el sistema, millorant el rendiment i la resposta del motor, en comparació amb un microcontrolador. Aquesta tesi està relacionada amb els sistemes digitals, l’electrònica de potència i els sistemes de control.Outgoin

    Fault-Tolerant Control of a Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine

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    Je jasné, že nejúspěšnější konstrukce zahrnuje postup vícefázového řízení, ve kterém každá fáze může být považována za samostatný modul. Provoz kterékoliv z jednotek musí mít minimální vliv na ostatní, a to tak, že v případě selhání jedné jednotky ostatní mohou být v provozu neovlivněny. Modulární řešení vyžaduje minimální elektrické, magnetické a tepelné ovlivnění mezi fázemi řízení (měniče). Synchronní stroje s pulzním tokem a permanentními magnety se jeví jako atraktivní typ stroje, jejíž přednostmi jsou vysoký kroutící moment, jednoduchá a robustní konstrukce rotoru a skutečnost, že permanentní magnety i cívky jsou umístěny společně na statoru. FS-PMSM jsou poměrně nové typy střídavého stroje stator-permanentní magnet, které představují významné přednosti na rozdíl od konvenčních rotorů - velký kroutící moment, vysoký točivý moment, v podstatě sinusové zpětné EMF křivky, zároveň kompaktní a robustní konstrukce díky umístění magnetů a vinutí kotvy na statoru. Srovnání výsledků mezi FS-PMSM a klasickými motory na povrchu upevněnými PM (SPM) se stejnými parametry ukazuje, že FS-PMSM vykazuje větší vzduchové mezery hustoty toku, vyšší točivý moment na ztráty v mědi, ale také vyšší pulzaci díky reluktančnímu momentu. Pro stroje buzené permanentními magnety se jedná o tradiční rozpor mezi požadavkem na vysoký kroutící moment pod základní rychlostí (oblast konstantního momentu) a provozem nad základní rychlostí (oblast konstantního výkonu), zejména pro aplikace v hybridních vozidlech. Je předložena nová topologie synchronního stroje s permanentními magnety a spínaným tokem odolného proti poruchám, která je schopná provozu během vinutí naprázdno a zkratovaného vinutí i poruchách měniče. Schéma je založeno na dvojitě vinutém motoru napájeném ze dvou oddělených vektorově řízených napěťových zdrojů. Vinutí jsou uspořádána takovým způsobem, aby tvořila dvě nezávislé a oddělené sady. Simulace a experimentální výzkum zpřesní výkon během obou scénářů jak za normálního provozu, tak za poruch včetně zkratových závad a ukáží robustnost pohonu za těchto podmínek. Tato práce byla publikována v deseti konferenčních příspěvcích, dvou časopisech a knižní kapitole, kde byly představeny jak topologie pohonu a aplikovaná řídící schémata, tak analýzy jeho schopnosti odolávat poruchám.It has become clear that the most successful design approach involves a multiple phase drive in which each phase may be regarded as a single-module. The operation of any one module must have minimal impact upon the others, so that in the event of that module failing the others can continue to operate unaffected. The modular approach requires that there should be minimal electrical, magnetic and thermal interaction between phases of the drive. Flux-Switching permanent magnet synchronous machines (FS-PMSM) have recently emerged as an attractive machine type virtue of their high torque densities, simple and robust rotor structure and the fact that permanent magnets and coils are both located on the stator. Flux-switching permanent magnet (FS-PMSM) synchronous machines are a relatively new topology of stator PM brushless machine. They exhibit attractive merits including the large torque capability and high torque (power) density, essentially sinusoidal back-EMF waveforms, as well as having a compact and robust structure due to both the location of magnets and armature windings in the stator instead of the rotor as those in the conventional rotor-PM machines. The comparative results between a FS-PMSM and a traditional surface-mounted PM (SPM) motor having the same specifications reveal that FS-PMSM exhibits larger air-gap flux density, higher torque per copper loss, but also a higher torque ripple due to cogging -torque. However, for solely permanent magnets excited machines, it is a traditional contradiction between the requests of high torque capability under the base-speed (constant torque region) and wide speed operation above the base speed (constant power region) especially for hybrid vehicle applications. A novel fault-tolerant FS-PMSM drive topology is presented, which is able to operate during open- and short-circuit winding and converter faults. The scheme is based on a dual winding motor supplied from two separate vector-controlled voltage-sourced inverter drives. The windings are arranged in a way so as to form two independent and isolated sets. Simulation and experimental work will detail the driver’s performance during both healthy- and faulty- scenarios including short-circuit faults and will show the drive robustness to operate in these conditions. The work has been published in ten conference papers, two journal papers and a book chapter, presenting both the topology of the drive and the applied control schemes, as well as analysing the fault-tolerant capabilities of the drive.

