9 research outputs found

    Developing a DEMATEL method to prioritize distribution centers in supply chain

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    During the past two decades, there have been significant numbers of studies focusing on supply chain management for evaluating important factors on the success of a supply chain program. In this paper, we present a method to prioritize the locations of distribution centers in a supply chain. The proposed model of this paper uses balanced scorecard (BSC) to categorize the most important attributes affecting the location of distribution centers and the attributes are ranked based on decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method. The implementation of the proposed model of this paper is also applied for a real-world case study of oil company and the results are analyzed under different scenarios

    Analisis Perbandingan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani Dan Fuzzy Sugeno Untuk Penentuan Kualitas Cor Beton Instan

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    Semakin pesatnya pertumbuhan pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang konstruksi yang mendorong masyarakat lebih memperhatikan standar mutu serta produktivitas kerja untuk dapat berperan serta dalam meningkatkan sebuah pembangunan konstruksi dengan lebih berkualitas. Diperlukan suatu bahan bangunan yang memiliki keunggulan yang lebih baik dibandingkan bahan bangunan yang sudah ada selama ini. Jika beton yang digunakan memiliki kualitas rendah maka dapat menyebabkan bangunan yang dibangun tidak dapat bertahan lama.  Untuk itu diperlukan suatu metode yang digunakan dalam mempercepat menentukan kualitas beton.  Untuk memastikan metode yang digunakan maka dilakukanlah perbandingan logika Fuzzy metode Mamdani dan metode Sugeno sehingga nanti dihasilkan sebuah metode yang paling cocok dalam menentukan kualitas beton. Logika Fuzzy berbeda dengan logika digital biasa, di mana logika digital biasa hanya mengenal dua keadaan yaitu ya atau tidak.  Sedangkan logika Fuzzy meniru cara berfikir manusia dengan menggunakan konsep sifat kesamaran suatu nilai. &nbsp

    A consumer perspective e-commerce websites evaluation model

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    Existing website evaluation methods have some weaknesses such as neglecting consumer criteria in their evaluation, being unable to deal with qualitative criteria, and involving complex weight and score calculations. This research aims to develop a hybrid consumer-oriented e-commerce website evaluation model based on the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and the Hardmard Method (HM). Four phases were involved in developing the model: requirements identification, empirical study, model construction, and model confirmation. Requirements identification and empirical study were to identify critical web-design criteria and gather online consumers' preferences. Data, collected from 152 Malaysian consumers using online questionnaires, were used to identify critical e-commerce website features and scale of importance. The new evaluation model comprised of three components. First, the consumer evaluation criteria that consist of the important principles considered by consumers; second, the evaluation mechanisms that integrate FAHP and HM consisting of mathematical expressions that handle subjective judgments, new formulas to calculate the weight and score for each criterion; and third, the evaluation procedures consisting of activities that comprise of goal establishment, document preparation, and identification of website performance. The model was examined by six experts and applied to four case studies. The results show that the new model is practical, and appropriate to evaluate e-commerce websites from consumers' perspectives, and is able to calculate weights and scores for qualitative criteria in a simple way. In addition, it is able to assist decision-makers to make decisions in a measured objective way. The model also contributes new knowledge to the software evaluation fiel

    Hospital Location for Ankara with Fuzzy AHP

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    Yeni bir hastane açılması planlandığında ilk adım, en doğru yerin seçilmesidir. Bu seçimde ise tek bir kriter yerine birçok kriterin aynı anda optimize edilmesini gerektirdiğinden, çok ölçütlü karar yöntemleri kullanılmaktadır. Bu yöntemlerin kullanılabilmesi için anket yada uzman görüşünden elde edilen sayısal verilere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Ankara'da açılacak bir hastane için en uygun yerin belirlenmesi amacıyla dört farklı uzmandan görüş alınmıştır. Görüşlerin sayısal olmaması ve sübjektif değerlendirmeler içermesi nedeniyle klasik yöntemler yerine, bu yöntemlere bulanık yaklaşımlarda bulunulmuştur. Uzman görüşleri bulanık sayılarla ifade edilerek "Bulanık AHP" yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemle, Ankara'da açılacak bir hastane için en uygun yer seçiminin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.AbstractThe first step in planning to open a new hospital is selecting the location. Because this selection requires optimizing a number of criteria, multi-criteria decision making is applied. For this, quantitative data achieved from either survey or expert opinions are needed. In this study, four experts' evaluations have been taken into consideration for determining the location of a new hospital in Ankara. The evaluations are not presented as quantitative data and include subjective opinions. Thus, fuzzy logic is adapted to known multi-criteria decision methods. In this study, expert opinions are presented as fuzzy numbers thereafter "Fuzzy AHP" is used. Determining the optimal location for a hospital in Ankara is aimed by using this method

    A decision-making framework based on the Fermatean hesitant fuzzy distance measure and TOPSIS

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    A particularly useful assessment tool for evaluating uncertainty and dealing with fuzziness is the Fermatean fuzzy set (FFS), which expands the membership and non-membership degree requirements. Distance measurement has been extensively employed in several fields as an essential approach that may successfully disclose the differences between fuzzy sets. In this article, we discuss various novel distance measures in Fermatean hesitant fuzzy environments as research on distance measures for FFS is in its early stages. These new distance measures include weighted distance measures and ordered weighted distance measures. This justification serves as the foundation for the construction of the generalized Fermatean hesitation fuzzy hybrid weighted distance (DGFHFHWD) scale, as well as the discussion of its weight determination mechanism, associated attributes and special forms. Subsequently, we present a new decision-making approach based on DGFHFHWD and TOPSIS, where the weights are processed by exponential entropy and normal distribution weighting, for the multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) issue with unknown attribute weights. Finally, a numerical example of choosing a logistics transfer station and a comparative study with other approaches based on current operators and FFS distance measurements are used to demonstrate the viability and logic of the suggested method. The findings illustrate the ability of the suggested MADM technique to completely present the decision data, enhance the accuracy of decision outcomes and prevent information loss

