13 research outputs found

    A Comparison Framework for Walking Performances using aSpaces

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    In this paper, we address the analysis of human actions by comparing different performances of the same action executed by different actors. Specifically, we present a comparison procedure applied to the walking action, but the scheme can be applied to other different actions, such as bending, running, etc. To achieve fair comparison results, we define a novel human body model based on joint angles, which maximizes the differences between human postures and, moreover, reflects the anatomical structure of human beings. Subsequently, a human action space, called aSpace, is built in order to represent each performance (i.e., each predefined sequence of postures) as a parametric manifold. The final human action representation is called p-action, which is based on the most characteristic human body postures found during several walking performances. These postures are found automatically by means of a predefined distance function, and they are called key-frames. By using key-frames, we synchronize any performance with respect to the p- action. Furthermore, by considering an arc length parameterization, independence from the speed at which performances are played is attained. As a result, the style of human walking can be successfully analysed by establishing the differences of the joints between a male and a female walkers

    Recovering facial shape using a statistical model of surface normal direction

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    In this paper, we show how a statistical model of facial shape can be embedded within a shape-from-shading algorithm. We describe how facial shape can be captured using a statistical model of variations in surface normal direction. To construct this model, we make use of the azimuthal equidistant projection to map the distribution of surface normals from the polar representation on a unit sphere to Cartesian points on a local tangent plane. The distribution of surface normal directions is captured using the covariance matrix for the projected point positions. The eigenvectors of the covariance matrix define the modes of shape-variation in the fields of transformed surface normals. We show how this model can be trained using surface normal data acquired from range images and how to fit the model to intensity images of faces using constraints on the surface normal direction provided by Lambert's law. We demonstrate that the combination of a global statistical constraint and local irradiance constraint yields an efficient and accurate approach to facial shape recovery and is capable of recovering fine local surface details. We assess the accuracy of the technique on a variety of images with ground truth and real-world images

    A Comparison Framework for Walking Performances using aSpaces

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    In this paper, we address the analysis of human actions by comparing different performances of the same action executed by different actors. Specifically, we present a comparison procedure applied to the walking action, but the scheme can be applied to other different actions, such as bending, running, etc. To achieve fair comparison results, we define a novel human body model based on joint angles, which maximizes the differences between human postures and, moreover, reflects the anatomical structure of human beings. Subsequently, a human action space, called aSpace, is built in order to represent each performance (i.e., each predefined sequence of postures) as a parametric manifold. The final human action representation is called p-action, which is based on the most characteristic human body postures found during several walking performances. These postures are found automatically by means of a predefined distance function, and they are called key-frames. By using key-frames, we synchronize any performance with respect to the p-action. Furthermore, by considering an arc length parameterization, independence from the speed at which performances are played is attained. As a result, the style of human walking can be successfully analysed by establishing the differences of the joints between female and male walkers

    Computational Anatomy for Multi-Organ Analysis in Medical Imaging: A Review

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    The medical image analysis field has traditionally been focused on the development of organ-, and disease-specific methods. Recently, the interest in the development of more 20 comprehensive computational anatomical models has grown, leading to the creation of multi-organ models. Multi-organ approaches, unlike traditional organ-specific strategies, incorporate inter-organ relations into the model, thus leading to a more accurate representation of the complex human anatomy. Inter-organ relations are not only spatial, but also functional and physiological. Over the years, the strategies 25 proposed to efficiently model multi-organ structures have evolved from the simple global modeling, to more sophisticated approaches such as sequential, hierarchical, or machine learning-based models. In this paper, we present a review of the state of the art on multi-organ analysis and associated computation anatomy methodology. The manuscript follows a methodology-based classification of the different techniques 30 available for the analysis of multi-organs and multi-anatomical structures, from techniques using point distribution models to the most recent deep learning-based approaches. With more than 300 papers included in this review, we reflect on the trends and challenges of the field of computational anatomy, the particularities of each anatomical region, and the potential of multi-organ analysis to increase the impact of 35 medical imaging applications on the future of healthcare.Comment: Paper under revie