    FPGA in-the-loop implementation of direct torque control for induction motor

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    In this study, the hysteresis based direct torque control (DTC) of a three-phase induction motor was carried out experimentally. The DTC algorithm was also modelled in the hardware environment by using FPGA’s in-the-loop feature. The dSPACE DS1103 controller board was used in the experimental study and Altera DE2-115 model development board was used in the hardware modelling. Both applications had the same sample time and all of the DTC algorithm was tested within the FPGA. The hardware simulation study conducted in FPGA environment was carried out in MATLAB/Simulink environment. The experimental results were compared with the hardware simulation results obtained from FPGA. As a result of the comparison, it was shown that DTC algorithm could be realized easily in FPGA environment without experimental installation, and the obtained current, voltage and velocity graphs were similar

    Control Strategies for Open-End Winding Drives Operating in the Flux-Weakening Region

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    This paper presents and compares control strategies for three-phase open-end winding drives operating in the flux-weakening region. A six-leg inverter with a single dc-link is associated with the machine in order to use a single energy source. With this topology, the zero-sequence circuit has to be considered since the zero-sequence current can circulate in the windings. Therefore, conventional over-modulation strategies are not appropriate when the machine enters in the flux-weakening region. A few solutions dealing with the zero-sequence circuit have been proposed in literature. They use a modified space vector modulation or a conventional modulation with additional voltage limitations. The paper describes the aforementioned strategies and then a new strategy is proposed. This new strategy takes into account the magnitudes and phase angles of the voltage harmonic components. This yields better voltage utilization in the dq frame. Furthermore, inverter saturation is avoided in the zero-sequence frame and therefore zero-sequence current control is maintained. Three methods are implemented on a test bed composed of a three-phase permanent-magnet synchronous machine, a six-leg inverter and a hybrid DSP/FPGA controller. Experimental results are presented and compared for all strategies. A performance analysis is conducted as regards the region of operation and the machine parameters.Projet SOFRACI/FU

    Field programmable gate array hardware in the loop validation of fuzzy direct torque control for induction machine drive

