16,067 research outputs found

    Knowledge-Driven Implicit Information Extraction

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    Natural language is a powerful tool developed by humans over hundreds of thousands of years. The extensive usage, flexibility of the language, creativity of the human beings, and social, cultural, and economic changes that have taken place in daily life have added new constructs, styles, and features to the language. One such feature of the language is its ability to express ideas, opinions, and facts in an implicit manner. This is a feature that is used extensively in day to day communications in situations such as: 1) expressing sarcasm, 2) when trying to recall forgotten things, 3) when required to convey descriptive information, 4) when emphasizing the features of an entity, and 5) when communicating a common understanding. Consider the tweet New Sandra Bullock astronaut lost in space movie looks absolutely terrifying and the text snippet extracted from a clinical narrative He is suffering from nausea and severe headaches. Dolasteron was prescribed . The tweet has an implicit mention of the entity Gravity and the clinical text snippet has implicit mention of the relationship between medication Dolasteron and clinical condition nausea . Such implicit references of the entities and the relationships are common occurrences in daily communication and they add value to conversations. However, extracting implicit constructs has not received enough attention in the information extraction literature. This dissertation focuses on extracting implicit entities and relationships from clinical narratives and extracting implicit entities from Tweets. When people use implicit constructs in their daily communication, they assume the existence of a shared knowledge with the audience about the subject being discussed. This shared knowledge helps to decode implicitly conveyed information. For example, the above Twitter user assumed that his/her audience knows that the actress Sandra Bullock starred in the movie Gravity and it is a movie about space exploration. The clinical professional who wrote the clinical narrative above assumed that the reader knows that Dolasteron is an anti-nausea drug. The audience without such domain knowledge may not have correctly decoded the information conveyed in the above examples. This dissertation demonstrates manifestations of implicit constructs in text, studies their characteristics, and develops a software solution that is capable of extracting implicit information from text. The developed solution starts by acquiring relevant knowledge to solve the implicit information extraction problem. The relevant knowledge includes domain knowledge, contextual knowledge, and linguistic knowledge. The acquired knowledge can take different syntactic forms such as a text snippet, structured knowledge represented in standard knowledge representation languages such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) or other custom formats. Hence, the acquired knowledge is pre-processed to create models that can be processed by machines. Such models provide the infrastructure to perform implicit information extraction. This dissertation focuses on three different use cases of implicit information and demonstrates the applicability of the developed solution in these use cases. They are: 1) implicit entity linking in clinical narratives, 2) implicit entity linking in Twitter, and 3) implicit relationship extraction from clinical narratives. The evaluations are conducted on relevant annotated datasets for implicit information and they demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed solution in extracting implicit information from text

    Obtaining structured clinical data from unstructured data using natural language processing software

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    ABSTRACT Background Free text documents in healthcare settings contain a wealth of information not captured in electronic healthcare records (EHRs). Epilepsy clinic letters are an example of an unstructured data source containing a large amount of intricate disease information. Extracting meaningful and contextually correct clinical information from free text sources, to enhance EHRs, remains a significant challenge. SCANR (Swansea University Collaborative in the Analysis of NLP Research) was set up to use natural language processing (NLP) technology to extract structured data from unstructured sources. IBM Watson Content Analytics software (ICA) uses NLP technology. It enables users to define annotations based on dictionaries and language characteristics to create parsing rules that highlight relevant items. These include clinical details such as symptoms and diagnoses, medication and test results, as well as personal identifiers.   Approach To use ICA to build a pipeline to accurately extract detailed epilepsy information from clinic letters. Methods We used ICA to retrieve important epilepsy information from 41 pseudo-anonymized unstructured epilepsy clinic letters. The 41 letters consisted of 13 ‘new’ and 28 ‘follow-up’ letters (for 15 different patients) written by 12 different doctors in different styles. We designed dictionaries and annotators to enable ICA to extract epilepsy type (focal, generalized or unclassified), epilepsy cause, age of onset, investigation results (EEG, CT and MRI), medication, and clinic date. Epilepsy clinicians assessed the accuracy of the pipeline. Results The accuracy (sensitivity, specificity) of each concept was: epilepsy diagnosis 98% (97%, 100%), focal epilepsy 100%, generalized epilepsy 98% (93%, 100%), medication 95% (93%, 100%), age of onset 100% and clinic date 95% (95%, 100%). Precision and recall for each concept were respectively, 98% and 97% for epilepsy diagnosis, 100% each for focal epilepsy, 100% and 93% for generalized epilepsy, 100% each for age of onset, 100% and 93% for medication, 100% and 96% for EEG results, 100% and 83% for MRI scan results, and 100% and 95% for clinic date. Conclusions ICA is capable of extracting detailed, structured epilepsy information from unstructured clinic letters to a high degree of accuracy. This data can be used to populate relational databases and be linked to EHRs. Researchers can build in custom rules to identify concepts of interest from letters and produce structured information. We plan to extend our work to hundreds and then thousands of clinic letters, to provide phenotypically rich epilepsy data to link with other anonymised, routinely collected data

