240 research outputs found

    Linking eye-tracking technologies with the physical retail sector – a comprehensive study and recommendations for a market approach

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    This study evaluates the value of Eyeware’s eye tracking technology for commercialization in the retail industry. Combining theoretical frameworks of technology adoption with first-hand feedback from retail experts and end-consumers, findings suggest that Eyeware’s technology has value for retailers that understand the need for innovating, that have sufficient resources and whose needs fit with Eyeware’s solution. To increase the market entry’s success, it is recommended that the company engages in some kind of partnership or joint venture, as well as finds a way to avoid legal constrictions regarding data privacy, among other recommendations

    A Comparison of Aluminum to Ceramic Lap Tools in Optical Lens Surfacing

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if ceramic lap tools produce as high a quality of optical lenses as aluminum lap tools during the surfacing process in eye ware manufacturing, if ceramic lap tools are easier or harder to work with than aluminum lap tools, if ceramic lap tools last as long as aluminum lap tools, and if ceramic tolls are as cost effective as aluminum lap tools

    Project Glass und die Zukunft von Smartphones

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    Die Brille als Interface und zentrale Kommunikationstechnologie wartet seit Jahrzehnten auf ihren Durchbruch. Verschiedene Faktoren haben dazu beigetragen, dass im Jahr 2012 viele große Unternehmen beschlossen haben, diesen Durchbruch herbeizuführen. Vor allem haben Displaytechnologien für Endverbraucheranwendungen einen Grad der technischen Reife erreicht, welcher diese für den Einsatz in Datenbrillen prädestiniert. Trotz der technischen Machbarkeit und Attraktivität holografischer Interfaces ist unklar, auf welchem Weg diese ihre Rolle als Informations- und Kommunikationsmedium in der Gesellschaft einnehmen werden. Die Arbeit stellt die Frage nach einer möglichen Evolution von Computerbrillen bis 2020 und den Technologie- und Markttreibern, die während dieser Evolution eine Schlüsselrolle spielen. Über einen Roadmapping-Prozess, welcher durch qualitative Experteninterviews gestützt wurde, konnten drei Generationen von Eyeware für die Zukunft definiert und mögliche Anwendungsszenarien für diese Generationen abgeleitet werden. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit wurde schließlich in einer Technologie-Roadmap bis zum Jahr 2020 visualisiert

    Platform urbanism, smartphone applications and valuing data in a smart city

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    Recent scholarship on smart cities and platform urbanism has explored the very wide range of data harvested from urban environments by digital devices of many kinds, analysing how not only efficiencies but also profits are sought through the extraction, circulation, transformation, commodification, integration, and re‐use of data. Much of that data is generated by smartphone applications. This paper looks at the design of a group of eight smartphone apps by a range of different actors in Milton Keynes, a small UK city with a large number of smart city initiatives. The apps are understood as a co‐constitutive interface between data circulations and embodied users. The paper focuses specifically on the data that the apps generated and shared and on how the app designers anticipated that the data would create different kinds of value for embodied app users. While some data circulations were understood as ways of generating financial value, the paper argues that a number of other forms of value were assumed in the app design. The paper identifies two of these, which it terms normative values and interactive values. It examines how the data mobilised by the smart city apps enacts particular versions of these values, and how those values co‐constitute specific kinds of bodies, agencies, and geographies in digitally mediated cities

    The Mockingbird

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    Fathi Bakkoush [Bengazz Eyeware (before); Bengazz Eyeware (after); Kattio Collection (3 pieces)] Libby Barnes [Contemplation]; Linda Beckett [Shamrock]; Janet Davis [Tuff Stuff]; Melanie Derry [Radiation]; Tony Duncan [Untitled Photograph]; John Edwards [Two Untitled Photographs]; Randy Handel [The Failure of the Fragrance; Studying for the GRE (Word List 50)]; Sara Honeycutt [Old Man of the Sea; Nude Alphabet; Forest People; Maya]; Jeff Keeling [A Bone Dry Dream, Or How I Learned To Love The Rain; Think Not of Earthly Things]; Chris King [Blue Denim; Danglin\u27 Burlap]; Christine Lassiter [The Day After Viewing “The Tin Drum”; Eggshells]; Tom Lee [I have been to a death in winter]; Rebecca Lehnen [Swing; Trust Jesus]; Jenny Lokey [Graveyard, Gray, TN 1989; State Fair, Gray, TN, 1989; Coke Sign, Jonesborough, TN, 1989]; Jennifer Nicholls [Consider this the Bottom of the Stone]; Felicia Pattison [Reunion]; Carol B. Patton [Gradation Grid]; Ed Price [The Gift; The Rise and Fall of the Mighty Hunter]; Richard J. Righter [Weigh Your Fate]; Denise Russell [Emptiness]; Robert Russell [Art; Christmas]; Virginia Stafford [Slam Dance; Porch Light Johnson City, TN]; David Steele [Scarab]; Kristen Thompson [The Prey]https://dc.etsu.edu/mockingbird/1041/thumbnail.jp

