900 research outputs found

    Impact of EHV/HV underground power cables on resonant grid behavior

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    An evaluation of de-embedding techniques for TSVs

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    One of the most important aspects of modern electronic designs is device measurement and characterization. Without device measurement and characterization, the functionality of end designs cannot be guaranteed. At the silicon level (on-wafer), extracting the electrical performance of devices and structures has grown increasingly more complex with the continual shrink of feature sizes. Compared to the overall measurement setup (VNA, cables, probes, interposers, etc.), the ultra small size of on-wafer structures leads to their electrical performance being easily overshadowed by other, larger fixtures. Thus, many scientists and engineers have worked to devise ever more accurate calibration and de-embedding techniques for measurement setups. This thesis explores current state-of-the-art de-embedding techniques for both silicon transmission lines and general devices under test (DUTs). A complete evaluation is performed on several techniques, leading to a best choice selection for use in de-embedding through-silicon-vias (TSVs). During the evaluation a more intuitive approach (utilizing scattering parameters) is taken to verify the accuracy of the various de-embedding techniques. Attempts at formulating new de-embedding techniques are also explored --Abstract, page iii

    Three-dimensional micromachined on-chip inductors for high frequency applications

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    Demands for wireless communication are ever-escalating for consumer and military communication applications. The requirements of portability, more functionality and lower cost have been driving forces toward smaller, more sophisticated and flexible wireless devices with lower power consumption. To meet these requirements, monolithically integrated passive inductors with high Q-factors and high self-resonant frequencies are desirable. Q-factor and self-resonant frequency of an inductor are significantly degraded at high frequencies due to conductor ohmic loss, magnetically induced eddy current in the conductive substrate, and lower self-resonant frequency from capacitance between conductive substrate and conductors. In this dissertation, novel three-dimensional arch-like solenoid and dome-shaped spiral inductors are designed, fabricated, and characterized. MEMS-based fabrication techniques such as copper electroplating through voids in thick SU-8 photoresist molds and EAGLE2100 conformal photoresist molds on sacrificial arch-like or dome-shape SJR5740 photoresist mounds are utilized. An air gap between the inductor and the silicon substrate is used to reduce the degradations of inductor performance. According to the Sonnet electromagnetic simulations, 30 μm air-gap suspension over the substrate is an adequate choice for these inductors. Suspended arch-like solenoid copper inductor has flat bottom conductor connected to arch-like top conductor with an air core in between. This design has only 2 contact points per inductor turn to minimize series resistance. Suspended domeshaped spiral copper inductor is fabricated on a sacrificial photoresist dome with the outer end connected to one probe pad, and the inner end connected to the other probe pad through vias and an air-bridge. The sidewalls of spiral turns in this design overlap less with each other thereby reducing inter-turn capacitances. Fabricated inductors are characterized and modeled at high frequencies from Sparameter measurements. ABCD-parameters, derived from the S-parameters are translated into a simplified physical π-model. The resulting arch-like suspended inductors with 2-5 turns have inductances between 0.62 to 0.79 nH, peak Q-factor values between 15.42 to 17 at peak-Q frequencies between 4.7 GHz to 7.0 GHz, and self-resonant frequencies between 47.6 GHz to 88.6 GHz. The 3-turn dome-shaped spiral inductor has inductance of 3.37 nH, peak Q-factor of 35.9 at 1.65 GHz, and self-resonant frequency at 18.74 GHz

    One-Dimensional Tunable Josephson Metamaterials - Eindimensionale stimmbare Josephson Metamaterialien

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    This thesis presents a novel approach to the experimental realization of tunable, superconducting metamaterials. Therefore, conventional resonant meta-atoms are replaced by meta-atoms that contain Josephson junctions, which renders their resonance frequency tunable by an external magnetic field. This tunability is theoretically and experimentally investigated in one-dimensional magnetic and electric metamaterials. For the magnetic metamaterial, the effective, magnetic permeability is determined

    SciTech News Volume 71, No. 2 (2017)

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    Columns and Reports From the Editor 3 Division News Science-Technology Division 5 Chemistry Division 8 Engineering Division 9 Aerospace Section of the Engineering Division 12 Architecture, Building Engineering, Construction and Design Section of the Engineering Division 14 Reviews Sci-Tech Book News Reviews 16 Advertisements IEEE

    Causal RLGC( Ć‘ ) Models for Transmission Lines from Measured S-Parameters

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    Frequency-dependent causal RLGC(f) models are proposed for single-ended and coupled transmission lines. Dielectric loss, dielectric dispersion, and skin-effect loss are taken into account. The dielectric substrate is described by the two-term Debye frequency dependence, and the transmission line conductors are of finite conductivity. In this paper, three frequency-dependent RLGC models are studied. One is the known frequency-dependent analytical RLGC model ( RLGC-I), the second is the RLGC(f) model (RLGC-II) proposed in this paper, and the third (RLGC-III) is same as the RLGC -II, but with causality enforced by the Hilbert transform in frequency domain. The causalities of the three RLGC models are corroborated in the time domain by examining the propagation of a well-defined pulse through three different transmission lines: a single-ended stripline, a single-ended microstrip line, and an edge-coupled differential stripline pair. A clear time-domain start point is shown on each received pulse for the RLGC-II model and the RLGC-III model, where their corresponding start points overlap. This indicates that the proposed RLGC(f) model (RLGC-II) is causal. Good agreement of simulated and measured S-parameters has also been achieved in the frequency domain for the three transmission lines by using the proposed frequency-dependent RLGC (f) model

