14,368 research outputs found

    Eye Tracking Impact on Quality-of-Life of ALS Patients

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    Chronic neurological disorders in their advanced phase are characterized by a progressive loss of mobility (use of upper and lower limbs), speech and social life. Some of these pathologies, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis, are paradigmatic of these deficits. High technology communication instruments, such as eye tracking, can be an extremely important possibility to reintroduce these patients in their family and social life, in particular when they suffer severe disability. This paper reports and describes the results of an ongoing experimentation about Eye Tracking impact on the quality of life of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. The aim of the experimentation is to evaluate if and when eye tracking technologies have a positive impact on patients' live

    Promoting Independence Through Effective Interventions For Adults With ALS

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    PICO Question What are effective occupational therapy interventions for adults with ALS to improve participation in ADLs/IADLs? Objectives Define amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and recognize the prevalence Identify and describe evidence-based interventions to promote independence for individuals with ALS in activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) Discuss how the current literature on the effective interventions impacts occupational performance and treatment of adults with AL

    Studies on the impact of assistive communication devices on the quality of life of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Tese de doutoramento, CiĂȘncias BiomĂ©dicas (NeurociĂȘncias), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neuromuscular disease with rapid and generalized degeneration of motor neurons. Patients with ALS experiment a relentless decline in functions that affect performance of most activities of daily living (ADL), such as speaking, eating, walking or writing. For this reason, dependence on caregivers grows as the disease progresses. Management of the respiratory system is one of the main concerns of medical support, since respiratory failure is the most common cause of death in ALS. Due to increasing muscle weakness, most patients experience dramatic decrease of speech intelligibility and difficulties in using upper limbs (UL) for writing. There is growing evidence that mild cognitive impairment is common in ALS, but most patients are self-conscious of their difficulties in communicating and, in very severe stages, locked-in syndrome can occur. When no other resources than speech and writing are used to assist communication, patients are deprived of expressing needs or feelings, making decisions and keeping social relationships. Further, caregivers feel increased dependence due to difficulties in communication with others and get frustrated about difficulties in understanding partners’ needs. Support for communication is then very important to improve quality of life of both patients and caregivers; however, this has been poorly investigated in ALS. Assistive communication devices (ACD) can support patients by providing a diversity of tools for communication, as they progressively lose speech. ALS, in common with other degenerative conditions, introduces an additional challenge for the field of ACD: as the disease progresses, technologies must adapt to different conditions of the user. In early stages, patients may need speech synthesis in a mobile device, if dysarthria is one of the initial symptoms, or keyboard modifications, as weakness in UL increases. When upper limbs’ dysfunction is high, different input technologies may be adapted to capture voluntary control (for example, eye-tracking devices). Despite the enormous advances in the field of Assistive Technologies, in the last decade, difficulties in clinical support for the use of assistive communication devices (ACD) persist. Among the main reasons for these difficulties are lack of assessment tools to evaluate communication needs and determine proper input devices and to indicate changes over disease progression, and absence of clinical evidence that ACD has relevant impact on the quality of life of affected patients. For this set of reasons, support with communication tools is delayed to stages where patients are severely disabled. Often in these stages, patients face additional clinical complications and increased dependence on their caregivers’ decisions, which increase the difficulty in adaptation to new communication tools. This thesis addresses the role of assistive technologies in the quality of life of early-affected patients with ALS. Also, it includes the study of assessment tools that can improve longitudinal evaluation of communication needs of patients with ALS. We longitudinally evaluated a group of 30 patients with bulbar-onset ALS and 17 caregivers, during 2 to 29 months. Patients were assessed during their regular clinical appointments, in the Hospital de Santa Maria-Centro Hospitalar Lisboa_Norte. Evaluation of patients was based on validated instruments for assessing the Quality of Life (QoL) of patients and caregivers, and on methodologies for recording communication and measuring its performance (including speech, handwriting and typing). We tested the impact of early support with ACD on the QoL of patients with ALS, using a randomized, prospective, longitudinal design. Patients were able to learn and improve their skills to use communication tools based on electronic assistive devices. We found a positive impact of ACD in psychological and wellbeing domains of quality of life in patients, as well as in the support and psychological domains in caregivers. We also studied performance of communication (words per minute) using UL. Performance in handwriting may decline faster than performance in typing, supporting the idea that the use of touchscreen-based ACD supports communication for longer than handwriting. From longitudinal recordings of speech and typing activity we could observe that ACD can support tools to detect early markers of bulbar and UL dysfunction in ALS. Methodologies that were used in this research for recording and assessing function in communication can be replicated in the home environment and form part of the original contributions of this research. Implementation of remote monitoring tools in daily use of ACD, based on these methodologies, is discussed. Considering those patients who receive late support for the use of ACD, lack of time or daily support to learn how to control complex input devices may hinder its use. We developed a novel device to explore the detection and control of various residual movements, based on sensors of accelerometry, electromyography and force, as input signals for communication. The aim of this input device was to develop a tool to explore new communication channels in patients with generalized muscle weakness. This research contributed with novel tools from the Engineering field to the study of assistive communication in patients with ALS. Methodologies that were developed in this work can be further applied to the study of the impact of ACD in other neurodegenerative diseases that affect speech and motor control of UL

