135,506 research outputs found

    Captive nut fastener securely joins brittle materials

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    Extension tube captive nut with a standard bolt joins assemblies with an inaccessible nut location. This fastener is excellent for joining brittle materials

    Lori Abendroth joins ISU Extension

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    I am a Nebraska native and have been involved with production agriculture my entire life. I grew up in eastern Nebraska and was heavily involved in my family’s corn-soybean operation through college. I also have an identical twin sister, Julie, who is a regional agronomy specialist with the University of Missouri. I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Nebraska in agronomy. I also earned a Master of Science degree in agronomy at the University of Nebraska, with a specialization in crop physiology and production. My research priorities during that time centered around the physiological impact of glyphosate on glyphosate-resistant soybean, specifically investigating nodulation and leaf chlorophyll response. Roger Elmore, extension corn specialist for Iowa State, was my main adviser during my graduate program. During my graduate career I was also able to conduct on-farm research, which was a great opportunity to work with local producers and bring small-plot research onto a larger scale. The positive experience I had during these years led me to pursue a career focused on extension within the university system

    Marine Resource Information Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 9

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    Extension agent joins VIMS staffhttps://scholarworks.wm.edu/vimsmrb/1146/thumbnail.jp

    Canonical extension and canonicity via DCPO presentations

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    The canonical extension of a lattice is in an essential way a two-sided completion. Domain theory, on the contrary, is primarily concerned with one-sided completeness. In this paper, we show two things. Firstly, that the canonical extension of a lattice can be given an asymmetric description in two stages: a free co-directed meet completion, followed by a completion by \emph{selected} directed joins. Secondly, we show that the general techniques for dcpo presentations of dcpo algebras used in the second stage of the construction immediately give us the well-known canonicity result for bounded lattices with operators.Comment: 17 pages. Definition 5 was revised slightly, without changing any of the result

    ISU welcomes new corn extension specialist in July

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    Leading the corn extension program in the top corn producing state in the nation is no small task, but Iowa State University has found just the right person to step in. Roger Elmore will take over the program in July when he joins the agronomy faculty as the state\u27s corn extension specialist

    Set-Oriented Mining for Association Rules in Relational Databases

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    Describe set-oriented algorithms for mining association rules. Such algorithms imply performing multiple joins and may appear to be inherently less efficient than special-purpose algorithms. We develop new algorithms that can be expressed as SQL queries, and discuss the optimization of these algorithms. After analytical evaluation, an algorithm named SETM emerges as the algorithm of choice. SETM uses only simple database primitives, viz. sorting and merge-scan join. SETM is simple, fast and stable over the range of parameter values. The major contribution of this paper is that it shows that at least some aspects of data mining can be carried out by using general query languages such as SQL, rather than by developing specialized black-box algorithms. The set-oriented nature of SETM facilitates the development of extension

    On the linear extension complexity of stable set polytopes for perfect graphs

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    We study the linear extension complexity of stable set polytopes of perfect graphs. We make use of known structural results permitting to decompose perfect graphs into basic perfect graphs by means of two graph operations: 2-joins and skew partitions. Exploiting the link between extension complexity and the nonnegative rank of an associated slack matrix, we investigate the behavior of the extension complexity under these graph operations. We show bounds for the extension complexity of the stable set polytope of a perfect graph G depending linearly on the size of G and involving the depth of a decomposition tree of G in terms of basic perfect graphs

    Towards Streaming Evaluation of Queries with Correlation in Complex Event Processing

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    Complex event processing (CEP) has gained a lot of attention for evaluating complex patterns over high-throughput data streams. Recently, new algorithms for the evaluation of CEP patterns have emerged with strong guarantees of efficiency, i.e. constant update-time per tuple and constant-delay enumeration. Unfortunately, these techniques are restricted for patterns with local filters, limiting the possibility of using joins for correlating the data of events that are far apart. In this paper, we embark on the search for efficient evaluation algorithms of CEP patterns with joins. We start by formalizing the so-called partition-by operator, a standard operator in data stream management systems to correlate contiguous events on streams. Although this operator is a restricted version of a join query, we show that partition-by (without iteration) is equally expressive as hierarchical queries, the biggest class of full conjunctive queries that can be evaluated with constant update-time and constant-delay enumeration over streams. To evaluate queries with partition-by we introduce an automata model, called chain complex event automata (chain-CEA), an extension of complex event automata that can compare data values by using equalities and disequalities. We show that this model admits determinization and is expressive enough to capture queries with partition-by. More importantly, we provide an algorithm with constant update time and constant delay enumeration for evaluating any query definable by chain-CEA, showing that all CEP queries with partition-by can be evaluated with these strong guarantees of efficiency

    An extension of J\'{o}nsson-Tarski representation and model existence in predicate non-normal modal logics

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    In this paper, we give an extension of the J\'{o}nsson-Tarski representation theorem for both normal and non-normal modal algebras so that it preserves countably many infinitary meets and joins. To extend the J\'{o}nsson-Tarski representation to non-normal modal algebras we consider neighborhood frames, instead of Kripke frames, and to deal with infinite meets and joins, we make use of Q-filters, instead of prime filters. Then, we show that every predicate modal logic, whether it is normal or non-normal, has a model defined on a neighborhood frame with constant domains, and give completeness theorem for some predicate modal logics. We also show the same results for infinitary modal logics