11 research outputs found

    Language Constructs for Distributed Real-Time Consistency

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    In this paper, we present a model and language constructs for a distributed real-time system with the goal of allowing the structured specification of functional and timing constraints, along with explicit, early error recovery from timing faults. To do this, we draw on ideas from (non-distributed) real-time programming and distributed transaction-based systems [81]. A complete language is not specified; the constructs described are assumed to be embedded in a block-structured procedural host programming language such as C [9] or C++ [10] (our current preliminary implementation is in C). The model consists of resources, processes, and a global scheduler. Resources are abstractions that export operations to processes, and specify acceptable concurrency of operations to the scheduler. Processes manipulate resources using the exported operations, and specify synchronization and restrictions on concurrency (at the exported operation level) to the scheduler. Examples of the types of information given to the scheduler are that a set of operations should be performed simultaneously , or that a sequence of operations should be performed without interference by another process. The global scheduler embodies the entity or entities that schedule the CPU, memory, devices and other resources in the system. It performs preemptive scheduling of all resources based on dynamic priorities associated with the processes, preserves restrictions on concurrency stated by resources and processes, and is capable of giving guarantees to processes that they will receive resources during a specified future time interval. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In the next section, we present language constructs for an expression of timing constraints called temporal scopes, and described resources and processes. Section 3 describes what is required of the global scheduler to support these constructs, and what is entailed in guaranteeing functional consistency.\u27 We conclude in Section 4

    Coordinated scheduling for dynamic real-time systems

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    In this project, we addressed issues in coordinated scheduling for dynamic real-time systems. In particular, we concentrated on design and implementation of a new distributed real-time system called R-Shell. The design objective of R-Shell is to provide computing support for space programs that have large, complex, fault-tolerant distributed real-time applications. In R-shell, the approach is based on the concept of scheduling agents, which reside in the application run-time environment, and are customized to provide just those resource management functions which are needed by the specific application. With this approach, we avoid the need for a sophisticated OS which provides a variety of generalized functionality, while still not burdening application programmers with heavy responsibility for resource management. In this report, we discuss the R-Shell approach, summarize the achievement of the project, and describe a preliminary prototype of R-Shell system

    \u3cem\u3eRTC\u3c/em\u3e: Language Support for Real-Time Concurrency

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    This paper presents language constructs for the expression of timing and concurrency requirements in distributed real-time programs. Our programming paradigm combines an object-based paradigm for the specification of shared resources, and a distributed transaction-based paradigm for the specification of application processes. Resources provide abstract views of shared system entities, such as devices and data structures. Each resource has a state and defines a set of actions that can be invoked by processes to examine or change its state. A resource also specifies scheduling constraints on the execution of its actions to ensure the maintenance of its state\u27s consistency. Processes access resources by invoking actions and express precedence, consistency. Processes access resources by invoking actions and express precedence, consistency and timing constraints on action invocations. The implementation of our language constructs with real-time scheduling and locking for concurrency control is also described

    Period Adaptation of Real-Time Control Tasks with Fixed-Priority Scheduling in Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Period Adaptation of Real-Time Control Tasks with Fixed Priority Schedulin

    Compiling Real-Time Programs with Timing Constraint Refinement and Structural Code Motion

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    We present a programming language called TCEL (Time-Constrained Event Language), whose semantics is based on time-constrained relationships between observable events. Such a semantics infers only those timing constraints necessary to achieve real-time correctness, without over-constraining the system. Moreover, an optimizing compiler can exploit this looser semantics to help tune the code, so that its worst-case execution time is consistent with its real-time requirements. In this paper we describe such a transformation system, which works in two phases. First the TCEL source code is translated into an intermediate representation. Then an instruction-scheduling algorithm rearranges selected unobservable operations, and synthesizes tasks guaranteed to respect the original event-based constraints. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-90

    Languages and Tools for Real-Time Systems: Problems, Solutions and Opportunities

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    This report summarizes two talks I gave at the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Language, Compiler, and Tool Support for Real-Time Systems, which took place on June 21, 1994, in in Orlando, Florida. The workshop was held in concert with ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Languages Design and Implementation. The first talk ("Statements about Real-Time: Truth or Bull?") was given in the early morning. At the behest of the workshop's organizers, its primary function was to seed the ongoing discourse and provoke some debate. Besides asking controversial questions, and positing opinions, the talk also identified some several fertile research areas that might interest PLDI attendees . The second talk ("Languages and Transformations: Some Solutions") was more technical, and it reviewed our research on program optimizations for real-time domains. However, I tried as much as possible to revisit the research problems raised in the morning talk, and present some possible approaches to them. The following paragraphs contain the text from my viewgraphs, laced with some commentary. Since so much work has been done in real-time systems - and even more in programming languages - my references are by necessity incomplete. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-117

    Compiler-Assisted Scheduling for Real-Time Applications: A Static Alternative to Low-Level Tuning