    A contribution to laser range imaging technology

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    The goal of the project was to develop a methodology for fusion of a Laser Range Imaging Device (LRID) and camera data. Our initial work in the project led to the conclusion that none of the LRID's that were available were sufficiently adequate for this purpose. Thus we spent the time and effort on the development of the new LRID with several novel features which elicit the desired fusion objectives. In what follows, we describe the device developed and built under contract. The Laser Range Imaging Device (LRID) is an instrument which scans a scene using a laser and returns range and reflection intensity data. Such a system would be extremely useful in scene analysis in industry and space applications. The LRID will be eventually implemented on board a mobile robot. The current system has several advantages over some commercially available systems. One improvement is the use of X-Y galvonometer scanning mirrors instead of polygonal mirrors present in some systems. The advantage of the X-Y scanning mirrors is that the mirror system can be programmed to provide adjustable scanning regions. For each mirror there are two controls accessible by the computer. The first is the mirror position and the second is a zoom factor which modifies the amplitude of the position of the parameter. Another advantage of the LRID is the use of a visible low power laser. Some of the commercial systems use a higher intensity invisible laser which causes safety concerns. By using a low power visible laser, not only can one see the beam and avoid direct eye contact, but also the lower intensity reduces the risk of damage to the eye, and no protective eyeware is required

    Evaluation of zona pellucida birefringence intensity during in vitro maturation of oocytes from stimulated cycles

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    Background: This study evaluated whether there is a relationship between the zona pellucida birefringence (ZP-BF) intensity and the nuclear (NM) and cytoplasmic (CM) in vitro maturation of human oocytes from stimulated cycles.Results: The ZP-BF was evaluated under an inverted microscope with a polarizing optical system and was scored as high/positive (when the ZP image presented a uniform and intense birefringence) or low/negative (when the image presented moderate and heterogeneous birefringence). CM was analyzed by evaluating the distribution of cortical granules (CGs) throughout the ooplasm by immunofluorescence staining. CM was classified as: complete, when CG was localized in the periphery; incomplete, when oocytes presented a cluster of CGs in the center; or in transition, when oocytes had both in clusters throughout cytoplasm and distributed in a layer in the cytoplasm periphery Nuclear maturation: From a total of 83 germinal vesicle (GV) stage oocytes, 58 of oocytes (69.9%) reached NM at the metaphase II stage. From these 58 oocytes matured in vitro, the high/positively scoring ZP-BF was presented in 82.7% of oocytes at the GV stage, in 75.8% of oocytes when at the metaphase I, and in 82.7% when oocytes reached MII. No relationship was observed between NM and ZP-BF positive/negative scores (P = 0.55). These variables had a low Pearson's correlation coefficient (r = 0.081). Cytoplasmic maturation: A total of 85 in vitro-matured MII oocytes were fixed for CM evaluation. Forty-nine oocytes of them (57.6%) showed the complete CM, 30 (61.2%) presented a high/positively scoring ZP-BF and 19 (38.8%) had a low/negatively scoring ZP-BF. From 36 oocytes (42.3%) with incomplete CM, 18 (50%) presented a high/positively scoring ZPBF and 18 (50%) had a low/negatively scoring ZP-BF. No relationship was observed between CM and ZP-BF positive/negative scores (P = 0.42). These variables had a low Pearson's correlation coefficient (r = 0.11).Conclusions: The current study demonstrated an absence of relationship between ZP-BF high/positive or low/negative score and nuclear and cytoplasmic in vitro maturation of oocytes from stimulation cycles

    Morphological scoring of human pronuclear zygotes for prediction of pregnancy outcome

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    BACKGROUND: As embryo selection is not allowed by law in Switzerland, we need a single early scoring system to identify zygotes with high implantation potential and to select zygotes for fresh transfer or cryopreservation. The underlying aim is to maximize the cumulated pregnancy rate while limiting the number of multiple pregnancies. METHODS: In all, 613 fresh and 617 frozen-thawed zygotes were scored for proximity, orientation and centring of the pronuclei, cytoplasmic halo, and number and polarization of the nucleolar precursor bodies. From these individual scores, a cumulated pronuclear score (CPNS) was calculated. Correlation between CPNS and implantation was examined and compared between fresh and frozen-thawed zygotes. The effect of freezing on CPNS was also investigated. RESULTS: CPNS was positively associated with embryo implantation in both fresh and frozen zygotes. With similar CPNS, frozen zygotes presented implantation rates as high as those of fresh zygotes. Nucleolar precursor bodies pattern and cytoplasmic halo appeared as the most important factors predictive of implantation for both types of zygotes, while pronuclei position was specifically relevant for frozen-thawed zygotes. Freezing induced an alteration of most zygote parameters, resulting in a significantly lower CPNS and a lower pregnancy rate. CONCLUSIONS: CPNS may be used as a single prognostic tool for implantation of both fresh and frozen-thawed zygotes. Lower CPNS values of frozen-thawed zygotes may also be indicative of freezing damage to zygotes. Successful implantation of frozen zygotes despite lower CPNS suggests that they may recover after thawing and in vitro cultur