13 research outputs found

    Finding largest small polygons with GloptiPoly

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    A small polygon is a convex polygon of unit diameter. We are interested in small polygons which have the largest area for a given number of vertices nn. Many instances are already solved in the literature, namely for all odd nn, and for n=4,6n=4, 6 and 8. Thus, for even n≄10n\geq 10, instances of this problem remain open. Finding those largest small polygons can be formulated as nonconvex quadratic programming problems which can challenge state-of-the-art global optimization algorithms. We show that a recently developed technique for global polynomial optimization, based on a semidefinite programming approach to the generalized problem of moments and implemented in the public-domain Matlab package GloptiPoly, can successfully find largest small polygons for n=10n=10 and n=12n=12. Therefore this significantly improves existing results in the domain. When coupled with accurate convex conic solvers, GloptiPoly can provide numerical guarantees of global optimality, as well as rigorous guarantees relying on interval arithmetic

    Metric inequalities for polygons

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    Let A1,A2,...,AnA_1,A_2,...,A_n be the vertices of a polygon with unit perimeter, that is ∑i=1n∣AiAi+1∣=1\sum_{i=1}^n |A_i A_{i+1}|=1. We derive various tight estimates on the minimum and maximum values of the sum of pairwise distances, and respectively sum of pairwise squared distances among its vertices. In most cases such estimates on these sums in the literature were known only for convex polygons. In the second part, we turn to a problem of Bra\ss\ regarding the maximum perimeter of a simple nn-gon (nn odd) contained in a disk of unit radius. The problem was solved by Audet et al. \cite{AHM09b}, who gave an exact formula. Here we present an alternative simpler proof of this formula. We then examine what happens if the simplicity condition is dropped, and obtain an exact formula for the maximum perimeter in this case as well.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. This version replaces the previous version from 8 Feb 2011. A new section has been added and the material has been reorganized; a correction has been done in the proof of Lemma 4 (analysis of Case 3

    Small polygons with large area

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    A polygon is \textit{small} if it has unit diameter. The maximal area of a small polygon with a fixed number of sides nn is not known when nn is even and n≄14n\geq14. We determine an improved lower bound for the maximal area of a small nn-gon for this case. The improvement affects the 1/n31/n^3 term of an asymptotic expansion; prior advances affected less significant terms. This bound cannot be improved by more than O(1/n3)O(1/n^3). For n=6n=6, 88, 1010, and 1212, the polygon we construct has maximal area.Comment: 12 page