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    Introduction. Currently, the direct torque control is very popular in industry and is of great interest to scientists in the variable speed drive of asynchronous machines. This technique provides decoupling between torque control and flux without the need to use pulse width modulation or coordinate transformation. Nevertheless, this command presents two major importunities: the switching frequency is highly variable on the one hand, and on the other hand, the amplitude of the torque and stator flux ripples remain poorly controlled throughout the considered operating speed range. The novelty of this article proposes improvements in performance of direct torque control of asynchronous machines by development of a fuzzy direct torque control algorithm. This latter makes it possible to provide solutions to the major problems of this control technique, namely: torque ripples, flux ripples, and failure to control switching frequency. Purpose. The emergence of this method has given rise to various works whose objective is to show its performance, or to provide solutions to its limitations. Indeed, this work consists in validation of a fuzzy direct torque control architecture implemented on the ML402 development kit (based on the Xilinx Virtex-4 type field programmable gate array circuit), through hardware description language (VHDL) and Xilinx generator system. The obtained results showed the robustness of the control and sensorless in front of load and parameters variation of induction motor control. The research directions of the model were determined for the subsequent implementation of results with simulation samples.Вступ. В даний час пряме управління моментом дуже популярне в промисловості і викликає великий інтерес у вчених у галузі частотно-регульованого приводу асинхронних машин. Цей метод забезпечує розв'язку між керуванням моментом, що крутить, і магнітним потоком без необхідності використання широтно-імпульсної модуляції або перетворення координат. Тим не менш, ця команда представляє дві основні незручності: з одного боку, частота комутації сильно варіюється, а з іншого боку, амплітуда пульсацій моменту і потоку статора залишається погано контрольованою у всьому діапазоні робочих швидкостей. Новизна цієї статті пропонує поліпшення характеристик прямого керування моментом, що крутить, асинхронних машин шляхом розробки нечіткого алгоритму прямого управління моментом, що крутить. Останнє дозволяє вирішити основні проблеми цього методу управління, а саме: пульсації моменту, що крутить, пульсації потоку і нездатність контролювати частоту перемикання. Мета. Поява цього методу породило різні роботи, метою яких є показати його ефективність чи запропонувати рішення стосовно його обмежень. Дійсно, ця робота полягає у перевірці нечіткої архітектури прямого управління моментом, що крутить, реалізованої в наборі для розробки ML402 (на основі схеми Xilinx Virtex-4 з програмованою користувачем вентильною матрицею), за допомогою мови опису обладнання (VHDL) та генераторної системи Xilinx. Отримані результати показали робастність керування та безсенсорного керування при зміні навантаження та параметрів керування асинхронним двигуном. Визначено напрями дослідження моделі для подальшої реалізації результатів на імітаційних вибірках

    Experimental Investigation of Indirect Field Oriented Control of Field Programmable Gate Array Based Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive

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    This paper analyzes the experimental investigation of indirect field oriented control of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based five-phase induction motor drive. A detailed d-q modeling and Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) technique of 5-phase drive is elaborated in this paper. In the proposed work, the prototype model of 1 hp 5-phase Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) fed drive is implemented in hardware. SVPWM pulses are generated in FPGA platform through Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) coding. The experimental results are observed under different loading conditions and compared with simulation results to validate the simulation model

    Predictive current control of asynchronous machines by optimizing the switching moments

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    In this paper a model-based predictive control (MBPC) scheme for the current control of induction machines is presented. The controller directly selects the optimal switch state of the inverter. The proposed scheme uses a longer prediction horizon and a limited amount of optimal switching instants to reduce the average switching frequency. The next iteration of the MBPC-scheme is performed at the established optimal switching instant, as such suppressing the receding horizon property for short time spans. The proposed method is compared to a more conventional MBPC-scheme with a very short prediction horizon. Both simulations and experiments clearly show a significant reduction in average switching frequency. However, with a reduction in switching frequency the torque ripple is increased. To correctly asses the properties of the different schemes, a key performance indicator is proposed that offers a fair and unbiased comparison in terms of switching frequency and torque ripple

    Self-Commissioning Algorithm for Inverter Non-Linearity Compensation in Sensorless Induction Motor Drives

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    In many sensorless field-oriented control schemes for induction motor (IM) drives, flux is estimated by means of measured motor currents and control reference voltages. In most cases, flux estimation is based on the integral of back-electromotive-force (EMF) voltages. Inverter nonlinear errors (dead-time and on-state voltage drops) introduce a distortion in the estimated voltage that reduces the accuracy of the flux estimation, particularly at low speed. In the literature, most of the compensation techniques of such errors require the offline identification of the inverter model and offline postprocessing. This paper presents a simple and accurate method for the identification of inverter parameters at the drive startup. The method is integrated into the control code of the IM drive, and it is based on the information contained in the feedback signal of the flux observer. The procedure applies, more in general, to all those sensorless ac drives where the flux is estimated using the back-EMF integration, not only for IM drives but also for permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives (surface-mounted permanent magnet and interior permanent magnet). A self-commissioning algorithm is presented and tested for the sensorless control of an IM drive, implemented on a fixed-point DSP. The feasibility and effectiveness of the method are demonstrated by experimental result