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    Developing a real-time system requires finding a balance between the timing constraints and the functional requirements. Achieving this balance often requires last-minute, low-level intervention in the code modules -- via intensive hardware-based instrumentation and manual program optimizations. In this dissertation we present an automated, static alternative to this kind of human-intensive work. Our approach is motivated by recent advances in compiler technologies, which we extend to two specific issues on real-time programming, that is, feasibility and schedulability. A task is infeasible if its execution time stretches over its deadline. To eliminate such faults, we have developed a synthesis method that (1) inspects all infeasible paths, and then (2) moves instructions out of those paths to shorten the execution time. On the other hand, schedulability of a task set denotes an ability to guarantee the deadlines of all tasks in the application. This property is affected by interactions between the tasks, as well as their individual execution times and deadlines. To address the schedulability problem, we have developed a task transformation method based on program slicing. The method decomposes a task into two subthreads: the IO-handler component that must meet the original deadline, and the state-update component that can be postponed past the deadline. This delayed-deadline approach contributes to the schedulability of the overall application. We also present a new fixed-priority preemptive scheduling strategy, which yields both a feasible priority ordering and a feasible task-slicing metric. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-33

    Programming Language Abstractions for the Global Network

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    Increasing demand for Internet-based applications motivates the development of programming models that ease their implementation. With the research presented in this thesis, we aim to improve understanding of what is involved when programming applications for the global network, and in particular the Web. We are primarily concerned with the development of language-level programming abstractions that address issues arising from the failure and performance properties of the Web. Frequent failure and unpredictable performance are ever-present aspects of any Web computation, so we must bring the properties of the Web into the semantic domain of our program systems. Our primary goal is to enable concise and intuitive expression of failure semantics in the context of concurrency, which is necessary for efficient Web computation given the large overhead in every network access. The main scientific contribution of this thesis is the development of a Web programming model for which a major design goal is the integration of domain concepts, failure interpretation, concurrency, and a mechanism for flow of control after failure. Our model is the first to successfully achieve a clean integration. We develop a programming language called Focus, which incorporates two complimentary abstractions. Persistent relative observables allow reasoning about the dynamic behaviour of computations in the context of past behaviours. Examples of observables are the rate, elapsed time, and success probability of http fetches. The mechanics of our observables mechanism allows the generalisation of the observables concept to all computation, and not just Web fetches. This generalisation is key in our design approach to supervisors, which are abstractions over concurrency designed for the specification of failure semantics and concurrency for computations that contain Web fetches. In essence, supervisors monitor and control the behaviour of arbitrary concurrent computations, which are passed as parameters, while retaining a strict separation of computational logic and control logic. In conjunction with observables, supervisors allow the writing of general control functions, parameterisable both by value and computation. Observables are abstract values that fluctuate dynamically, and all computations export the same set of observables. Observables allow genericity in supervisor control, since the mechanism constrains the value of observables within a pattern of fluctuation around a single number. Whatever the activity of a computation, information about its behaviour can be obtained within a range of values in the observables. This means that supervisors can be applied independently of knowledge of the program logic for supervised computations. Supervisors and observables are useful in the context of the Web due to the multiplicity of possible failure modes, many of which require interpretation, and the need for complex flow of control in the presence of concurrency

    Enabling Deep Intelligence on Embedded Systems

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    As deep learning for resource-constrained systems become more popular, we see an increased number of intelligent embedded systems such as IoT devices, robots, autonomous vehicles, and the plethora of portable, wearable, and mobile devices that are feature-packed with a wide variety of machine learning tasks. However, the performance of DNNs (deep neural networks) running on an embedded system is significantly limited by the platform's CPU, memory, and battery-size; and their scope is limited to simplistic inference tasks only. This dissertation proposes on-device deep learning algorithms and supporting hardware designs, enabling embedded systems to efficiently perform deep intelligent tasks (i.e., deep neural networks) that are high-memory-footprint, compute-intensive, and energy-hungry beyond their limited computing resources. We name such on-device deep intelligence on embedded systems as Embedded Deep Intelligence. Specifically, we introduce resource-aware learning strategies devised to overcome the four fundamental constraints of embedded systems imposed on the way towards Embedded Deep Intelligence, i.e., in-memory multitask learning via introducing the concept of Neural Weight Virtualization, adaptive real-time learning via introducing the concept of SubFlow, opportunistic accelerated learning via introducing the concept of Neuro.ZERO, and energy-aware intermittent learning, which tackles the problems of the small size of memory, dynamic timing constraint, low-computing capability, and limited energy, respectively. Once deployed in the field with the proposed resource-aware learning strategies, embedded systems are not only able to perform deep inference tasks on sensor data but also update and re-train their learning models at run-time without requiring any help from any external system. Such an on-device learning capability of Embedded Deep Intelligence makes an embedded intelligent system real-time, privacy-aware, secure, autonomous, untethered, responsive, and adaptive without concern for its limited resources.Doctor of Philosoph