923 research outputs found

    Avoiding Unnecessary Information Loss: Correct and Efficient Model Synchronization Based on Triple Graph Grammars

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    Model synchronization, i.e., the task of restoring consistency between two interrelated models after a model change, is a challenging task. Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) specify model consistency by means of rules that describe how to create consistent pairs of models. These rules can be used to automatically derive further rules, which describe how to propagate changes from one model to the other or how to change one model in such a way that propagation is guaranteed to be possible. Restricting model synchronization to these derived rules, however, may lead to unnecessary deletion and recreation of model elements during change propagation. This is inefficient and may cause unnecessary information loss, i.e., when deleted elements contain information that is not represented in the second model, this information cannot be recovered easily. Short-cut rules have recently been developed to avoid unnecessary information loss by reusing existing model elements. In this paper, we show how to automatically derive (short-cut) repair rules from short-cut rules to propagate changes such that information loss is avoided and model synchronization is accelerated. The key ingredients of our rule-based model synchronization process are these repair rules and an incremental pattern matcher informing about suitable applications of them. We prove the termination and the correctness of this synchronization process and discuss its completeness. As a proof of concept, we have implemented this synchronization process in eMoflon, a state-of-the-art model transformation tool with inherent support of bidirectionality. Our evaluation shows that repair processes based on (short-cut) repair rules have considerably decreased information loss and improved performance compared to former model synchronization processes based on TGGs.Comment: 33 pages, 20 figures, 3 table

    Role-based Runtime Model Synchronization

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    Model-driven Software Development (MDSD) promotes the use of multiple related models to realize a software system systematically. These models usually contain redundant information but are independently edited. This easily leads to inconsistencies among them. To ensure consistency among multiple models, model synchronizations have to be employed, e.g., by means of model transformations, trace links, or triple graph grammars. Model synchronization poses three main problems for MDSD. First, classical model synchronization approaches have to be manually triggered to perform the synchronization. However, to support the consistent evolution of multiple models, it is necessary to immediately and continuously update all of them. Second, synchronization rules are specified at design time and, in classic approaches, cannot be extended at runtime, which is necessary if metamodels evolve at runtime. Finally, most classical synchronization approaches focus on bilateral model synchronization, i.e., the synchronization between two models. Consequently, for more than two models, they require the definition of pairwise model synchronizations leading to a combinatorial explosion of synchronization rules. To remedy these issues, we propose a role-based approach for runtime model synchronization. In particular, we propose role-based synchronization rules that enable the immediate and continuous propagation of changes to multiple interrelated models (and back again). Additionally, our approach permits adding new and customized synchronization rules at runtime. We illustrate the benefits of role-based runtime model synchronization using the Families to Persons case study from the Transformation Tool Contest 2017

    A Comparison of Incremental Triple Graph Grammar Tools

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    Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) are a graph-based and visual technique for specifying bidirectional model transformation. TGGs can be used to transform models from scratch (in the batch mode), but the real potential of TGGs lies in propagating updates incrementally. Existing TGG tools differ considerably in their incremental mode concerning underlying algorithms, user-oriented aspects, incremental update capabilities, and formal properties. Indeed, the different foci, strengths, and weaknesses of current TGG tools in the incremental mode are difficult to discern, especially for non-developers. In this paper, we close this gap by (i) identifying a set of criteria for a qualitative comparison of TGG tools in the incremental mode, (ii) comparing three prominent incremental TGG tools with regard to these criteria, and (iii) conducting a quantitative comparison by means of runtime measurements

    Incremental Model Transformations with Triple Graph Grammars for Multi-version Models

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    Like conventional software projects, projects in model-driven software engineering require adequate management of multiple versions of development artifacts, importantly allowing living with temporary inconsistencies. In previous work, multi-version models for model-driven software engineering have been introduced, which allow checking well-formedness and finding merge conflicts for multiple versions of a model at once. However, also for multi-version models, situations where different artifacts, that is, different models, are linked via automatic model transformations have to be handled. In this paper, we propose a technique for jointly handling the transformation of multiple versions of a source model into corresponding versions of a target model, which enables the use of a more compact representation that may afford improved execution time of both the transformation and further analysis operations. Our approach is based on the well-known formalism of triple graph grammars and the aforementioned encoding of model version histories called multi-version models. In addition to batch transformation of an entire model version history, the technique also covers incremental synchronization of changes in the framework of multi-version models. We show the correctness of our approach with respect to the standard semantics of triple graph grammars and conduct an empirical evaluation to investigate the performance of our technique regarding execution time and memory consumption. Our results indicate that the proposed technique affords lower memory consumption and may improve execution time for batch transformation of large version histories, but can also come with computational overhead in unfavorable cases.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2301.0062

    Transformation As Search

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    In model-driven engineering, model transformations are con- sidered a key element to generate and maintain consistency between re- lated models. Rule-based approaches have become a mature technology and are widely used in different application domains. However, in var- ious scenarios, these solutions still suffer from a number of limitations that stem from their injective and deterministic nature. This article pro- poses an original approach, based on non-deterministic constraint-based search engines, to define and execute bidirectional model transforma- tions and synchronizations from single specifications. Since these solely rely on basic existing modeling concepts, it does not require the intro- duction of a dedicated language. We first describe and formally define this model operation, called transformation as search, then describe a proof-of-concept implementation and discuss experiments on a reference use case in software engineering

    Coordination of Dynamic Software Components with JavaBIP

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    JavaBIP allows the coordination of software components by clearly separating the functional and coordination aspects of the system behavior. JavaBIP implements the principles of the BIP component framework rooted in rigorous operational semantics. Recent work both on BIP and JavaBIP allows the coordination of static components defined prior to system deployment, i.e., the architecture of the coordinated system is fixed in terms of its component instances. Nevertheless, modern systems, often make use of components that can register and deregister dynamically during system execution. In this paper, we present an extension of JavaBIP that can handle this type of dynamicity. We use first-order interaction logic to define synchronization constraints based on component types. Additionally, we use directed graphs with edge coloring to model dependencies among components that determine the validity of an online system. We present the software architecture of our implementation, provide and discuss performance evaluation results.Comment: Technical report that accompanies the paper accepted at the 14th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Softwar

    Complex Attribute Manipulation in TGGs with Constraint-Based Programming Techniques

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    Model transformation plays a central role in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and providing bidirectional transformation languages is a current challenge with important applications.  Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) are a formally founded,  bidirectional model transformation language shown by numerous case studies to be quite promising and successful.  Although TGGs provide adequate support for structural aspects via object  patterns in TGG rules, support for handling complex relationships between different attributes is still missing in current implementations.  For certain applications, such as bidirectional model-to-text transformations, being able to manipulate attributes via string manipulation or arithmetic operations in TGG rules is vital.  Our contribution in this paper is to formalize a TGG extension that provides a means for complex attribute manipulation in TGG rules.  Our extension is compatible with the existing TGG formalization, and retains the "single specification'' philosophy of TGGs

    20 years of triple graph grammars: A roadmap for future research

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    Triple graph grammars (TGGs) provide a declarative, rule-based means of specifying binary consistency relationships between different types of graphs. Over the last 20 years, TGGs have been applied successfully in a range of application scenarios including: model generation, conformance testing, bidirectional model transformation, and incremental model synchronisation. In this paper, we review the progress made in TGG research up until now by exploring multiple research dimensions, including both the current frontiers of TGG research as well as important future challenges. Our aim is to provide a roadmap for the coming years of TGG research by stating clearly what we regard as adequately researched, and what we view as still unexplored potential