    Communication Support for People with ALS

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    Almost all people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) experience a motor speech disorder, such as dysarthria, as the disease progresses. At some point, 80 to 95% of people with ALS are unable to meet their daily communication needs using natural speech. Unfortunately, once intelligibility begins to decrease, speech performance often deteriorates so rapidly that there is little time to implement an appropriate augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) intervention; therefore, appropriate timing of referral for AAC assessment and intervention continues to be a most important clinical decision-making issue. AAC acceptance and use have increased considerably during the past decade. Many people use AAC until within a few weeks of their deaths

    Digital Twin for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: a system for patient engagement

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    This chapter focuses on the context in which patients such as those with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) are placed and what possibilities information and communication technologies (ICTs) offer to keep them in touch with the world to reach Society 5.0. In particular, the authors intend to show how the healthcare sector can use digital twin (DT) through elements of augmented virtuality (AR) and building information modelling (BIM) to create interactive interfaces that can solve, in part, problems involving frail patients but at the same time allowing their monitoring. Interconnection is possible through a gamification approach. In addition, a solution that considers the user (patient) involvement and that aims at its increase through interaction with alternative places to their home so as to stimulate them to keep an active mind and the degree of fun in a limiting condition is proposed

    Communication Impairment in ALS Patients Assessment and Treatment

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    Comparison of eye tracking, electrooculography and an auditory brain-computer interface for binary communication: a case study with a participant in the locked-in state

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    Background In this study, we evaluated electrooculography (EOG), an eye tracker and an auditory brain-computer interface (BCI) as access methods to augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). The participant of the study has been in the locked-in state (LIS) for 6 years due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He was able to communicate with slow residual eye movements, but had no means of partner independent communication. We discuss the usability of all tested access methods and the prospects of using BCIs as an assistive technology. Methods Within four days, we tested whether EOG, eye tracking and a BCI would allow the participant in LIS to make simple selections. We optimized the parameters in an iterative procedure for all systems. Results The participant was able to gain control over all three systems. Nonetheless, due to the level of proficiency previously achieved with his low-tech AAC method, he did not consider using any of the tested systems as an additional communication channel. However, he would consider using the BCI once control over his eye muscles would no longer be possible. He rated the ease of use of the BCI as the highest among the tested systems, because no precise eye movements were required; but also as the most tiring, due to the high level of attention needed to operate the BCI. Conclusions In this case study, the partner based communication was possible due to the good care provided and the proficiency achieved by the interlocutors. To ease the transition from a low-tech AAC method to a BCI once control over all muscles is lost, it must be simple to operate. For persons, who rely on AAC and are affected by a progressive neuromuscular disease, we argue that a complementary approach, combining BCIs and standard assistive technology, can prove valuable to achieve partner independent communication and ease the transition to a purely BCI based approach. Finally, we provide further evidence for the importance of a user-centered approach in the design of new assistive devices
