59 research outputs found

    Text Classification: A Review, Empirical, and Experimental Evaluation

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    The explosive and widespread growth of data necessitates the use of text classification to extract crucial information from vast amounts of data. Consequently, there has been a surge of research in both classical and deep learning text classification methods. Despite the numerous methods proposed in the literature, there is still a pressing need for a comprehensive and up-to-date survey. Existing survey papers categorize algorithms for text classification into broad classes, which can lead to the misclassification of unrelated algorithms and incorrect assessments of their qualities and behaviors using the same metrics. To address these limitations, our paper introduces a novel methodological taxonomy that classifies algorithms hierarchically into fine-grained classes and specific techniques. The taxonomy includes methodology categories, methodology techniques, and methodology sub-techniques. Our study is the first survey to utilize this methodological taxonomy for classifying algorithms for text classification. Furthermore, our study also conducts empirical evaluation and experimental comparisons and rankings of different algorithms that employ the same specific sub-technique, different sub-techniques within the same technique, different techniques within the same category, and categorie

    Studying, developing, and experimenting contextual advertising systems

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    The World Wide Web has grown so fast in the last decade and it is today a vital daily part of people. The Internet is used for many purposes by an ever growing number of users, mostly for daily activities, tasks, and services. To face the needs of users, an efficient and effective access to information is required. To deal with this task, the adoption of Information Retrieval and Information Filtering techniques is continuously growing. Information Re-trieval (IR) is the field concerned with searching for documents, information within documents, and metadata about documents, as well as searching for structured storage, relational databases, and the World Wide Web. Infor- mation Filtering deals with the problem of selecting relevant information for a given user, according to her/his preferences and interest. Nowadays, Web advertising is one of the major sources of income for a large number of websites. Its main goal is to suggest products and services to the still ever growing population of Internet users. Web advertising is aimed at suggesting products and services to the users. A significant part of Web ad-vertising consists of textual ads, the ubiquitous short text messages usually marked as sponsored links. There are two primary channels for distributing ads: Sponsored Search (or Paid Search Advertising) and Contextual Ad-vertising (or Content Match). Sponsored Search advertising is the task of displaying ads on the page returned from a Web search engine following a query. Contextual Advertising (CA) displays ads within the content of a generic, third party, webpage. In this thesis I study, develop, and evaluated novel solutions in the field of Contextual Advertising. In particular, I studied and developed novel text summarization techniques, I adopted a novel semantic approach, I studied and adopted collaborative approaches, I started a conjunct study of Contex-tual Advertising and Geo-Localization, and I study the task of advertising in the field of Multi-Modal Aggregation. The thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 1, we briefly describe the main aspects of Information Retrieval. Following, the Chapter 2 shows the problem of Contextual Advertising and describes the main contributes of the literature. Chapter 3 sketches a typical adopted approach and the eval-uation metrics of a Contextual Advertising system. Chapter 4 is related to the syntactic aspects, and its focus is on text summarization. In Chapter 5 the semantic aspects are taken into account, and a novel approach based on ConceptNet is proposed. Chapter 6 proposes a novel view of CA by the adoption of a collaborative filtering approach. Chapter 7 shows a prelim-inary study of Geo Location, performed in collaboration with the Yahoo! Research center in Barcelona. The target is to study several techniques of suggesting localized advertising in the field of mobile applications and search engines. In Chapter 8 is shown a joint work with the RAI Centre for Research and Technological Innovation. The main goal is to study and propose a system of advertising for Multimodal Aggregation data. Chapter 9 ends this work with conclusions and future directions

    An audio-visual approach to web video categorization

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    International audienceIn this paper we address the issue of automatic video genre categorization of web media using an audio-visual approach. To this end, we propose content descriptors which exploit audio, temporal structure and color information. The potential of our descriptors is experimentally validated both from the perspective of a classification system and as an information retrieval approach. Validation is carried out on a real scenario, namely on more than 288 hours of video footage and 26 video genres specific to blip.tv media platform. Additionally, to reduce semantic gap, we propose a new relevance feedback technique which is based on hierarchical clustering. Experimental tests prove that retrieval performance can be significantly increased in this case, becoming comparable to the one obtained with high level semantic textual descriptors

    Early fusion and query modification in their dual late fusion forms.

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    In this paper, we prove that specific widely used models in Content-based Image Retrieval for information fusion are interchangeable. In addition, we show that even advanced, non-standard fusion strategies can be represented in dual forms. These models are often classified as representing early or late fusion strategies. We also prove that the standard query modification method with specific similarity measurements can be represented in a late fusion form

    Use Case Oriented Medical Visual Information Retrieval & System Evaluation

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    Large amounts of medical visual data are produced daily in hospitals, while new imaging techniques continue to emerge. In addition, many images are made available continuously via publications in the scientific literature and can also be valuable for clinical routine, research and education. Information retrieval systems are useful tools to provide access to the biomedical literature and fulfil the information needs of medical professionals. The tools developed in this thesis can potentially help clinicians make decisions about difficult diagnoses via a case-based retrieval system based on a use case associated with a specific evaluation task. This system retrieves articles from the biomedical literature when querying with a case description and attached images. This thesis proposes a multimodal approach for medical case-based retrieval with focus on the integration of visual information connected to text. Furthermore, the ImageCLEFmed evaluation campaign was organised during this thesis promoting medical retrieval system evaluation

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    Conferentie informatiewetenschap 1999 : Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 12 november 1999 : proceedings

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    Conferentie informatiewetenschap 1999 : Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, 12 november 1999 : proceedings

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