    Curve-Based Shape Matching Methods and Applications

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    One of the main cues we use in our everyday life when interacting with the environment is shape. For example, we use shape information to recognise a chair, grasp a cup, perceive traffic signs and solve jigsaw puzzles. We also use shape when dealing with more sophisticated tasks, such as the medical diagnosis of radiographs or the restoration of archaeological artifacts. While the perception of shape and its use is a natural ability of human beings, endowing machines with such skills is not straightforward. However, the exploitation of shape cues is important for the development of competent computer methods that will automatically perform tasks such as those just mentioned. With this aim, the present work proposes computer methods which use shape to tackle two important tasks, namely packing and object recognition. The packing problem arises in a variety of applications in industry, where the placement of a set of two-dimensional shapes on a surface such that no shapes overlap and the uncovered surface area is minimised is important. Given that this problem is NP-complete, we propose a heuristic method which searches for a solution of good quality, though not necessarily the optimal one, within a reasonable computation time. The proposed method adopts a pictorial representation and employs a greedy algorithm which uses a shape matching module in order to dynamically select the order and the pose of the parts to be placed based on the “gaps” appearing in the layout during the execution. This thesis further investigates shape matching in the context of object recognition and first considers the case where the target object and the input scene are represented by their silhouettes. Two distinct methods are proposed; the first method follows a local string matching approach, while the second one adopts a global optimisation approach using dynamic programming. Their use of silhouettes, however, rules out the consideration of any internal contours that might appear in the input scene, and in order to address this limitation, we later propose a graph-based scheme that performs shape matching incorporating information from both internal and external contours. Finally, we lift the assumption made that input data are available in the form of closed curves, and present a method which can robustly perform object recognition using curve fragments (edges) as input evidence. Experiments conducted with synthetic and real images, involving rigid and deformable objects, show the robustness of the proposed methods with respect to geometrical transformations, heavy clutter and substantial occlusion

    Generative Interpretation of Medical Images

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    Learning Non-rigid, 3D Shape Variations using Statistical, Physical and Geometric Models

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    3D shape modelling is a fundamental component in computer vision and computer graphics. Applications include shape interpolation and extrapolation, shape reconstruction, motion capture and mesh editing, etc. By “modelling” we mean the process of learning a parameter-driven model. This thesis focused on the scope of statistical modelling for 3D non-rigid shapes, such as human faces and bodies. The problem is challenging due to highly non-linear deformations, high dimensionality, and data sparsity. Several new algorithms are proposed for 3D shape modelling, 3D shape matching (computing dense correspondence) and applications. First, we propose a variant of Principal Component Analysis called “Shell PCA” which provides a physically-inspired statistical shape model. This is our first attempt to use a physically plausible metric (specifically, the discrete shell model) for statistical shape modelling. Second, we further develop this line of work into a fully Riemannian approach called “Shell PGA”. We demonstrate how to perform Principal Geodesic Analysis in the space of discrete shells. To achieve this, we present an alternate formulation of PGA which avoids working in the tangent space and deals with shapes lying on the manifold directly. Unlike displacement-based methods, Shell PGA is invariant to rigid body motion, and therefore alignment preprocessing such as Procrustes analysis is not needed. Third, we propose a groupwise shape matching method using functional map representation. Targeting at near-isometric deformations, we consider groupwise optimisation of consistent functional maps over a product of Stiefel manifolds, and optimise over a minimal subset of the transformations for efficiency. Last, we show that our proposed shape model achieves state-of-the-art performance in two very challenging applications: handle-based mesh editing, and model fitting using motion capture data. We also contribute a new algorithm for human body shape estimation using clothed scan sequence, along with a new dataset “BUFF” for evaluation

    A highly adaptable model based – method for colour image interpretation

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    This Thesis presents a model-based interpretation of images that can vary greatly in appearance. Rather than seek characteristic landmarks to model objects we sample points at regular intervals on the boundary to model objects with a smooth boundary. A statistical model of form in the exponent domain of an extended superellipse is created using sampled points and appearance by sampling inside objects. A colour Maximum Likelihood Ratio criterion (MLR) was used to detect cues to the location of potential pedestrians. The adaptability and specificity of this cue detector was evaluated using over 700 images. A True Positive Rate (TPR) of 0.95 and a False Positive Rate (FPR) of 0.20 were obtained. To detect objects with axes at various orientations a variant method using an interpolated colour MLR has been developed. This had a TPR of 0.94 and an FPR of 0.21 when tested over 700 images of pedestrians. Interpretation was evaluated using over 220 video sequences (640 x 480 pixels per frame) and 1000 images of people alone and people associated with other objects. The objective was not so much to evaluate pedestrian detection but the precision and reliability of object delineation. More than 94% of pedestrians were correctly interpreted