    Electronic identification systems for asset management

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    Electronic identification is an increasingly pervasive technology that permits rapid data recovery from low-power transponders whenever they are placed within the vicinity of an interrogator device. Fundamental benefits include proximity detection not requiring line-of-sight, multiple transponder access and data security. In this document, electronic identification methods for asset management are devised for the new target application of electrical appliance testing. In this application mains-powered apparatus are periodically subjected a prescribed series of electrical tests performed by a Portable Appliance Tester (PAT). The intention is to enhance the process of appliance identification and management, and to automate the test process as far as possible. Three principal methods of electronic identification were designed and analysed for this application: proximity Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), cable RFID and power- line signalling. Each method relies on an inductively coupled mechanism that utilities a signalling technique called direct-load modulation. This is particularly suited to low- cost passive transponder designs. Physical limitations to proximity RFID are identified including coil size, orientation and susceptibility to nearby conducting surfaces. A novel inductive signalling method called cable RFID is then described that permits automatic appliance identification. This method uses the appliance power cable and inlet filter to establish a communication channel between interrogator and transponder. Prior to commencing the test phase, an appliance is plugged into the PAT and identified automatically via cable RFID. An attempt is made to extend the scope of cable RFID by developing a novel mains power-line signalling method that uses direct-load modulation and passive transponders. Finally, two different implementations of RFID interrogator are described. The first takes the form of an embeddable module intended for incorporation into electronic identification products such as RFID enabled PAT units. Software Defined Radio (SDR) principles are applied to the second interrogator design in an effort to render the device reconfigurable

    Analyse et caractérisation des couplages substrat et de la connectique dans les circuits 3D : Vers des modèles compacts

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    The 3D integration is the most promising technological solution to track the level of integration dictated by Moore's Law (see more than Moore, Moore versus more). It leads to important research for a dozen years. It can superimpose different circuits and components in one box. Its main advantage is to allow a combination of heterogeneous and highly specialized technologies for the establishment of a complete system, while maintaining a high level of performance with very short connections between the different circuits. The objective of this work is to provide consistent modeling via crossing, and / or contacts in the substrate, with various degrees of finesse / precision to allow the high-level designer to manage and especially to optimize the partitioning between the different strata. This modelization involves the development of multiple views at different levels of abstraction: the physical model to "high level" model. This would allow to address various issues faced in the design process: - The physical model using an electromagnetic simulation based on 2D or 3D ( finite element solver ) is used to optimize the via (materials, dimensions etc..) It determines the electrical performance of the via, including high frequency. Electromagnetic simulations also quantify the coupling between adjacent via. - The analytical compact of via their coupling model, based on a description of transmission line or Green cores is used for the simulations at the block level and Spice type simulations. Analytical models are often validated against measurements and / or physical models.L’intégration 3D est la solution technologique la plus prometteuse pour suivre le niveau d’intégration dictée par la loi de Moore (cf. more than Moore, versus more Moore). Elle entraine des travaux de recherche importants depuis une douzaine d’années. Elle permet de superposer différents circuits et composants dans un seul boitier. Son principal avantage est de permettre une association de technologies hétérogènes et très spécialisées pour la constitution d’un système complet, tout en préservant un très haut niveau de performance grâce à des connexions très courtes entre ces différents circuits. L’objectif de ce travail est de fournir des modélisations cohérentes de via traversant, ou/et de contacts dans le substrat, avec plusieurs degrés de finesse/précision, pour permettre au concepteur de haut niveau de gérer et surtout d’optimiser le partitionnement entre les différentes strates. Cette modélisation passe par le développement de plusieurs vues à différents niveaux d’abstraction: du modèle physique au modèle « haut niveau ». Elle devait permettre de répondre à différentes questions rencontrées dans le processus de conception :- le modèle physique de via basé sur une simulation électromagnétique 2D ou 3D (solveur « éléments finis ») est utilisé pour optimiser l’architecture du via (matériaux, dimensions etc.) Il permet de déterminer les performances électriques des via, notamment en haute fréquence. Les simulations électromagnétiques permettent également de quantifier le couplage entre via adjacents. - le modèle compact analytique de via et de leur couplage, basé sur une description de type ligne de transmission ou noyaux de Green, est utilisé pour les simulations au niveau bloc, ainsi que des simulations de type Spice. Les modèles analytiques sont souvent validés par rapport à des mesures et/ou des modèles physiques

    Integrated Application of Active Controls (IAAC) technology to an advanced subsonic transport project: Current and advanced act control system definition study. Volume 2: Appendices

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    The current status of the Active Controls Technology (ACT) for the advanced subsonic transport project is investigated through analysis of the systems technical data. Control systems technologies under examination include computerized reliability analysis, pitch axis fly by wire actuator, flaperon actuation system design trade study, control law synthesis and analysis, flutter mode control and gust load alleviation analysis, and implementation of alternative ACT systems. Extensive analysis of the computer techniques involved in each system is included
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