    Extensions of the multicriteria analysis with pairwise comparison under a fuzzy environment

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    AbstractMulticriteria decision-making (MCDM) problems often involve a complex decision process in which multiple requirements and fuzzy conditions have to be taken into consideration simultaneously. The existing approaches for solving this problem in a fuzzy environment are complex. Combining the concepts of grey relation and pairwise comparison, a new fuzzy MCDM method is proposed. First, the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to construct fuzzy weights of all criteria. Then, linguistic terms characterized by L–R triangular fuzzy numbers are used to denote the evaluation values of all alternatives versus subjective and objective criteria. Finally, the aggregation fuzzy assessments of different alternatives are ranked to determine the best selection. Furthermore, this paper uses a numerical example of location selection to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method. The study results show that this method is an effective means for tackling MCDM problems in a fuzzy environment

    Fuzzy multicriteria analysis and its applications for decision making under uncertainty

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    Multicriteria decision making refers to selecting or ranking alternatives from available alternatives with respect to multiple, usually conflicting criteria involving either a single decision maker or multiple decision makers. It often takes place in an environment where the information available is uncertain, subjective and imprecise. To adequately solve this decision problem, the application of fuzzy sets theory for adequately modelling the uncertainty and imprecision in multicriteria decision making has proven to be effective. Much research has been done on the development of various fuzzy multicriteria analysis approaches for effectively solving the multicriteria decision making problem, and numerous applications have been reported in the literature. In general, existing approaches can be categorized into (a) multicriteria decision making with a single decision maker and (b) multicriteria group decision making. Existing approaches, however, are not totally satisfactory due to various shortcomings that they suffer from including (a) the inability to adequately model the uncertainty and imprecision of human decision making, (b) the failure to effectively handle the requirements of decision maker(s), (c) the tedious mathematical computation required, and (d) cognitively very demanding on the decision maker(s). This research has developed four novel approaches for effectively solving the multicriteria decision making problem under uncertainty. To effectively reduce the cognitive demand on the decision maker, a pairwise comparison based approach is developed in Chapter 4 for solving the multicriteria problem under uncertainty. To adequately meet the interest of various stakeholders in the multicriteria decision making process, a decision support system (DSS) based approach is introduced in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, a consensus oriented approach is presented in multicriteria group decision making on which a DSS is proposed for facilitating consensus building in solving the multicriteria group decision making problem. In Chapter 7, a risk-oriented approach is developed for adequately modelling the inherent risk in multicriteria group decision making with the use of the concept of ideal solutions so that the complex and unreliable process of comparing fuzzy utilities usually required in fuzzy multicriteria analysis is avoided. Empirical studies of four real fuzzy multicriteria decision making problems are presented for illustrating the applicability of the approaches developed in solving the multicriteria decision making problem. A hospital location selection problem is discussed in Chapter 8. An international distribution centre location problem is illustrated in Chapter 9. A supplier selection problem is presented in Chapter 10. A hotel location problem is discussed in Chapter 11. These studies have shown the distinct advantages of the approaches developed respectively in this research from different perspectives in solving the multicriteria decision making problem

    Conceptual models for selecting and managing Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) delivery system by clients.

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    The traditional procurement methods and contractual models, in which the main contractor and its subcontractors are appointed only for the construction phase, remains the common approach within the construction industry. The use of a traditional procurement method may offer some benefits to the clients such as time and cost certainty, control over the project outcomes, and ability to demonstrate value for money. Nevertheless, it is unlikely to obtain the best contributions of all parties to a successful project due to exclusion of the main contractor and subcontractors from the early design and project planning. Acknowledged by the industry, the emerging project delivery methods increasingly rely on collaboration between the client , designer and contractor. These methods aim to develop longer-term positive relationships. Early Contractor Involvement procurement system is one of the new delivery methods. Originated in the UK in 1998 and adopted later in Australia in 2005, ECI strives to involve the contractor at the early stage of the project before the statutory procedures have been implemented and when the proposed project may be little more than a line on a plan. Given the growing use of ECI in public project in Australia, it is necessary to conduct more studies about different aspects of this novel procurement option in order to enhance the public sector ability to deliver high-quality capital projects. This research aims to develop a theoretical methodology for clients to select and manage ECI procurement method for a project. The main objectives of the research are to explore the circumstances when an ECI is suitable for a project and develop strategies to manage the client-contractor relationship effectively once ECI is adopted. The research employs a Grounded Theory methodology to facilitate generation of theory. In particular, from the epistemological and ontological stance, this study deviated from the classic grounded theory principles into a process-driven theory. The analytical procedure of the study,however, follows the original tenets of Straussian interpretation of Grounded Theory. Four Australian local government organisations and one leading private professional consultant organisation are selected for the purpose of this research. Fourteen professional practitioners at the senior management level who have been involved in ECI projects and played significant roles in the project process in the selected organisation are interviewed. This results in the development of two models. The first model identifies the ECI selection criteria as well as ECI selection approaches, and the second model formulates a cyclical client-contractor relationship managing process in the ECI. The outcomes of this research are twofold. The first outcome is to assist the decision making process within the client’s organisations about whether to adopt an ECI method for a specific project by assessing the project conditions and evaluating internal capabilities. The second outcome is to develop a process model for effectively managing the client-contractor relationship in an ECI project. The model also assists the clients to advance their awareness of their strengths and weaknesses from the outset to ensure that the relationship with the contractor is not contaminated by misjudgement of the contractor’s performance