    Named Entity Recognition in Electronic Health Records Using Transfer Learning Bootstrapped Neural Networks

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    Neural networks (NNs) have become the state of the art in many machine learning applications, especially in image and sound processing [1]. The same, although to a lesser extent [2,3], could be said in natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as named entity recognition. However, the success of NNs remains dependent on the availability of large labelled datasets, which is a significant hurdle in many important applications. One such case are electronic health records (EHRs), which are arguably the largest source of medical data, most of which lies hidden in natural text [4,5]. Data access is difficult due to data privacy concerns, and therefore annotated datasets are scarce. With scarce data, NNs will likely not be able to extract this hidden information with practical accuracy. In our study, we develop an approach that solves these problems for named entity recognition, obtaining 94.6 F1 score in I2B2 2009 Medical Extraction Challenge [6], 4.3 above the architecture that won the competition. Beyond the official I2B2 challenge, we further achieve 82.4 F1 on extracting relationships between medical terms. To reach this state-of-the-art accuracy, our approach applies transfer learning to leverage on datasets annotated for other I2B2 tasks, and designs and trains embeddings that specially benefit from such transfer.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 8 table

    Extracting information from the text of electronic medical records to improve case detection: a systematic review

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    Background: Electronic medical records (EMRs) are revolutionizing health-related research. One key issue for study quality is the accurate identification of patients with the condition of interest. Information in EMRs can be entered as structured codes or unstructured free text. The majority of research studies have used only coded parts of EMRs for case-detection, which may bias findings, miss cases, and reduce study quality. This review examines whether incorporating information from text into case-detection algorithms can improve research quality. Methods: A systematic search returned 9659 papers, 67 of which reported on the extraction of information from free text of EMRs with the stated purpose of detecting cases of a named clinical condition. Methods for extracting information from text and the technical accuracy of case-detection algorithms were reviewed. Results: Studies mainly used US hospital-based EMRs, and extracted information from text for 41 conditions using keyword searches, rule-based algorithms, and machine learning methods. There was no clear difference in case-detection algorithm accuracy between rule-based and machine learning methods of extraction. Inclusion of information from text resulted in a significant improvement in algorithm sensitivity and area under the receiver operating characteristic in comparison to codes alone (median sensitivity 78% (codes + text) vs 62% (codes), P = .03; median area under the receiver operating characteristic 95% (codes + text) vs 88% (codes), P = .025). Conclusions: Text in EMRs is accessible, especially with open source information extraction algorithms, and significantly improves case detection when combined with codes. More harmonization of reporting within EMR studies is needed, particularly standardized reporting of algorithm accuracy metrics like positive predictive value (precision) and sensitivity (recall)

    Knowledge-based best of breed approach for automated detection of clinical events based on German free text digital hospital discharge letters

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    OBJECTIVES: The secondary use of medical data contained in electronic medical records, such as hospital discharge letters, is a valuable resource for the improvement of clinical care (e.g. in terms of medication safety) or for research purposes. However, the automated processing and analysis of medical free text still poses a huge challenge to available natural language processing (NLP) systems. The aim of this study was to implement a knowledge-based best of breed approach, combining a terminology server with integrated ontology, a NLP pipeline and a rules engine. METHODS: We tested the performance of this approach in a use case. The clinical event of interest was the particular drug-disease interaction "proton-pump inhibitor [PPI] use and osteoporosis". Cases were to be identified based on free text digital discharge letters as source of information. Automated detection was validated against a gold standard. RESULTS: Precision of recognition of osteoporosis was 94.19%, and recall was 97.45%. PPIs were detected with 100% precision and 97.97% recall. The F-score for the detection of the given drug-disease-interaction was 96,13%. CONCLUSION: We could show that our approach of combining a NLP pipeline, a terminology server, and a rules engine for the purpose of automated detection of clinical events such as drug-disease interactions from free text digital hospital discharge letters was effective. There is huge potential for the implementation in clinical and research contexts, as this approach enables analyses of very high numbers of medical free text documents within a short time period
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